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Annotation Evaluation: While the Annotation follows all of the criteria, I would not grade it Exemplary because it has

not been submitted earlier that Saturday. This is due to confusion of dates and Calendar link issues. Still unclear where we are in this class because calendar link is not working and dates posted (even in your response) are not in line with anything that makes sense. Im following the crowd on this one. I would give myself a Superior rating otherwise, with a 94%, Because all components are met. Since a key component of online learning begins day one with the discussion board, I chose an article that focused on those benefits of using discussion as a key component in online learning and how they enhance the learning experience. Bradshaw, J., & Hinton, L. (2004, July 4). Benefits of An Online Discussion List in A Traditional Distance Education Course. Retrieved June 10, 2013, from Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education: Creating online discussions in both E-Learning and traditional courses can significantly increase the amount of interaction between students-instructor and studentsstudents. Communication is essential in learning. Using online discussion forums increases the amount of information students read, allows them to use prior knowledge, provides an environment that encourages interaction, and allows for reflection. According to the article, there is a significant amount of research that promotes student learning because online

discussion requires students to be engaged, allows them to build background knowledge, and apply critical thinking skills. This type of collaborative learning can be satisfying for students and encourages a greater persistence of learning. The article continues; Interaction is a fundamental process in on-line discussion and in collaborative learning. It is also an essential element in the constructivist model of learning. Northover (2002) outlines a number of factors essential to the success of interaction in an on-line discussion. These include:

value to the student in terms of meeting their learning outcomes a discussion that is challenging and of interest the student feeling safe when contributing feedback from the lecturer that the contributions are worthwhile encouragement from the lecturer the learning from the discussion board is realistic and meaningful to the student. (Bradshaw & Hinton, p.3 )

This article was helpful in that it outlined the benefits of collaborative learning and provided clear factors necessary for online discussions. In addition, the article provided guidelines for evaluating student participation. Emphasizing Vygotskys principle that a social environment impact student learning, the article provided solutions and encouragement to educators who plan on using online discussion as a means of promoting learning and interaction among students, the instructor, and course material. This article was written for instructors at the high school or post-secondary level. The reading is clear and easy to

understand, but the information does contain references that only experienced educators or students who are currently enrolled in an educator preparatory program would be familiar with I found this article to be useful and engaging. Using discussion forums encourages students to interact with others and course content more regularly. This article reinforced my beliefs about the benefits of online discussion forums and also provided me with a few parameters that will make this experience more meaningful for my students. Patti Morlock EDUC764 1/24/14

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