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Everything Changes
"Dawson, I will not kiss Pacey Witter!" Joey Potter said an rily! T"e irl w"o s#oke was tall and #retty and s"e "ad lon $rown "air! T"e $oy w"o s"e was s#eakin to was $lond and "andso%e! He "ad li "t $rown eyes and a &ine %o't"! Joey Potter and Dawson (eery "ad $een &riends all t"eir li)es! Eac" was t"e ot"er*s $est &riend! +'t t"ey were $ot" &i&teen years old! And li&e ets di&&ic'lt &or irls and $oys at t"at a e! T"e #erson w"o Joey didn*t want to kiss wasn*t lookin at t"e ot"er two! He was lookin o't o)er t"e water o& t"e little creek! Pacey Witter was &i&teen too! He "ad s"ort $rown "air and lon ar%s and le s! Pacey wasn*t ' ly , "e was -'ite ood,lookin ! +'t "e didn*t look like Dawson! Pacey was a nice #erson! He was &'nny! Peo#le la' "ed at "is .okes! +'t "e tried to %ake e)eryone like "i%, and "e tried too "ard! He was tryin too "ard to row '#! Pacey "ad &riends, $'t %ost o& t"e ti%e, "e &elt lonely! He &elt ' ly and lonely and st'#id! He didn*t want to $e &i&teen! Pacey was o&ten ner)o's wit" irls! W"en "e was wit" irls, "e always did t"e wron t"in ! And w"en "e s#oke to t"e%, "e always said t"e wron t"in ! /i&teen is a di&&ic'lt a e &or e)eryone, $'t Pacey "ad %ore #ro$le%s t"an %ost &i&teen, year,olds!

Pacey*s &a%ily didn*t 'nderstand "i%! Pacey*s &at"er was t"e C"ie& o& Police in Ca#eside! Pacey*s $rot"er was a #olice o&&icer too! T"ey were to' " %en! T"ey didn*t 'nderstand Pacey and t"ey didn*t like "i%! W"y did Dawson want Joey to kiss Pacey0 +eca'se Dawson was %akin a "orror %o)ie! Dawson "ad written t"e screen#lay &or t"e %o)ie! And "e was t"e ca%era%an and t"e director too! He o#erated t"e )ideo ca%era! He told t"e actors w"at to do! And "is &riends Joey and Pacey were t"e actors in "is %o)ie! In t"e %o)ie, Pacey was an e)il teena e killer! Joey was a teena e irl w"o &alls in lo)e wit" t"e killer! It was now 1at'rday %ornin , and Dawson was tryin to s"oot so%e i%#ortant scenes &or "is &il%! It was t"e last weekend o& a sc"ool )acation! Dawson wanted to &inis" t"e &il% soon! E)eryt"in "ad $een O2 'ntil today! +'t in t"e scene w"ic" t"ey were s"ootin now, Pacey "ad to kiss Joey! "Dawson, yo' "a)e to c"an e t"is scene!" Joey said! "I can*t c"an e t"is scene, Joey," Dawson said! "3o' "a)e to kiss "i%! T"at*s in t"e story! And t"e #eo#le w"o see t"e &il% "a)e to $elie)e in t"is kiss! It "as to look like a real kiss! 3o' don*t "a)e to to'c" Pacey*s li#s wit" yo'r li#s , yo' don*t "a)e to do it &or real! +'t yo' need to $rin yo'r li#s )ery close to "is! T"en t"e scene will look ood in t"e %o)ie! Peo#le will t"ink, *1"e kissed "i%!* T"at*s all t"at I want!" Joey #ointed "er "and at Pacey!

"T"is , t"is #erson won*t do it t"at way," s"e said an rily! "He always tries to kiss %e &or real! He always tries to #'t "is li#s on %ine! And I "ate it!" Joey and Pacey were &riends! 1"e "ad known "i% &or %any years! +'t s"e didn*t like $ein close to "i%! W"en "e tried to kiss "er, "er $ody &elt cold and t"en "ot! 1"e &elt ill! 1"e was not oin to kiss Pacey! Dawson was Joey*s $est &riend! +'t s"e wasn*t oin to do t"is &or "i%! "O2," said Dawson! "We won*t s"oot any %ore scenes today!" "I "a)e to work on yo'r "ead t"is a&ternoon, Joey," Dawson said! In t"e last scene o& Dawson*s "orror &il%, Pacey, "T"e E)il Teena er," was oin to c't o&& Joey*s "ead! Dawson wanted t"e scene to look real! 1o "e was %akin a %odel o& Joey*s "ead! Pacey was oin to "old '# t"e %odel "ead in t"e last s"ot o& t"e %o)ie! Dawson was %akin t"e %odel "ead &ro% r'$$er! He "ad taken lots o& #"otos o& Joey! P"otos o& "er &ace, #"otos o& t"e $ack o& "er "ead, and #"otos o& t"e sides o& "er &ace! T"is a&ternoon, "e was oin to %ake t"e r'$$er "ead look %ore like t"e #"otos! Dawson #'t "is )ideo ca%era in its case! "I*ll see yo' t"is e)enin , Joey," "e said! "I*)e $orrowed )ideos o& so%e reat %o)ies!" T"e t"ree &riends "ad li)ed in t"e little 4assac"'setts town o& Ca#eside all t"eir li)es! Pacey li)ed $y t"e sea, in t"e lar est #art o& t"e -'iet town! His "o%e was near t"e "ar$or! Dawson li)ed near t"e creek! Joey li)ed in a s%all

wooden "o'se on t"e ot"er side o& t"e creek! T"e creek &lowed t"ro' " t"e town and o't into t"e sea! Dawson*s &a%ily was ric"! T"ey li)ed in a $ea'ti&'l "o'se! Dawson*s &at"er was an arc"itect , "e desi ned $'ildin s! 4ost o& t"e $'ildin s t"at 4itc"ell (eery desi ned were "otels and e5#ensi)e resta'rants! Dawson*s %ot"er, 6ale, worked at t"e Ca#eside tele)ision station! 1"e worked on t"e T7 news #ro ra%s! E)ery e)enin , Dawson co'ld see "is %ot"er on T7! E)ery e)enin , 4rs (eery read t"e news and talked to ot"er news re#orters a$o't t"e day*s stories! Dawson "ad always learned a$o't li&e &ro% T7! 4ay$e t"at*s w"y "e lo)ed %o)ies! Dawson "ad always lo)ed watc"in %o)ies! A&ter sc"ool, and on weekends, "e worked in a )ideo rental store in Ca#eside! T"e store was na%ed 1creen#lay 7ideo! Pacey worked t"ere too! +'t Pacey worked t"ere $eca'se "e wanted to earn %oney! Dawson worked at t"e store $eca'se t"e owner let "i% $orrow )ideos! Al%ost e)ery e)enin , Dawson watc"ed )ideos o& reat %o)ies &ro% t"e #ast! He learned so %'c" &ro% t"e%! His &a)orite &il% director was 1te)en 1#iel$er ! He "ad watc"ed 1#iel$er *s &il%s "'ndreds o& ti%es! Dawson wanted to %ake "is own %o)ies! His #arents "el#ed "i%! T"ey a)e "i% a )ideo ca%era! He s#ent a lot o& ti%e writin scri#ts! T"e s"ort %o)ie t"at "e was %akin now was )ery i%#ortant to "i%! E)ery year t"ere was a &il% &esti)al in +oston , t"e lar est city in t"e state o& 4assac"'setts! And e)ery year at t"e &esti)al, t"ere was a

co%#etition &or yo'n &il% directors! 3o'n #eo#le, w"o were st'dents at sc"ools in t"e state, sent t"eir s"ort %o)ies to t"e &esti)al! A &a%o's &il% director c"ose t"e $est %o)ie! T"ere was a #ri8e &or t"e $est &il%! Dawson wanted to win t"e #ri8e t"is year! Dawson "ad a ood li&e! His #arents lo)ed "i% )ery %'c", and "e lo)ed t"e%! He was t"eir only c"ild! Dawson "ad no $rot"ers or sisters! Joey Potter*s li&e wasn*t as ood as Dawson*s li&e! Joey li)ed wit" "er older sister, +essie! T"eir "o'se wasn*t $ea'ti&'l! T"e #aint on t"e "o'se was old and t"e colors were no lon er $ri "t! T"e Potters co'ldn*t do anyt"in a$o't t"is! T"ey didn*t "a)e %'c" %oney! Joey and +essie*s %ot"er was dead! T"eir &at"er "ad le&t t"eir "o%e w"en t"e c"ildren were )ery yo'n ! And now "e was in .ail! T"e Potters owned a ca&e in t"e town! It was na%ed T"e Ice Ho'se! +essie worked at t"e ca&e and "er $oy&riend worked t"ere too! Joey worked at T"e Ice Ho'se on t"e weekends and s"e worked t"ere in t"e e)enin s, a&ter sc"ool! Joey lo)ed "er sister, $'t t"ey weren*t always "a##y w"en t"ey were to et"er! 1oon, +essie was oin to "a)e a $a$y! +essie was tired %ost o& t"e ti%e! 1"e o&ten &elt ill! And w"en s"e &elt ill s"e $eca%e an ry wit" Joey! (ots o& t"in s in Joey*s li&e were not ood! T"e $est t"in in "er li&e was "er &riends"i# wit" Dawson (eery! It was now 1at'rday e)enin ! Dawson and Joey were watc"in )ideos in Dawson*s roo%! T"ey always did t"is on

