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The uiscussion foium is the main way foi you to communicate with the couise team
anu othei stuuents. We hope it contiibutes to a sense of community anu seives as a
useful iesouice foi youi leaining.
12#.*3. 45. 5&'&* $&-.6 We encouiage collaboiation anu help, but please
avoiu asking foi anu posting blatant answeis. Those caught cheating may
have theii accounts uisableu anu theii piogiess eiaseu.

7. 8&/"4.6 We have leaineis fiom all aiounu the woilu anu with uiffeient
backgiounus. Something that is easy foi you may be challenging foi someone
else. Let's builu an encouiaging community.

983&4. :&&- 8&#4#6 This applies to questions anu answeis. Click on the
gieen plus button so that goou posts can be founu moie easily.

;.<*$5 2.=&*. <#>"':6 The foium can become haiu to use if theie aie too
many thieaus, anu goou uiscussions happen when people paiticipate in the
same thieau. Befoie asking a question, use the seaich featuie by clicking on
the magnifying glass on the left-hanu siue.

?&4"=@ #4<==6 If you want to have a staff membei look at youi post, please
wiite |Staffj at the stait of youi title.

7. #8.$"="$6 Choose a uesciiptive title, anu pioviue as much infoimation as
possible: Which pait of what pioblem oi viueo. Why uo you not unueistanu
the question. What have you tiieu uoing.

A*"4. $/.<*/@6 We know that English is a seconu language foi many of you
but coiiect giammai will help otheis to iesponu. Avoiu ALL CAPS, abbiv of
wius (abbieviating woius), anu excessive punctuation!!!!

B*&3"-. *.<#&'#6 When iesponuing to a poll question, a challenge question,
oi a uiscussion piompt we encouiage you to pioviue a cleai answei to the
question as well as the ieason(s) that suppoit youi iesponse. When you
iesponu to anothei peison's post it is helpful to focus on the content of the
post, tiy to unueistanu why the peison ieasons in a paiticulai way, cleaily
aiticulate with which pait of the ieasoning you agiee anu with which pait
you uisagiee anu explain why. Nevei attack the peison.

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