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Middle School Level The Functions of Art Estimated Length: Approximately 20 days

7th Grade Art:

Unit Description:

The main question that many young artist's tend to as is !"hy are #e doing this$% Essentially they are as ing& #hat is the 'unction o' art$ There are many reasons #hy people ma e art( 'or personal reasons to express personal emotions& issues)pro*lems& or thoughts)ideas( 'or cultural reasons to express religious& or cultural ideals and concepts& or possi*ly honor leaders or heroes( and 'or 'unctional reasons to utili+e the piece 'or a speci'ic 'unction ,such as a cup& plate& or *o#l-. Throughout this unit students #ill *e introduced to the #hys and ho#s o' ma ing art through discovering and exploring the three main 'unctions.

Unit Goals/Objectives:

/. Students #ill no# and *e a*le to recite the three main artistic 'unctions& as #ell as list speci'ic #or s& artists& or o*0ects under each category. 2. Students #ill develop a #or ing artistic voca*ulary& *eing a*le to utili+e the terms in conversation& and *egin to ver*ali+e their thoughts on their o#n& and other's #or . 1. Students #ill create their o#n #or s o' art *ased on the separate 'unctions& and *e a*le to discuss #hat 'unction o' art has *een used& #hat they did& #hy& and ho# they arrived at their 'inished pieces. 2. Students #ill dissect and analy+e a variety o' historical examples *ased on the 'unctions o' art& *eing a*le to explain #hich 'unction the #or serves& and #hy.

Cultural Art-A*original Art#or s& painting animals #) a*original style ,34daysPersonal Art-A*stracted 5ersonal 5rintma ing& 'oam plate printing ,346/0 daysPractical Art- S etch*oo s)7ournals& made 'rom personal prints ,3864 days-

9eneral 4th grade ru*ric 'or each pro0ect. Sel' assessments on each pro0ect. :nit ;ui+ <aily =lass 5articipation)>ome#or ,?ell "or Total of 8 prints, 2 to be used for the cover and back of their sketchbooks Imagery must be personal images created through the use of line, and negative space to demonstrate personal mood, emotion, or personality. SEE ?A=@ AB :CDT BAE ASSESSMECT E:?ED=S

Curriculum Standard 1: Apply appropriate media, techniques, and processes. select media and analyze ho it effectively communicates and e!presses ideas" use the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes to enhance communication of their e!periences and ideas" e!press and communicate ideas symbolically and realistically" use increasingly comple! art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner. Curriculum Standard 2: Identify and apply the elements of visual art and principles of design. recognize and reflect on the effects of arranging visual characteristics in orks of art" select and use the elements of art and principles of design to improve communication and e!pression of ideas" describe and analyze visual characteristics of orks of art using visual arts terminology. Curriculum Standard 3: #elect and apply a range of sub$ect matter, symbols and ideas. use sub$ects, themes, and symbols that communicate and e!press intended meaning in their art ork" consider and compare the sources for sub$ect matter, symbols, and ideas in their o n and others% ork. Curriculum Standard 4: Analyze the visual arts in relation to history and culture. compare the characteristics of orks of art representing various cultures, historical periods, and artists" describe and place a variety of art ob$ects by style and artist, and by historical and cultural conte!ts" describe ho a given ork of art can be interpreted differently in various cultures and time" analyze, describe, and demonstrate ho factors of time and place influence visual characteristics that give meaning and value to a ork of art" identify artists ho have used &e 'ampshire and &e (ngland as their sub$ect and kno here such orks may be vie ed" create a ork of art that reflects historical and)or cultural conte!t" Curriculum Standard 5: Analyze, interpret and evaluate their o n and others% art ork. compare multiple purposes for creating orks of art" analyze the meanings of contemporary and historic art orks" evaluate the quality and effectiveness of their o n and others% ork by using specific criteria" compare a variety of individual responses to their o n art orks" describe their o n responses to, and interpretation of, specific orks of art" describe their o n artistic gro th over time in relation to specific criteria. Curriculum Standard 6: #tudents ill make connections among the visual arts, other disciplines, and daily life. compare characteristics of orks of art and other art forms that share similar sub$ect matter, themes and purposes" create art ork that reflects the connections among visual arts and other disciplines" apply the principles of design in solving a visual arts problem.

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