Decanates Death

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DESCRIPTION OF DECANATES, also see saravali ch. 50 . There is difference of opinion a on! "he a#"hori"ies re!ardin! "he o$nership of "he decana"es in "he differen" Si!ns. %ara&ha ihira is of opinion "ha" in all Si!ns "he lords of decana"es are 'i( "he lord of "he Si!n i"self, 'ii( "ha" of "he fif"h ho#se "herefro , and 'iii( "ha" of "he )"h ho#se fro "he Si!n. The *avanas, ho$ever, assi!n "he lordship of "he "hree "o "he lords of "he par"ic#lar Si!n, i"s +,"h and ll"h Si!ns respec"ivel-. *e" so e o"hers dis"in!#ish "he lordship on "he .asis of "he na"#re of "he Si!ns. In a ova.le ho#se "he lordship .elon!s "o "he lords of "he +s", 5"h and )"h fro "he par"ic#lar ho#se/ in a fi0ed ho#se i" .elon!s "o "hose of "he 5"h, )"h and +s" ho#se/ and1in a co on ho#se i" .elon!s "o "hose of "he )"h, +s" and 5"h ho#se respec"&ivel-. 2#" Sa"-acar-a see s "o have ade a dis"inc"ion in respec" of horoscop- and horar- as"rolo!-. 3e s"a"es "ha" for horoscop- "here sho#ld no" .e an- difference in "he lordship of "he decana"es and "ha" sho#ld .elon! "o "he lords of "he +s"., 5"h and )"h ho#ses, $hile for "he p#rpose of 4#eries "he lords are "o .e "a5en as "hose of "he +s", +,"h and ll"h ho#ses. I a inclined "o .elieve "ha" "his dis"inc"ion is ver- helpf#l in "he case of horar- as"rolo!-. I" is "o .e .orne in ind "ha" ever- plane" is considered "o .e s"ron! $hile posi"ed in his o$n decana"e. These decana"es have "heir o$n names, forms, characteristic qualities and utilities. The na es of "he decana"es are "he follo$&in! 67 'i( Sarpa or serpen", 'n( Ni!ala or fe""ers, 'n8i( A-#dha or $eapon, 'iv( Pa5sin or .ird, 'v( Dahana or fier-, 'vi( 9ala or $a"er-, 'vif( Sa# -a or .enefic, and 'viii( %i isra or i0ed. There is also se01difference a on! "he . So e of "he are also called Ca"#spad or 4#adr#ped. The follo$in! are "er ed Serpen" decana"es $hich are of co#rse alefic 67 The second and "hird decana"es of Cancer, "he firs" and second of Scorpio, and "he "hird of Pisces. Accordin! "o 2ala.hadra "he- are "he firs" and second of Cancer, "he sa e of Scorpio and "he las" of Pisces. The firs" one of Capricorn is called Ni!ala Dre55ana. Accordin! "o "he 9a"a5apari:a"a "he second decana"e of %rsci5a i is "he Ni!ala one. Si ilarl- "he Sarpa1Dre55anas are "he firs", i second and "hird respec"ivel- of %rsci5a, ;ar5a and <ina. The A-#dha1Dre55anas are "he las" of =e ini, "he firs" and "hird of Sa!i""ari#s, and "he "hird of Capricorn. The Pa5si Dre55anas are "he second ones of =e ini and >i.ra and "he firs" ones of >eo and A4#ari#s. Ano"her a#"hori"- !ives "he as "he firs" decana"es of >eo and Capricorn. No"es6 The las" decana"e of Ta#r#s is called %iha!a or 2ird. The firs" of Si?ha and ;# .ha and "he iddle of T#l@ are called =Adhr@s-a or %#l"#re1faced. The Fier- ones are 67 The firs" decana"es of Aries, >eo, Scorpio, Capricorn and A4#ari#s/ "he second ones of Cancer and Scorpio/ and "he las" ones ef >eo, >i.ra, Scorpio and Pisces. These are eleven in all. There are si0 Ba"er- decana"es/ The firs" ones of Cancer and Pisces/ "he second $aes of %ir!o and Pisces/ and "he las" ones of Tai and =e ini. There are eleven Sa# -a o5r .enefic ones 6 The firs" ones of =e ini, %ir!o and >i.ra/ "he second ones of Aries, Ta#r#s, Sa!i""ari#s, Capricorn and A4#ari#s/ and "he las" ones of %ir!o, Sa!i""ari#s and A4#ari#s. There are ei!h" <i0ed decana"es. The firs" ones of Ta#r#s and Sa!i""ari#s, "he second ones of =e ini, >eo and >i.ra, and "he las" ones of Aries, Cancer and Capricorn. The ,,nd decana"e fro "he risin! one is "er ed ;hara7cr#el. All "hese na es are e0pressive of "heir charac"eris"ic 4#ali"ies. The follo$in! are also desi!na"ed as Quadruped 67 The second of Aries, "he second and "hird of Ta#r#s, "he firs" of Cancer, firs" and las" of >eo, las" of >i.ra and of Scorpio and "he firs" of Sa!i""ari#s. The follo$in! "$elve are fe inine 67 The firs" of Ta#r#s, =e ini, %ir!o and Scorpio/ "he second of Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Sa!i""ari#s, Capricorn, A4#ari#s and Pisces/ and "he las" of %ir!o. The re ainin! e0cep" "he las" of Scorpio are asc#line. Ne0" $e shall consider "he for s of "he decana"es as descri.ed .- %araha ihira. This descrip"ion is of para o#n" i por"ance in "ha" i" helps "he as"rolo!er in delinea"in! "he charac"eris"ics, ph-sical and en"al of "he person concerned. The firs" decana"e of Aries is a an, dar5 in co ple0ion, fierce appearance and of red e-es, $earin! a $hi"e clo"h aro#nd his hips, holdin! a raised a0e and appearin! "o .e a.le "o pro"ec" o"hers. Fro "his descrip"ion $e can easil- !#ess "ha" a person .orn in "his decana"e $ill .e a leader of en $ho $o#ld s#.:#!a"e "he .- his cr#el"-, i!h" and pro ise of pro"ec"ion. The Saravali, ho$ever, sa-s "ha" "he an is chari"a.le, fond of fi!h"in! and inflic"in! heav- p#nish en" on his 5ins en. The second, accordin! "o *avana, is a $o an $i"h an e4#es"rian face and po"1li5e .od-, clad in red !ar en"s and fond of orna en"s and ea"a.les. She is also al$a-s "hirs"-. Accordin! "o "he Saravali $e have "o declare a an .orn in "his decana"e "o .e conc#piscen", !iven "o pleas#res, fond of #sic, hi!h1 inded, handso e and cove"in! $o en8s and friends8 $eal"h. The "hird is represen"ed .- a an $ho is cr#el, "a$n- in colo#r, s5illed in ar"s, ac"ive, of .ro5en vo$s and clad in red clo"hes and holdin! a raised cl#. in his hand. Accordin! "o "he Saravali he is !ood .#" har f#l "o o"hers, a 5in!8s servan", li.eral and fond of his o$n people. This sho$s a $hi sical officer. The firs" decana"e of Ta#r#s s- .oliCes a $o an $i"h her hair c#rled and c#", her .od- li5e a po", her clo"hes .#rn", .ein! ver- "hirs"- and h#n!r- and !reed- for orna en"s. The second decana"e deno"es a an $i"h a !oa"8s face, proficien" in a!ric#l"#re and ani al h#s.andr-, $i"h raised sho#lders and dir"- clo"hes. 3e is al$a-s h#n!r-. This s#!!es"s a !ood .#" poor far er. The las" one is a an $i"h a h#!e .od- li5e "ha" of an elephan", pro inen" $hi"e "ee"h, .ro$n co ple0ion, fee" li5e "hose of "he "i!er. 3e is a h#n"er cove"in! "he ea" of sheep and deer. The firs" decana"e of =e ini is a $o an $i"ho#" children, .ea#"if#l, fond of secre" para o#r, $ell dressed and orna en"ed and havin! raised sho#lders. This s#!!es"s a clever co#r"esan. The Saravali, ho$ever, a5es i" a an $ho is rich, "all $i"h a lar!e head, elo4#en", receivin! hono#r fro 5in!s, pleas#re1lovin! and !iven "o !a .lin!. The second one represen"s a an s"andin! in a !arden, $earin! ar o#r and ar ed $i"h a .o$/ he is heroic and a professional $arrior and has an a4#iline face/ he "hin5s of spor"s, $eal"h, children and orna en"s. If a" a 4#er- "his decana"e is risin!, one a- predic" "he 4#er"o per"ain "o an- of "he "hin!s en"ioned here. The las" one is a an .edec5ed $i"h orna en"s, rich in :e$els, fas"ened $i"h a coa" of ail and a 4#iver, and holdin! a .o$. 