1at'rday e)enin s! Joey didn*t work at t"e ca&e on 1at'rday e)enin s! W"en t"e weat"er was ood, s"e crossed t"e creek to Dawson*s "o'se in "er little row$oat! T"at was -'icker t"an 'sin t"e road! /or %any years, t"e e)enin s "ad always ended t"e sa%e way! Joey didn*t o $ack to "er own "o'se! 1"e stayed wit" Dawson! T"e two o& t"e% sle#t in Dawson*s $i $ed! T"is "ad ne)er $een a #ro$le% &or t"e%! +'t toni "t, Joey was worried! T"e last )ideo &inis"ed! "I %'st o "o%e now," Joey said! "I*% tired! We "a)e to s"oot %ore scenes &or t"e %o)ie to%orrow %ornin ! I "a)e to work in t"e a&ternoon, and sc"ool starts a ain on 4onday!" "1tay "ere toni "t," Dawson said! "3o' always stay "ere on 1at'rday ni "ts!" Joey looked at "er &riend sadly! "Dawson, we*re rowin '#," s"e said! "O'r $odies are c"an in ! O'r &eelin s are c"an in , well, %y &eelin s are c"an in ! We can*t slee# in t"e sa%e $ed any %ore!" "We sle#t in t"e sa%e $ed last week," Dawson re#lied! "W"y is t"is week di&&erent0" "E)eryt"in c"an es, Dawson," Joey said! It was so di&&ic'lt to tell "i% a$o't "er &eelin s! "Not"in "as to c"an e," Dawson said! Now "e was sad too! "I want e)eryt"in to $e t"e sa%e as it "as always $een!" "Dawson," Joey said -'ietly! "I*)e known yo' since we were little c"ildren! I*)e always lo)ed yo' as a &riend! +'t

now, o'r relations"i# "as to c"an e! I*% $e innin to lo)e yo' in a di&&erent way! I*% nearly a wo%an now! 3o'*re nearly a %an! We*re rowin '# &ast! I*% startin to lo)e yo' di&&erently! I*% startin to lo)e yo' in a rown,'# way! Do yo' 'nderstand0 Do yo' lo)e %e in t"at way too0 Dawson, do yo' want %e to $e yo'r irl&riend0" "No, Joey," Dawson said! "I don*t want yo' to $e %y irl&riend! I want yo' to $e %y s#ecial &riend , %y $est &riend! I want to talk to yo' a$o't e)eryt"in in %y li&e! I want to talk a$o't %y "o#es, &ears and tro'$les! I don*t want to row '# i& I lose yo' as %y s#ecial &riend!" "O", Dawson," Joey said! "3o'r li&e is a %o)ie! T"at*s w"at yo' t"ink! 3o' always want a "a##y endin ! +'t yo' can*t write t"e scri#t &or ot"er #eo#le*s li)es! 3o' can*t %ake e)eryt"in si%#le and "a##y! (i&e is di&&ic'lt!" "1o, is t"is t"e end o& o'r &riends"i#, Joey0" Dawson asked 'n"a##ily! "Is t"is t"e end o& e)eryt"in 0" "No, Dawson, t"is is only t"e end o& one t"in ," Joey re#lied! "It*s t"e end o& so%et"in t"at was si%#le! It*s t"e end o& o'r li)es as c"ildren! It*s t"e $e innin o& e)eryt"in else! (i&e doesn*t end like a %o)ie, %y &riend! (i&e oes on, day a&ter day!"


A New Girl in Town

T"e ne5t %ornin , Dawson, Joey and Pacey were s"ootin so%e %ore scenes &or Dawson*s %o)ie! T"ey were &il%in at t"e ed e o& t"e creek, near Dawson*s "o'se! Dawson didn*t ask Joey to kiss Pacey a ain! "We*ll s"oot t"at scene ne5t week," "e told t"e%! "In t"e ne5t scene," He sto##ed talkin ! A ta5i "ad sto##ed o'tside t"e "o'se t"at was ne5t to Dawson*s "o'se! A )ery $ea'ti&'l irl ot o't o& t"e ta5i! 1"e "ad $lond "air and s"e was wearin lo)ely, e5#ensi)e clot"es! 1"e was a$o't t"e sa%e a e as t"e t"ree &riends! "W"at a wonder&'l irl!" Pacey said! Dawson didn*t re#ly! T"ere was not"in to say! 1'ddenly, Dawson was in lo)e! He*d seen t"e irl $e&ore , "e was s're o& t"at! W"o was s"e0 T"en "e re%e%$ered w"o s"e was! An old co'#le , 4r and 4rs Ryan , li)ed in t"e "o'se ne5t to Dawson*s "o'se! And t"is irl was t"eir randda' "ter, Jenni&er (indley! 1"e didn*t li)e in Ca#eside! 1"e li)ed in New 3ork City wit" "er #arents! 1o%eti%es s"e )isited "er rand#arents! +'t s"e "adn*t looked like t"is w"en s"e "ad last )isited! 1"e was rowin '# &ast! T"e dri)er o& t"e ta5i took lots o& $a s and cases o't o& t"e car! He #'t t"e% on t"e ro'nd! T"en "e ot $ack into

t"e ta5i and dro)e away! T"e $ea'ti&'l $lond irl walked o)er to t"e ed e o& t"e creek! "Hi," s"e said! "I*% Jen (indley! I*)e co%e to stay wit" %y rand#arents!" Dawson, Pacey, and Joey told t"e irl t"eir na%es! "Will t"is "e a lon )isit0" Dawson asked! "3o' "a)e a lot o& "a s and cases!" "3es," Jen re#lied! "I don*t know w"en I*ll o $ack to New 3ork! 6ra%#s , %y rand&at"er , is )ery ill! I*% oin to "el# %y rand%ot"er! We*ll take care o& "i% to et"er! 4ay$e it will $e a )ery lon )isit! I*% oin to start sc"ool "ere to%orrow , at Ca#eside Hi "!" Dawson and Pacey s%iled at eac" ot"er! Ca#eside Hi " was t"eir sc"ool! Joey was a st'dent t"ere too! Dawson and Pacey s%iled! +'t Joey didn*t s%ile! 1"e was lookin at Dawson! And Dawson was lookin into t"e $ea'ti&'l eyes o& t"is new irl &ro% New 3ork! Joey 'nderstood w"at was "a##enin ! 1"e was losin Dawson*s &riends"i# and s"e was )ery sad! T"at a&ternoon, Dawson and Pacey were workin at 1creen#lay 7ideo! T"e store wasn*t )ery $'sy! Dawson was #'ttin )ideos on s"el)es! Pacey was standin $e"ind t"e c'sto%er desk! He was waitin &or so%eone to rent a )ideo! +'t %ay$e no$ody wanted a %o)ie on t"is 1'nday a&ternoon! 1'ddenly t"e door o#ened and a wo%an walked into t"e store! Her $lond "air was )ery lon and "er $lack dress was )ery s"ort! 1"e was t"e %ost $ea'ti&'l wo%an t"at

Pacey "ad e)er seen! 1"e was %'c" older t"an "i% $'t s"e was or eo's! "Hello," Pacey said -'ickly! "Can I "el# yo'0 4y na%e is Pacey!" "Hi, Pacey," t"e wo%an said in a so&t )oice! "I*% Ta%ara! I*)e only $een in t"is town a &ew days! I "a)e a new .o$ "ere! I start work to%orrow! I want to rent a )ideo &or t"e e)enin !" Pacey a)e t"e wo%an a #iece o& #a#er! "Please write yo'r na%e and address on t"is &or%, t"en yo' can rent a )ideo," "e told "er! T"e wo%an &illed in t"e &or%! "3o' can look at t"e )ideos on t"e s"el)es," Pacey said! "+'t %ay$e yo' know w"ic" )ideo yo' want! I& yo' do, tell %e t"e title! I*ll &ind it &or yo'!" "I want to rent T"e 6rad'ate, i& yo' "a)e it," t"e wo%an said! And s"e a)e Pacey a lo)ely s%ile! "Ha)e yo' seen t"at %o)ie0" t"e wo%an went on! "It*s a$o't a yo'n %an w"o &alls in lo)e wit" an older wo%an!" Pacey co'ldn*t s#eak &or a %o%ent! His &ace $eca%e red! Was t"is wo%an tellin "i% so%et"in 0 Was s"e &lirtin wit" "i%0 "3,yes, t"at*s a reat &il%," Pacey said, w"en "e co'ld s#eak! "We "a)e t"at! +'t "a)e yo' seen t"e %o)ie 1'%%er o&*9:0" "W"at*s t"e %o)ie a$o't0" T"e wo%an asked! 1"e "ad li "t $rown eyes and lon dark eyelas"es!

"It*s a$o't an older wo%an w"o &alls in lo)e wit" a teena e $oy , a $oy w"o is $eco%in a %an," Pacey re#lied! "It*s a reat %o)ie!" "3es, I re%e%$er it now! 1'%%er o& *9: was a reat %o)ie," Ta%ara said! "It was once %y &a)orite &il%!" 1"e la' "ed! "I*ll rent t"at %o)ie anot"er day! I like t"ose kinds o& %o)ies! +'t I*ll take T"e 6rad'ate &or t"is e)enin !" Pacey walked o)er to one o& t"e tall s"el)es and took down a )ideo! He a)e it to Ta%ara! "How %'c" is t"e rental cost0" s"e asked! "3o' can #ay w"en yo' ret'rn t"e )ideo," Pacey said! "Please co%e $ack soon!" "3es, I*ll co%e $ack soon," t"e wo%an said! "T"anks &or all yo'r "el#!" And s"e s%iled at "i% a ain! "6ood$ye, Pacey!" "Did yo' "ear t"at0" Pacey asked Dawson w"en t"e wo%an "ad le&t t"e store! "Ta%ara wants %e! 1"e was &lirtin wit" %e!" "3o'*re wron Pacey! 3o'*re drea%in ," Dawson re#lied, s%ilin ! "1"e was la' "in at yo', Pacey! Ta%ara will not $e interested in a "i " sc"ool st'dent!"


