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Life and the Movies

Joey Potter looked at her friend Dawson Leery and she smiled sadly. "Life isn t like a mo!ie" Dawson"" she said. "#e $an t write ha%%y endin&s to all o'r relationshi%s." Joey was a %retty &irl with lon& (rown hair. )oth Joey and Dawson were nearly si*teen years old. The two teena&ers had %ro(lems. All teena&ers had the same %ro(lems + life" lo!e" s$hool work" and %arents. ,t isn t easy to (e$ome an ad'lt. Dawson lo!ed mo!ies. He had always lo!ed mo!ies. He took film $lasses in s$hool. He made short mo!ies himself. Dawson wanted to (e a film dire$tor. His fa!orite dire$tor was -te!en -%iel(er&. Dawson s%ent a lot of his free time filmin& with his !ideo $amera. He lo!ed wat$hin& !ideos of &reat mo!ies from the %ast. .ost e!enin&s" he wat$hed mo!ies with Joey. And 'ntil re$ently" that had (een fine. )'t now their friendshi% had (e$ome diffi$'lt. "These days" Dawson always wants 's to (eha!e like %eo%le in mo!ies"" Joey tho'&ht. And life in the little seaside town of Ca%eside wasn t like the mo!ies. Joey looked at the handsome" (lond (oy who was sittin& ne*t to her. -he tho'&ht a(o't the years of their lon& friendshi%. They had known ea$h other all their li!es. They were (est friends .Joey had always lo!ed Dawson as a friend. )'t d'rin& the s'mmer" Joey s feelin&s had $han&ed. -'ddenly" she d wanted a serio's relationshi% with Dawson. -he d wanted him to lo!e her as a woman" not as a sister. Dawson hadn t wanted that. He hadn t wanted to (e her (oyfriend. He d wanted them to &o on (ein& (est friends in the old way. Dawson hadn t wanted a serio's

relationshi% with Joey. And Joey had (e$ome !ery 'nha%%y. Then a new &irl had arri!ed in the little town. Her name was Jen Lindley. -he was a (ea'tif'l (lond from New /ork City. -he had $ome to li!e with her &rand%arents in Ca%eside. And Dawson Leery had fallen in lo!e with her. 0or a few weeks" Jen had (een Dawson s &irlfriend. Then she had ended that relationshi%. -he had not wanted a serio's (oyfriend. Now" Dawson and Jen tried to (e friends. )'t it was a diffi$'lt time for (oth of them. -oon after Dawson s relationshi% with Jen ended" his feelin&s a(o't Joey had $han&ed. At last" he had fallen in lo!e with her. And for a time" she had (een his &irlfriend. -he had &otten what she had wanted for so lon&. )'t when she had Dawson s lo!e" she no lon&er wanted it. Dawson was the only (oy who she had e!er known well. And now she wanted to meet new %eo%le. -he no lon&er wanted to (e $lose to only one %erson. )'t now Dawson was in lo!e with her" and he didn t want her to know other (oys. Dawson and his friend Pa$ey #itter were still Joey s (est friends. And she had started to like Jen too. The fo'r teena&ers s%ent a lot of time to&ether. )'t life wasn t easy for any of them. That e!enin&" Joey had s%ent two ho'rs with Dawson. Dawson had asked her to (e his &irlfriend a&ain. He asked her this almost e!ery day. They had 1'arrelled a(o't it. Then they had wat$hed a mo!ie to&ether. Now it was time for Joey to &o home. "Dawson" %lease try to lea!e me in %ea$e"" Joey said as she walked to the door. ", want 's to (e friends. )'t , don t want to (e yo'r &irlfriend. , want to meet other &'ys. .ay(e one of them will (e my (oyfriend. /o' ha!e to 'nderstand that. This is my e*it from the s$ene. 2oodni&ht." #hen she had &one" Dawson tho'&ht a(o't Jen and Joey. He had lo!ed (oth of them. )'t (oth &irls had ended their relationshi%s with him. #hat was wron& with him3 #hy $o'ldn t life (e like the mo!ies3 The ne*t day was .onday. ,n the e!enin&" Dawson" Joey" Jen" and

Pa$ey met in The ,$e Ho'se $afe. The Potter family owned the $afe. Joey s older sister" )essie" and )essie s (oyfriend" )odie" worked there too. Joey worked at the $afe in the e!enin&s" after s$hool" and on weekends. This e!enin&" Joey (ro'&ht $offee for her three friends and she sat down with them for a few min'tes. Jen showed her friends a $ard with (ea'tif'l sil!er writ in& on it. ,t was an in!itation to a %arty. "The %arty is for my $o'sin Co'rtney s si*teenth (irthday"" Jen said. ",t s Co'rtney 2'iliani s sweet si*teen %arty. E!eryone has to wear formal $lothes + e!enin& s'its and lon& dresses. No $as'al $lothes are allowed. , d like to &o to this %arty. ,t s &oin& to take %la$e in New /ork City" at the Pla4a Hotel" on -at'rday." "Do yo' like yo'r $o'sin3" Joey asked her. ", !e ne!er heard yo' talk a(o't her." "No" , don t like her"" Jen said. ", dislike her mother too. Co'rtney is so &ood. -he ne!er does anythin& wron&. -he (eha!es %erfe$tly. , $all her Co'rtney + the + Perfe$t. E!eryone wants me to (e as &ood as she is. Her mother" my A'nt 2ra$e" always tells me how terri(le , am. -he says" Jennifer" yo' re r'de and yo' re wild. #hy $an t yo' (eha!e like my Co'rtney3 ,t makes me so an&ry." "Then why do yo' want to &o to Co'rtney s %arty3" Dawson asked. "#ell" it mi&ht (e f'n"" Jen re%lied. "-tran&e thin&s ha%%en at %arties5 And , d like to (e in New /ork a&ain. , miss the $ity5 Ca%eside is a fine %la$e" ('t it s so 1'iet. , miss New /ork. , miss the ('sy streets and the (i& stores. , ll %hone my %arents toni&ht. They ll know a(o't the %arty. , ll say" ", m $omin& home for the weekend. ,t will (e &reat5" Jen and Joey were in se!eral $lasses to&ether at s$hool. The ne*t day" Jen talked to Joey after a &ym $lass.

", talked to my %arents"" she told Joey. "They re &oin& to (e away from home this weekend. They re &oin& on a ('siness tri%. )'t my dad said" /o' sho'ld &o to yo'r $o'sin s %arty" Jen. /o' $o'ld (rin& one of yo'r friends from Ca%eside. -he $o'ld stay in the a%artment with yo' for the weekend. Then yo' wo'ldn t (e lonely. #ill yo' $ome with me" Joey3" At first" Joey didn t know what to say. -he had ne!er (een to New /ork City. -he wanted to see it. )'t Joey was !ery %oor. Her mother was dead and her father was in 6ail. -he and )essie worked !ery hard at The ,$e Ho'se. )'t they didn t ha!e m'$h money. Jen didn t 'nderstand a(o't this %ro(lem. Her %arents were !ery ri$h. -he ne!er had to worry a(o't money. Joey tho'&ht a(o't all this. "Jen" , $an t $ome with yo'"" she said at last. "Thank yo' for askin& me. /o' re !ery kind. )'t , don t ha!e any money and , don t ha!e any %arty $lothes." "Don t worry a(o't those thin&s"" Jen said. ", ll loan yo' some $lothes. , ha!e too many5 And , ll %ay for o'r train ti$kets to New /ork. , ll (e ha%%y to do that. , don t want to (e alone in the a%artment. #e ll ha!e f'n in New /ork. Ca%eside is like a !ery slow $ar. #e need to &o faster" Joey. #e need to ha!e f'n and e*$itement. #e need to mo!e '% thro'&h the &ears. #e need to shift into o!erdri!e5" -he sto%%ed for a moment. "#ell" we $ertainly (oth need to &et away from Ca%eside for a few days"" she said. -he didn t say anythin& more" ('t she didn t ha!e to say anythin& more. "/es. #e (oth need to &et away from Dawson for a few days"" Joey re%lied. "Thin&s aren t easy (etween yo' and him + , know that" Jen. And , want to (e friends with Dawson a&ain. )'t he won t let me (e 6'st his friend. , ha!e to (e his &irlfriend or not his friend at all." "/o' $an ne!er (e 6'st friends a&ain" on$e yo' !e (een someone s &irlfriend"" Jen said. "/o' $an t do it in real life. ,t isn t %ossi(le. Life isn t like the mo!ies." Joey la'&hed.

"O7" , ll $ome to New /ork with yo'" if )essie will let me"" she said. "Thank yo'" Jen."