3e is a poe" and s5illed in dance and ins"r# en"al #sic. The firs" decana"e of Cancer is a an holdin! leaves, roo"s and fr#i"s, havin! an elephan"ine .od- and fee" si ilar "o "hose of a "i!er, face li5e "ha" of a ho! and nec5 li5e "ha" of a horse. 3e is s"a"ioned in "he fores" of "he <ala-a o#n"ain. The Saravali !ives a differen" descrip"ion al"o!e"her. 3e is an a ia.le, handso e an, in"elli!en", helper of o"hers, fair in co ple0ion, #ns"ead- and devo"ed "o =ods and 2rah& ins. The for er is #sef#l in %i-oni:an a, .ir"h of .irds and .eas"s, $hile "he la""er in h# an .ir"hs and 4#eries rela"in! "o h# an .ein!s. The second one is a $o an coarse in .ehavio#r, havin! a sna5e, $i"h her head decora"ed $i"h lo"#ses/she cries alo#d holdin! "he .ranch of a Palasa "ree in a fores". The o"her a#"hori"- !ives i" as a iser fond of sleep, #nder "he "h# . of $o en, sic5land pleas#re1lovin!. The las" one is a an $i"h a serpen" coiled ro#nd, sea"ed in a .oa" and !oin! o#" on "he sea in search of orna en"s for his $ife. 3e $ears !old orna en"s and has a fla" face. This indica"es a hen1pec5ed h#s.and $ho $o#ld do an- dan!ero#s deed :#s" "o please his .eloved. The firs" decana"e of >eo is a co .ina"ion of a an, 4#adr#ped and .ird. Accordin! "o "he o"her, i" is a an $ho is li.eral, in"en" on con4#erin! his ene ies, co#ra!eo#s, endo$ed $i"h an- $ives and friends, $eal"h- and a servan" of 5in!s. The second is a an $i"h an e4#es"rian shape, $earin! $hi"e !arlands on his head, clad in deer1s5in and .lan5e", $i"h a slender $ais" and raised nose1"ip, holdin! a .o$, and diffic#l" "o .e approached. The las" is a an $i"h his face rese .lin! "ha" of a .ear, and ove en"s "hose of on5e-s/ he holds a s"ic5, fr#i" and ea"/ he has a .eard and c#rled hair. The firs" decana"e of %ir!o is a vir!in holdin! a po" f#ll of flo$ers, clad in soiled !ar en"s, and $ishin! for $eal"h and clo"hes and desirin! "o !o "o her fa"her8s residence. The Saravali a5es i" a "all, dar5 an $ho is delica"e, odes", elo4#en", $i"h an elon!a"ed head and e-es li5e hone-. 3e clai s a share in "he proper"of a $o an. The second is a an holdin! a pen in his hand/ he is dar5 in co ple0ion and has a " on his head/ he earns and spends one-/ he carries a .i! .o$/ his .odis f#ll- covered $i"h hair. This s#!!es"s a poe" or an ar"is" Accordin! "o "he Saravali "his is !ood for forei!n "ravel. The las" is a $o an, -ello$ish in co ple0ion, $earin! a fine $hi"e sil5 Sari, she is "all and is holdin! a po" and a ladle. She is p#re and is !oin! "o "e ple. The firs" decana"e of >i.ra is a clever erchan" holdin! a .alance in his hand sea"ed in a shop in "he .aCar. The second is a an $i"h an a4#iline face, h#n!r- and "hirs"-, and $ishin! "o fl- a$a- $i"h a po" in order "o ee" his $ife and children. This decana"e na"#rall- .elon!s "o ;# .ha $hich is e p"-. 3ence "he an is h#n!r- and "hirs"-. The las" is a an $i"h a on5e-1li5e appearance, .edec5ed $i"h :e$els, and havin! a !olden ar o#r and 4#iver/ he fri!h"ens ani als in "he fores"s and holds fr#i"s and ea" in his hand. The Saravali !ives i" as a ro!#e $ho is #n!ra"ef#l, #ns"ead-, #!l-, croo5ed, h#!e in appear&ance, #nin"elli!en" and one $ho has los" his credi", friends and $eal"h. The firs" decana"e of Scorpio is a char in! $o an .eref" of !ar en"s and orna en"s and co in! "o "he shore fro "he ocean6 she has fallen fro her posi"ion and her fee" are .o#nd $i"h a sna5e. The second is a $o an $i"h her .od- "ied #p $i"h a sna5e/ she desires a !ood posi"ion and happiness "or "he sa5e of her h#s.and/ her .od- is li5e a po" or "or"oise. The o"her a#"hori"- !ives i" as a an $i"h a !olden co ple0ion, $ho is a !ood ea"er, handso e and is possessed of "re #lo#s e-es, and o"hers8 $eal"h. 3e is !ood1na"#red and proficien" in ar"s. The las" is of >eonine for $i"h a .road and fia" face li5e "ha" of a "#r"le. 3e r#les over "he <ala-a re!ion, scarin! a$a- do!s, deer, ho!s and :ac5als. ;al-anavar an !ives i" as a an $i"ho#" .eard and o#s"aches, cr#el, po"1.ellied, .ro$n1e-ed and co#ra!eo#s. 3e has assive ar s and is devoid of .ro"hers. The firs" decana"e of Sa!i""ari#s has a h# an face and an e4#es"rian .od-. 3e holds a lon! .o$ and s"a-in! in a her i"a!e !#ards "he asce"ics and "heir sacrificial ar"icles. As "his decana"e .elon!s "o "he sa e Si!n i" is si!nifican" "ha" "he descrip"ion accords $ell $i"h "ha" of Sa!i""ari#s i"self. 9#pi"er .ein! a spiri"#al plane" is in char!e of penance and sacrifice. This is !ood also for $arriors and race1fans. The second is a char in! lad- $i"h a !olden co ple0ion and odera"e hei!h" She is sea"ed on a "hrone and is separa"in! "he !e s of "he sea. Accordin! "o "he o"her i" is a an learned in "he Sas"ras, a clever e0po#nder of "he scrip"#res and perfor er of an- sacrifices. 3e !oes cons"an"l- "o sacred places. The las" is a an $i"h a .eard and !olden co ple0ion, sea"ed on a $or"h- chair holdin! a rod. 3e is clad in sil5s and s5ins. The firs" decana"e of Capricorn is a an f#ll of hairs $i"h "he .od- li5e "ha" of ho! and a fierce loo5. 3e holds in his hands a rope, a ne" and a "rap. The o"her !ives i" as a an $i"h lon! ar s, dar5 corn ple0ion, fa e, personali"-, l#s"re and ro#!er-. 3e spea5s $i"h a s ile, is rich and easil- $on over .- $o en. The second is $o an s5illed in ar"s $i"h lon! e-es rese .lin! "he pe"als of lo"#s, and dar5 co ple0ion. She searches for vario#s "-pes of apparel, and has iron ears adorned $i"h orna en". Accordin! "o o"her .oo5 i" is a an $i"h a s all face and slendl $ais", !iven "o "a5in! a$a- o"hers8 $eal"h and $o en, cleve li.eral and 5no$er of "he $a-s of "he vir"#o#s. The las" is a an havin! a ;innara1li5e .od- and $earin! a .lan5e". 3e $ears an ar o#r, .o$ and 4#iver. 3e carries on his sho#lder8 pi"cher inlaid $i"h :e$els. This decana"e a5es one "al5a"ive and s#ffer hardships in a forei!n co#n"r-. The firs" decana"e of A4#ari#s is a an $i"h an a4#iline face, clad in .lan5e", sil5 and s5in and $orried a.o#" "he ac4#isi"ion of oil, $ine, $a"er and food. 3e is "all, in"eres"ed in $or5, rich and a 5in!8s servD 3e co ands an$o en and #ch po$er and is infa o#s. The second is a $o an sea"ed in a half1.#rn" carria!e con"ain Sal ali $ood. She carries on her head an- po"s and is enn!a!ed in .rin!in! e"als. 3er clo"hes are dir"-. If i" is a an, he .eco es !reed-, f#ll of f#n and frolic and endo$ed $i"h an- friends. The las" is a an, dar5 in h#e, $i"h hair in "he ears and a cro$n on "he head. 3e carries po"s filled $i"h .ar5s, leaves, :#ice and fr#i"s, i0ed $i"h e"al. The firs" decana"e of Pisces is a an handlin! sacrificial a"erials, pearls, conch shells, and $earin! orna en"s. 3e #nder"a5es a sea1vo-a!e for "he sa5e of orna en"s for his $ife. The second is a da sel sea"ed in a .oa" $i"h fla! fl-in! alof", alon! $i"h her re"in#e in order "o cross "he sea. 3er face has a !olden colo#r. If an, he ea"s s# p"#o#sl-, spea5s nicel-, and is !ood a" pleasin! $o en and vir"#o#s people. The las" one of "he las" Si!n is a an s"andin! na5ed in a fores" near a hole $i"h a serpen" coiled ro#nd his .od-. 3e cries alo#d .ein! "ro#.led .- "hieves and fire. Accordin!

