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AMOXICILLIN (Amoxil, Clamoxyl...

Prescription under medical supervision

Therapeutic action
- Penicillin antibacterial

- Res iratory an! "N# in$ections ( ne%monia, sin%sitis, otitis me!ia, stre tococcal tonsillitis), stomatolo&ic in$ections, %rinary in$ections (cystitis), &astrointestinal an! biliary in$ections, in$ection !%e to Helicobacter pylori (in combination 'it( ome ra)ole an! metroni!a)ole or tini!a)ole), le tos irosis, etc. - Parenteral to oral s'itc( t(era y

- *+, m& an! +,, m& tablets or ca s%les - Po'!er $or oral s%s ension, -*+ m&.+ ml

- C(il!/ +, m&.0&.!ay in * to 1 !i2i!e! !ose - A!%lt/ -.+ &.!ay in 1 !i2i!e! !oses or * &.!ay in * !i2i!e! !oses A&e 3 * mont(s * mont(s to - year - to + years + to -, years -, to -+ years A!%lt Weight 340& 4 to 5 0& 5 to -+ 0& -+ to *+ 0& *+ to 1+ 0& 6 1+ 0& 250 mg tablet 1/2 tab x 2 1/2 to 1 tab x 2 ll.* tab x 2 2 tab x 2 3 tab x 2 4 tab x 2 500 mg tablet

Oral suspension 125 mg/5 ml - ts x * - to * ts x * 1 ts x * 4 ts x 2


1/2 tab x 2 1 tab x 2 --.* tab x 2 2 tab x 2

- In se2ere in$ections, !o%ble t(e !ose.

- Otitis media and cystitis: + !ays7 tonsillitis: 8 !ays7 leptospirosis: 9 !ays7 pneumonia and sinusitis: 7 to -, !ays7 H. pylori infection: -, to -4 !ays7 typhoid fever: -4 !ays

Contra-indications, adverse effects, precautions

- :o not a!minister to enicillin-aller&ic atients, atients 'it( in$ectio%s monon%cleosis. - A!minister 'it( ca%tion to atients aller&ic to ce (alos orins (cross-sensiti2ity may occ%r). - May ca%se/ &astrointestinal !ist%rbances, aller&ic reactions, sometimes se2ere. In t(e e2ent o$ aller&ic reaction, sto treatment imme!iately. - Re!%ce !osa&e in atients 'it( se2ere renal im airment. - :o not combine 'it( met(otrexate. - Pregnancy: no contra-indication - Breast-feeding: no contra-indication

- ;se amoxicillin rat(er t(an am icillin/ as it is absorbe! better, only (al$ t(e !ose is re<%ire!. - Storage: below !"# Once reconstituted$ the oral suspension %eeps for 7 days ma&imum$ below !"#.


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