The Video Store

After s$hool" Dawson and Pa$ey had 6o(s at -$reen%lay 8ideo" a !ideo rental store. On #ednesday e!enin&" they were (oth workin& there" %'ttin& !ideo ta%es on shel!es. Dawson lo!ed to work in the store" amon& all the mo!ies. And e!ery e!enin& he $o'ld (orrow !ideos from the store to %lay at home. ,t was fi!e o $lo$k and there were no $'stomers in the store. As they worked" the two friends were talkin& a(o't their 'nha%%y li!es. Pa$ey s %ro(lem was his family. They didn t 'nderstand him. Pa$ey s father was the Chief of Poli$e in Ca%eside. Pa$ey s older (rother" Do'&" was a %oli$e offi$er too. They were to'&h and diffi$'lt %eo%le. They didn t like Pa$ey. They didn t 'nderstand him5 Pa$ey didn t work hard at s$hool. He only worked hard at thin&s that interested him. Nothin& at s$hool interested him. His father always told him" "/o' re a fail're" Pa$ey. /o' don t work hard. /o' always say the wron& thin&s and yo' always do the wron& thin&s. /o' re a la4y fool. , don t 'nderstand yo'. /o' re not a &ood son to me." Pa$ey wanted to lea!e s$hool and &et a &ood 6o(. He wanted to lea!e his family and li!e on his own. Dawson s %ro(lem was Joey. "Pa$ey" , don t want to lose her"" he told his friend. "-he lo!es me + , m s're of that. -he isn t honest with herself. -he says" , want to meet other (oys. How will , know if yo' re the ri&ht (oy for me if , don t meet other (oys3 Pa$ey" , m worried a(o't this %arty that she and Jen are &oin& to in New /ork. .ay(e she ll meet someone there. .ay(e she ll meet a tall" ri$h" handsome (oy. .ay(e she ll fall in lo!e with him. , feel si$k if , think a(o't that" Pa$ey. , don t know what to do."

At that moment" someone $ame into the store. ,t was a &irl from Ca%eside Hi&h -$hool. Pa$ey and Dawson knew the teena&er. They (oth disliked her" and she disliked them. -he was always r'de to them. Her name was A((y .or&an. ", !e $ome to ret'rn this !ideo"" A((y said. ",f yo' &'ys ha!e time to think a(o't work" yo' $an hel% me. )'t may(e yo' re too ('sy talkin&." A((y &a!e the !ideo to Pa$ey" then she went to look for another mo!ie to rent. -he disa%%eared (ehind some tall shel!es" and Pa$ey and Dawson soon for&ot a(o't her. "#e (oth need to &et away from this town for a few days"" Pa$ey said. ".ay(e we $o'ld &o to New /ork for the weekend too. Then we $o'ld meet Joey and Jen. #e $o'ld !isit famo's %la$es with them. And they d ha!e to in!ite 's to Co'rtney s %arty. /o' $o'ld dan$e with Joey. Then she wo'ldn t meet any tall" ri$h" handsome men." ", $an t follow Joey to New /ork"" Dawson said. "-he d (e so an&ry with me. -he wants me to lea!e her in %ea$e." Then he tho'&ht for a moment. "How wo'ld we &et there" Pa$ey3" he asked. "#e don t ha!e eno'&h money." "#ell" , !e (een thinkin& a(o't that"" Pa$ey re%lied. ".y (rother and my dad will (e away from home this weekend. They re &oin& to Hartford" Conne$ti$'t. They re &oin& to a %oli$e $on!ention + a kind of meetin& for %oli$e offi$ers. The $on!ention is a(o't teena&e $rime. , $o'ld 'se my dad s tr'$k for the weekend. #e $o'ld dri!e to New /ork on 0riday e!enin& and $ome (a$k on -'nday." Pa$ey was a little older than Dawson. He was si*teen. He (ad a dri!er s li$ense. He was allowed to dri!e a $ar now. "#ill yo'r dad let yo' (orrow the tr'$k3" Dawson asked. He was s'r%rised. ", won t ask him"" Pa$ey said. ",f , &et (a$k home (efore him on -'nday" he won t know a(o't it."

",s this really a &ood idea Pa$ey3" Dawson said. He was worried. ",t s a &reat ideal" Pa$ey answered. The (oys had for&otten a(o't A((y .or&an. -he was still standin& (ehind the tall shel!es. -he was listenin& to them $aref'lly. -he heard e!ery word of their %lan. And she was smilin& when she 1'ietly left the store


New York
Joey and Jen arri!ed at the Lindleys New /ork a%artment on 0riday e!enin&. The a%artment was !ery lar&e and !ery (ea'tif'l. ,t was at the to% of a !ery hi&h ('ildin&" in the $enter of .anhattan. 0rom the windows" there was a wonderf'l !iew of the $ity. Jen %i$ked '% the %hone and $alled a Chinese resta'+ rant. -he ordered some food. "The resta'rant will deli!er the meal here"" she told Joey. "#e ll &o o't to a $l'( after we !e eaten. ,t will (e f'n." "That will (e wonderf'l5" Joey said. -he was ha%%y and e*$ited. -he wanted to know a(o't life in this &reat $ity. Toni&ht" she was &oin& to start learnin& a(o't it. After fifteen min'tes" a deli!ery %erson (ro'&ht the Chinese meal to the a%artment. ,t was the (est food that Joey had e!er tasted. Then the two &irls went into Jen s (edroom and looked at her $lothes. The $loset where Jen ke%t her $lothes was h'&e. ,t was (i&&er than Joey s (edroom in her home5

The &irls 1'i$kly fo'nd some $lothes whi$h they liked. Joey %'t on a red dress. -he also %'t on some of Jen s make'%. Joey didn t 'se make'% in Ca%eside" ('t Jen told her to wear some for the e!enin&. "/o' look wonderf'l5" Jen said" when she saw her friend s fa$e. Jen %'t on a short (la$k dress and some lon& (oots. Then she led Joey to a (i& mirror. "Don t we look &ood3" Jen asked. "Now we ll &o to a $l'( that , know. ,t s $alled The Cellar. All my friends &o there." Jen %honed for a ta*i. Joey %'t on a (la$k leather 6a$ket. Then the two &irls walked to one of the ele!ators and went down to the street. "Oh" )illy will (e at the $l'("" Jen told Joey" as the &irls left the a%artment. "/o' m'st remem(er )illy5" -he tried to la'&h. -he didn t want her words to so'nd im%ortant. Joey did remem(er )illy. He was a handsome (oy. He had (een Jen s (oyfriend when she li!ed in New /ork. He had $ome to Ca%eside on$e. He d wanted to take Jen (a$k to the $ity. )'t at that time" Jen was in lo!e with Dawson. -he didn t want to &o to New /ork with )illy. )illy had (een an&ry" ('t he d 1'i$kly &one away. That had (een a !ery sad time for Joey. E!ery day" she d seen Dawson and Jen ha!in& f'n to&ether. Joey had

lo!ed Dawson herself then. -he d hated seein& him with another &irl. That had h'rt her !ery m'$h. -he remem(ered all this now.

"Do yo' want to see )illy3" Joey asked her friend. -he was s'r%rised.", want to see him" ('t , m ner!o's a(o't him too"" Jen said. ", don t want to (e his &irlfriend a&ain. )'t when , see him" , always ha!e a %ro(lem. .y (rain tells me one thin&" ('t my (ody tells me somethin& different." Half an ho'r later" the two &irls were in The Cellar. The $l'( was a lar&e" rather dark room. At one end of the room" a %retty &irl was standin& on a (ri&htly lit sta&e. -he was sin&in&. )ehind her" a (and was %layin&. Peo%le were dan$in&. E!eryone was drinkin& $offee or fr'it 6'i$e. The $l'( did not sell al$ohol. Jen introd'$ed Joey to some of her friends. One of them was a &irl named Amy. And there was a (oy named T'$ker. Then the &irls saw )illy" who was sittin& in a $omer. T'$ker talked to Joey while Jen went o!er to )illy. T'$ker was a friendly (oy" and Joey en6oyed talkin& to him. The ne*t time that she looked at Jen and )illy" they were kissin& ea$h other. Joey was ha%%y when she saw Jen and )illy kissin&. "#ell" may(e Jen really doesn t want Dawson any lon&er"" she told herself. And that made her ha%%y. Joey didn t want Dawson to (e her own (oyfriend a&ain. )'t she didn t want him to (e 9en s (oyfriend. #hen she tho'&ht a(o't this" she was an&ry with herself. "#hat s wron& with me3" she tho'&ht. "Dawson is my (est friend. )'t , don t want him to (e ha%%y with me. And ,

don t want him to (e ha%%y with any(ody else. #hy don t , want him to (e ha%%y3" Then somethin& ha%%ened to Joey. -he looked aro'nd her" and s'ddenly she saw the most handsome (oy in the world. He was tall and he had (la$k hair. He was on the other side of the room. And he was lookin& at her5 A few min'tes later" she was dan$in& with him. ".y name is Danny"" the (oy told her. He held her !ery $lose to him as they dan$ed. And for Joey" the world was s'ddenly a different %la$e. "This is why , need to (e away from Dawson"" she told herself. ", need to meet %eo%le like Danny. He s wonderf'l." -he smiled at the handsome yo'n& man. ".y name is Joey"" she said. "Joey3 )'t what s yo'r real name3" he asked her softly. And s'ddenly" Joey didn t want to (e Jose%hine Potter" the %oor &irl from Ca%eside. -he told some lies. ".y real name is Joelle"" she said. ",t s a 0ren$h name. .y mother is 0ren$h." "Joelle. That s a (ea'tif'l name"" Danny said. "/o'r $lothes are e*%ensi!e. /o'r family m'st (e !ery ri$h." Joey didn t answer him.