Capeside High
On 4onday %ornin , Jen (indley walked to sc"ool wit" Dawson! It was "er &irst day at Ca#eside Hi "! 1"e was &riendly and s"e was intelli ent! A&ter "al& an "o'r, Dawson t"o' "t, "I*)e known "er all %y li&e! I*)e $een waitin &or "er all %y li&e! 1"e*s wonder&'l!" W"en classes $e an, Dawson "ad to o to a di&&erent classroo%! He was sad to lea)e "er! D'rin t"e %ornin , Dawson attended a &il% class! T"e teac"er was 4r 6old! He was a #leasant, %iddle,a ed %an! His lasses "'n &ro% a c"ain aro'nd "is neck! T"e class was a$o't t"e "istory o& %o)ies! +'t eac" year, t"e sc"ool also "el#ed one st'dent w"o wanted to %ake a %o)ie! T"e sc"ool s#onsored t"e &il% , it #aid t"e cost o& %akin it! And t"e sc"ool sent t"e %o)ie to +oston, &or t"e co%#etition &or yo'n directors! 4r 6old always "el#ed t"e st'dent w"o was %akin t"e &il%! Dawson wanted Ca#eside Hi " to s#onsor "is &il%, $'t t"at wasn*t oin to "a##en! 4ost o& t"e st'dents w"o attended t"e &il% class were older t"an Dawson! It was always one o& t"e older st'dents w"ose &il% was s#onsored! "3o' %'st wait 'ntil yo'*re older," 4r 6old told Dawson! "4ay$e we*ll s#onsor a %o)ie &or yo' anot"er year!

+'t w"en Dawson "eard a$o't t"e &il% t"at t"e sc"ool was oin to s#onsor, "e was an ry! T"e st'dent w"o was %akin it was na%ed Cli&& Elliot! He was a tall, "andso%e se)enteen,year,old $oy! Cli&& "ad $rown "air, ray eyes and a $i , %'sc'lar $ody! He was t"e $est #layer on t"e sc"ool &oot$all tea%! All t"e irls liked "i%! And "is %o)ie was oin to $e a$o't &oot$all! It was oin to $e a$o't a tall "andso%e $oy w"o was a %e%$er o& a sc"ool &oot$all tea%! "T"is %o)ie will $e so $orin ," Dawson t"o' "t! "W"y is t"e sc"ool oin to s#end %oney on so%et"in st'#id0 W"y isn*t it "el#in a reat new director at t"e $e innin o& "is li&e in %o)ies0 W"y isn*t it "el#in %e0" Pacey walked into t"e roo% w"ere "is En lis" class was oin to take #lace! And "e "ad a s'r#rise! A $ea'ti&'l $lond wo%an was standin $e"ind t"e teac"er*s desk! It was Ta%ara , t"e or eo's wo%an w"o "ad rented T"e 6rad'ate at 1creen#lay 7ideo! Pacey walked o)er to "er and s%iled! "Hi, Ta%ara," "e said! "It*s ood to see yo'! W"at are yo' doin "ere0" "Hello, Pacey," t"e wo%an re#lied! "I work "ere! I& yo'*re a %e%$er o& t"is class, I*% yo'r new En lis" teac"er! It*s ood to see yo' too, $'t yo' %'st call %e 4iss Jaco$s w"en we*re in sc"ool!" "O", %ay$e I*ll see yo' ," 4iss Jaco$s "eld '# "er "and! "Please sit down now, Pacey," s"e said! "I want to start t"e class!"

D'rin t"e En lis" class, Pacey was t"inkin ! +'t "e wasn*t t"inkin a$o't En lis" #oetry! He was t"inkin a$o't t"e teac"er! "1"e likes %e," "e told "i%sel&! "1"e really likes %e! Dawson was wron ! 1"e was &lirtin wit" %e yesterday! 1"e doesn*t t"ink, *He*s a st'#id, ' ly kid!* 1"e really wants to know %e! O2, s"e*s %y teac"er! Is t"at %y &a'lt0 Is t"at "er &a'lt0 No! 1"e wants %e and I*% oin to talk to "er a ain!" At t"e end o& t"e class, "e walked o)er to t"e teac"er*s desk! "Hi, Ta%ara , 4iss Jaco$s," "e said! "Did yo' en.oy T"e 6rad'ate0" "3es, it was reat," s"e re#lied! "Do yo' want to rent 1'%%er o& *9: toni "t0" "e asked! "T"at*s t"e kind o& %o)ie t"at yo' like! And t"e store is o#en 'ntil ei "t t"irty!" "No, I don*t want to rent a )ideo toni "t," 4iss Jaco$s re#lied! "T"ere*s a new %o)ie at t"e t"eater "ere in town! I*% oin to see t"at toni "t! It starts at nine o*clock!" At l'nc"ti%e, Jen looked &or Joey in t"e dinin "all! 1"e &o'nd "er -'ickly and sat down at "er ta$le! "Joey, I want to ask yo' so%et"in ! It*s so%et"in i%#ortant," Jen said! "It*s a$o't Dawson! Is "e yo'r $oy&riend0" "No," Joey re#lied! "He isn*t %y $oy&riend! He*s so%eone w"o I*)e known all %y li&e! +'t "e isn*t %y $oy&riend!" 1"e sto##ed s#eakin &or a %o%ent!

"Jen, Dawson is a ood #erson," Joey went on! "He "asn*t $een in lo)e $e&ore! +e care&'l wit" "i%! Please don*t "'rt "i%!" "I won*t "'rt "i%, Joey," Jen said! "I want to $e "is &riend! And I want to $e yo'r &riend too!" Now Jen sto##ed &or a %o%ent! "Joey," s"e went on! "4y rand%ot"er said so%e stran e t"in s a$o't yo' , a$o't yo' and yo'r &a%ily!" "O", lots o& #eo#le in t"is town say stran e t"in s a$o't 's," Joey re#lied! Her )oice was cold and "ard! "W"at did s"e say0" "6ra%s said, *Don*t talk to Joey Potter! 1tay away &ro% "er and "er sister!* W"y doesn*t %y rand%ot"er like yo'0" Jen asked! "Well, %y &at"er is in .ail," Joey said! "He steals t"in s! And %y sister is oin to "a)e a $a$y and s"e isn*t %arried! And "er $oy&riend, +odie, is $lack! T"ere aren*t %any A&rican,A%erican #eo#le in Ca#eside!" "W"at "a##ened to yo'r %ot"er0" Jen asked! "1"e died," Joey said! "Well, #eo#le say stran e t"in s a$o't t"e Potter &a%ily! 4ay$e yo' can 'nderstand w"y now! Does it worry yo'0" Jen la' "ed! "No," s"e re#lied! "Peo#le said stran e t"in s a$o't %e w"en I li)ed in New 3ork! 3o'r &a%ily so'nds reat!" Jen ot '# and le&t t"e ta$le! "1"e*s tryin to $e nice to %e," Joey t"o' "t! "+'t I don*t want anyone else to lo)e Dawson!"

At anot"er ta$le, Pacey was talkin to Dawson! "3o' "a)e to co%e wit" %e, Dawson," "e said! "3o' "a)e to co%e to t"e %o)ie t"eater toni "t! We can o a&ter t"e )ideo store closes! Ta%ara asked %e to %eet "er at t"e t"eater! +'t I need a &riend t"ere too! It*s oin to $e t"e $est e)enin o& %y li&e!" "Pacey, yo'*)e %ade a %istake," Dawson said! "Teac"ers don*t o to %o)ies wit" st'dents!" "3o' don*t 'nderstand! 1"e wants %e , I know t"at!" Pacey told "i%! +e&ore t"e a&ternoon classes started, Dawson &o'nd Jen! 1"e was takin so%e sc"ool $ooks &ro% "er locker! "Jen, Pacey wants to o to a %o)ie toni "t," Dawson said! "He wants %e to o wit" "i%! Will yo' co%e too0 It will $e &'n!" "3es, O2, t"at will $e reat," Jen re#lied! T"en s"e closed t"e %etal door and locked it! "I*ll %eet yo' at ei "t &orty," Dawson said! A&ter sc"ool &inis"ed &or t"e day, Dawson %et Joey! T"ey walked to et"er down to t"e creek and sat down near t"e water! "Joey, will yo' co%e to a %o)ie toni "t0" Dawson asked! "I*)e %ade a date wit" Jen! I*)e asked Jen to o to a %o)ie wit" %e! +'t Pacey will $e at t"e %o)ie t"eater too! Two $oys and one irl , t"at will $e di&&ic'lt! It will $e %'c" $etter i& yo' co%e! 3o' can talk to Pacey!" Joey t'rned and looked at Dawson!

"3o' want %e to co%e to a %o)ie and talk to Pacey," s"e said slowly! "3o' want %e to %ake a date wit" Pacey Witter t"is e)enin 0 3o' want %e to do t"at w"ile yo' &lirt wit" Jen! Is t"at ri "t, Dawson0" Dawson looked 'n"a##y! "Well, yes," "e said! "I "a)e a c"oice," Joey said! "I can o to t"e %o)ie wit" yo' and Jen and Pacey! Or I can .'%# into t"e creek and kill %ysel&! O2, I*ll .'%# into t"e creek! It will $e %'c" %ore &'n! 3o'*re cra8y, Dawson!" "Joey, #lease do t"is &or %e," Dawson said! "3o'*re %y $est &riend! Don*t yo' want to "el# %e0" "No," Joey re#lied and s"e t'rned "er &ace away! "O", #lease, Joey! Please, #lease, #lease, #lease!" Joey looked at "er &riend a ain! "Dawson, I wo'ldn*t do t"is &or anyone else in t"e world," s"e said! "O2, I*ll see yo' toni "t!" Dawson walked towards "is "o'se and Joey ot into "er row$oat! As s"e rowed across t"e creek, Joey t"o' "t a$o't Jen (indley! "I "ate "er," s"e told "ersel&! "I "ate "er s%ile! I "ate "er $lond "air! I "ate "er e5#ensi)e clot"es! I "ate "er!"


