BCD To 7 Segment Display Projectnew

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Bcd to Seven Segment Decoder

A Project Report On

BCD to Seven Segment Decoder

Dawood University Of Engineering & Technology,Karachi

Submitted By Saeed Ali Shahani Roll Number=12-ES-55

Bcd to Seven Segment Decoder

BCD to Seven Segment Decoder

This type of decoder accept the bcd code and pro ides output to the ener!i"e se en se!ment display de ice in order to produce decimal read out# $enerally t%o ics used for the B&' to se en se!ment decoder#(1)*++* , (2)*++-#*++* used for the common anode display and *++- is used for the common cathode display# There are many de ices used for the display# The commonly used displays in the di!ital electronics field are as follo%s# 1. &athode Ray Tube(&RT) 2./i!ht Emittin! 'iode(/E') 0./i1uid &rystal 'e ice(/&') +.$as 'ischar!e 2lasma 'isplay(Ni3ie) 5.Electro-/uminescent(E/) 'isplay 4.Electrophoretic 5ma!e 'isplay(E25') *./i1uid 6apour 'isplay(/6') 7etc# 'isplay de ice pro ide a isual display of number 7letters and symbols in response to electrical input7and ser es as constituents of an electronic display system#

Bcd to Seven Segment Decoder

The circuit shows the output of the seven segment display when input is given through driver IC.

Bcd to Seven Segment Decoder

Truth Table:
BCD inputs ' & B A a b segment outputs display c d e f !

Bcd to Seven Segment Decoder

The pro<ect %or= entitled as >Bcd to Se en Se!ment 'ecoder? is selected to carry out the %or= durin! @ebruary 288A-April 288A# 'urin! first phase of pro<ect %or=7 sur ey is carried out to understand the basic architecture of 5& *++* !eneral bloc= dia!ram of the same7 function of each bloc=# After first phase %e ha e to implement this tas= on our !eneral purpose board (2&B)# Be come across lots of problem durin! the implementation and at last %e can do our best in this pro<ect# At last 5 am than=ful to all my classmates %ho !a e their positi e response to this pro<ect and help us a lot#

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