".y family is !ery ri$h too"" Danny said. "Oh" Joelle5" he went on. ", want to tell yo' somethin&. #hen yo' $ame into the $l'( with Jen" , tho'&ht" That &irl is so lo!ely. -he s the most (ea'tif'l &irl that , !e e!er seen5 , had to talk to yo'. , had to dan$e with yo'. Do yo' 'nderstand3" At that moment" a &irl $ame into the $l'( holdin& a h'&e (asket of (ea'tif'l roses. The &irl was sellin& the flowers for two dollars ea$h. Danny (o'&ht all the roses and &a!e them to Joey. "These are (ea'tif'l flowers for a (ea'tif'l yo'n& lady"" he said. -oon he was kissin& her. He kissed her a&ain and a&ain. An ho'r later" Joey and Jen met in the ladies room. "#ell" yo' met Danny"" Jen said. "Please (e $aref'l" Joey." "#hat do yo' mean3" Joey asked. ", don t 'nderstand." "#ell" Danny has a (ad re%'tation + %eo%le say (ad thin&s a(o't him"" Jen re%lied. "He isn t a !ery ni$e &'y." "Oh" Jen" yo' re wron&"" Joey said. "He s a wonderf'l &'y5 , !e in!ited him (a$k to yo'r a%artment this e!enin&. He s talked to )illy. )illy will $ome with 's too. Danny is

orderin& a (i& limo'sine to take 's to the a%artment. He said" ".y father will %ay for it. He always %ays for a limo for me. The $ar will (e here soon. Are yo' ready to lea!e3" "No5 Joey" don t (e a fool"" Jen said. "Danny will think" Joey wants to ha!e se* with me. He always thinks that5 And )illy will think" Jen s &oin& to ha!e se* with me. , know these %eo%le" Joey5" "#ell" may(e they think this"" Joey said. ")'t it doesn t ha!e to ha%%en. Let s take the &'ys to the a%artment. ,t will (e f'n5" )'t Jen was ri&ht. Joey knew that as she s%oke. "No" Joey5" Jen was almost an&ry now. "Listen to me"" she said. "Danny kee%s a list of names. ,t s a list of all the &irls who ha!e had se* with him. ,t s a !ery lon& list. He wants to add yo'r name to it." Joey was sho$ked and 'nha%%y. "0ind Danny 1'i$kly"" Jen told her. "Tell him" , m sorry. , made a mistake. #e $an t &o (a$k to Jen s a%artment. Then we m'st (oth &et away from here." Joey went (a$k into the $l'( and she fo'nd Danny. -he s%oke to him. At first he was an&ry" and so was )illy. ", m sorry" Danny"" Joey said. ", didn t think + " ".ay(e yo' think too m'$h5" Danny said.

"#ell" , m sorry"" Joey said. Now she was an&ry too. , ".ay(e , tho'&ht" Danny s a ni$e (oy. , d really like to know him. )'t , was wron&. , $an see that now. /o' re not interested in %eo%le. /o' re only interested in se*. Please &o away." -'ddenly Danny s fa$e $han&ed. He didn t look an&ry now. He looked like a little $hild who had done somethin& wron&. "Oh" Joelle" , m sorry"" he said. "0or&i!e me. , was wron& a(o't yo'. Please" let )illy and me %i$k yo' '% in the limo tomorrow e!enin&. )illy and , are &oin& to Co'rtney s %arty too. #e d like to take yo' with 's." )'t Joey didn t answer. At that moment" Jen 6oined her and the two &irls left the $l'( 1'i$kly. ", m sorry" Jen"" Joey said. ", don t 'nderstand the (i& $ity. , didn t want to make tro'(le for yo'." ",t s O7"" Jen re%lied. ", ll %hone )illy later. , ll tell him to kee% Danny away from yo'. , ll ask him not to %i$k 's '% from the a%artment tomorrow. Please don t worry a(o't it."


The Dancer in the Parking Lot

"Oh" we are ha!in& f'n" Pa$ey"" Dawson said to his friend. Dawson did not mean this. He meant the o%%osite of what he said. He was (ein& sar$asti$. Dawson and Pa$ey were sittin& in the tr'$k. They were lookin& at the li&hts in the tall ('ildin&s of .anhattan ,sland. They were a lon& way away" a$ross a dark ri!er. And the two friends had (een tra!elin& tor many ho'rs. Pa$ey was a &ood dri!er and the 6o'rney to New /ork had not (een diffi$'lt. )'t now the (oys had arri!ed in the $ity" and they didn t know what to do. ,t was !ery late. They didn t know where Jen li!ed. They had nowhere to stay. ",t s O7"" said Pa$ey. "Jen s %arents li!e somewhere in .anhattan + we know that. #e ll dri!e into .anhattan" and we ll find a %arkin& lot. #e ll slee% in the tr'$k. Then" in the mornin&" we ll find Jen s a%artment. #e ll find her address in a .anhattan %hone (ook." "#e ll dri!e into .anhattan"" Pa$ey had said. ,t was easy to say it" ('t it wasn t easy to do it. Neither of the (oys had (een to New /ork (efore. And

there were so many roads. There were roads that led to (rid&es o!er the ri!er. There were roads whi$h led to t'nnels 'nder the ri!er. 0or an ho'r" they were dri!in& aro'nd in lar&e $ir$les. 0inally" they $rossed a (rid&e and they were in .anhattan. )'t they were on a (i& hi&hway. They $o'ldn t sto% anywhere on this hi&hway" and !ery soon they were tra!elin& thro'&h a t'nnel. After that" they $rossed another (rid&e. And then they were no lon&er in .anhattan5 They didn t know where they were. At last they fo'nd a %arkin& lot. ,t was (eside a ('r&er resta'rant. ,t was fo'r o $lo$k in the mornin& and the resta'rant was $losed. A road si&n told them where they were. They were in a %la$e $alled -taten ,sland. ".ay(e , ll kill yo'"" Dawson told his friend. ")'t , $an t dri!e the tr'$k home. -o may(e , ll let yo' li!e till .onday5 Let s try to slee%." ,t was si* thirty when Dawson woke. The sky was (e&innin& to &et li&ht. Dawson tried to wake Pa$ey. "2o away"" Pa$ey said. ", don t want to &o to s$hool. Let me slee%5" Dawson &ot o't of the tr'$k. He was $old and h'n&ry. His (ody was stiff and tired. As he looked aro'nd" he saw li&hts in the resta'rant. -omeone was swit$hin& them on" one (y one. The resta'rant was o%enin& for the day.

Dawson went into the resta'rant and (o'&ht some food and some $offee. #hen he d finished his (reakfast" he went o'tside and walked (a$k towards the tr'$k. .any $ars were $omin& into the %arkin& lot now. One of them was an old (l'e 0ord. A (lond &irl was dri!in& the $ar. -he was the most (ea'tif'l &irl that Dawson had e!er seen. ,n the $ar with her was a little (oy with red hair. The &irl and the little (oy &ot o't of the old 0ord. The (oy 6'm%ed in the air. ", want a milk shake5 , want a (i& milk shake"" he sho'ted. ", want a milk shake" then , want some i$e $ream." "Please" sto% sho'tin&"" the &irl said. Dawson listened to her !oi$e. Her a$$ent was !ery different from the a$$ent of this northeast %art of the :.-. This &irl $ame from one of the so'thern states. Dawson had ne!er heard s'$h a (ea'tif'l !oi$e. "/o'r mom will (e an&ry if yo' ha!e a milk shake and i$e $ream for yo'r (reakfast" Tommy"" the &irl said. Dawson was interested in these words. "-he isn t the (oy s mother"" he said to himself. ".ay(e she s his nanny." Dawson had known an A'stralian &irl who was a nanny. -he had worked for a family in Ca%eside d'rin& the s'mmer. -he d taken $are of their new (a(ies.