At the Movie Theater

At ei "t t"irty t"at e)enin , Joey was lea)in "o'se! Her sister sto##ed "er $y t"e door! "er

At &irst, Joey looked an ry! Was +essie oin to start a -'arrel0 +'t +essie s%iled and "eld '# a li#stick! "+e&ore yo' lea)e, let %e #'t so%e o& t"is on yo'," +essie said! "It*s a ood red color! 3o'*ll look reat i& yo' wear t"is!" Joey was s'r#rised! 1"e ne)er wore %ake'#! 1"e ne)er t"o' "t a$o't it! +'t +essie was tryin to $e nice to "er! Joey didn*t want to %ake "er sister 'n"a##y! "O2," s"e said! +essie care&'lly #'t so%e o& t"e red %ake'# on "er sister*s li#s! T"en s"e a)e "er t"e li#stick! "3o'*ll #ro$a$ly need it a ain later , i& so%eone kisses yo'!" s"e said! And t"ey $ot" la' "ed! A &ew %in'tes later, t"e &o'r &riends were walkin to t"e %o)ie t"eater to et"er! Jen was walkin wit" Dawson! +e"ind t"e%, Joey was walkin wit" Pacey! Joey didn*t want to $e t"ere! Jen was tryin to $e nice to "er, $'t t"at %ade Joey an ry! E)ery ti%e Jen said so%et"in nice, Joey said so%et"in nasty! W"y0 Well, s"e didn*t want Jen to $e nice to "er! 1"e wanted Dawson to $e nice to "er! And s"e didn*t want "i% to $e nice to Jen!

"Joey, I like yo'r li#stick," Jen said as t"ey sto##ed in &ront o& t"e t"eater! "It looks wonder&'l on yo'! W"at*s t"e na%e o& t"e color0" "I don*t know," Joey re#lied! "W"at*s t"e na%e o& t"e color o& yo'r "air! It co%es &ro% a $ottle , I know t"at!" "Joey!" Dawson said an rily! "1to# t"is!" "O", don*t worry a$o't %e," Jen said! "Joey wants to $e nasty to %e! I want to %ake t"at )ery di&&ic'lt &or "er!" T"e &o'r &riends $o' "t t"eir tickets &or t"e %o)ie! "Do yo' want anyt"in to eat0" Dawson asked Jen! "3es, will yo' re#lied! et %e so%e #o#corn, #lease0" s"e

Dawson $o' "t so%e #o#corn &or Jen! T"en t"ey all went into t"e t"eater and sat down! Jen sat down &irst, t"en Dawson sat $eside "er! Joey sat $etween Dawson and Pacey! Pacey looked aro'nd! A&ter a &ew seconds, "e saw Ta%ara Jaco$s! 1"e was sittin in a seat near t"e &ront o& t"e t"eater! Ne5t to "er was an e%#ty seat! 1"e was kee#in t"e seat &or "i%! Pacey stood '#! "I*ll $e $ack soon," "e told t"e ot"ers! At t"at %o%ent, so%eone started switc"in o&& t"e li "ts in t"e t"eater! T"e &il% was $e innin ! Joey saw Dawson %o)e "is le&t "and towards Jen*s ri "t "and! 1oon, "is "and was co)erin "er "and!

"O", Jen," Joey said! "Are yo' oin to kiss Dawson later0 3o' %'st $e )ery ood at it! 3o' %'st "a)e kissed "'ndreds o& 'ys! 3o' "ad lots o& #ractice kissin $oys w"en yo' li)ed in New 3ork!" Dawson stood '# s'ddenly! He ra$$ed Joey*s ar% and "eld it ti "tly! He was )ery an ry! "Co%e o'tside &or a %o%ent, Joey," "e said! "We "a)e to talk a$o't so%et"in !" "+e -'iet!" said a %an $e"ind t"e%! "We can*t "ear t"e %o)ie! 1it down and $e -'iet!" Dawson #'lled Joey o't o& t"e t"eater! "W"at*s wron wit" yo', Joey0" Dawson s"o'ted! T"e two yo'n #eo#le were standin in t"e street! "3o' "a)e a #ro$le%! W"at is it0" "O", are yo' s#eakin to %e now, Dawson0" Joey re#lied! 1"e was an ry too! "3o' "a)en*t s#oken to %e t"is e)enin ! 3o'r new $lond &riend arri)ed in t"is town! T"en yo' sto##ed s#eakin to %e! T"at*s %y #ro$le%, Dawson! 3o' only t"ink a$o't "er and yo' $e"a)e $adly to e)eryone else!" "O2 , yes, I talk to Jen," Dawson said! "Is t"at wron 0 I like "er! W"y aren*t yo' #leased a$o't t"at0 Aren*t yo' %y &riend any lon er0 Don*t yo' want %e to $e "a##y0 Don*t yo' 'nderstand %e any %ore0" "O", Dawson," Joey said! 1'ddenly s"e &elt )ery tired! *I 'nderstand yo'! I 'nderstand yo' )ery well! I "a)e always 'nderstood yo'! And now, I*% oin to sto# 'nderstandin yo'! I*% oin "o%e!"

Joey t'rned and walked away! Pacey sat down in t"e e%#ty seat ne5t to Ta%ara Jaco$s! "Hi, Ta%ara," "e said! "Pacey, w"at are yo' doin "ere0" 4iss Jaco$s asked "i%! 1"e looked s'r#rised! T"en s"e looked worried! "I ca%e wit" so%e &riends," Pacey re#lied! "O", t"at*s ood," 4iss Jaco$s said! 1'ddenly s"e s%iled! "It*s ood to see yo'! +'t w"y aren*t yo' sittin wit" yo'r &riends0" "Well, I ca%e wit" so%e &riends," Pacey said! "+'t I don*t want to sit wit" t"e%! I want to sit wit" yo'! W"y are yo' s'r#rised0 3o' in)ited %e to co%e to t"e %o)ie! It was yo'r idea!" "Pacey, yo' don*t 'nderstand," 4iss Jaco$s said! "W"en we talked earlier, yo' %is'nderstood %e!" At t"at %o%ent, a %iddle,a ed %an ca%e '# to t"e%! He was +en 6old, t"e teac"er o& &il% class at Ca#eside Hi "! He was carryin a lar e $o5 o& #o#corn! He looked an ry! "Is t"is kid %akin tro'$le, Ta%ara0" "e asked! "+e -'iet!" said a %an w"o was sittin $e"ind t"e%! "No, +en," 4iss Jaco$s said! "He isn*t %akin tro'$le! He*s a $oy &ro% one o& %y classes! He saw %e "ere and "e ca%e to say "ello!" "Well, yo'*re sittin in %y seat, kid," +en 6old said!

"It*s not yo'r seat," Pacey said an rily! "Ta%ara in)ited %e to co%e to t"e %o)ie!" "T"at isn*t tr'e, +en," 4iss Jaco$s said! "Pacey didn*t 'nderstand so%et"in t"at I said! He ot t"e wron idea!" "+e -'iet! 1it down and $e -'iet!" t"e %an $e"ind t"e% said! "I can*t "ear t"e %o)ie!" +en 6old ra$$ed Pacey*s ar% and #'lled "i% &ro% t"e seat! "3o' %'st &ind anot"er #lace to sit," "e said! "I*ll "el# yo'! 1tand '#!" 1'ddenly, Pacey #'lled "is ar% away &ro% 4r 6old! T"e teac"er &ell &orward! His #o#corn &lew o't o& t"e $o5, into t"e air! 4ost o& t"e #o#corn &ell on t"e an ry %an w"o was sittin $e"ind 4iss Jaco$s! T"e an ry %an stood '#! He was )ery $i ! He "it Pacey in t"e &ace , "e "it Pacey )ery "ard!


Almost a Kiss
Dawson and Jen were standin near t"e &ront door o& Jen*s "o'se! T"e two yo'n #eo#le "ad walked "o%e to et"er &ro% t"e %o)ie t"eater! "Jen, I*% sorry a$o't t"is e)enin ," Dawson said! "It was terri$le!" "3es, it was terri$le," Jen re#lied! "+'t t"at wasn*t yo'r &a'lt, Dawson! It was %y &a'lt!" "No, Jen," Dawson said! "I %ade a date wit" yo'! Joey was an ry and '#set a$o't t"at! 1"e was .ealo's and s"e $e"a)ed )ery $adly! T"at wasn*t yo'r &a'lt! Pacey decided to &lirt wit" a wo%an w"o was %ore t"an twenty years older t"an "i%! An an ry %an in t"e t"eater "it Pacey! Was anyone s'r#rised a$o't t"at0 No! And t"at wasn*t yo'r &a'lt! Not"in was yo'r &a'lt!" Dawson looked at Jen! He wanted to kiss "er )ery %'c"! +'t "e was worried! He did not want "er to la' " at "i%! And "e did not want "er to $e an ry wit" "i%! "E)eryt"in was %y &a'lt, not yo'rs," "e went on! "I t"o' "t, *Jen won*t %ake a date wit" %e 'nless Joey and Pacey are wit" 's too!* Joey didn*t want to co%e to t"e %o)ie t"is e)enin ! I asked "er to co%e $eca'se I wanted to $e wit" yo'! And I asked "er to co%e $eca'se I wanted so%eone to $e wit" Pacey! Joey ca%e $eca'se s"e wanted to #lease %e! +'t s"e was )ery 'n"a##y , w"y didn*t I 'ess

t"at0 I don*t 'nderstand #eo#le )ery well! I*% not ood at 'nderstandin #eo#le!" "3o'* re wron Dawson," Jen said -'ietly! "3o' 'nderstand #eo#le )ery well! And yo' 'nderstand yo'rsel&! 3o'*re kind, and yo' care a$o't #eo#le! 3o' care a$o't ot"er #eo#le*s &eelin s! 3o'*re "andso%e $'t yo' aren*t arro ant! 3o' aren*t sel&is" and #leased wit" yo'rsel&! 3o'*re a )ery lo)ea$le #erson!" Dawson %o)ed closer to Jen! He looked at "er so&t %o't"! He was oin to kiss "er! +'t at t"at %o%ent, so%eone switc"ed on a li "t $y t"e door o& Jen*s "o'se! "Is t"at yo', Jen0" a )oice called! "3o' %'st co%e in now!" "T"at*s %y rand%ot"er! I "a)e to o," Jen said -'ietly! "6oodni "t, Dawson!" Pacey was standin on t"e $oardwalk $eside t"e "ar$or! T"e %oon was )ery $ri "t! It was s"inin on t"e water! T"e water looked sil)er in t"e %oonli "t! T"e "ar$or was &'ll o& $oats! A &ew o& t"e% were &is"in $oats! +'t %ost o& t"e% were e5#ensi)e #leas're $oats! Peo#le s#ent t"eir )acations on t"ese $oats! T"e $oats $elon ed to t"e ric" to'rists w"o )isited Ca#eside in t"e s'%%er! "T"e #eo#le w"o own $oats like t"ese are ric" and "a##y," Pacey told "i%sel&! "Will I e)er $e "a##y0"