"o "he Saravali i" is a dar5 an proficien" in ar"s, havin! lar!e fee". 3e !ives freel- "o his friends and co Rasi indica"ed .- "he decana"e is s"ron! and is aspec"ed .- i"s lord, "he res#l" $ill .e as s"a"ed a.ove. ands e0cellen" food and drin5. 3e is also verir"hf#l. Bhen "he

) When any of the three decanates of a Ri rises, the natives limbs are allotted to the different houses in the following manner ! '+( Bhen "he firs" decana"e rises, "hose of "he +, ho#ses co#n"ed fro "he >a!na on$ards represen" "he head, e-e, ear, nos"ril, chee5, :a$ and o#"h on "he ri!h" and lef" sides. Si ilarl-, "he second decana"es of "he ho#ses represen"ed in order are "he nec5, sho#lder, side, hear", ar , ches" and navel on "$o sides. The las" ones li5e$ise represen" "he pelvis, "he !eni"al or!an, an#s, "hi!hs, 5nees, shan5s and fee". No"es6 S#ppose "he firs" decana"e of <eEa rises, "hen "he firs" ones of "he +, ho#ses $ill represen" in order "he head, "he ri!h" e-e, ri!h" ear, ri!h" nos"ril, ri!h" chee5, ri!h" :a$, o#"h, lef" :a$, lef" chee5, lef" nos"ril, lef" ear and "he lef" e-e. )F1)5( The develop en" or o"her$ise of "he differen" li .s of a child is ded#ced fro "he na"#re of "he decana"es of "he +, .havas .e!innin! $i"h "he >a!na. The firs" decana"es of "he "$elve ho#ses represen" "he head, e-e, ear, nos"ril, chee5, :a$, and o#"h on "he ri!h" side and "he sa e on "he lef" "oo. No"e "ha" "he second and "$elf"h ho#ses s"and for "he ri!h" and lef" e-e respec"ivel-. Si ilarl- "he second decana"es of "he ho#ses represen" "he nec5, sho#lder, ar , side, hear", ches" and navel on "he "$o sides. The las" ones represen" li5e$ise pelvis, !eni"al or!an, "es"icle, "hi!h, 5nee, calf and le!s, "he +,"h .ein! an#s. Accordin! "o so e scholars "his order sho#ld .e adhered "o onl- $hen "he firs" decana"e of a Rasi is risin!. O"her$ise "he order $ill have "o .e odified accordin!l- i.e. if "he second decana"e of a Rasi is risin!, "hen $e shall have "o s"ar" $i"h "he nec5. In - h# .le opinion i" is .e""er "o s"ar" $i"h "he head $hichever decana"e of "he Rasi rises. "f the Rasi denoted by a particular decanate is well aspected or occupied, if its lord is well situated or aspected, the limb denoted by it will be well developed and good!loo#ing, "f the decanate is occupied by natural malefics, the corresponding limb will have an ulcer$ wound% "f it is also occupied or aspected by benefics, there will be some mole or mar#% &he mar# will be natural $congenial when the con'oining planet is posited in its own rasi or navamsa that is a fi(ed sign) otherwise it will be an accidental one% "f the planet concerned be *aturn, the wound would be one caused by windy desease or stone) if +ars, by poison, weapon or fire) if +ercury, by earth ,i%e%, mud) and the *un, by wood, - legged animals ) and if +oon, by some liquid or horned creature% &here will undoubtedly be a wound$ulcer caused by malefics in the limb signified by the decanate which is occupied by three planets% . /ecanate that is aspected which is occupied by three planets% . /ecanate that is aspected by malefics will cause a mole in the corresponding limb, while one occupied by benefics, a good mar#% % <ar5, "he <oon .eco es a alefic $hen she is $ea5, and <erc#r- in associa"ion $i"h alefics. . #nowledge of the decanates helps the astrologer in predicting the birth of birds and beasts% 0or e(ample, if a 1a#si dre##ana be rising and be aspected or occupied by *aturn or the +oon, then birds would be born or indicated% "n this case *aturn stands for those living on the land and the +oon for those in water. If "he las" Navariisa of Capricorn is risin! and if "here .e "hree alefics in "he ,nd, Grd and +s" decana"es of "he Ascendan", "he child $ill .e $i"ho#" ar s, fee" or head as "he case a- .e. If "he <oon occ#pies a decana"e o$ned .- <ars, or if "he Ascendan" .elon!s "o a alefic, and if .enefics occ#p- "he ,nd and ll"h ho#ses, "he na"ive is a sna5e or h# an .ein! $i"h a cord coiled ro#nd his .od-. The person .orn in a alefic decana"e $ill .e evil1 inded, of $anderin! ha.i"s, addic"ed "o sinf#l deeds and scandal1 on!erin!. One .orn in a Ba"er- decana"e .eco es li.eral, en:o-er of pleas#res, 5ind1hear"ed, in"en" on a!ric#l"#re and irri!a"ion, and void of orali"-. One .orn in a .enefic decana"e is co passiona"e, handso e, and .lessed $i"h happiness, $eal"h and children. And one .orn in a <i0ed decana"e is ill1.ehaved, loose in se0#al a""ers, fic5le1 inded and of fierce loo5s. If a" a .ir"h "he <oon .e in her o$n or a friendl- decana"e, "he s#.:ec" $o#ld have a prepossessin! appearance and all vir"#es/ .#" if she .e in a decana"e o$ned .- a non1 friendl- plane", he $o#ld have "he appearance and 4#ali"ies per"ainin! "o "ha" plane". If "he <oon occ#pies a Serpen" decana"e, "he s#.:ec" $ill .e $ra"hf#l/ if an Ar ed decana"e, he $ill co i" #rdero#s deeds/ and if a H#adr#ped decana"e, he $ill have liaison $i"h $orshippa.le $o en/ if a 2ird decana"e, he $ill .e a $anderer. If Sa"#rn occ#p-in! a ;endra sho#ld aspec" "he Si!n represen"ed .- "he decana"e occ#pied .- <erc#r-, "he s#.:ec" $o#ld .e an ar"is" or ar"isan. If "he risin! decana"e a" a .ir"h .e a Serpen", Fe""ers or Beapon dre55ana, and if "he si!n represen"ed .- "he decana"e .e also aspec"ed .- alefics, "he person $o#ld #nder!o i prison en" $herein "here $o#ld .e appropria"e p#nish en" correspondin! "o "he na"#re of "he decana"e. In "his *o!a if "he 5"h and )"h ho#ses are occ#pied .- s"ron! alefics and no" aspec"ed .- .enefics, "he na"ive dies in cap"ivi"-. Be have alread- seen "ha" "he ,,nd decana"e is "er ed ;hara dre55ana $hich is ver- i por"an" in decidin! "he na"#re of "he s#.:ec"8s dea"h. "f this decanate happens to be *erpent, Weapon or 0etters, the person dies in prison or on account of torture% The lords of "he ;hara dre55ana and of "he I"h ho#se in DG pla- an i por"an" role in "he despa"ch of "he na"ive. No$ le" #s see "he effec"s of "he GJ decana"es .eco in! "he ;hara dre55ana seve&rall&he disposal of the dead body is also 5no$n fro "he na"#re of "his ;hara dre55ana. If i" is Fier-, Ba"er- or <i0ed, "he .od- is .#rn" "o ashes/ consi!ned "o $a"ers, or e0posed "o "he s#n and $ind as "he case a- .e. If i" is Serpen", i" is ea"en a$a- .- .eas"s and .irds of pre-. If "here are alefics in "he I"h ho#se, "he dead .od- $ill .e cre a"ed. *imilarly the previous birth can .e predic"ed fro "he lord of "he decana"e occ#pied .