The little (oy with red hair wasn t ha%%y. ",t s my (irthday"" he said an&rily. ", $an ha!e anythin& that , want today + yo' told me that5" Then he started sho'tin& a&ain. ".ilk shake5 .ilk shake5 .ilk shake5" he sho'ted. "O7" Tommy" O7" O7"" the (ea'tif'l (lond &irl said. ",f yo' sto% sho'tin&" yo' $an ha!e ten milk shakes5" "2reat5" the (oy said. As they walked towards the resta'rant" Dawson wat$hed them. The &irl mo!ed so &ently and so (ea'tif'lly. He &ot his !ideo $amera from the tr'$k and he started to film the two of them. The &irl saw him" and she sto%%ed. -he held the little (oy s hand and she led him towards Dawson. Dawson sto%%ed filmin&. "#hat were yo' doin&3" the &irl asked Dawson in a (ea'tif'l soft !oi$e. ", was filmin& yo'"" Dawson said. ", saw yo' &et o't of yo'r $ar. /o' re so (ea'tif'l" and yo' mo!e so (ea'tif'lly. , had to film yo'. Are yo' an&ry with me3" The &irl smiled. "No" , m not an&ry"" she said. "Thank yo' for sayin& ni$e thin&s a(o't me. Do yo' li!e in New /ork3"

"No" , li!e in Ca%eside" .assa$h'setts"" Dawson told her. ".y friend and , dro!e here last ni&ht. .y friend is in the tr'$k. #e re &oin& to !isit someone + someone he knows. .y name is Dawson." The &irl smiled a&ain. ".y name is Di*ie"" she re%lied. -he held o't her hand. ", li!e in Ja$kson" .ississi%%i. , m stayin& in New /ork for a few days with my sister. This is her little (oy. His name is Tommy." Dawson held Di*ie s hand and shook it. Then he shook Tommy s hand. ", m a dan$er"" Di*ie said. ", !e (een st'dyin& (allet for many years. , want to 6oin a (allet $om%any in this $ity. , dan$ed for the dire$tor of the $om%any yesterday. He didn t hire me. , ha!e to try a&ain ne*t year. , was sad (e$a'se , want to (e a %rofessional dan$er. , m a &ood dan$er. , want to work with a famo's (allet $om%any. Do yo' want to see me dan$e3" )efore Dawson $o'ld answer" Di*ie was dan$in& aro'nd the %arkin& lot. -he 6'm%ed into the air. -he s%'n aro'nd and aro'nd. -he was a !ery &ood dan$er. Dawson filmed her on !ideo ta%e while she dan$ed. "/o' were wonderf'l"" he told Di*ie" when she sto%%ed mo!in&. "/o' will (e a !ery famo's dan$er one day." "#ell" that s what , dream a(o't"" Di*ie said. ", !e always dreamed a(o't that. )'t sometimes , feel st'%id.

.ay(e dreams are st'%id." "No5" said Dawson 1'i$kly. "Dreams aren t st'%id. A dream is somethin& that no(ody $an take away from yo'. All &reat %eo%le start with nothin& ('t a dream5" Di*ie smiled at him. And Dawson wanted to say more. )'t Tommy wanted his (reakfast. "Can we &o now" Di*ie3" the little (oy asked. ", m so h'n&ry." "O7" Tommy"" Di*ie said. "#e ha!e to &o now"" she told Dawson. "Can , see yo' a&ain3" he asked her. ", m &oin& (a$k to Ja$kson tomorrow"" she re%lied. "-o we won t meet a&ain. )'t it was &ood to meet yo' this mornin&. Thanks" Dawson. Thanks for what yo' said a(o't dreams." A moment later" Di*ie had &one into the resta'rant with the little (oy. Dawson felt sad. 0or a few min'tes" a &irl had $han&ed his life. )'t he was ne!er &oin& to see Di*ie a&ain and that made him !ery sad. At that moment" Pa$ey &ot o't of the tr'$k. He looked at his friend s fa$e.

"#hat s wron& with yo'3" he asked. Dawson tried to e*%lain his feelin&s" ('t Pa$ey didn t 'nderstand. "Dawson"" he said. "Last week yo' were worried a(o't Joey. /o' were worried (e$a'se she mi&ht meet another &'y this weekend. /o' didn t want to lose her. Now yo' !e met another &irl" and the world has $han&ed for yo'. Are yo' worryin& a(o't losin& Joey now3 No5 /o' re worried (e$a'se yo' !e lost a (lond who yo' knew for only ten min'tes. Dawson" the world is f'll of (londs. The world is f'll of &irls. This is real life" not a mo!ie" my friend5" Pa$ey went into the resta'rant for some (reakfast. Dawson stayed in the tr'$k. ", don t want to see Di*ie a&ain" and then lose her a&ain"" he told himself. "The memory of her is %erfe$t. , ll kee% the memory. And , ll always ha!e my film of her." #hen Pa$ey $ame o't of the resta'rant" the (oys dro!e (a$k into .anhattan" and finally they fo'nd a %arkin& lot there. Then they rode on the s'(way + the 'nder&ro'nd railway + to 2rand Central -tation. There" they fo'nd a .anhattan %hone (ook. They fo'nd the %hone n'm(ers of e!eryone in the $ity named Lindley. ")'t we don t know Jen s father s first name"" said Dawson. "#e ll ne!er find her %arents address. This was another st'%id idea" Pa$ey."

They $alled all the Lindley;s whose n'm(ers were in the %hone(ook. None of them knew Jen. "#hat are we &oin& to do now3" Dawson asked. "#ell" we know one thin&"" said Pa$ey. "Jen s $o'sin s %arty is &oin& to take %la$e at the Pla4a Hotel" this e!enin&. #e ll (e to'rists today. #e ll !isit the famo's ('ildin&s in the $ity. Then this e!enin&" we ll &o to the hotel. There ll only (e one sweet si*teen %arty for a &irl named Co'rtney there. #e ll find Jen and Joey at the %arty." "#onderf'l5" said Dawson. ")'t , m still &oin& to kill yo' on .onday5"



Jen and Joey s%ent most of -at'rday !isitin& famo's %la$es in the $ity. Joey had ne!er (een to New /ork (efore. Jen took her to the -tat'e of Li(erty. -he took her to the to% of the Em%ire -tate )'ildin&. -he took her to some e*%ensi!e stores. -he took her to wonderf'l $afes" where they had $offee and l'n$h. Jen %aid for e!erythin&. Joey was !ery worried a(o't this" ('t Jen was ha%%y to do it. "Please don t worry" Joey"" she said. ",t s &ood to s%end time with yo' away from Ca%eside." "And it s &ood to s%end time away from Dawson Leery"" Joey said. "#e (oth need time away from Dawson." E!erythin& was wonderf'l 'ntil they met one of Jen s New /ork friends. Jen and Joey saw the &irl on the other side of a street that they were walkin& down. -he was $om+ in& towards them. "That s a &irl named .iranda"" said Jen. "-he s a horri+ (le %erson. , !e known her for most of my life. And , !e disliked her for most of my life too5 -he s%reads r'mors a(o't %eo%le + she tells lies a(o't them. -he always has a nasty story to tell me a(o't someone that , know. And she

always has a nasty story to tell them a(o't me." .iranda was a small thin &irl with (rown hair. Her $lothes looked !ery e*%ensi!e. -he $rossed the street and she sto%%ed Jen and Joey. "Hi" Jen"" the &irl said. ")illy told me a(o't yo'r !isit to The Cellar." "Hello" .iranda"" Jen said. "This is my friend" Joey." "Hello" Joey"" .iranda said. Then she t'rned (a$k to Jen. "How is yo'r %ro(lem3" .iranda asked her. "Are yo' feelin& (etter these days3" ", don t 'nderstand yo'"" Jen re%lied. "#hat %ro(lem3 "/o'r al$ohol %ro(lem" Jen"" .iranda said. "E!ery(ody knows a(o't it. #eren t yo' in the hos%ital &ettin& treatment3 /o' !e (een away from home for a lon& time." "No" , was not in the hos%ital5" said Jen an&rily. "And , didn t ha!e an al$ohol %ro(lem." "Oh" well + that s &ood"" said .iranda. ")'t that was the story that , heard." "The story was wron&"" said Jen. ",t was like most of the stories that yo' hear" .iranda." "Are yo' &oin& to Co'rtney s sweet si*teen %arty

toni&ht3" .iranda asked. "/es" we ll (e there"" Jen said. "#hy do yo' ask" .iranda3" "#ell" , did hear another story"" .iranda said. ".ay(e yo' need to hear it (efore yo' &o to the %arty." "And what was this nasty story3" Jen asked. ",t s a(o't )illy and Co'rtney"" .iranda said. "They !e (een ha!in& se* to&ether for months." A few se$onds later" .iranda had walked away. Jen was an&ry. ",t $an t (e tr'e"" she told Joey. ")illy hates Co'rtney. He s always hated her." "Then yo' re ri&ht"" Joey said. "The story $an t (e tr'e. )'t why do yo' $are3 /o' don t want )illy to (e yo'r (oyfriend any more. /o' told me that." ", don t want him as a (oyfriend" Jen re%lied. ")'t , do want him as a friend. , want to (e &ood friends with him." "Listen" Jen"" Joey said. "Last week yo' were talkin& a(o't me and Dawson. /o' said" /o' $an ne!er (e 6'st friends a&ain on$e yo' !e (een someone s &irlfriend. /o' told me that." "This is different"" Jen said. "Dawson was yo'r friend (efore he was yo'r (oyfriend. )illy was ne!er an ordinary

friend to me." And when Jen tho'&ht a(o't what she had said" it made her !ery sad. ,n Ca%eside that e!enin&" Do'& #itter" Pa$ey s (rother" walked into The ,$e Ho'se. He sat down at a ta(le. )essie $ame o!er to him and he ordered some $offee. At the ne*t ta(le" Do'& saw a teena&ed &irl. "Hi"" the &irl $alled to him. ".y name is A((y .or&an. , m in some $lasses with Pa$ey at s$hool. Pa$ey is my friend. #hy aren t yo' in Hartford this weekend at the %oli$e $on!ention on teena&e $rime3" ", had to $ome (a$k early"" Do'& said. "Two of the offi$ers in my &ro'% are si$k. , ha!e to do their 6o(s tomorrow. .y dad is still at the $on!ention. )'t how did yo' know a(o't it3" A((y smiled. "Oh" Pa$ey told me a(o't it"" she answered. "He told me" .y (rother and father are away for the weekend. , m &oin& to (orrow my dad s tr'$k. , m &oin& to dri!e to New /ork with Dawson Leery. That s how , knew a(o't the $on!ention." Do'& stood '%. He %'t some money on his ta(le and he left the $afe. He didn t finish his $offee. A few min'tes later" he talked to his father on the

%hone. "Pa$ey has to (e %'nished"" tho'&ht Do'& as he %'t the %hone down. "He s told lies and he s taken Dad s tr'$k witho't %ermission. He s a (ad son to his father. , m a &ood son. And , !e done what a &ood son has to do. , !e told the tr'th."