Pacey didn*t &eel )ery "a##y at t"at %o%ent! It was late! His &ace was )ery #ain&'l! And "e was an ry! He t"o' "t a$o't Ta%ara Jaco$s! "I didn*t et t"e wron idea," "e said to "i%sel&! "I didn*t %is'nderstand Ta%ara! I knew w"at s"e wanted! 1"e told %e, *1'%%er o& *9: is %y &a)orite &il%!* And s"e was tellin %e so%et"in else! 1"e wanted to %eet %e at t"e %o)ie t"eater! 1"e was &lirtin wit" %e!" And as Pacey t"o' "t a$o't t"e #retty teac"er, "e saw "er! 1"e was walkin alon t"e $oardwalk! 1"e was co%in towards "i%! He t'rned "is &ace away and looked at t"e "ar$or a ain! +'t s"e sto##ed ne5t to "i%! "Pacey, I was worried a$o't yo'," 4iss Jaco$s said! "I*% sorry a$o't t"is e)enin ! 3o' ot t"e wron idea a$o't %e! I didn*t want t"at to "a##en!" "/or et a$o't it," Pacey re#lied 'n"a##ily! He t'rned and started to walk away! +'t 4iss Jaco$s ra$$ed "is ar%! "Please, Pacey," s"e said! "Don*t $e an ry! Talk to %e &or a %in'te!" "W"at do yo' want to talk a$o't0" Pacey said! "Do yo' want to talk a$o't 1'%%er o& *9: or do yo' want to talk a$o't T"e 6rad'ate0" "Pacey, yo' ot t"e wron idea," Ta%ara said! "3o' %is'nderstood %e!" "No, 4iss Jaco$s," Pacey said an rily! "I ot t"e ri "t idea! 3o' wanted %e to &lirt wit" yo'! 3o'*re %'c" older t"an %e! 3o'*re worried a$o't t"at! 3o' t"o' "t, *I*ll &ind a st'#id, ' ly, lonely $oy and I*ll &lirt wit" "i%! T"at will

%ake %e &eel yo'n ! His &eelin s aren*t i%#ortant! He*s only a kid!* T"at*s w"at yo' t"o' "t!" 1'ddenly "e sto##ed! W"y "ad "e said t"ese terri$le t"in s0 He was a &ool! Now Ta%ara was ne)er oin to s#eak to "i% a ain! Ta%ara Jaco$s #'t "er "ands ently on Pacey*s &ace! "3o'*re wron a$o't one t"in , Pacey," s"e said -'ietly! "3o' aren*t a st'#id, ' ly $oy! 3o'*re a )ery &ine yo'n %an!" And s"e kissed "is li#s! It was a lon , so&t kiss! T"en s'ddenly, s"e t'rned away &ro% "i%! "I*% , I*% sorry," s"e said! "T"at was wron , it was )ery wron ! Please &or i)e %e! And #lease &or et a$o't t"e kiss! 6oodni "t, Pacey!" 1"e walked away -'ickly! "6oodni "t , 4iss Jaco$s!" Pacey s"o'ted! "I*ll see yo' in class!" "4ay$e s"e doesn*t 'nderstand "ersel&," Pacey t"o' "t! "+'t s"e en.oyed kissin %e , I know t"at!" At sc"ool t"e ne5t day, Dawson was talkin to so%e o& t"e ot"er $oys $etween classes! As t"ey talked, t"ey "eard a )oice on t"e sc"ool*s lo'ds#eakers! It was a irl*s )oice! "Don*t &or et a$o't t"e dance on 1at'rday e)enin ," t"e irl said! "It will $e t"e $est day o& t"e sc"ool year! T"e sc"ool &oot$all tea% "as a )ery i%#ortant a%e on 1at'rday! We all want t"e% to win! And t"ey will win , we*re s're o& t"at! 1o co%e to t"e dance on 1at'rday e)enin and

cele$rate t"eir win! 4ake a date wit" so%eone now! Don*t &or et, e)eryone! +'y yo'r tickets today!" "Are yo' oin to t"e dance0" one o& t"e $oys asked Dawson! "No, I ne)er o to dances," Dawson re#lied! "I "ate dancin ! Joey Potter always co%es to %y "o'se on 1at'rday e)enin s! We always watc" %o)ies to et"er! And t"at*s w"at I*ll $e doin t"is 1at'rday! Watc"in %o)ies $y 1te)en 1#iel$er is $etter t"an dancin !" At l'nc"ti%e, Dawson, Joey, Jen, and Pacey sat to et"er! "We "a)e to work on %y &il% a ain t"is weekend," Dawson told t"e ot"ers! "And t"is ti%e, Joey, yo' %'st kiss Pacey! 3o' %'stn*t say no a ain!" "Dawson, listen to %e," Joey re#lied! "I*)e tried to "el# yo' wit" t"is &il%! I always try to "el# yo'! +'t t"ere*s one t"in t"at I will ne)er do! I will not kiss Pacey! I*ll kiss a snake! I*ll kiss a &is"! +'t I won*t kiss Pacey! Do yo' 'nderstand0" Dawson looked at "er and "e looked at Pacey! T"en "e looked at Jen! "O2, I "a)e a new idea," "e said to "is t"ree &riends! "In %y story &or t"e %o)ie, yo' die at t"e end, Joey! Pacey c'ts o&& yo'r "ead in t"e last scene! +'t now I "a)e a $etter idea! Now, "e kills yo' in t"e %iddle o& t"e &il%! We*ll $e a$le to 'se t"e r'$$er "ead! A&ter t"at, yo'r co'sin &ro% New 3ork arri)es in town! 1"e*s )ery cle)er and )ery $ea'ti&'l! 1"e tries to &ind t"e #erson w"o killed yo'! Jen

will $e t"e co'sin &ro% New 3ork! We*ll $e a$le to 'se nearly all t"e scenes t"at we*)e already &il%ed!" "On 1at'rday %ornin , we*ll &il% t"e scene w"ere Pacey kills Joey," Dawson went on! "I*)e &inis"ed t"e r'$$er "ead now! It looks reat! A&ter t"at, Joey won*t $e in any %ore scenes! W"en we s"oot t"e rest o& t"e %o)ie, s"e can "el# %e wit" t"e ca%era and t"e li "ts! We can still &inis" all t"e &il%in on 1at'rday! W"at do yo' t"ink a$o't %y new idea0" "O2, I*ll act in yo'r &il%, Dawson," Jen said! "T"at*s a reat idea," Pacey said, s%ilin ! "Now I won*t "a)e to kiss Joey! I*ll "a)e to kiss Jen!" He looked at Jen "a##ily! +'t s'ddenly, Dawson looked 'n"a##y! "Well, no," "e said! "4ay$e we won*t "a)e any kissin in t"is new story!" Joey la' "ed! Now Dawson was .ealo's too , t"at was ood! And s"e was oin to "el# "er &riend wit" t"e ca%era and t"e li "ts! 1"e liked t"e idea! It was $etter t"an actin in t"e %o)ie! And s"e didn*t "a)e to kiss Pacey any %ore! T"at was $est o& all! A&ter t"e last class t"at a&ternoon, Jen was #'ttin so%e $ooks into "er locker! 1'ddenly s"e "eard a )oice $e"ind "er! 1"e t'rned aro'nd and s"e saw a tall, )ery "andso%e $oy! He was se)eral years older t"an s"e was! He "ad $rown "air and a %'sc'lar $ody! "Hi," t"e $oy said! "4y na%e is Cli&& , Cli&& Elliot!"

