1853 Most Difficult Words: Word List With Meanings

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1853 Most Difficult Words

(for GRE, CAT, GMAT)

Word List with Me !i!"s

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The words are given in bold. The meaning is given after the equal sign (=) following a word. We have used the US spellings. The British spelling of a word, when different from the US spelling, is given in bra !et after B"#T#S$ as shown for the word %el

%or below.

belabor (BRITISH = belabour) = to assail verbally to insist repeatedly or harp on Wishing %ou best of su ess leading to worldwide opportunities for e& iting areer, great wealth, enri hing travel, and famil% pride, -Tany .

&'hithe ter (B"#T#S$ = amphitheatre) = oval'shaped theater ! the& = urse, ban !!ul = an el, nullif% !od(!e = pain soothing !oi!t = onse rate, to appl% oil, espe iall% as a sa red rite !o!(&it( = state of being anon%mous, having no name !tedilu)i ! = an ient, obsolete, pre histori !tithesis = dire t opposite ' thetic = un on erned, indifferent 'h si = inabilit% to spea! or use words 'horis& = ma&im, old sa%ing 'lo&% = poise, onfiden e 'ocr('h l = a doubtful authenti it%, not genuine, fi tional 'ost te = one who abandons one(s faith 'otheosis = )eifi ation, glorifi ation

''ro% tio! = praise, offi ial approval rch ic = *ntiquated, from an earlier time rchi'el "o = group of islands rdor (B"#T#S$ = ardour) = great emotion or passion rr i"! = indi t, to all to ourt to answer a harge rro" te = sei+e without right, to demand or laim arrogantl% sce!d !c( = powerful state scri%e = to attribute she! = resembling ashes, or deathl% pale si!i!e = stupid s* !ce = to view with suspi ion, s ornfull% s*ew = roo!ed, tilted s'ersio! = slander, false rumor, damaging report ss il = atta ! sse!t = to e&press agreement ssiduous = hard'wor!ing, diligent, persistent ssu "e = lessen (pain), to ma!e less severe, ease stri!"e!t = ausing ontra tion, severe, harsh su!der = apart, into different parts to!e = ma!e amends for a wrong u"ust = noble, dignified, awe'inspiring, venerable )ow = de lare wr( = roo!ed, as!ew, amiss +io& = self'evident truth, premise, postulate % cch ! l = org%, drun!enl% festive % leful = hostile, malignant, harmful with evil intentions % l* = hesitate, refuse, shir!, prevent % ! l = trite, overl% ommon % !e = poison, nuisan e, something ausing ruin % stio! = fort, fortifi ation, stronghold %e"uile = de eive, sedu e, mislead

%ehe&oth = monster, huge reature %ele "uer = besiege, to harass, plague %er te = to s old harshl% %esti l = beast'li!e, brutal %estow = to give as a gift, grant %e)( = group %ic*er = quarrel, to have a pett% argument %ilious = ill'tempered %il* = swindle, heat, defraud %l !dish = to oa& with flattering, grovel %li"ht = de a%, affli t, destro% %lithe = ,o%ful, heerful, or without appropriate thought %o&% st = pompous spee h %our"eois = middle lass %ro ch = bring up a topi of onversation %rus,ue = urt, rough and abrupt in manner %ulw r* = fortifi ation %ur"eo! = sprout or flourish %url( = hus!%, brawn% c % l = plot, a se ret group see!ing to overturn something c d )er = orpse, dead bod% c -ole = en ourage, oa&, flatter c lu&!( = Slander, false and mali ious a usation c ! rd = hoa&, a lie c !dor (B"#T#S$ = andour) = fran!ness, honest% of e&pression c !) ss = surve%, e&amine thoroughl% c 'ricious = fi !le, impulsive, whimsi al, without mu h thought c ree! = swerve, to lean on one side c sti" te = riti i+e, punish, hastise c t cl(s& = atastrophe, disaster c th rtic = purgative, purif%ing, leansing

c tholic = universal, worldl% c ucus = a small group within an organi+ation or a meeting of su h a group c )il = quibble, raise trivial ob-e tions cede = transfer ownership, to surrender possession of something ce!sorious = ondemning spee h, severel% riti al ch "ri! = shame, embarrassment, humiliation ch lice = goblet, up ch r( = autious, wat hful, e&tremel% sh% cheru%ic = sweet, inno ent chic !er( = tri !er%, fraud, de eption chide = s old, e&press disapproval chi&eric l = imaginar%, impossible choleric = easil% angered, short'tempered circu&locutio! = roundabout e&pression circu&s'ect = autious, war% circu&)e!t = evade, avoid, to go around cit del = fortress or stronghold cl &or (B"#T#S$ = lamour) = nois% out r% cle )e = to split or separate, to sti !, adhere cle&e!c( = forgiveness, mer iful lenien % cloister = refuge, to onfine, se lude co lesce = ombine, to grow together coddle = to pamper, bab%, treat indulgentl% co"e!t = well'put, onvin ing, logi all% for eful co"! te = from the same sour e, related co"!o&e! = famil% name, an% name, ni !name collo,u( = onferen e collusio! = onspira %, ollaboration, ompli it% co&&odious = spa ious co&'licit( = guilt b% asso iation, !nowing partnership in wrong doing co&'u!ctio! = remorse, regret