Sweet Sixteen

Jen and Joey were standin& in front of the mirror in Jen s (edroom. They had s%ent two ho'rs &ettin& ready to &o to Co'rtney s %arty. Joey was wearin& one of Jen s formal dresses. ,t was a lon& dark (l'e dress. ,t was !ery (ea'tif'l and !ery e*%ensi!e. Jen had also fo'nd a (ra$elet with (l'e 6ewels" and Joey was wearin& this too. Her dark hair was $lean and shiny. )'t Jen was not wearin& a lon&" formal dress. Her %ale (l'e dress was !ery short and it was made of silk. "#ell" , already ha!e a (ad re%'tation in this $ity"" she told Joey. "E!ery(ody here thinks" Jen s a (ad &irl= -o , !e de$ided to look like a (ad &irl5" "/o' told Danny and )illy not to %i$k 's '% with a limo"" Joey said to Jen. "Did they listen to yo'3 #ill they do what yo' asked them to do3" ", don t know"" Jen re%lied. "#e ll soon find o't a(o't that." The two &irls %'t on their $oats. Then they left the a%artment and went down in an ele!ator to the street.

O'tside the ('ildin& they had a (i& s'r%rise. Danny and )illy were waitin& for them. The (oys were wearin& (la$k t'*edos + formal e!enin& s'its. )'t they hadn t arri!ed in a limo. They hadn t $ome in any kind of $ar. They had arri!ed at the a%artment ('ildin& in a $arria&e whi$h was %'lled (y a horse. The $arria&e was &old and the horse was white. The dri!er wore a white s'it and a &old hat. "/o' &irls look wonderf'l toni&ht"" Danny said. "Please let 's take yo' to the %arty in o'r $arria&e." Jen and Joey talked 1'ietly for a few moments. "O7"" Jen said at last. "#e ll $ome with yo'. )'t we aren t &oin& to (e with yo' all the e!enin&. Don t make any %lans for 's." "O7"" the (oys said to&ether. They all &ot into the $arria&e. At first" the &irls were ner!o's. They were worried a(o't the two (oys. Did they ha!e %lans for the e!enin&3 )'t after a few min'tes" they sto%%ed worryin&. The &irls en6oyed the ride to the %arty. "Are yo' ha!in& f'n" Joelle3" Danny whis%ered to Joey. "/es" this is &reat"" she answered. -he $o'ldn t (e an&ry with him any lon&er. He was so handsome and so ri$h.

And he liked her so m'$h + she $o'ld see that5 "Joelle" %lease" let s for&et a(o't last ni&ht"" he whis+ %ered. ", (eha!ed (adly + , know that. )'t , m so sorry a(o't it." "O7" Danny"" she said. "Let s for&et a(o't it." Joey and Jen looked aro'nd them. They were in the room where the %arty was takin& %la$e. They had left )illy and Danny at the entran$e to the hotel" and now the &irls were walkin& into the Rose Room. The Rose Room at the Pla4a Hotel was ama4in&5 ,t was h'&e. ,n one %art of the room there were lar&e ta(les with white $loths on them. Ten %eo%le $o'ld sit at ea$h ta(le. And there were other ta(les with dishes of food on them. ,n the middle of one ta(le were some lar&e letters made of i$e. The letters said CO:RTNE/- -#EET -,<TEEN. The &irls left their $oats with a $lerk and walked f'rther into the room. The room was f'll of %eo%le. ,n one $orner" an or$hes+ tra was %layin& dan$e m'si$. .any of the &'ests at the %arty were dan$in& to the m'si$. "/o'r a'nt and 'n$le m'st ha!e s%ent tho'sands of dollars on this %arty"" Joey said. "They m'st (e !ery ri$h." "Oh yes"" Jen re%lied in a $old hard !oi$e. "They are !ery ri$h + and they like e!eryone to know that." Joey looked aro'nd the room a&ain. Near one wall

there was a (i& white s$reen. E!ery few se$onds" a $olor %hoto a%%eared on this s$reen. All the %hotos were of Co'rtney. -ome %hotos showed her when she was a (a(y. -ome showed her when she was a yo'n& $hild. -ome showed her when she was a yo'n& teena&er. There were %hotos for e!ery year of her life. "Look (ehind yo'" Joey"" Jen said. On the wall (ehind her" Joey saw a lar&e %aintin&. ,t was ten feet hi&h. ",t looks like the .ona Lisa + Leonardo da 8in$i s famo's %ortrait of an ,talian woman"" Joey tho'&ht. )'t the %aintin& was m'$h (i&&er than Leonardo s %i$+ t're. And the woman in the %ortrait had Co'rtney s fa$e5 -ome(ody had %ainted the %i$t're s%e$ially for the %arty. -'ddenly" a tall slim &irl $ame towards them. -he had strai&ht (lond hair and she was wearin& a lon& dress. The dress was %ink and white. ,t looked !ery e*%ensi!e. "Co'sin Jen5" the &irl $alled. "This m'st (e Co'rtney + the + Perfe$t"" Joey told herself. "Oh" yo' m'st (e Jen s little friend from Ca%eside"" the (lond &irl said to Joey. Then she t'rned (a$k to Jen. The two $o'sins did not look ha%%y to see ea$h other.

"#ell" yo' are (ra!e"" Co'rtney said to Jen. ", $o'ldn t wear a dress like that toni&ht. )'t was it a &ood idea" Jen3 .y friends will think" Co'rtney was wron&. Jen s still a (ad &irl. , told e!eryone a(o't yo'r new life in .assa$h'setts. , said" Jen has $han&ed. -he s a ni$e" sensi(le &irl now. #ill they (elie!e me when they see yo' in that dress3" At that moment" )illy $ame o!er to them. He kissed Co'rtney and she smiled at him. "Are yo' &oin& to dan$e with me later3" she asked. "/es" my (irthday &irl"" he re%lied. ", want that more than anythin& in the world. )'t first" , want to find some al$ohol. ,n this room" there s only a%%le 6'i$e." "Oh" my mother de$ided a(o't that"" Co'rtney said. "-he s makin& me so an&ry today5" "#ell" Danny is lookin& for a (etter drink for 's"" )illy told her. ", ll see yo' a&ain soon." )illy kissed Co'rtney a&ain. Then she mo!ed away from them. -he was &oin& to talk to someone else. ":&h5" Jen said. "-he still makes yo' feel (ad"" said )illy. "How does she make yo' feel" )illy3" Jen re%lied. "That s the im%ortant 1'estion5" ", + , don t 'nderstand yo'"" )illy said 1'i$kly. )'t his fa$e (e$ame red and he t'rned away from her. ", m &oin& to

find Danny"" he said. As he walked away" a woman in a &ray silk dress $ame towards the &irls. -he was a (ea'tif'l middle + a&ed woman. Her dress looked !ery e*%ensi!e. "Jennifer5" the woman $alled. Jen hated her f'll name. E!ery(ody else $alled her "Jen" (e$a'se that was the name that she liked. "Hello" A'nt 2ra$e"" Jen said. ", m'st introd'$e yo' to Joey. This is my friend Joey Potter" from Ca%eside. Joey" this is my a'nt + 2ra$e 2'iliani. -he s Co'rtney s moth + .er. The woman held Joey s hand for a moment" then she started to talk to Jen. "#here are yo'r %arents" Jennifer3" she asked. "They re away from New /ork"" Jen re%lied. "They had to &o on a ('siness tri%." A'nt 2ra$e looked an&ry. "#as their st'%id ('siness tri% more im%ortant than my da'&hter s %arty3" she asked. "#ell" they ne!er think a(o't any(ody ('t themsel!es. They !e ne!er taken $are of yo'" Jen. That s the reason why yo' !e always (een so wild." "/es" A'nt 2ra$e"" Jen re%lied in a $old hard !oi$e. "/o' m'st (e ri&ht. )'t not e!eryone $an ha!e a wonderf'l mother like Co'rtney s." Jen was an&ry and she was (ein& sar$asti$ + she meant