"Hi," Jen re#lied! "I*% Jen , Jen (indley!" "Jen, t"at*s a nice na%e," Cli&& said! "Do yo' like dancin , Jen0 Will yo' co%e to t"e dance wit" %e on 1at'rday0 I #lay &or t"e Ca#eside Hi " &oot$all tea%! We*re oin to win o'r a%e! 1o will yo' "el# %e cele$rate o'r win0"


The Kissing Lesson

It was /riday e)enin ! Dawson was in t"e li)in roo% o& "is "o'se! He was lookin at t"e r'$$er %odel o& Joey Potter*s "ead! Dawson was )ery ood at %akin %odels! T"e %odel "ead looked a lot like Joey*s "ead! He looked care&'lly at t"e li#s! T"e r'$$er li#s looked a lot like Joey*s li#s! Dawson was lookin at Joey*s li#s $'t "e was t"inkin a$o't Jen*s li#s! "I al%ost kissed Jen on 4onday," "e said to "i%sel&! "4ay$e I will kiss "er soon! +'t w"en I do kiss "er, I want it to $e a ood kiss! I don*t know anyt"in a$o't kissin irls! W"at*s t"e $est way to kiss so%eone , so%eone w"o yo' like )ery %'c"0 I don*t know! +'t I want Jen to re%e%$er o'r &irst kiss! I want "er to re%e%$er it &ore)er, o I need so%e in&or%ation a$o't kissin ! W"o can "el# %e wit" t"is0 Pacey doesn*t know anyt"in a$o't kissin irls!" At t"at %o%ent, Dawson*s &at"er ca%e into t"e roo%! "Hi, 1on," 4itc" (eery said! "T"at %odel "ead is reat! Ha)e yo' al%ost &inis"ed s"ootin t"e scenes &or yo'r %o)ie0 Do yo' want any "el# wit" it0" "Hi, Dad," Dawson said! "T"anks, $'t I don*t need any "el# wit" t"e %o)ie! We*ll &inis" s"ootin it on 1at'rday! +'t , er , t"ere is so%et"in t"at yo' can "el# %e wit"! I need so%e in&or%ation! I want to know a$o't t"e $est way to kiss a irl! W"at*s t"e ri "t way to do it0 I*% , I*% worried

a$o't t"is!" 4itc" s%iled and la' "ed -'ietly! "W"en I was &i&teen, I worried a$o't kissin too," "e said! "+'t t"ere isn*t a ri "t way to kiss a irl, Dawson! 3o' #'t yo'r li#s on "er li#s! I& s"e likes it and yo' like it, t"en yo' did it t"e ri "t way! T"e only in&or%ation t"at I can i)e yo' is t"is! W"en yo' kiss so%eone, yo' %'stn*t t"ink a$o't anyt"in else! 3o' %'st e%#ty yo'r %ind! And t"e irl %'st e%#ty "er %ind too! It will only $e really ood w"en yo'*)e "ad so%e #ractice! +'t t"ere are so%e si%#le r'les! Try kissin t"e %odel "ead, Dawson! I*ll tell yo' i& yo' do so%et"in wron !" 4itc" (eery "eld '# t"e r'$$er %odel o& Joey Potter*s "ead! "R'le One , yo'r li#s %'stn*t $e dry, Dawson," "e said! "4ake yo'r li#s wet wit" yo'r ton 'e!" Dawson %o)ed "is ton 'e o)er "is li#s! T"en "e care&'lly kissed t"e %odel "ead on t"e li#s! "T"at*s ri "t," "is &at"er told "i%! "W"en yo'*)e "ad a little #ractice, yo'*ll $e reat! Now try t"at a ain!" Joey walked -'ietly into Dawson*s "o'se! T"e &ront door was o#en and Joey didn*t rin t"e door$ell! 1"e ca%e to Dawson*s "o'se w"ene)er s"e wanted to co%e! 1"e "ad $een doin t"is &or %any years! 1"e didn*t "a)e to ask anyone a$o't it! Today, s"e wanted to see "er &riend )ery %'c"! "I was 'nkind to "i% on 4onday," s"e said, "I need to talk to "i% a$o't %y &eelin s!"

1"e %o)ed -'ietly t"ro' " t"e "o'se! O'tside t"e li)in roo%, s"e sto##ed! T"e door was o#en! Dawson and "is &at"er were inside t"e roo%! T"ey "adn*t "eard Joey co%e into t"e "o'se! Dawson was lookin at a r'$$er %odel o& "er own "ead! 4r (eery was "oldin t"e "ead in &ront o& "is son*s &ace! 1'ddenly, Dawson started to kiss t"e %odel on t"e li#s! "T"at*s reat!" 4r (eery said! "Now do it a ain, $'t close yo'r eyes t"is ti%e! T"at*s R'le Two! Always close yo'r eyes!" Dawson closed "is eyes and "e kissed t"e r'$$er %odel o& Joey*s "ead a ain! "He*s kissin %e," Joey t"o' "t! "Dawson wants to kiss %e! He*s askin "is &at"er a$o't t"e $est way to kiss %e!" /or a &ew seconds, s"e &elt )ery "a##y! +'t t"en s"e "ad anot"er t"o' "t! "No, t"at*s wron ," s"e told "ersel&! 1'ddenly s"e &elt )ery sad! "Dawson doesn*t want to kiss %e! He wants to kiss Jen (indley! He*s askin "is &at"er a$o't t"e $est way to kiss Jen!" 1'ddenly, Joey no lon er wanted to talk to Dawson a$o't "er &eelin s! 7ery -'ietly, s"e t'rned and walked $ack to t"e &ront door! And )ery -'ietly, s"e le&t t"e "o'se!


A Change of Plan
On 1at'rday %ornin , Dawson, Pacey, Joey, and Jen worked on Dawson*s "orror %o)ie! T"ey &il%ed &i)e scenes on a $oardwalk $y t"e "ar$or! T"e &irst scene was t"e one w"ere Pacey c't o&& Joey*s "ead wit" a $i kni&e! Dawson &il%ed Pacey "oldin t"e kni&e a$o)e "is "ead! T"en Dawson %o)ed closer to "is &riend and &il%ed a close,'# o& t"e kni&e! Ne5t "e &il%ed Pacey "oldin '# t"e r'$$er %odel o& Joey*s "ead! Dawson "ad #'t lots o& red #aint on t"e neck o& t"e r'$$er %odel! It looked "orri$le! As "e &il%ed, t"e #aint dri##ed &ro% t"e neck and &ell onto t"e $oardwalk! T"e #aint looked like $lood! Dawson $ent "is $ody &orward and &il%ed a close,'# o& t"e #ool o& $lood on t"e $oardwalk! T"e ot"er &o'r scenes were t"e last scenes o& t"e %o)ie! Jen acted in all o& t"e% and Joey "el#ed Dawson wit" t"e li "ts! +y l'nc"ti%e, t"ey "ad &inis"ed all t"e &il%in ! Now Dawson "ad to #'t all t"e scenes to et"er , "e "ad to edit t"e &inal )ideo ta#e! He was oin to do t"at d'rin t"e ne5t two weeks! W"en "e*d edited t"e &il%, "e was oin to send it to +oston! "T"ank yo', e)ery$ody," Dawson said! "T"is %o)ie is oin to $e reat!" Dawson #'t "is ca%era in its case! "I*ll walk "o%e wit" yo', Jen," "e said!

Jen and Dawson walked away to et"er! Pacey and Joey watc"ed t"e% o! "Are yo' oin to t"e sc"ool dance t"is e)enin , Pacey0" Joey asked! "W"ic" teac"ers will $e t"ere0 Do yo' know0" "Well, yes, 4iss Jaco$s will $e t"ere , I know t"at," Pacey re#lied! "And I*% oin ! T"e wo%an t"at I drea% a$o't will $e t"ere! Are yo' oin to t"e dance, Joey0" "No," Joey said! "I*% oin to watc" )ideos o& Dawson*s &a)orite %o)ies at Dawson*s "o'se! It will $e like e)ery ot"er 1at'rday e)enin !" 1"e didn*t ask Pacey a$o't t"e wo%an o& "is drea%s! 1"e didn*t want to know w"o it was! "It isn*t %e, so t"at*s O2!" s"e t"o' "t! 1"e walked towards "er little row$oat! "I*ll see yo' on 4onday," s"e called to Pacey! Jen and Dawson sto##ed near t"e &ront door o& Jen*s "o'se! T"ey looked at eac" ot"er! T"ey were $ot" t"inkin a$o't t"e e)enin w"en t"ey al%ost kissed! And as t"ey t"o' "t a$o't t"e kiss t"at didn*t "a##en, t"ey $ot" s%iled! "W"at are yo' oin to do t"is e)enin 0" Dawson asked! "Joey is co%in to %y "o'se! We*re oin to watc" so%e %o)ies! Can yo' co%e too0" "O", I*% sorry, Dawson," Jen re#lied! "Joey doesn*t want to s#end ti%e wit" %e! And I can*t co%e to yo'r "o'se t"is e)enin ! I*% oin to t"e sc"ool dance!"

Dawson*s s%ile disa##eared! 1'ddenly, "e &elt )ery sad! "W"o*s -'ietly! oin to take yo' to t"e dance0" "e asked

"O", so%eone w"o I %et last week," Jen re#lied! "He #lays &or t"e Ca#eside &oot$all tea%! His na%e is Cli&& Elliot!" Cli&& Elliot , t"e $rown,"aired 'y wit" %'scles w"o attended t"e &il% class! T"e $oy w"o 4r 6old was "el#in wit" "is st'#id &il% a$o't &oot$all! Jen looked at Dawson*s &ace! "Don*t $e sad," s"e said! "I didn*t know a$o't yo'r #lan! And I do want to %eet %ore #eo#le &ro% sc"ool! I didn*t really %ake a date wit" Cli&&! He asked %e to o to t"e dance wit" "i% and I said O2!" "T"at*s called %akin a date," Dawson said! Jen t"o' "t &or a %o%ent! "3es, yo'*re ri "t," s"e said! "I*% sorry, Dawson! I wanted to "a)e so%e &'n t"is weekend!" T"en s"e t"o' "t a ain! "I "a)e an idea," s"e said! "3o' co'ld co%e to t"e dance too! We co'ld dance to et"er a &ew ti%es! I don*t "a)e to stay wit" Cli&& all e)enin !" "No, I won*t do t"at," Dawson re#lied! "I*ll stay at "o%e and watc" %o)ies!"

