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Name: _______________________ Please mark the answer that best represents your feelings on the quality of your project.

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

1. I completed the project on time, and efficiently. . I p!t a lot of effort into re"earchin# my c!lt!ral ma"$, and %a" a&le to find a lot of ne% information. '. I #a(e a %ell or#ani)ed and prepared pre"entation of my c!lt!re, %hich incl!de ' ima#e" of ma"$". *. I paid clo"e attention to craft"man"hip, and detail+ "lippin# and "corin#, "tron# connection" of addition". ,. I too$ ri"$" and e-plored %ith thi" project, and p!"hed my"elf o!t"ide of my comfort )one. .. /y idea" %ere ori#inal and !ni0!e to my "tyle of %or$+ I incorporated my per"onal "tyle, a" %ell a" the c!lt!re1" "tyle. 2. I am pro!d of my %or$. 3. I cleaned !p my "pace on a day to day &a"i", and too$ appropriate care of my material". 4. I %or$ed %ell %ith other" and participated daily. 15. 6hen faced %ith challen#e" I "o!#ht help, and per"e(ered thro!#h the pro&lem. Please answer the following questions in complete sentences: Name ' ceramic tool", and define their !"e in %or$in# %ith clay. 6hat %a" one challen#e yo! faced, and ho% did yo! o(ercome it7 Name one thin# yo! learned thro!#ho!t thi" le""on7 Grade: _______

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