the o%%osite of what she said. )'t her a'nt didn t 'nderstand this. "#ell" yo' re ri&ht a(o't that" dear"" she said ha%%ily. Then s'ddenly" she was an&ry a&ain. "#hy are yo' wearin& that dress3" she asked. "E!eryone m'st wear formal $lothes this e!enin&. That was written on the in!itations. Are yo' tryin& to r'in my little &irl s %arty3 That s a terri(le thin& to do5" ", m wearin& this dress (e$a'se , like it"" Jen re%lied $oldly. "#ill yo' take me to see my :n$le #illiam now" %lease3 , ha!en t seen him yet." #hen Jen and her a'nt had &one" Joey saw a yo'n& man walkin& towards her. "Hello" Joey"" he said. "#e met at The Cellar last ni&ht. /o' look (ea'tif'l toni&ht. #ill yo' dan$e with me3" ,t was the yo'n& man named T'$ker. Joey started to dan$e with him. He was a !ery &ood dan$er. He wasn t handsome like Danny" ('t he was kind and f'nny. He didn t hold Joey too $lose to him. -he en6oyed talkin& to him and she en6oyed dan$in& with him. -he wanted to dan$e with him a&ain later. #hen the m'si$ finished" Joey and T'$ker sat down. Joey saw .iranda walkin& towards them. -he was with Jen s friend" Amy. "Hi" Joelle"" .iranda said. "#here did yo' &et that ter+

ri(le dress. ,t looks $hea%." "Are yo' tryin& to (e r'de to me" .iranda3" Joey asked her. "#as that an ins'lt3 .ay(e it was. , m not s're a(o't it" (e$a'se it wasn t really $le!er eno'&h for an ins'lt." .iranda s fa$e (e$ame red and Amy la'&hed at her. "Tell me" Joelle"" .iranda said an&rily. ",s the r'mor a(o't yo' tr'e3 Did yo' ha!e se* with Danny last ni&ht" one ho'r after yo' first met him3 ,s the story tr'e3 E!ery(ody here (elie!es it5"


The Wrong !othes

Dawson and Pa$ey $ame o't of a s'(way station and walked towards the Pla4a Hotel. They were wearin& $as'al shirts and (l'e 6eans. Dawson was $arryin& his !ideo $am+ era. The (oys shirts were $lean" ('t they had (een wearin& their 6eans sin$e 0riday mornin&. They weren t $orre$tly dressed for a formal %arty. ", m worried" Pa$ey"" Dawson said to his friend. "No one in!ited 's to this %arty. .ay(e the %eo%le at the hotel won t let 's &o in. ,f they do let 's &o in" may(e the &irls will (e an&ry with 's." "Dawson" yo' worry too m'$h"" Pa$ey said. He la'&hed. "/o' wanted to (e with Joey this weekend. Now , !e (ro'&ht yo' here. Are yo' ha%%y3 No + yo' re worryin& a(o't e!erythin&. )e $alm" Dawson. E!erythin& will (e O7. , m ri&ht. , m always ri&ht + yo' know that." "Pa$ey"" Dawson re%lied. "Don t (e a fool. #hen yo' ha!e to $hoose what to do" yo' always do the wron& thin&. E!eryone knows that. /o' ha!e a re%'tation for it. /o' always do and say the wron& thin&s." The two (oys entered the hotel. Pa$ey walked o!er to the re$e%tion desk. A man was sittin& (ehind it. He was the

re$e%tion $lerk + he hel%ed &'ests and !isitors. "There s a si*teenth (irthday %arty here toni&ht"" Pa$ey said to the $lerk. "#here $an we find it3" ".ay(e yo' !e made a mistake" yo'n& man"" the re$e%tion $lerk told him. "There is a %arty here toni&ht" in the Rose Room. )'t the %eo%le at that %arty are all wearin& formal $lothes. ,t $an t (e the %arty that yo' are lookin& for." "O7"" Pa$ey said. ", m sorry. .ay(e we did $ome to the wron& %la$e." He walked away from the re$e%tion desk" towards the ele!ators. Dawson followed him. A min'te later" they were enterin& the Rose Room. The room was f'll of men wearin& t'*edos and women wearin& lon&" formal dresses. An or$hestra was %layin& old + fashioned dan$e m'si$. ,t was not the kind of m'si$ that most teena&ers like5 A yo'n& woman with lon& red hair $ame o!er to the two (oys. -he looked at their $lothes. "Hello"" she said. "Can , hel% yo'3 .ay(e yo' !e $ome to the wron& %arty." Dawson tho'&ht 1'i$kly. He held '% his !ideo $amera. ", m the !ideo&ra%her"" he said. ".y name is .r Leery. This is my assistant" .r #itter. #e work for a $om%any $alled -$reen%lay 8ideo. Co'rtney s %arents asked -$reen%lay 8ideo to make a film of the %arty. The $om%any

sent 's here to make the film." "Didn t the $om%any tell yo' that this was a formal %arty3" the &irl asked them. "#ell" -$reen%lay 8ideo is a (i& $om%any"" Pa$ey re%lied. ".ay(e we didn t &et the $om%lete information." "#ell" if yo' know a(o't Co'rtney" yo' m'st (e O7"" the &irl said. "Please start filmin&." And she walked away. Dawson lifted the $amera to his fa$e and looked thro'&h the !iewfinder. He shot a few se$onds of film. "#ell" we &ot into the %arty. Now let s find Joey and Jen"" Pa$ey whis%ered to him. )'t at that moment the (oys heard a !oi$e (ehind them. "#ho are yo' (oys3 #hy are yo' here3" the !oi$e asked. Dawson and Pa$ey t'rned aro'nd. A (ea'tif'l middle + a&ed woman in a &ray silk dress was talkin& to them. And ne*t to her was a tall man in a t'*edo. On the man s $oat was a (ad&e. The words on the (ad&e were JO-EPH -ARRAT 8,DEO -ER8,CE- + J. -ARRAT" 8,DEO2RAPHER. The woman was lookin& an&rily at Dawson and Pa$ey. "This is my da'&hter s %arty"" the woman said. "And

this is the &entleman who , asked to make a film of the %arty. -o what are yo' doin& here3 ,f yo' don t tell me" , ll send for the hotel se$'rity staff. And they ll $all the %oli$e5" Joey was !ery" !ery an&ry. 0or half an ho'r" she had (een lookin& for Danny. -he hadn t fo'nd him yet. "#hen , do find him" , ll &et the tr'th from him"" she told herself. "Did he tell lies a(o't me to .iranda and his other friends3 Did he say" , had se* with Jen s friend last ni&ht3 ,f he told them that" , ll kill him5" )'t Joey $o'ldn t find Danny anywhere. And she $o'ldn t find Jen or )illy either. -he was an&ry with Danny" ('t she was an&ry with Jen too. "Jen is not a &ood friend"" she tho'&ht. "-he (ro'&ht me here" then she left me alone. -he left me with h'ndreds of %eo%le who , don t know. , m &oin& to find Danny. , m &oin& to &et the tr'th from him. Then , m &oin& to lea!e this horri(le %la$e5" A few min'tes later" she saw T'$ker a&ain. -he smiled at him. "Hi"" she said. "Oh" hi"" he re%lied sadly. ", m lookin& for some friends. .ay(e , ll see yo' later." And he walked 1'i$kly away. "He doesn t want to talk to me"" Joey tho'&ht sadly.

"He (elie!es the r'mors a(o't me and Danny." Joey went to the $lerk where she had left her $oat. -he didn t want to find Danny now. -he didn t want to stay here any lon&er. -he didn t ha!e any money. )'t she de$ided to walk (a$k to Jen s a%artment. "That will (e (etter than stayin& here a min'te lon&er"" she told herself. )'t as she %'t her $oat on" she heard a !oi$e (ehind her. "J + Joelle" w + where are yo' &oin&3 , !e (een lookin& for yo'." ,t was Danny s !oi$e. His !oi$e was not $lear + it was sl'rred. He had dr'nk a lot of al$ohol + Joey knew that. -he t'rned aro'nd and looked at him. -he looked at him with an&er and hate. ", !e (een lookin& for yo' too"" she said. "Did yo' tell lies a(o't me to yo'r horri(le friends3 There s a r'mor a(o't me here. E!eryone has heard it. The r'mor is" Jen s friend" Joey" had se* with Danny last ni&ht. -he had se* with him an ho'r after she first met him. -o , want to know somethin&" Danny. Did yo' start this r'mor3" "#ell" yes"" Danny re%lied. He la'&hed. ", !e had lots of &irlfriends. , $an ha!e se* with anyone , want. E!eryone knows that + that s my re%'tation. , want e!eryone to (elie!e my re%'tation. /o' don t want me to lose my re%'tation" Joelle." He la'&hed a&ain. "/o' are a horri(le liar"" Joey said 1'ietly. ",f yo' e!er say my name a&ain" to any(ody" , will know a(o't it. And if , know that" , will make yo' !ery" !ery 'nha%%y. Now &o

away5" Joey %'shed Danny hard and he almost fell o!er. Then she t'rned towards the door. )'t as she rea$hed the door" she heard %eo%le sho'tin&. -he heard a !oi$e that she knew well. "#e made a mistake"" the !oi$e said ner!o'sly. "#e were hired to make a film of a sweet si*teen (irthday %arty. #e $ame to the wron& %arty + that s all that ha%%ened. #e re sorry. #e ll lea!e now." ,t was Dawson5 Joey $losed her eyes. "Oh" no5 This $an t (e ha%%enin& to me5" she told herself. Dawson and Pa$ey" dressed in 6eans and $as'al shirts" were standin& in the middle of a $rowd of an&ry %eo%le. Joey saw Amy and .iranda in the $rowd. And she saw Jen s a'nt and Co'rtney too. ", don t (elie!e yo'. , m &oin& to $all the %oli$e" now5" A'nt 2ra$e sho'ted. Joey looked at the two (oys. "They followed 's here"" she told herself. "Dawson won t lea!e me alone. This is terri(le5 , m so an&ry with him5" This was tr'e. )'t Joey was an&ry with Jen and her friends and family too. -'ddenly she knew what to do. -he s%oke to Jen s a'nt.

