John Berger, Degas Bronze Dancer

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a Degas

bronze ofa dancer

You say the leg supports thc bodY But have You never seen The sced in the ankle

Whence the bodY grows? You say (if you are the builder of bridges I think you are) cach Pose Must have its natural cquilibrium Rut have You never seen Recalcitrant muscles of dancers t lol<1 their unnatural ou'n? You say (if as rational As I hope you are) the biped's evolution Was accomPlished long ago But have You never seen The still miraculous sign A little in from the hiP Predicting nine inches bclow Bodies fork in two?

Then let us look together

flVe who both know Light's the go-between Of space and time) Let us look at this figurc

To verifr I my goddess And you thc stress.



'I'hink in tcrms of bridges.

Sec, the road ofleg and back I Iingcing at hip and shouldcr I Iolds lirm from palm to hcel

The moment of Cubism

Singlc leg



Thigh abovc thc kncc

Cantilcvering mcmbcr.

'I'hink in tcrms of bridges

Over what men once called Lethc. See, the ordinarv body wc cross through Vulncrablc, inhabitcd, warm Stands the strain too. I)ead Load, Livc Load And Longitudinal Drag.
So lct the bridge this danccr archcs for us

teashop ofl'the Gray's

This essay is delicatetl to Barbara Nit'en nrho prompted Inn Road a long time ugo.
Certains homme s sont dcs collines (]ui s'dldrent entre lcs hommes L,t voie nt au loin tout l'avenir \lieur quc s'il itait prc<sent Plus net que s'il itait passi.

it in un,lRC


Stand thc strain of all old prcjudicc

So let's verilv again, You my goddcss

And I the stress.


'l'he things that Picasso and I said to one another during those I cars u ill no er bc said again, and cve n il'thev were, no onc rrould understand thcm ant morc. It was likc hcing ropcJ togcther trn a mounllin. Georges llraque

'l'hcrc are happl moments, but no happv pcriods in history.

'I'hc uork of art is thercfirrc
onlr,a halt in thc bccoming and not aim on its ou,n.

Arnold I Iauscr

Irl Lissitzkr

I Iind it hard to belicve that the most extreme Cubist \\'orks \\'erc painted over fifry'years ago. It is truc that I rvould not expcct thcm to
have been paintcd todal'. Thev arc both too optimistic and too rcvolutionary for that. Perhaps in a wav I am surpriscd that thel'havc been painted at all. It nould seem morc likely that thcy wcrc yet ro bc
painted. Do I makc things unnecessarilv complicated? Would it not bc morc helpful to sav simplv: thc I-eu' great Cubist works wcrc painted r58 r59

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