- "he s"ron!er of "he "$o l# inaries. If i" .e 9#pi"er, "he so#l #s" have co e fro devalo5a/ if i" is "he <oon or %en#s, fro pi"rilo5a/ if i" is "he S#n or <ars fro .h# andala/ if Sa"#rn or <erc#r- fro pa"ala. &he ran#$consciousness of the soul in its previous birth was high, moderate or low accordin! as "he o$ner of "he decana"e en"ioned here is in his e0al"a"ion, .elo$ "ha" or in his depression. &he refuge of the departed soul is indicated by the lord of the decanate of "he J"h ho#se '+J"h decana"e fro "he risin! one( or of "he ,,nd 'I"h ho#se in DG(or .- "he plane" occ#p-in! "he K"h ho#se. Whichever planet is strongest among these to the world thereof does the departed soul repair. The lords of "he ;hara dre55ana and of "he I"h ho#se in DG pla- an i por"an" role in "he despa"ch of "he na"ive Of co#rse <o5sha or final li.era"ion is !overned .- 9#pi"er occ#p-in! cer"ain posi"ions. So e scholars are of opinion "ha" "he ref#!e of "he so#l is de"er ined "hro#!h "he r#ler of "he decana"e of "he +,"h or ,nd ho#se. &he decanate is made use of in preparing 2astata#a ,lost horoscopy)% The posi"ion of 9#pi"er in "he Lodiac a" "he "i e of .ir"h of "he 4#eren" is de"er ined fro "he decana"e "ha" is risin! a" "he "i e of 4#er-. If i" is "he firs" decana"e of "he Si!n, 9#pi"er sho#ld .e loca"ed in "he Si!n i"self $hich happens "o .e "he Ascendan" a" "he 4#er-/ if second or "hird decana"e, his posi"ion $ill .e in "he 5"h or )"h as "he case a- .e. The R"# or season a" "he "i e of .ir"h sho#ld .e fo#nd o#" fro "he r#ler of "he decana"e risin! or fro "he plane" occ#p-in! "he >a!na $hichever is s"ron!er. The si0 seasons %asan"a, =ris a, %arsa, Sarad, 3e an"a and Sisira .elon! respec"ivel- "o %en#s, <ars and "he S#n, "he <oon, <erc#r-, 9#pi"er, and Sa"#rn. Then "he risin! decana"e de"er ines "he on"h of "he R"# accordin! as "he firs" or second half of "he decana"e is risin!. To find "he l#nar da- or Ti"hi proceed "h#s 7 Conver" "he de!rees e"c. of "he decana"e in"o in#"es. S#."rac" G00 if "he in#"es are ore "han G00. Fro "he re ainder find o#" "he Ti"hi a" "he ra"e of +0 in#"es per Ti"hi. The Ascendan" a" .ir"h $ill .e so far re oved fro "he Si!n occ#pied .- "he S#n a" 4#err- as "he Si!n represen"in! "he decana"e occ#pied .- "he S#n a" 4#er- is fro "he risin! decana"e. >e" #s "a5e an e0a ple. >e" "he Ascendan" and "he posi"ion of "he S#n a" 4#er- .e 7 K1,,1+J and F1,F1+K respec"ivel-. The risin! decana"e is "he "hird of Scorpio and "ha" of "he S#n "hird of >eo. So "he S#n is in "he ,I"h decana"e fro "he risin! one. Ta5e off #l"iples of +, fro ,I. The re ainder is F. 3ence co#n" fo#r Si!ns fro >eo, "he posi"ion of "he S#n. I" is Scorpio $hich sho#ld .e "he Ascendan" a" .ir"h. There is ano"her $a- of loo5in! a" "his pro.le . The Rasi represen"in! "he >a!na decana"e is Cancer and "ha" of "he S#n Aries. So i" is "he +0"h Rasi. No$ co#n"in! +0 si!ns fro >eo $e co e "o Ta#r#s. 0or travel too this rising decanate is very helpful% &he decanate rising at the start of a 'ourney must be owned, occupied and aspected by benefics% "ts form and characteristics must be auspicious% "f these conditions are satisfied the travel will be fruitful% &he *erpent and other malefic decanates should be scrupulously avoided% &he decanate helps the astrologer in locating lost or stolen articles. Pr"h#-asas s"a"es in his Sa"pancasi5a, MIf "he firs" decana"e of a Rasi is risin!, "he issin! ar"icle is a" "he !a"e of "he ho#se/ if i" is "he second, i" is inside "he ho#se/ and if i" is "he las" one, "he ar"icle is .ehind "he ho#se.M The sa e a#"hor adds "ha" "he "hief is "o .e de"er ined fro "he decana"e "ha" is risin!. The for s of "he vario#s decana"es have .een alread- no"iced .- #s. This 5no$led!e $o#ld help one "o a lar!e e0"en". Si ilarl- "he na"#re, cas"e e"c. of "he "hief can .e ded#ced fro "he 4#ali"ies !iven "o "he r#ler of "he decana"e. The plane"s aspec"in! and associa"in! $i"h "he r#ler also $ill have "o .e "a5en in"o considera"ion.

0rom *aravali ch +0 v.+F1+5. Sho#ld "he ascendan" fall in a Ni!ala, Sarpa, Pa5shi or Pasa decana"e and .e occ#pied .- alefic plane"s, $i"ho#" "he aspec" of "he decana"e lord concerned, "he na"ive lives #p"o K -ears onl-. If Rah# is in an an!le and aspec"ed .- alefics, "he lon!evi"- is onl- +0, $hile accordin! "o so e, i" is +J. No"es6 For. e0a ple, Sarpa dre55ana in Pisces is "he Grd decana"e, i.e. ,0 de!rees1G0 de!rees. S#ppose Rah# is in ,01G0 de!ree area of Pisces. 3e sho#ld .e aspec"ed .- <ars, "he r#ler of Scorpio $here "he Grd decana"e falls, so "ha" "he child lives .e-ond K -ears of i"s a!e. Si ilarl- for o"her decana"es. Ch, F,v. G "o J/ G1J. The co#n"in! of li .s accordin! "o "he decana"e risin! a" .ir"h sho#ld .e iden"ified, as #nder. If "he firs" decana"e rises, co#n" fro head. If second, fro nec5 and, if Grd, fro pelvis. The J Rasis .ac5$ards fro "he Ascendan" deno"e "he lef" side of "he .od-, $hile "he J for$ard Rasis fro >a!na indica"e "he ri!h" side of "he .od-. Sho#ld "he firs" decana"e of a Si!n ascend, "he lapsed par" of "he Ascendan" deno"es lef" side of "he head and "he par" "o rise -e" indica"es "he ri!h" side of "he head, "he ,nd and +,"h deno"e ri!h" and lef" e-es, respec"ivel-, Grd and ++"h ri!h" and lef" ears, F"h and +0"h ri!h" and lef" nose, 5"h and )"h ri!h" and lef" chee5s, J"h and I"h ri!h" and lef" chins and "he K"h lef" side of "he face 'area -e" "o rise( and "he K"h ri!h" side of "he face 'por"ion alread- descended(. If "he ,nd decana"e rises, nec5, sho#lder, ar s, side, hear", s"o ach and navel are "o .e #nders"ood in "he sa e order. Sho#ld "he "hird decana"e rise, pelvis, an#s, penis, "es"icle, "hi!h, 5nee, calf and fee" $ill .e co#n"ed in "he sa e order. The decana"es occ#pied .- alefics deno"e $o#nds e"c., $hile "he ones .- .enefics indica"e ar5s ' oles( on "he li .s concerned. Sho#ld "hese plane"s .e in "heir o$n Rasi, or A sa a" .ir"h, "hen "he $o#nd, or ole are ri!h" fro .ir"h. O"her$ise "hese $ill .e ca#sed la"er on 'in appropria"e periods(. %ol ,/ If Sa"#rn is in "he risin! decana"e 'in + in D G(, so e pec#liari"ies in appearance can .e no"iced, Ii5e e0cess lin!ers, .l#n" "h# ., "h# .lessness, #neven e-es and "he li5e. Even a person .orn in re!al scion $ill .eco e an ar"isan if "he ascendan" in <erc#r-8s decana"e receives "he aspec" of "he <oon fro an an!le. JJ. Sho#ld "he <oon .e in her o$n Rasi and in her o$n decana"e, one $ill .eco e a r#ler. If si #l"aneo#sl- a .enelic is endo$ed $i"h s"ren!"h, "he na"ive $ill .eco e a !rea" 5in!.NN lf a planefs cn"ri.#"ion !e"s do#.led .- vir"#e of posi"ion in o$n si!n, o$n decana"e e"c., 'as per slo5a J a.ove( and f#r"her $arran"s "re.lin! .