co!cur = To agree

co!fl "r tio! = large fire, big, destru tive fire co!flue!ce = flowing together, meeting of two streams, meeting pla e co!fou!d = bewilder, to baffle, perple& co!"e l = solidif%, as a liquid free+ing, to be ome thi ! or solid co!-ecture = h%pothesis, spe ulation, predi tion co!-ure = summon, to evo!e a spirit, ast a spell co!s !"ui!it( = related b% blood, !inship co!secr te = ma!e hol%, dedi ate to a goal, to de lare sa red co!strue = interpret or to e&plain co!ti!e!ce = self' ontrol, self'restraint co!trite = apologeti , deepl% sorrowful and repentant for a wrong co!tusio! = * bruise co!u!dru& = enigma, pu++le or problem with no solution, riddle co!)i)i l = so iable, festive, fond of eating, drin!ing, and people co!)o*e = onvene, summon, to all together co,uette = woman who flirts corro%or te = to onfirm, verif% coterie = small group, group of people with a ommon interest or purpose cou!te! !ce = fa ial e&pression, to favor, support cower = showing fear, to ringe in fear cr ss = rude, unrefined cr )e! = owardl% crede!ce = Belief, a eptan e of something as true or real creed = Belief or prin iple cri!"e = ower, to shrin! in fear cul' %le = blameworth%, guilt%, responsible for wrong cu'idit( = greed cur&ud"eo! = boor, ran!% person d ll( = pro rastinate, to a t pla%full% or waste time

de% se = to degrade, or lower in qualit% or stature de% uch = to orrupt, sedu e from virtue or dut% de%ut !te = a girl debuting into so iet% dec de!ce = deterioration, de a% (e.g. moral or ultural) dec 'it te = !ill b% beheading deciduous = shedding leaves, short'lived, temporar% decorous = seeml%, proper, tasteful, so iall% orre t decr( = astigate, to belittle, openl% ondemn defere!ce = ourteousl% %ielding to another, respe t, honor defile = pollute, to ma!e un lean or dishonor deft = s!illful, de&terous defu!ct = e&tin t, no longer e&isting, dead deleterious = harmful, destru tive, detrimental delu"e = a flood, to submerge, overwhelm de& "o"ue = *n unprin ipled politi ian, leader de&e ! = to degrade, humiliate, humble de&ur = ta!e e& eption, to e&press doubts or ob-e tions de!i"r te = defame, to slur or bla !en someone(s reputation de'r )it( = immoralit%, sinfulness de'rec te = belittle, disparage deride = To ridi ule, to mo !, ma!e fun of desecr te = profane, to abuse something sa red desicc te = deh%drate, to dr% ompletel% des'o!de!t = depressed, feeling dis ouraged and de-e ted desultor( = without dire tion in life, at random, rambling, unmethodi al di tri%e = long denun iation, bitter verbal atta ! dichoto&( = a division into two parts did ctic = instru tional dilett !te = amateur, dabbler dis %use = orre t, to free from a mis on eption dis%urse = pa% out

disco!sol te = in onsolable, unable to be onsoled, e&tremel% sad discrete = separate, distin t discursi)e = rambling, wandering from topi to topi disd i! = to regard with s orn and ontempt disi!"e!uous = de eptive, sl% and raft% dis-oi!ted = dis onne ted, in oherent, being separated dis' r "e = belittle, spea! disrespe tfull% about dis' r te = various, dissimilar, different in !ind dis' rit( = differen e, ontrast, dissimilarit% dis'irit = dis ourage, to dishearten, ma!e de-e ted dissi' te = s atter diste!d = swell, inflate, bloat distr u"ht = distressed, ver% worried docile = domesti ated, trained, tame dot "e = senilit%, mental de line dour = sullen and gloom%, stern and severe droll = amusing in a wr% dulcet = melodious, pleasant sounding du'licit( = de eit, trea her%, dishonest%, double'dealing duress = oer ion, imprisonment e%% = re ede, to fade awa% e%ullie!t = e&uberant, full of enthusiasm and high spirits eclectic = -o%ful edif( = instru t morall% and spirituall% eff ce = To obliterate effro!ter( = insolen e efful"e!t = brilliant elicit = provo!e elucid te = ma!e lear, larif% e& ci ted = underfed, gaunt e&%roil = involve, ause to fall into disorder

