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1aul Mc2artne/ #####.. $be born% in "i&erpool on !une 1<' 1*,2. ?n the mid;1*@-s he ####. $meet% !

ohn "ennon' and the/ Auarr/men' later 8he Beatles. Mc2artne/ ###### $release% his 4irst solo album in 1*7-. Bith his wi4e "inda he #####.. $4orm% the )roup Bin)s. ?n Cio de !aneiro in 1**-' he #####.. $set% a world record b/ per4ormin) be4ore an audience o4 o&er 1<,'---. 6e ######. $become% a kni)ht in 1**7. ##### $4orm% the born% in

Geor)e 6arrison ######.. $be "i&erpool on 2@th 6e ##### .ebruar/' 1*,3.

$pla/% the )uitar and he #####. $ha&e% a reputation as a Huiet /oun) man. 6is solo work ###### $include% a hit sin)le' IM/ >weet "ord9. 6arrison ###.. $)et% into the mo&ie business and in the *-s he ###### $per4orm% with 8he 8ra&elin) Bilbur/s' a superstar )roup. $die% on 2*

6e ##### Jo&ember 2--1 a4ter a lon) battle with cancer.

Cin)o >tarr #####.. $be born% in "i&erpool on 7th !ul/ 1*,-. 6e #####.. $be% the drummer in 8he Beatles 4rom 1*D2 to 1*7-. E4ter the )roup ###### $split%' he #####. $)o% solo and in 1*<* he ######.. $tour% the world with his FEll;>tarr Band.F

By Carina Luc

verbs in the past simple tense Read and complete with the

schi3ophrenic 4an.


<th =ecember 1*<-' #####.

career. "ennon #####. $die% on

in4luence on his post;Beatles

Yoko +no ####.. $be% a ma:or

Make Your Mini Book: thetop

#####.. $break% up in 1*7-' and

and 5"et it Be7.

do3ens o4 hit tunes like 56elp7


si0ties' !ohn "ennon and 1aul

+ctober 1*,- . .rom the earl/

in "i&erpool' (n)land' on *th

!ohn "ennon #####. $be born%

"ennon9s romance with artist

Mark 2hapman'


8he Beatles


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