"Don t $all the %oli$e"" she said. "This is my mistake. , in!ited them here." "/o' in!ited them3" A'nt 2ra$e sho'ted. "#hy3" Co'rtney was standin& ne*t to her mother. -he looked an&rily at Joey. ",t s my %arty"" Co'rtney said. "#hy did yo' in!ite %eo%le to it3 , don t know yo'. No(ody here knows yo'5" "#ell" Danny knows her"" .iranda said in a $old" $r'el !oi$e. "He knows her !ery well. Lots of (oys know her !ery well. ,sn t that tr'e" Joelle3" Peo%le in the $rowd la'&hed. At that moment" Jen arri!ed. -he looked aro'nd her. >'i$kly she 'nderstood what was ha%%enin&. "/o'r horri(le friend in!ited these terri(le (oys to my da'&hter s %arty"" A'nt 2ra$e said to her. "Poor %eo%le from (ad families do that kind of thin&. Take her away from here5" "No" that s wron&" A'nt 2ra$e"" Jen said $almly. "Joey didn t in!ite them. , in!ited them." Co'rtney s$reamed. "/o' did this to r'in my %arty5" she sho'ted at Jen. ", hate yo'5" -'ddenly Dawson s%oke.

"Jen and Joey didn t know a(o't this"" he said to Jen s a'nt. "They didn t in!ite 's + that is the tr'th. #e followed them here. #e a%olo&i4e Co'rtney + we re !ery sorry. #e ll lea!e when yo' !e a%olo&i4ed to Jen." "/o' m'st (e $ra4y5" Co'rtney sho'ted. ", m not &oin& to a%olo&i4e to her. , hate her. , !e always hated her5" Then Joey heard another !oi$e. ,t was a !ery sl'rred !oi$e. ,t was Danny s !oi$e. "J + Joelle"" Danny said. He almost fell o!er as he walked '% to her. "/ + yo' re still here. /o' $o'ldn t lea!e witho't me." He la'&hed and he looked aro'nd at his friends. "Joelle $o'ldn t lea!e witho't me"" he told them. "/o' re a liar and yo' re dr'nk"" Joey said 1'ietly. ", told yo' ne!er to say my name a&ain." Then she hit Danny !ery hard a$ross the fa$e. He fell to the floor. ", think the mo!ie ends here"" Dawson said. ",t s time for o'r e*it from this s$ene." He held Joey s arm and Pa$ey held Jen s arm. The fo'r friends walked o't of the room.


Pace" Does the Right Thing

The ne*t day" the fo'r friends were sittin& in Pa$ey s father s tr'$k. They were on their way home to Ca%eside. They had stayed the ni&ht at Jen s a%artment. )'t now they had to &et (a$k home. ", ha!e to (e home (efore my dad and my (rother &et (a$k from the %oli$e $on!ention on teena&e $rime"" Pa$ey told the &irls. "They didn t know a(o't this tri% to New /ork. , (orrowed the tr'$k. )'t , didn t ask them first." There weren t many $ars on the road ('t the weather was terri(le. Rain was fallin& hea!ily. Pa$ey had to dri!e slowly. The fo'r teena&ers didn t say m'$h. Ea$h of them was thinkin&. Jen was thinkin& a(o't the an&ry %hone $all that she d had from her a'nt that mornin&. "/o' r'ined my da'&hter s %arty"" her a'nt had told her an&rily. "/o' (ro'&ht that horri(le &irl from Ca%eside. The yo'n& man that she hit s%ent the ni&ht in a hos%ital. #e had to &o there with him. #hen yo'r horri(le friend hit him" she

(roke his nose. And yo' are as (ad as she is. , know all a(o't yo'" yo'n& lady5 , know + " "2ood(ye" A'nt 2ra$e"" Jen had said. And she had %'t the %hone down in the middle of her a'nt s senten$e. #hen )illy had %honed Jen a little later" she had done the same thin&. -he hadn t listened to him. -he d %'t the %hone down while he was still s%eakin&. "2oin& (a$k to New /ork was a mistake"" she told her+ self now. ",t was a (i& mistake." Joey was thinkin& a(o't Dawson. )efore they went to their (edrooms the ni&ht (efore" she d told him a lot of thin&s. -he was an&ry a(o't what he had done. -he had told him this. "/o' ha!e to lea!e me alone" Dawson"" she had said. "/o' ha!e to lea!e me in %ea$e. , !e told yo' that (efore. , want to meet other (oys. All my life" , !e only known yo'. Are yo' the ri&ht %erson for me3 , won t know a(o't that 'ntil , !e known some other (oys." ", made a mistake this weekend + , know that"" she went on. ", saw Danny at a $l'( and s'ddenly my life $han&ed. ,t ha%%ened in a moment. , didn t ha!e a $hoi$e a(o't it. , didn t $hoose to feel like that a(o't him. )'t when , saw him" , wanted to s%end time with him. , felt e*$ited a(o't him. Danny was dan&ero's and he made me ner!o's. That e*$ited me. He wanted to (e with me !ery m'$h. , didn t 'nderstand what he really wanted from me.

", don t want to hear a(o't Danny"" Dawson had said. "/o' m'st hear a(o't him"" Joey had re%lied. ", need to tell yo' a(o't him. , made a mistake. , $hose the wron& &'y. )'t , ha!e to make my own mistakes" Dawson. /o' $an t $ontrol my life. Please don t try to do that." Then she d looked at her (est friend + the (oy who she had lo!ed sin$e they were $hildren. -'ddenly" she d felt !ery sorry for him.

, ll always (e yo'r friend" Dawson"" she d said. ")'t at this time" we m'st only (e friends and no more than that."", like yo'" Dawson"" Joey had $ontin'ed. ", lo!e yo'" in a s%e$ial way. ,f , lost yo'r friendshi%" , d (e terri(ly 'nha%%y. )'t , don t want to (e yo'r &irlfriend. , don t want yo' to (e an&ry with me all the time. , want to tell yo' a(o't the other %eo%le , meet. , want to tell yo' a(o't my feelin&s for them. , want 's to (e honest with ea$h other. , want yo' to (e my (est friend a&ain. Do yo' 'nderstand3" ", 'nderstand" Joey"" Dawson had re%lied sadly. "/o' want me to for&et my feelin&s for yo'. /o' want me to (e someone who yo' $an talk to. /o' want to tell me a(o't the %eo%le who are in lo!e with yo'. , $an t (e that kind of friend for yo'" Joey. , m sorry. 2oodni&ht." And he d t'rned and left the room. Joey had (een s'r%rised. -he always $hose the e*its from their s$enes to&ether. -he always s%oke the last words in their s$enes. )'t last ni&ht" she hadn t (een a(le to say any more. Joey was thinkin& a(o't that as Pa$ey dro!e the tr'$k $aref'lly (a$k towards their little seaside town. And Dawson was thinkin& a(o't it too. And he was also thinkin& a(o't Di*ie" the %retty &irl from the %arkin& lot in -taten ,sland. ",f , $o'ld see Di*ie a&ain" may(e , wo'ldn t think a(o't Joey all the time"" he tho'&ht. Pa$ey was thinkin& a(o't his father and his (rother.