- vir"#e of re"ro!ressionO e0al"a"ion, "he "re.lin! sho#ld also .e done. So sa- "he learned.NN >A=NA DASA6 The ascendan"8s a:or period $ill prove a#spicio#s if i" is in "he firs" decana"e of a ova.le si!n/ edi# in "he second decana"e and poor in "he Grd decana"e. The reverse is "r#e $i"h a co on si!n ascendln!, i.e. "hird, second and firs" decana"e $ill respec"ivel- .e a#spicio#s, edi# and poor. As for a fi0ed si!n ascendin! firs", second and "hird decana"es $ill respec"ivel- !ive poor, a#spicio#s and edi# effec"s.NNN 314*/ If Chandr .e in "he decana"e of Shani or in "he Nava s of Shani or <an!al, and .e aspec"ed .- Shani, "he na"ive .eco es an asce"ic and en"ers "he hol- order si!nified .- Shani. Ch.G, v..GI/ /re##ana 3ala. <ale plane"s are s"ron! in "he firs" decana"e, fe ale plane"s in "he "hird decana"e and ne#"ral plane"s in "he second decana"e of a Rasi. Plane"s are s"ron!, onl- $hen "he- are a$a- fro "he S#n, as per *avanas..v. G+1GG. A plane" in i"s o$n decana"e confers vir"#es J+. Sho#ld <ars .e in "he Ascendan" and fall in "he ascenden"al decana"e, or a "rinal decana"e, receivin! "he aspec" of alefics, $hile .enefics are devoid of s"ren!"h, "he child in "he $o . develops no head, no le!s and no hands, respec"ivel-. "n a +ovable 5agna, the effects of the three decanates, first, second and third are good, middling and bad respectively) in a 0i(ed one, they are in order, bad, good and middling) "n a /ual one, middling, bad and good% 672/"&"72* .& /8.&4 "f the 9th house is neither occupied nor aspected by planets, "hen dea"h co#ld .e e0pec"ed as a res#l" of "he special na"#re or h# o#r of "he si!n represen"in! "he I"h ho#se, or of "he Nava sa Si!n occ#pied .- "he lord of "he I"h. Aries in 9 or 579 in ari in /:6 Dea"h $ill .e d#e "o fever, poison, s"o ach disease and .ilio#sness.&aurus same : vi"ia"ion of all "he h# o#rs, $eapons or fire.;emin same; co#!h, as"h a, e0cessive hea", colic e"c.6ancer same : rhe# a"is , insani"- or diarrhoea.5eo same : .oils '"# o#r(, poison, $eapons, fever e"c.<irgo same :s"o ach1co plain"s, diseases of "he priva"e par"s, 4#arrel, fall fro a precipice e"c.5ibra same :a.erra"ion of "he ind, fever or "-phoid.*corpio same : :a#ndice, diarrhoea, enlar!e en" of "he spleen and "he li5e.*agittarius same :Thro#!h a "ree, $a"er, $eapon or $ooden piece. 'The effec" is s#re if "he concerned Si!n or A sa is occ#pied .- a alefic(.6apricorn same: .- i pale en", plo#!hin! or en"al deran!e en". If "here is a alefic in "he Si!n or A sa, dea"h is li5el- "hro#!h $ild ani als li5e "i!ers, co#!h, fever, cons# p"ion or so e #nna"#ral ca#se..quarius same : If "here is a alefic in "he Si!n or A sa, dea"h is li5el- "hro#!h "i!ers, $eapons, serpen"s, co#!h, fever or cons# p"ion.1isces same :I" a- .e d#e "o sna5e1poison, e0ha#s"ion of a :o#rne-, s"or , achine, ship1$rec5 or fall of li!h"nin!. "n case the 9th house is occupied by any one of the seven planets .e!innin! $i"h "he S#n "he end a- .e .ro#!h" a.o#" .- 'i( fire, 'ii( $a"er, 'iii( $eapon, 'iv( fall, 'v( fever, 'vi( "hirs" or dia.e"es, and 'vii( s"arva"ion, in order. On "he o"her hand if "his ho#se is aspec"ed .- s"ron! plane"s, "he ca#se of dea"h a- .e "he par"ic#lar h# o#rs .elon!in! "o "he . 1lace of death. If "he I"h ho#se is a ova.le si!n, dea"h $ill "a5e place in a forei!n co#n"r-/ if i" is a fi0ed one/ a" ho e/ and if a d#al one, on "he $a- or near ho e.

cause of death, special yogas saravali ch,+0. Sho#ld "he Ascendan" fall in Ni!ala, Sarpa, Pa5shi, or Pasa decana"e and .e occ#pied .- alefic plane"s, $i"ho#" "he aspec" of "he decana"e >ord concerned, "he na"ive lives #p "o K -ears onl-. If Rah# is in an An!le and aspec"ed .- alefics, "he lon!evi"- is onl- +0, $hile, accordin! "o so e, i" is +J. 'i( s#n in +0 P ars in F Q fall fro a o#n"ain, 'ii( Sa"#rn in F , <oon in K and <ars in +0 Q fallin! in"o a $ell. 'iii( s#n P oon in %ir!o P aspec" .- alefics, dea"h fro one8s o$n 5ins en. 'iv( s#n P oon in + in d#al si!n, dea"h in $a"er O d#e "o $a"er. 'v( Sa"#rn in Cancer and <oon in CapricornQ drops- $o#ld .e "he ca#se. 'vi( <oon disposi"ed .- <ars and he ed .e"$een aleficsQ d#e "o $eapons or fire. 'vii( <oon in %ir!o and he ed .e"$een aleficsQ vi"ia"ion of .lood or cons# p"ion. 'viii( oon disposi"ed .- sa"#rn and he ed .e"$een aleficsQ .- han!in!, fire or a fall. 'i0( alefics in 5"h and )"h ho#ses $i"ho#" .enefic aspec"Q dea"h $ill .e in cap"ivi"-. '0ii( S#n or <ars in F, Sa"#rn in "he +0 and "he $ea5 <oon con:oined $i"h alefics in +, 5"h or )"h ho#se, dea"h $ill .e .- i pale en". '0vii( If Sa"#rn in ,, oon in F P ars in +0, ca#sed .- $o#nds or $or s. '0viii( S#n in +0 P ars in F Q fall fro a vehicle. '00( <ars in >i.ra, Sa"#rn in Aries and "he <oon in a si!n o$ned .- Sa"#rn ca#se dea"h in "he ids" of fil"h and ni!h"1soil. The effec" $ill .e "he sa e if "he $ea5 <oon .e in "he R, S#n in %II and <ars in I% . '00i( $ea5 <oon aspec"ed .- s"ron! <ars P Sa"#rn in I, dea"h $o#ld .e ca#sed .- $or s 'or "# o#r(, ins"r# en"s or fire in "he $a5e of so e disease of priva"e par"s. *o# are a$are "ha" "he ,,nd decana"e $hich falls in "he I"h ho#se fro "he Ascendan" is called ;hara.. This has !rea" infl#ence on a person8s dea"h. The charac"eris"ics of "his decana"e or of i"s lord $o#ld poin" "o "he $a- "he so#l e0i"s fro "he .od-. &his method should be applied in the absence of other special yogas$conditions Note : &he effects will come to pass especially when the concerned decanate sign is con'oined with or aspected by malefics% applicable to the stronger among the ascendant and the +oon If "he decana"e of "he I"h ho#se is Sarpa 'Serpen"(, Pasa 'Noose( or Ni!ada 'Fe""ers(, dea"h $ill .e in cap"ivi"- 'or hospi"alO hospice(. Si!ns Aries Ta#r#s =e ini Cancer >eo %ir!o >i.ra Scorpio Firs" Decana"e Ba"er, Sna5e, poison, 2ile i .alance. F le!!ed ani als. Co#!h, As"h a. Crocodile or shar5, >i4#or, Thorns, SleepO drea . so na .#lis Ba"er, Poison, Disease of "he fee". 3ead or 2rain Disease, va-# disorders/ en"alO in"ellec"O e or-Oconscio#sness deran!ed. .- a -o#n! $o an or 4#adr#ped or fall fro hei!h"s Poison, Beapon, or food served .- $o an. Second Decana"e Ba"er, Bor s, Sno$O iceO fros", Fores". G dosas i .alance 'sic5ness(, Thieves. 2#ffalo, Poison, T-phoid Fever, deliri# . 2lo$s, poisonO edicine. Third Decana"e Fallin! in"o a "an5 , $ell or precipice. Fall fro a vehicle, sea" or horse or "hro#!h $eapons in .a""le. Bild ani alsO h# ans , Sna5es or Elephan"s, or in Fores"s. .irds, venereal diseases, "# or, .lood press#re or poisonin! or !eneral lassi"#de. Poison, Ins"r# en"sO$eapons, 'Opera"ion(, cal# n- or fall fro hei!h"s. Chas O deep pi"s, #nheal"h- ea"in! and drin5in! fro a $o an, $a"er, Beapon, F1le!!ed ani al. Sna5e, Ba"er, a4#a"ic .ein! Pain ca#sed .- ch#n5sO s"ones or .rea5s, .one Frac"#re.