And as "e walked to "is own door, "e was t"inkin a$o't all t"e t"in s t"at "ad "a##ened t"at week! "W"at "a##ened to t"e kiss t"at we al%ost "ad0" "e asked "i%sel&! It was 1at'rday e)enin ! Joey and Dawson were sittin on t"e $ed in Dawson*s roo%! +'t t"ey weren*t watc"in a %o)ie! Dawson was talkin and Joey was listenin ! Dawson was talkin a$o't Cli&& Elliot! "His &oot$all &il% is so st'#id!" "e said! "W"y is 4r 6old "el#in "i%0 T"ere are "'ndreds o& %o)ies a$o't &oot$all! T"ey all "a)e t"e sa%e story! T"ey*re all a$o't a #layer w"o ets in.'red in a a%e! T"e in.'red #layer always contin'es to #lay in t"e a%e! He always scores t"e &inal #oints in t"e a%e! T"e world does not need anot"er %o)ie a$o't t"at st'#id story!" He sto##ed s#eakin &or a %o%ent! "W"y does Jen want to o to t"e dance wit" Cli&& Elliot0" "e asked, %ore -'ietly! "W"at reasons does s"e "a)e0" Joey la' "ed and looked at "er &riend! "Well, Cli&& is "andso%e," s"e re#lied! "And "e*s tall and stron ! He "as a nice $ody! And "e*s two years older t"an 's! And "e dri)es a car! Are t"ose eno' " reasons0 I*ll t"ink o& so%e ot"ers , " Joey was an ry! 1"e was tryin to %ake Dawson an ry too! +'t t"en, s"e co'ldn*t say anyt"in %ore! 1'ddenly, "e looked so 'n"a##y!

Dawson was 'n"a##y $eca'se "e was .ealo's! Joey knew a$o't .ealo'sy! 1"e "ad $een &eelin .ealo's all t"at week! 1"e "ad started &eelin .ealo's w"en Dawson saw Jen ettin o't o& t"e ta5i! Now e)eryt"in in Joey*s li&e was "orri$le! 1"e lo)ed Dawson, $'t "e didn*t lo)e "er! And now Dawson lo)ed Jen, $'t Jen "ad %ade a date wit" Cli&&! Dawson was 'n"a##y a$o't t"at! Joey was sad $eca'se Dawson was sad! It was like a $ad %o)ie! "W"at did Cli&& Elliot do0" Dawson asked "er! "He*s wit" Jen t"is e)enin ! W"y0 He did so%et"in t"at I didn*t do! W"at was it0" "He asked Jen to o to t"e dance wit" "i%, Dawson," Joey re#lied! "3o' didn*t ask "er! It*s not di&&ic'lt to 'nderstand , it*s )ery si%#le!" 1'ddenly Dawson stood '#! "I*% oin to t"e dance," "e said! "Will yo' co%e wit" %e0" "3o' want to watc" Jen dancin wit" anot"er 'y0" s"e said! "Are yo' cra8y, Dawson0" "W"at else can I do0" "e asked! "4ay$e w"en s"e sees %e ," "e sto##ed! Joey looked at "i%! 1"e "ated seein "i% like t"is! "O2, Dawson," s"e said -'ietly! "I*ll co%e! +'t it won*t $e &'n!"


At The Dan e
T"e Ca#eside Hi " &oot$all tea% "ad won t"eir a%e! E)eryone at t"e dance was cele$ratin , e)eryone e5ce#t Pacey! He was standin $y a wall in t"e sc"ool y%nasi'%! He wasn*t watc"in t"e "'ndreds o& "a##y teena ers w"o were dancin ! He was watc"in t"e wo%an o& "is drea%s! Ta%ara Jaco$s was talkin to +en 6old! 1"e was wearin a dark $l'e dress! 1"e looked wonder&'l! And s"e looked "a##y! A &ew seconds later, 4r 6old walked away! He went to talk to so%eone else! "Will Ta%ara $e "a##y to see %e0" Pacey asked "i%sel&! "4ay$e s"e will $e "a##y! 4ay$e t"is will $e t"e $est ni "t o& %y li&e , well, I*ll soon know a$o't t"at!" ='ickly, "e walked '# to t"e $ea'ti&'l En lis" teac"er! "Hello, 4iss Jaco$s," "e said! "How are yo'0" "O", Pacey , "ello," 4iss Jaco$s said! 1"e didn*t look "a##y now! "I*% &ine! How are yo' t"is e)enin 0" "I want to talk to yo'," Pacey said! "I want to talk a$o't o'r relations"i#! Will yo' dance wit" %e0" "No, Pacey, t"at*s not a ood idea," 4iss Jaco$s said! "And we don*t "a)e a relations"i#!" 1"e was worried , Pacey co'ld see t"at!

"I*% a teac"er "ere," s"e contin'ed! "Please re%e%$er t"at!" "Did yo' re%e%$er t"at w"en yo' kissed %e0" Pacey asked! "I "a)e to talk to so%eone now, Pacey," 4iss Jaco$s said! "I*% sorry! 6ood$ye!" And s"e walked -'ickly away! Dawson and Joey stood $y t"e doorway o& t"e y%nasi'%! (ar e #ieces o& $ri "tly colored clot" were "an in &ro% t"e ceilin ! 1o%eone "ad #ainted #ict'res o& "' e &is" on t"e #ieces o& clot"! +ri "tly colored li "ts s"one aro'nd t"e walls! Dawson and Joey were watc"in t"e "a##y yo'n #eo#le w"o were dancin ! Joey s%iled w"en s"e "eard t"e %'sic! Old son s $y t"e +eac" +oys were still #o#'lar in Ca#eside! 1oon Joey and Dawson saw Jen! 1"e was dancin wit" Cli&& Elliot! T"ey danced )ery well to et"er! T"ey were s%ilin at eac" ot"er! "We "a)e to do so%et"in -'ickly," Dawson said! "Dawson, "ere is a correction," Joey re#lied! "3o' "a)e to do so%et"in -'ickly! T"is isn*t %y #ro$le%!" "3o' "a)e to "el# %e," Dawson said! "Do yo' dance, Joey0" "No, Dawson," said Joey! "I don*t dance , yo' know t"at! I ne)er dance!" "Well, t"is is t"e &irst ni "t o& t"e rest o& yo'r li&e," said Dawson! "Toni "t, yo' %'st dance!"

He ra$$ed Joey*s ar% and "e #'lled "er into t"e %iddle o& t"e roo%! "Dawson, yo' are cra8y," Joey said -'ietly! 1"e was not "a##y! +'t s"e tried to dance wit" "i%! And s"e tried to s%ile! A&ter a &ew %in'tes, Dawson w"is#ered in "er ear! "Joey, yo'*re ood at t"is," "e said so&tly! T"en s'ddenly, Jen and Cli&& were dancin t"e%! $eside

"Hi," Jen said to Dawson! "3o' ca%e to t"e dance! I*% #leased!" Dawson wanted to s#eak! +'t "e co'ldn*t t"ink o& any words! Jen s%iled at "i%! "T"is is Cli&&!" s"e said! "Cli&&, t"ese are %y &riends, Joey and Dawson!" And a &ew seconds later, Cli&& and Jen were dancin on t"e ot"er side o& t"e roo%! Hal& an "o'r later, Dawson %et Jen o'tside t"e y%nasi'%! 1"e was alone! Joey was talkin to so%e &riends and Dawson "ad wanted to et away &ro% t"e noise o& t"e %'sic &or a &ew %in'tes! "Hi, Dawson," Jen said! "Can we dance to et"er now0" "W"ere*s Cli&&0" Dawson asked! "O", do yo' want to dance wit" Cli&&0" Jen asked! "Don*t yo' want to dance wit" %e0" 1"e la' "ed! +'t Dawson didn*t la' "! He wasn*t "a##y!

"Well, yo' %ade a date wit" Cli&&," "e said an rily! "I don*t 'nderstand yo'r reasons! +'t "e*s t"e $oy t"at yo' really like! He "as %'scles and %oney $'t "e isn*t intelli ent! 4ay$e "e doesn*t want yo' to dance wit" %e!" "O2, Dawson," Jen re#lied! Now s"e was an ry too! "I& yo' don*t want to dance wit" %e, t"at*s reat! 6ood$ye!" 1"e walked -'ickly away! Dawson watc"ed "er o! "I*% a &ool," "e told "i%sel&! "Jen asked %e to dance wit" "er! Did I say yes0 No, I didn*t! I said so%e an ry .ealo's words a$o't Cli&& instead!" He walked towards t"e y%nasi'%! Joey was lookin &or Dawson! 1"e co'ldn*t see "i% anyw"ere! +'t s"e saw Pacey co%in towards "er! He was lookin &or so%eone too! Pacey ca%e '# to Joey and ra$$ed "er ar%! T"en "e w"is#ered in "er ear! "Joey, yo' "a)e to dance wit" %e," "e said -'ickly! 1'ddenly, Joey*s $ody &elt cold! 1"e re%e%$ered t"e day w"en Pacey "ad tried to kiss "er! 1"e didn*t want to dance wit" "i% now! 1"e didn*t want Pacey to "old "er in "is ar%s! +'t "e "ad $een "er &riend &or a lon ti%e! 1"e tried to $e nice to "i%! "Pacey, yo'*re )ery kind," s"e said! "+'t I don*t dance! And #lease don*t "'rt %y ar%!" Pacey #'lled "er to t"e center o& t"e roo%! Co'#les were dancin slowly to a sad son !