His tho'&hts weren t ha%%y either. "#hy do , worry a(o't (eha!in& (adly3" he asked himself. ",f , (eha!ed %erfe$tly e!ery day for a year" Dad and Do'& still wo'ldn t like me. They d still say" Pa$ey" yo' re a fool. And yo' re a fail're. They don t really $are what , do" (e$a'se they don t really $are a(o't me. They en6oy makin& my life diffi$'lt. They en6oy %'nishin& me." The fo'r friends were thinkin& their own tho'&hts as Pa$ey dro!e the tr'$k thro'&h the rain. -'ddenly" the tr'$k slowed down. Pa$ey was sto%%in&. A $ar had (roken down at the side of the hi&hway. A small" elderly woman was standin& ne*t to it. -he was lookin& !ery 'nha%%y and she was &ettin& !ery wet. Pa$ey looked at his wat$h. "#e $an hel% this lady and we $an still &et (a$k to Ca%eside (efore my dad"" he told the others. "#e $an t lea!e her (y her (roken down $ar." Pa$ey sto%%ed the tr'$k and he and Dawson &ot o't. They ran o!er to the elderly woman. "Thank yo' for sto%%in&"" she said. "/o' re !ery kind. , for&ot to (rin& my %hone with me. , $an t $all a &ara&e. Oh" my name is Phyllis Hano!er." Pa$ey and Dawson introd'$ed themsel!es. Then they looked at the $ar. One of its tires was flat. There was a hole

in the r'((er and all the air had &one. ",s there a s%are wheel in the $ar3" Pa$ey asked the woman. ",f there is" we ll $han&e the wheel for yo'." )'t when they &ot the s%are wheel from the (a$k of the woman s $ar" its tire was flat too. "Oh no"" the woman said. "The s%are needed re%airs. , for&ot. , m so st'%id. #hat shall , do3" The woman was &ettin& wetter and wetter. Her $oat wasn t water%roof + the rain was &ettin& thro'&h it. Dawson saw this. He hel%ed her remo!e her wet $oat. Then he %'t his own water%roof 6a$ket aro'nd her sho'lders. #hile Dawson was doin& this" Pa$ey went to talk to the &irls in the tr'$k. -oon they had made a de$ision. They all walked o!er to the lady s $ar. "This is what we ll do" .rs Hano!er"" Pa$ey told the elderly lady when he ret'rned. "Joey and Dawson will wait here in yo'r $ar. They will look after it for yo'. /o' and Jen and , will take yo'r s%are wheel and we ll &o in my tr'$k. #e ll look for a &ara&e whi$h $an re%air yo'r s%are tire. Then we ll (rin& yo' (a$k here and %'t the wheel on the $ar for yo'." 0i!e min'tes later" Pa$ey and Jen were dri!in& in the tr'$k with .rs Hano!er. They were lookin& for a &ara&e. "The nearest &ara&e is a lon& way from here"" .rs Hano!er said. "This is so kind of yo'. #here do yo' $ome

from" Pa$ey3" ", li!e in Ca%eside" .assa$h'setts"" Pa$ey re%lied. "#e all li!e there." "Pa$ey s father is the Chief of Poli$e in Ca%eside"" Jen told the woman. "#e !e s%ent the weekend in New /ork" and now we re &oin& home." "And , m makin& yo' late"" .rs Hano!er said. ", m sorry. /o' re all !ery kind." Joey and Dawson were sittin& in .rs Hano!er s $ar. They were tryin& to kee% warm. They were (oth 'nha%%y. They didn t want to talk a(o't themsel!es" so they talked a(o't Pa$ey. ", was s'r%rised when Pa$ey sto%%ed to hel% that woman"" Joey said. "He has to &et home (efore his father arri!es. ,f we re late" he ll (e in terri(le tro'(le. Pa$ey knows that. )'t he sto%%ed to hel% someone." "/es" , was s'r%rised too"" Dawson re%lied. "He had to $hoose what to do. And for the first time in his life" Pa$ey did the ri&ht thin&5" Joey looked at him. "#ell" may(e it will (e yo'r t'rn soon" Dawson"" she said. ".ay(e yo' ll do the ri&ht thin& too. .ay(e yo' ll make the ri&ht $hoi$e." And she smiled at him.


#ome $gain

Dawson o%ened the door of his ho'se" took off his wet $oat" and went into the li!in& room. His %arents were waitin& for him there. They were wat$hin& T8" ('t his father swit$hed it off when Dawson entered. "#ell" Dawson" did yo' ha!e a &ood weekend at Pa$ey s ho'se3" .r Leery asked. Dawson sat down. He was in tro'(le + he knew that. Pa$ey s father m'st ha!e %honed his %arents already. "Dad" .om" , m sorry"" the (oy said. ", told yo' a lie. #e weren t at Pa$ey s ho'se. #e went to New /ork City. Joey and Jen went there for a %arty. #e wanted to (e with them." "/o' wanted to follow them"" Dawson s father said. "-o yo' and Pa$ey stole .r #itter s tr'$k and yo' went to New /ork. Are yo' $ra4y3" ".ay(e , am $ra4y"" Dawson re%lied sadly. ", don t know. )'t , was wron& to do what , did. , know that now. , m !ery sorry."

"Dawson" we ha!e to %'nish yo'"" .r Leery said. "#e re &oin& to do the only thin& that yo' will 'nderstand. #e re &oin& to take yo'r !ideo $amera away from yo' for two weeks." "/o' $an t do that to me5" Dawson said. ", need my $amera for the film $lass at s$hool." "#hy didn t yo' think a(o't that on 0riday" (efore yo' did this st'%id thin&3" .r Leery said an&rily. "/o' re the + " Then he sto%%ed s%eakin& s'ddenly. He looked at his wife. "That was terri(le"" he said. ", so'nd like my own father. He always said thin&s like that to me when , was yo'n& and $ra4y." "Dad" .om"" Dawson said. ",t s O7. Take my $amera. , d like to tell yo'" , ll ne!er do anythin& like that a&ain. )'t , m a teena&er with %ro(lems" and , m tryin& to (e$ome an ad'lt. -o , %ro(a(ly will do more st'%id thin&s. )'t today" , m !ery sorry." "Oh" yes" yo' ll do many more st'%id thin&s + we re s're a(o't that"" .r Leery said. He la'&hed. "And ea$h time yo' do somethin& st'%id" we ll (e here to %'nish yo'." Dawson nodded his head. He wasn t 'nha%%y a(o't that idea. He &ot '% and left the room. Pa$ey was sittin& in the li!in& room of his father s ho'se. His father knew all a(o't the tri% to New /ork. Do'& #itter had ret'rned from the %oli$e $on!ention a day early. He had fo'nd o't a(o't Pa$ey s tri% from A((y .or&an.

A((y had en6oyed tellin& Do'& a(o't it. And Do'& had en6oyed %honin& his father with the news. "/o' re a fail're" Pa$ey"" his father told him. "E!erythin& in yo'r life is wron&. E!ery $hoi$e yo' make is wron&. #hy $an t yo' (e like yo'r (rother3" ", m sorry" Dad"" Pa$ey said 'nha%%ily. ", won t do it a&ain." "/o'r a%olo&y isn t &ood eno'&h"" .r #itter said an&rily. "#hy didn t yo' ask me a(o't (orrowin& the tr'$k3 ")e$a'se yo' wo'ld ha!e said no"" said Pa$ey" sim%ly. "#ell that s tr'e5" .r #itter said. ")'t yo' didn t ask. /o' stole the tr'$k5 #hile , !e (een at a $on!ention a(o't teena&e $riminals" yo' !e (e$ome a teena&e $riminal. There s only one thin& to do with yo' + there s only one thin& that yo' ll 'nderstand. , m &oin& to arrest yo'. /o' ll (e arrested for stealin&. .ay(e yo' ll &o to 6ail. , $an t hel% yo' any more" and + " At that moment" the %hone started to rin&. .r #itter %i$ked it '%. "/es" , m Chief #itter"" he said into the %hone. Then he was 1'iet for a while. He was listenin& to someone who had somethin& to tell him. After a few min'tes" he s%oke a&ain. "Thank yo' for tellin& me a(o't this"" he said. ",t was kind of yo' to $all. Did my son ask yo' to $all me3 No" , 'nderstand. 2ood(ye."

.r #itter %'t the %hone down and he looked $aref'lly at his son. "That was a lady named .rs Phyllis Hano!er"" he said. "-he %honed to tell me a(o't yo' and yo'r friends. /o' were tryin& to &et (a$k here (efore , did. )'t yo' sto%%ed to hel% her (e$a'se she was in tro'(le. And she tried to &i!e yo' some money" ('t yo' didn t take it. #ell" may(e there is somethin& &ood in yo'" son. .ay(e yo' ll (eha!e (etter one day." "Are yo' &oin& to arrest me" Dad3" Pa$ey asked 1'ietly. "No" , m not &oin& to arrest yo'"" .r #itter re%lied. ")'t , don t 'nderstand yo'" Pa$ey. , don t 'nderstand yo' at all." ", don t 'nderstand me either" Dad"" said Pa$ey. ")'t , a%olo&i4e a(o't the tr'$k." And he left the room. Late that e!enin&" Joey %i$ked '% her %hone. -he $alled Dawson s n'm(er and he answered 1'i$kly. "Hi" Dawson"" Joey said. ", $alled to say &oodni&ht. Are yo'r %arents !ery an&ry with yo'3" "#ell" , m still ali!e"" Dawson said. "They didn t kill me. Joey" listen to me. , need to tell yo' somethin&. , do 'nderstand what yo' said a(o't Danny. /o' saw him" and then yo'r life $han&ed. ,t ha%%ened to me too. , met a &irl in a %arkin& lot in -taten ,sland" and e!erythin& $han&ed for me. -he was a dan$er and she was (ea'tif'l. , ll ne!er see her a&ain + , know that. )'t the world is a different %la$e for

me too." "#hy are yo' tellin& me this" Dawson3" Joey asked. -he wasn t ha%%y to hear a(o't Di*ie. ", want to (e honest with yo'" Joey"" Dawson said. "/o' want 's to (e honest with ea$h other. /o' want 's to (e honest a(o't o'r feelin&s. /o' told me that." -'ddenly Joey felt (etter. "Dawson"" she whis%ered. "/es3" ", only wanted to say yo'r name. 2oodni&ht." And Joey smiled as she %'t the %hone down.

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