Drops-, DiarrheaO $a"er pro.le s, in Fores". Bild Elephan", Sna5e .i"e, in Fores"O for"O <o#n"ain, .- son of a richO po$erf#l an. S"o ach DiseasesO #lcer. 2#ndle of clo"h, >oad, Fall, Disease.

Sa!i""ari#s Capricorn A4#ari#s Pisces An#s pro.le s, Bind1co plain"s. 2eca#se of !overn en"O ar -Oviolence, Ti!er, 2rea5in!Oa p#"a"ion of "hi!hs. Poison, BindOva-# Diseases. A4#a"ics, Poison, Sna5e, 4#adr#peds $i"h #ncloven hoofs ,Fire, Beapons, "hieves, fever, na"#ral ca"as"ropheO adhidevi5a 2- Bo en, Ba"er, S"o ach co plain"s, Sava!es 2eca#se of $orries fro $o anO %enereal .ipeds, fores". Diseases. T# or, rachi"is, !onorrhoeaO painf#l #rina"ion, *o#n! Ship1Brec5, or in $a"er Bo en, a.cess on "he Shan5s ,Elephan"s, plane"ar"ro#.le. In $a"er or 5apha diseases 'infec"ions, vir#s,!er s(, S"o ach diseases. 2- Bo en. 2eca#se of a co#ple, H#adr#ped, FacialO o#"h Diseases. Fell Diseases.

Note : The a.ove effec"s $ill co e "o pass especiall- $hen "he si!n represen"in! "he ,,nd decana"e is con:oined $i"h or aspec"ed .-


place where death ta#es place/ indica"ed .- "he plane" in "he ascendan" or .- "he lord of "he risin! Nava sa. In case "here is no plane" in "he >a!na, i" $ill .e indica"ed ."he rasi or nava sa disposi"or of "he lord of + . If "his disposi"or is con:oined $i"h or aspec"ed .- an- plane", "ha" plane" "oo $ill have i"s sa- in odif-in! "he place of dea"h. SS#n presides over place of $orship, for"ress, fires, fores"O river .an5sS <oon $ells,$a"er- places, .a"hroo S ;#:a fireplaceO coo5in! achiner-, ho#se, vehicleS2#dha pla-!ro#nds, "e ples, fine palaceOplaceS=#r# place $here riches are s"ored, ansion, hol- place, happ- ho#seSSh#5ra 2edroo O dra$in! roo , $a"er- placeSShani/ hospi"alO edecineO ne!lec"ed or infec"ed placeSRah#, o"her co#n"r-, ne!lec"ed place, hidden place, holeS;e"# / !an!es, fever, ne!lec"edO hidden place,hole. "he place of dea"h sho#ld .e read fro "he si!n or A sa occ#pied .- "he lord of "he I"h ho#se. *o# are a$are of "he direc"ions and charac"eris"ics s#ch as $a"er-, dr- e"c, represen"ed .- "he +, si!ns of "he Codiac. If "he ascendan" is a Noc"#rnal si!n, dea"h $ill occ#r a" ni!h", and if Di#rnal a" da-"i e. I" is #nders"ood "ha" if "here are plane"s in "he >a!na, "he- $o#ld infl#ence "he effec"s. One dies $i"h an- o"hers, if "here are an- plane"s in "he F"h, and "he lord of "he ascendan" is con:oined $i"h "ha" of "he I"h ho#se. One $o#ld die alon! $i"h one8s $ife or son, if "he lords of + and I are :oined $i"h "he lord of 5 or K, as "he case a- .e. If "he .ir"h "a5es place d#rin! "he period of %isa =ha"i and if "he I"h ho#se .e occ#pied .- a alefic, dea"h $o#ld .e "hro#!h poison, fire or $eapons. If "he <oon is in "he Fatal de!ree in "he ascendan", I"h or +,"h ho#se, i" $o#ld .e "hro#!h $a"er or achiner-. If "he lord of "he I"h ho#se is in a visha Nava sa , and :oined $i"h a alefic, dea"h $o#ld .e .- sna5e1poison, .- v#l"#res or .- $ild .oars accordin! "he na e of "he par"ic#lar Nava sa.'The firs" Nava sa of Aries, Ta#r#s, %ir!o and Sa!i""ari#s "he id of =e ini, >eo, >i.ra and A4#ari#s, and "he las" of Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are respec"ivel- called Sna5e1Poison, %#l"#re1Poison 2oar1Poison.( more special combinations for death 'i( alefics in I fro <andi in D) Q #nna"#ral dea"h, o"her$ise peacef#l. 'iv(rasi lord of + co .#s" or in J or in I in D)/ na"ive $ill die of h#n!er in a place far a$a- fro his 5i"h and 5in. 'v( "he lords of + and I are $ea5, and <ars con:#nc" "he lord of J, he $ill die in .a""le or "hro#!h a $eapon. 'vi( lord of + or K con:#nc" "he lords of , and F, dea"h $ill .e d#e "o indi!es"ion. 'vii( nava sa lord of F con:oin Sa"#rn or is in D#s"hana 'in rasi(, dea"h $ill .e d#e "o drin5in! poison. 'viii( nava sa lord of F con:oin Rah# or ;e"#, dea"h .- han!in!. 'i0( $ea5 <oon in Icon:oin <ars, Sa"#rn or Rah# , dea"h $ill .e d#e "o "he "ro#.le of !hos"s, fire or $a"er. $ea5 <oon inJ or +, con:oin <ars, Sa"#rn or Rah# , dea"h $ill .e d#e "o epileps-. '0( S#n or <ars in I P $ea5, P alefics in ,, dea"h $o#ld res#l" fro a .ilio#s disease. '0i( <oon or 9#pi"er in I in a $a"er- si!n and aspec"ed .- a alefic, i" $o#ld .e fro cons# p"ion. '0ii( %en#s in I aspec"ed .- a alefic/ dea"h d#e "o rhe# a"is , cons# p"ion or dia.e"es. '0iii( Rah# in I aspec"ed .- alefics, hea"1.lis"ers, sna5e1.i"e, s all1po0 or en"al disease $o#ld .e i"s ca#se. '0v( <oon in D#s"hana P aspec"ed .- "he lord of + and con:oin Sa"#rn, <andi and Rah#, violen" dea"h $ill follo$. '0vii( alefics in "rine fro >a!na or <oon, and <ars in I, if $o#ld .e in cap"ivi"- or .