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CASE-7 Kaveri Amma is a 40 yr old woman who has 2 daughters - 1 is married and the other is doing her 10th

standard. She works in a cooperative where 3 other women support her. She makes ropes in the cooperative and earns !s."00# month. She was looking $or alternative ways o$ making a little more money. She knew how to make a special kind o$ pickle. She %ought the re&uired stu$$ - tomatoes 'kg at a total cost o$ !s.30( 1. l o$ oil at !s.)0( 40( 200 gm %ottles at !s.20( miscellaneous ingredients *ginger( garlic etc.+ at !s. ,. She had an earning o$ !s.203 $rom this venture. She used to sell these %ottles at !s. 10#%ottle when market price $or such pickle was !s.1". Since she was handpicking her tomatoes her &uality was also maintained. A $riend told her that i$ she did this e-ercise .ust 4 times a month then she would %e a%le to earn more than what she is presently earning with her rope trade. A young graduate Sheela heard a%out Kaveri Ammas %usiness and o$$ered her a loan o$ !s.1 000 to set up pickle making unit plus a !s. 000 grant. Should Kaveri accept this o$$er//

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