Honda On The Right Near The End of This Stretch

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1. 1ake Lhe SouLh Super Plghway (also known as SLLx or SouLh Luzon Lxpressway).

2. ay SLLx Loll 167.00 aL Lhe Calamba exlL.

3. ConLlnue along SLLx whlch wlll lead Lo Lhe new !"#$ "&''(#) (approx 6km/4ml).
4. ?ou wlll pay Lwo Loll fees, Lhe flrsL ls 23.00 Lhen a second one for 60.00 aL Lhe end of S1A8
(SLar Lollway ls 40kms/24ml from sLarL Lo end of Loll)
3. AfLer lasL Loll, Lhe road wlll spllL lnLo Lhree ln 200meLers/.1ml aL a large roundabouL. 1ake Lhe
one sLralghL ahead LhaL leads Lo Lhe *+,+-.+/ 0123.
6. ?ou wlll see a "454,+ 6+3 72+823/910 on Lhe lefL soon afLer leavlng Lhe roundabouL and a
:4-7+ on Lhe rlghL near Lhe end of Lhls sLreLch.
7. keep golng sLralghL unLll you see Lhe flyover. SLay rlghL so LhaL you don'L go over Lhe flyover
and Lurn rlghL aL Lhe lnLersecLlon.
8. keep golng sLralghL on Lhls road for abouL 4.3km/2.7ml unLll you see ;4881<22 (fasL food
resLauranL). 1urn rlghL. (1hls ls Lhe spoL where you may geL sLuck, lf anywhere, slnce Lhe sysLem
of one-way sLreeLs runs pasL a markeL LhaL ls ofLen busy).
9. lollow Lhe road sLralghL pasL Lhe markeL unLll lL curves Lo Lhe lefL.
10. keep golng, you wlll reLurn onLo a Lwo-way road and see =2,34<+-> on Lhe lefL, Lhen ?2,34-
gas sLaLlon on Lhe rlghL.
11. ShorLly afLer eLron gas sLaLlon, you wlll cross a shorL brldge.
12. 8lghL afLer crosslng Lhe brldge, Lurn lefL Lowards Lhe shlpyards. ?ou wlll pass #@A? +-7
B20028 !9105+37/.
13. ln abouL 8.8km/3.4ml, you wlll reach Lhe roundabouL aL Mablnl shrlne, Lurn rlghL.
14. SLay on Lhls road whlch heads ouL Lo Lhe Anllao pler.
13. 1urn lefL before Lhe pler, you wlll sLarL seelng resorL slgns along Lhe way.
16. ConLlnue on Lhls road whlch wlll Lake you Lo Lhe Anllao resorLs. Solana 8esorL ls
approxlmaLely 10 kms/6.21 mlle from Lhls polnL, abouL 10 or 13 mlnuLes pasL Lagle olnL, boLh
of whlch are slgnposLed.
17. A mlnuLe or so afLer you pass Solana Lhe road wlnds a blL and Lhen Lakes a Lurn Lo Lhe rlghL
wlLh a number of sarl-sarl Lype shops on Lhe lefL. !usL pasL Lhe sarl-sarl shops on Lhe rlghL slde of
Lhe road ls a gaLe wlLh a small slgn saylng Melon aLch. arklng ls lnslde Lhe gaLe.

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