- han!in!. &ime of /eath The "i e of de ise can .e .roadl- ascer"ained fro "he Dasa one is r#nnin!. Transi"s of plane"s "oo help #s in pinpoin"in! "he "i e. *o# 5no$ "ha" Sa"#rn $ho oves e0ceed1 in!l- slo$l- "a5es a.o#" G0 on"hs "o cover a si!n. So firs" of all -o# can see $hich si!n of "he Codiac is har f#l for "he s#.:ec" as far as Sa"#rn8s "ransi" is concerned. For "his -o# $ill consider "he follo$in! fo#r plane"s viC. 67 The lord of "he I"h ho#se, <andi, Sa"#rn and lord of "he ,,nd decana"e. No"e "he si!ns as $ell as A sas occ#pied ."hese plane"s. Bhen Sa"#rn in "ransi" passes "hro#!h an- one of "hese Si!ns or A sas or "heir "rian!#lar posi"ions, dea"h a- occ#r. I" a- also happen $hen 9#pi"er passes "hro#!h "he si!n or A sa 'or i"s "rine( occ#pied .- an- one of "he "hree plane"s viC. '+( "he lord of "he risin! decana"e, ',( lord of "he I"h ho#se and 'G( "ha" of "he ,,nd decana"e. Th#s 9#pi"er8s "ransi" $ill provide -o# $i"h a period of a.o#" +, on"hs. Thereaf"er "he on"h is !o" .- eans of "he S#n8s "ransi". For "his, no"e "he S#n8s Dvadasa sa and "he Nava sas of "he lords of "he I"h ho#se and "he ascendan". Bhen "he S#n passes in "ransi" "hro#!h an- one of "hese si!ns or "heir "rines, "he even" a"a5e place. Af"er "his -o# a- find o#" "he l#nar si!n of dea"h. "he <oon "a5es ,.,5 da-s for coverin! a si!n. No$ no"e "he si!n and Nava sa occ#pied .- "he S#n as $ell as "he lord of "he I"h ho#se. Bhen "he <oon passes "hro#!h an- one of "hese si!ns or "heir "rines, dea"h a- "a5e place. Re e .er "ha" co#n"in! a- .e done ei"her fro "he ascendan" or fro "he na"al <oon. &he following are some other methods to arrive at the same result 67 'i( S#."rac" "he lon!i"#de of *a a5an"a5a fro "ha" of "he lord of "he >a!na. No"e "he res#l"an" Si!n and A sa. 'ii( S#.s"rac" "ha" of "he <oon fro "ha" of Sa"#rn. No"e also "he res#l"an" si!n and A sa. 'iii( Add "he lon!i"#des of "he ascendan". S#n and <andi. Find "he si!n occ#pied .- "he lord of "he si!n represen"ed .- "his s# . Bhen 9#pi"er in "ransi" passes "hro#!h an- one of "hese places en"ioned a.ove or "heir "rines, dea"h a- "a5e place. The follo$in! are so e o"her e"hods for arrivin! a" "he sa e res#l" 67 'i( S#."rac" "he lon!i"#de of Sa"#rn fro "ha" of <andi, and find o#" "he res#l"in! Si!n and Nava sa. The even" a- occ#r $hen Sa"#rn passes "hro#!h an- one of "hese or "heir "rines. 'ii( Add "he lon!i"#des of "he five Tpa!rahas 's#.sidiar- plane"s( headed .- Dh# a, and no"e "he decana"e of "he res#l"in! si!n. Bhen Sa"#rn arrives a" "his decana"e of "he si!n, "he e0i" a- .e e0pec"ed. 'iii( Add "he lon!i"#des of <andi and Sa"#rn. <#l"ipl- "he s# .- ). No"e "he res#l"in! si!n and Nava sa. Bhen Sa"#rn arrives a" "his Si!n and A sa, "he even" a- "a5e place. 'iv( Add "he lon!"i"#des of "he lords of "he J"h, I"h and +,"h ho#ses. The call a- co e $hen Sa"#rn co es "o "his res#l"in! Si!n or i"s "rine 'v( Find o#" "he $ea5es" of "he "hree se"s of plane"s, viC. '+( lords of "he I"h ho#ses co#n"ed fro "he ascendan" and "he <oon, ',( lords of "he ,,nd decana"es, and 'G( "he <oon and <andi. No"e "he Nava sa occ#pied .- "ha" plane". Bhen Sa"#rn arrives a" "his A sa or i"s "rine, "he call is li5el- "o co e. No"e "he Si!n $hich happens "o .e "he Nava sa occ#pied .- "he lord of "he ascendan". See ho$ far i" is re oved fro Aries. Co#n" so an- si!ns fro "he one occ#pied ."he lord of "he I"h ho#se. Bhen Sa"#rn co es "o this si!n d#rin! "ransi", dea"h a- over"a5e "he s#.:ec". US#ppose Cancer "o .e "he >a!na $hose lord, "he <oon, is in >eo A sa. This is "he 5"h Si!n fro Aries. If "he lord of "he I"h ho#se i.e. Sa"#rn, is in A4#ari#s i"self, co#n" five si!ns fro i". *o# !e" =e ini as "he re4#ired si!nV. 'vii( The on"h of de ise is !o" fro "he Si!n $hich is "he s# of "he lon!i"#des of <andi and "he ascendan". The idea is "ha" $hen "he S#n co es in "ransi" "o "his si!n and A sa, i" $ill occ#r. The A sa $ill indica"e $ha" par" of "he solar on"h i" is. 'viii( The <oon $ill occ#p- a" dea"h "ha" si!n $hich is represen"ed .- "he s# of "he lon!i"#des of <andi and "he <oon. 'i0( The "i e of dea"h or "he ascendan" of de ise $ill .e "he si!n represen"ed .- "he s# of "he lon!i"#des of "he ascendan",6 6 Nandi and "he <oon. '0( Find o#" "he Nava sa, Dvadasa sa and decana"e occ#pied .- <andi. Bhen 9#pi"er arrives a" "he Nava sa,, Sa"#rn a" "he Dvadasa sa and "he S#n a" a "rine "o "he decana"e, i" $ill "a5e place. The ascendan" a" dea"h a- also .e "he si!p occ#pied .- "he lord of "he si!n represen"ed .- "he s# of "he lon!i"#des of "he "hree viC. "he ascendan", "he <oon and <andi.W '0i( Dea"h a- over"a5e a person $hen "he <oon in "ransi" passes "hro#!h "he follo$in! si!ns /'+( The si!n occ#pied .- "he lord of "he ,,nd decana"e fro "ha" of "he na"al <oon, or i"s "rine/ ',( "he si!n of "he la!na 'G( "he I"h ho#se 'F( "he +, ho#se fro la!na '5( "he si!n occ#pied .- "he s#n a" .ir"h/ 'J( "he as"eris occ#pied .- "he lord of "he I"h ho#se. '0ii( The solar on"h of dea"h $o#ld .e iden"ical $i"h "he si!n occ#pied .- "he lord of "he I"h ho#se.