"3o' "a)e to dance wit" %e!" "e told "er! "I want to %ake Ta%ara .ealo's! 1"e won*t dance wit" %e! +'t i& s"e sees %e dancin wit" yo', s"e*ll $e .ealo's! T"en s"e*ll $e nice to %e!" "No, Pacey," Joey said! "(ea)e %e alone!" +'t Pacey started to dance! And "e "eld Joey )ery ti "tly in "is ar%s! 1"e "ad to dance wit" "i%! "I "ate yo'," s"e told "i%! "Please, Joey," Pacey said! "T"is is i%#ortant to %e! I*ll i)e yo' so%e %oney i& yo'*ll dance wit" %e! 4ay$e yo'*ll "ate %e &or t"e rest o& yo'r li&e! +'t #lease dance wit" %e now!" At t"at %o%ent, t"ey danced #ast 4iss Jaco$s! 1'ddenly, Pacey #'lled Joey closer to "i%! And "e kissed "er on t"e li#s! Joey sto##ed %o)in ! Her &ace $eca%e red! Her skin $eca%e "ot! 1"e was )ery, )ery an ry! 1"e "it Pacey on one side o& "is &ace! T"en s"e "it "i% on t"e ot"er side! 1"e "it "i% )ery "ard! A&ter t"at, s"e t'rned and ran o't o& t"e roo%! Pacey looked aro'nd t"e roo%! E)ery$ody was lookin at "i%! And 4iss Jaco$s "ad seen e)eryt"in t"at "ad "a##ened! Dawson was standin $y t"e wall o& t"e y%nasi'%! He was watc"in t"e dancers! W"ere was Joey0 He didn*t know! He "adn*t seen "er &or so%e ti%e! +'t Jen was dancin wit" Cli&& a ain!

"I& I don*t do so%et"in soon, I*% oin to lose Jen," "e t"o' "t! "1"e*ll $e Cli&&*s irl&riend! 1"e won*t %ake any %ore dates wit" %e! 1"e*ll %ake dates wit" Cli&& and s"e*ll tell %e a$o't t"e% e)ery day! I*ll $e Jen*s &riend , t"e one w"o s"e tells a$o't "er $oy&riends! +'t I won*t $e "er $oy&riend! I& %y li&e is a %o)ie, t"is is a )ery $ad %o)ie! I*% oin to write so%e new scenes!" T"e %'sic sto##ed &or a &ew %o%ents, and #eo#le sto##ed dancin ! +e&ore t"e %'sic started a ain, Dawson %o)ed -'ickly! 1'ddenly, "e was standin ne5t to Jen and Cli&&! He ra$$ed Cli&&*s ar% and #'lled "i% away &ro% Jen! "6ood$ye, Cli&&," "e said! "It*s ti%e to say oodni "t! T"anks &or $rin in Jen to t"e dance! +'t I*% oin to dance wit" "er now! And I*% oin to dance wit" "er &or t"e rest o& t"e e)enin !" Cli&& was )ery s'r#rised! Jen was s'r#rised too! "Dawson, w"at are yo' doin 0" s"e asked "i%! "T"at*s a ood -'estion," Cli&& said! "W"at are yo' doin 0" "I*% oin to dance wit" Jen," Dawson said! Cli&& looked at Jen! "Do yo' want to $e wit" t"is , #erson0" 1"e didn*t answer! 1"e looked at Cli&&! T"en s"e looked at Dawson! +'t s"e didn*t s#eak! 1"e didn*t "a)e anyt"in to say!

"1"e doesn*t want to dance wit" yo', (eery," Cli&& said! "1"e*s %y irl&riend!" He was )ery an ry! "3o' "a)e to lea)e now! I& yo' don*t, I*ll , " "No, s"e*s %y irl&riend!" Dawson said! "And yo' "a)e to lea)e!" He was an ry too! +'t Jen was an rier t"an $ot" o& t"e%! "T"is is so st'#id!" s"e s"o'ted! "3o'*re $ot" $e"a)in like little kids! I*ll lea)e! T"en yo' won*t "a)e a #ro$le%!" T"en s"e t'rned and le&t t"e roo%! T"e +e innin o& E)eryt"in Else Joey, Dawson, and Pacey were walkin to et"er alon t"e street! Dawson was in t"e %iddle! Joey didn*t want to $e near Pacey! T"e e)enin "ad $een terri$le! It "ad $een like a terri$le %o)ie! +'t Dawson "adn*t watc"ed t"e scene $etween Pacey and Joey! He didn*t 'nderstand w"y t"ey weren*t talkin to eac" ot"er! He was t"inkin a$o't "is own #ro$le%s! 1oon, Pacey t'rned o&& t"e street! He was towards t"e "ar$or! "6oodni "t," "e said -'ietly! "6oodni "t," Dawson answered! Joey didn*t s#eak! T"e two &riends walked on in silence! A&ter a %in'te, Dawson "ad to say so%et"in ! "Joey, w"y did yo' lea)e %e alone at t"e dance0" "e asked! "I was so st'#id! I $e"a)ed so $adly!" oin

"It wasn*t %y &a'lt, Dawson," Joey re#lied! "6rowin '# $rin s #ro$le%s &or all o& 's! We*re all learnin a$o't li&e! 3o' know t"at!" "Well, w"at "a)e we learned &ro% t"is e)enin 0" Dawson asked! "In t"e &'t're, we %'st stay at "o%e on 1at'rday e)enin s and watc" %o)ies! T"at*s w"at we*)e learned!" Joey re#lied! "T"at won*t $e di&&ic'lt," relations"i# wit" Jen is &inis"ed!" Dawson said! "4y

"Dawson, yo' ne)er started a real relations"i# wit" "er," Joey said! "3o'*re ri "t," Dawson re#lied sadly! +'t at t"at %o%ent, t"ey $ot" saw Jen! 1"e was sittin near t"e ed e o& t"e creek! 1"e was lookin down at t"e water! Dawson looked at Joey! 1"e looked at "i%! 1"e "ad ne)er &elt so sad in all "er li&e! "It*s O2, Dawson," s"e said! "6o to "er, i& yo' want to! 4ay$e yo'r %o)ie will "a)e a "a##y endin !" Pacey was $y t"e "ar$or! He was sittin in a row$oat! He was lookin at t"e water and t"e li "ts on t"e #leas're $oats! He was &eelin )ery sad! E)eryt"in "ad one wron ! Pacey wasn*t l'cky in "is relations"i#s wit" irls , "e knew t"at! He always said t"e wron t"in s to t"e%! +'t toni "t "e "ad $een )ery st'#id!

He t"o' "t a$o't Joey! 1"e "ad $een "is &riend &or %any years! +'t s"e "ad "ated "i% w"en "e "ad kissed "er! No, "e wasn*t l'cky wit" irls! And now t"ere was so%eone w"o "e really liked! 1o%eone w"o "ad kissed "i%! 1o%eone w"o "ad liked kissin "i% , "e was s're o& t"at! +'t s"e wasn*t a irl! 1"e was a wo%an and s"e was "is En lis" teac"er! Co'ld anyt"in $e worse t"an t"is0 And as "e was t"inkin a$o't 4iss Jaco$s, "e "eard "er )oice $e"ind "i%! "Pacey0 Are yo' O20" "No, 4iss Jaco$s," Pacey re#lied! "I*% not O2! I*% )ery 'n"a##y! E)eryt"in in %y li&e is wron ! 3o' know t"at! W"y are yo' "ere0" "Pacey," 4iss Jaco$s said ently! "I ca%e "ere to look &or yo'! I*)e %ade yo' 'n"a##y and I*% sorry! I wanted to tell yo' t"at! 3o'*re 'n"a##y and t"at*s %y &a'lt! I kissed yo' and I &lirted wit" yo'! T"at was wron ! I*)e "ad a lot o& #ro$le%s in %y li&e! And now I*)e done so%et"in )ery st'#id and I*)e %ade yo' 'n"a##y! I &eel terri$le a$o't t"at! +'t yo'r li&e will c"an e, Pacey! It will et $etter! +ein &i&teen is )ery di&&ic'lt! +'t li&e will et $etter! Please $elie)e %e!" "Don*t $e sorry a$o't kissin %e, Ta%ara," Pacey said! "It wasn*t all yo'r &a'lt! It was %y &a'lt too! 3o' kissed %e, $'t I kissed yo'! Don*t $e sorry a$o't it!" 4iss Jaco$s looked into "is eyes and s"e s%iled at "i%!

"O2, $'t it can*t "a##en a ain, Pacey," s"e said! "3o' "a)e to 'nderstand t"at! 6oodni "t! Try to $e "a##y!" And t"en s"e t'rned and walked away! Dawson stood ne5t to Jen! /or a &ew %in'tes, t"ey looked o't o)er t"e water wit"o't s#eakin ! T"e only so'nd in t"e ni "t was so%e -'iet %'sic! It was co%in &ro% one o& t"e $oats in t"e creek! At last Dawson s#oke! "Jen, I*% sorry," "e said! "I*% )ery, )ery sorry!" "3o' %ade %e an ry toni "t," Jen re#lied! "I know t"at," Dawson said! "I was a&raid, Jen! I t"o' "t, *I*% oin to lose Jen! Cli&& will $e "er $oy&riend! 1"e wants %e to $e "er s#ecial &riend and not "er $oy&riend! Joey is %y s#ecial &riend, and now I*% oin to $e Jen*s s#ecial &riend! Jen will tell %e a$o't "er &eelin s &or ot"er $oys! 1"e*ll tell %e a$o't "er $oy&riends, $'t I*ll ne)er $e one o& t"e%!* T"at*s w"at I t"o' "t! T"at*s w"y I was a&raid!" Jen stood '# and looked into Dawson*s eyes! "Do yo' want to $e %y $oy&riend, Dawson0" Jen asked -'ietly! "3es," "e re#lied! "Do yo' want %e to $e yo'r $oy&riend0" "(et*s try it," Jen said! "4ay$e it*s a ood idea!" Dawson s%iled! And "e ently kissed Jen*s li#s! "We s#ent t"e e)enin at t"e sc"ool dance," "e said! "+'t we ne)er danced to et"er! 1"all we dance to et"er now0 We "a)e %'sic &ro% t"e $oat!"

And a %o%ent later, t"e two yo'n #eo#le were dancin $eside t"e creek in t"e $ri "t %oonli "t!

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