'0iii( For a ni!h" .ir"h dea"h is li5el- $hen Sa"#rn "ransi" "he "rine of na"al andi and for a da- .ir"h i" is in "he K"h fro andi. '0iv( A!ain for a ni!h" .ir"h "he even" a- occ#r $hen Sa"#rn "ransi" "he si!n and A sa of na"al oon or <andi/ and for a da- .ir"h, $hen he "ransi" "he si!n and A sa occ#pied .- "he S#n or "he 5"h, K"h or )"h fro "ha"% '0v( Co#n" ho$ an- ho#ses is fro "he lord of I "o andi, add i" "o andiXs posi"ionX Bhen Sa"#rn "ransi" "ha" si!n, dea"h a- happen. '0vi( Bhen 9#pi"er passes "hro#!h "he si!n indica"ed .- "he s# of "he lon!i"#des of Rah# and 9#pi"er, or "hro#!h i"s "rine i" a- .e e0pec"ed. '0vii( No"e "he si!n occ#pied .- %en#s a" .ir"h. Bhen "he S#n arrives in "ransi" a" "he J"h, K"h or +,"h place "herefro , i" a- occ#r. In concl#sion $e a- sa- "ha" "he "ransi" of Sa"#rn, 9#pi"er, "he S#n and "he <oon "hro#!h "he ho#ses occ#pied .- '+( "he lords of "he D#s"hanas, ',( "he lord of "he ,,nd decana"e, and 'G( <andi, or "heir A sas or "heir "rines, a- help #s in fi0in! "he "i e of dea"h. *ome persons die without much suffering, while others otherwise. No"e "he Nava sa si!n of <andi in D). If "here is a s"ron! .enefic #nafflic"ed in "he K"h ho#se fro "ha" si!n in D+ ' andi nava sa disposi"or $ill .e$ell aspec"ed(, dea"h $ill .e happ-. Si ilarl- if "he I"h ho#se is occ#pied .- a s"ron! .enefic, "he sa e effec" $ill follo$. Be can find o#" "he period of unconsciousness before death from "he Nava sas of "he >a!na "ha" are -e" "o rise. This can .e calc#la"ed $i"h "he aid of "he r#les alreade0plained in Chap"er III. If "he risin! si!n .e aspec"ed .- i"s lord, "he period is "o .e do#.led. If i" is aspec"ed .- a sin!le .enefic, i" is "o .e "re.led, and if .- "$o .enefics, i" $o#ld .e si0 "i es "he ori!inal period and so on. The e"hod of disposal of the dead body is inferred fro "he na"#re of "he ,,nd decana"e. If i" is ;r#ra ' alefic(, "he .od- $ill .e cre a"ed/ if 9alacara 'A4#a"ic(, i" $ill .e consi!ned "o "he $a"ers/ if Sa# -a '2enefic(, i" $ill .e .#ried/ and if <isra '<i0ed(, i" $ill .e dried #p .ein! e0posed "o "he S#n and $ind.+ 'For reference see p. ,GF( 3o$ever, "he a.ove res#l"s a- .e read also fro "he na"#re of "he plane" occ#p-in! or o$nin! "he ,,nd decana"e. If "he sa e decana"e .e Serpen" 'Sarpa(, "he dead .od$o#ld .e ea"en .- v#l"#res, do!s e"c. &he disposal of the dead body is also 5no$n fro "he na"#re of "his ;hara dre55ana. If i" is Fier-, Ba"er- or <i0ed, "he .od- is .#rn" "o ashes/ consi!ned "o $a"ers, or e0posed "o "he s#n and $ind as "he case a- .e. If i" is Serpen", i" is ea"en a$a- .- .eas"s and .irds of pre-. If "here are alefics in "he I"h ho#se, "he dead .od- $ill .e cre a"ed. *imilarly the previous birth can .e predic"ed fro "he lord of "he decana"e occ#pied .- "he s"ron!er of "he "$o l# inaries. If i" .e 9#pi"er, "he so#l #s" have co e fro devalo5a/ if i" is "he <oon or %en#s, fro pi"rilo5a/ if i" is "he S#n or <ars fro .h# andala/ if Sa"#rn or <erc#r- fro pa"ala. The ran5Oconscio#sness of "he so#l in i"s previo#s .ir"h $as hi!h, odera"e or lo$ accordin! as "he s"ren!h" of "he decana"e lord en"ioned here 'e0al"a"ion, .elo$ or in depression(. &he refuge of the departed soul is indicated by the lord of the decanate of "he J"h ho#se 'sa e in D+ or DGQ +J"h decana"e fro "he risin! one( or of "he ,,nd 'I"h ho#se in D+ or DG(or .- "he plane" occ#p-in! "he K"h ho#se. Whichever planet is strongest among these to the world thereof does the departed soul repair. 'The lords of "he ;hara dre55ana and of "he I"h ho#se in DG pla- an i por"an" role in "he despa"ch of "he na"ive( 2e(t World If 9#pi"er occ#pies 'or o$ns( "he ascendan" a" dea"h, "he depar"ed so#l !oes "o 3eaven/ if "he S#n or <ars, "o "he $orld of or"als/ if "he <oon or %en#s, "o "ha" of "he Manes; and if <erc#r- or Sa"#rn, "o "he infernal re!ionsO pa"ala. The +, Si!ns of "he Codiac are allo""ed for "his p#rpose "o "he "hree $orlds viC. 2h#lo5a, 2h#varlo5a and Svarlo5a, a" "he ra"e of F si!ns for each. One !oes "o hellO pa"ala , if "he lord of "he +,"h ho#se is aspec"ed .- alefics and is in a alefic Sas"-a sa 'J0"h par" of si!n(/ or if Rah# occ#pies "he +,"h alon! $i"h <andi and "he lord of I and is aspec"ed .- "he lord of "he J"h ho#se. If an e0al"ed .enefic plane" occ#pies .enefic %ar!as in "he +,"h ho#se and is aspec"ed .- .o"h .enefics and alefics, "he depar"ed so#l $ill en:o- celes"ial happiness. If 9#pi"er o$nin! "he +0"h ho#se occ#pies "he +,"h and is aspec"ed .- .enefics, he $ill a""ain i or"ali"-. If 9#pi"er possessed of s"ren!"h .e in "he Sa!i""ari#s Nava s. of Cancer ascendan", and if "hree or fo#r plane"s .e in ;endra "he so#l $ill a""ain 2rah an 'A.sol#"e(. The res#l" $ill .e sa e if 9#pi"er occ#pies Aries Nava sa in Sa!i""ari#s ascendan", %en#s in "he K"h ho#se, and "he s"ron! <oon in %ir!o. Si ilarl- you can deduce the world from which a person comes fro "he o$ner of "he decana"e occ#pied .- "he s"ron! of "he "$o viC. "he S#n and "he <oon, in "he na"al char". T9 s"a"#s "oo in "he previo#s life can .e de"er ined "hro#!h s"ren!"h of "he plane" concerned. +. For decana"es see Chap"er I%, pa!e F0 and Chap"er R%III. "he- are s#.divided in"o fo#r !ro#ps. ;rOra 7 <alefic 9alacara 7 A4#a"ic Sa# -a 7 2enefic <isra 7 <i0ed >eo 7 I Aries 7 I A4#ari#s 7 I Scorpio 7 I Capricorn 7 I Pisces7III Scorpio 7 III >eo 7 III >i.ra 7 III Cancer 7 II Scorpio 7 II Cancer 7 I Pisces 7 + Do7II %ir!o 7 II Ta#r#s 7 III =e ini 7 +++ G Aries 7 II Sa!i""ari#s 7 II Ta#r#s 7 II A4#ari#s 7 II Capricorn 7 Y >i.ra 7 I %ir!o7I =e ini 7 I Sa!i""ari#s 7III %ir!o 7 III A4#ari#s 7 III Capricorn 1" G Aries73I G Cancer 7++ G Ta#r#s7Z + Sa!i""ari#s/ + =e ini 7 + , >i.ra 7 I; , >eo7++ W ,

I have "o "ell -o# no$ a.o#" "he na"#re and 4#ali"- of "he GJ decana"es in "he Codiacal circle. The follo$in! are called A-#dhadre55ana 'Beapon( and are alefic 67The las" deca&na"es of <esa, <i"h#na, Si ha, T#la and Dhan#s, "he firs" of <esa and Dhan#s, "he iddle ones of <i"h#na and ;1an-a. The iddle one of Scorpio is "er ed Pasa 'Noose( $hich is also alefic. The firs" of Capricorn is Ni!afa 'Fe""ers(. This "oo is .ad. =rdhras-a '%#l"#re1faced( $hich is alefic is con&s"i"#"ed .- "he follo$in! 67The firs" of >eo and A4#ari#s, and "he iddle of >i.ra. The las" decana"e of Ta#r#s is called %iha!a or 2ird. The firs" of Cancer is ;olas-a or 3o!1faced. The [\7Serpen", decana"es are "he8firs" of Scorpio, "he las" of Cancer and Pisces. Ca"#spad or H#adr#ped decana"es are "he iddle ones of <esa and %rsa.ha, "he firs" of >eo and "he las" of Scorpio. Persons .orn in ca"#spada $ill .e poor, vile and cr#el. There is ano"her $a- of loo5in! a" "he decana"es6 In a ova.le Si!n "he "hree decana"es are in order !ood, odera"e and .ad/ in a fi0ed Si!n "he- are .ad, !ood and odera"e/ and in a d#al one "he- are .ad, odera"e and !ood.+ No$ see if "he lord of "he risin! decana"e is in his o$n %ar!a i.e. o$n Rasi, Nava sa e"c., con:oined $i"h .enefics, posi"ed in his e0al"a"ion

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