e&e!d = orre t e!co&iu& = warm praise e!cu&%er = burden, to hinder, restri t motion e!de&ic = .e uliar to some spe ified ountr% or people e!er) te = wea!en, sap strength from e!"e!der = generate, to produ e e!i"& tic = pu++ling, ine&pli able e!-oi! = urge, order, ommand e!!ui = boredom, la ! of interest and energ% e!thr ll (B"#T#S$ = enthral) = mesmeri+e, to aptivate, en hant e!tre t = plead, beg e'icure = gourmet, person with refined taste in food and wine e'i"r & = sa%ing, short, witt% sa%ing or poem e'ithet = name, appellation, phrase e,ui!e = pertaining to horses erode = wear awa%, to diminish err !t = wandering, mista!en eschew = avoid, to abstain from es'ouse = to support or advo ate estr !"ed = alienated, separated euth ! si = mer %'!illing e) !esce!t = fleeting, ver% brief, short'lived e)i!ce = attest, demonstrate, to show learl%

e+ cer% te = worsen e+ s'er te = irritate, ve& e+ecr %le = ver% bad, abominable, utterl% detestable e+e&'l r( = outstanding, serving as an e&ample e+hort = strongl% urge e+hu&e = un over, to remove from a grave e+o!er te = free from blame

e+orcise = to e&pel evil spirits e+'edie!t = advantageous, onvenient, effi ient e+'i te = atone, ma!e amends for e+'u!"e = erase, eliminate ompletel% e+te!u te = To diminish the gravit% or importan e of e+tol = praise highl% e+tr !eous = not essential, unne essar% e+tric te = )isentangle, free e+u%er !t = -o%ous, happ% e+ude = emit, oo+e e+ult = re-oi e f cetious = -o!ing, sar asti , witt% f cile = ver% eas% f llow = unprodu tive, unplowed f stidious = meti ulous, areful with details f tho& = understand, to measure the depth of f tuous = inane, stupid fe lt( = /o%alt% fecu!d = fertile, fruitful, produ tive fei"! = pretend, give a false impression fetid = foul'smelling, putrid, stin!ing fic*le = alwa%s hanging one(s mind fidelit( = /o%alt% filch = steal something of little value fili l = of a son or daughter fitful = irregular fl "r !t = outrageous, shameless fled"li!" = -ust beginning, struggling fli'' !t = $aving a light, pert, trifling disposition florid = rudd%, with too mu h de oration flout = to show disregard for the law or rules

foi%le = wea!ness, minor fault foist = palm off a fa!e fo&e!t = instigate fortuitous = happening b% lu !, fortunate foster = en ourage fr c s = nois% fight fr u"ht = filled fre!etic = harried, neuroti fro!d = bending tree ful&i! te = denoun e, mena e fulso&e = e& essive, insin ere furti)e = stealth% " i!s ( = to den% " r" !tu ! = large " r!er = gather " rrulous = tal!ative, loqua ious, word% " uche = aw!ward, rude "e!re = !ind, ategor% "i%e = he !le "li% = insin ere manner "lower = stare angril% "o d = en ourage "oss &er = thin and flims% "ou"e = over harge, s oop out "ri& ce = e&pression of disgust "ro)el = rawl, obe% "uile = de eit, tri !er% h c*!e(ed = trite h 'less = unlu !% h r !"ue = a pompous spee h h r%i!"er = forerunner

h u"ht( = arrogant hedo!is& = the pursuit of pleasure in life hei!ous = sho !ing, wi !ed her&etic = airtight, sealed hew = to ut with an a& hi tus = interruption ho!e = sharpen illi&it %le = limitless i&%ue = infuse, d%e, wet i&&ure = build a wall around i&' ir = in-ure i&' ssi)e = alm, without feeling i&'ecc %le = faultless i&'ecu!ious = indigent, having no mone% i&'erious = domineering i&'erti!e!t = insolent, rude i&'ertur% %le = alm i&'er)ious = #mpenetrable i&'etuous = qui ! to a t without thin!ing i&'l usi%le = unli!el%, in on eivable i&'olitic = unwise i&'ortu!e = urgent request i&'re"! %le = totall% safe from atta ! i&'u"! = riti i+e i! d)erte!t = unintentional i! !e = va uous, stupid i!c !desce!t = brilliant i!c rcer te = to put in a -ail i!ce!di r( = burning easil%, flammable i!cho te = -ust begun i!ci'ie!t = beginning to e&ist

i!cisi)e = !een, penetrating i!co"!ito = disguised i!co&&u!ic do = unable to ommuni ate with others i!co!tro)erti%le = #ndisputable i!culc te = instill, indo trinate, to tea h i!cu&%e!t = obligator%, required i!cursio! = raid i!dict = harge with a rime i!di"e!ous = 0ative i!di"e!t = ver% poor i!dole!t = la+% i!do&it %le = invin ible, fearless i!du%it %le = unquestionable i!e+or %le = relentless, infle&ible

i!f lli%le = in apable of ma!ing a mista!e i!fer! l = hellish i!fir&it( = ailment, disease i!"r te = ungrateful person i!"r ti te = pleasing, flattering, endearing i!i&ic l = adverse, hostile, unfriendl% i!!ocuous = $armless i!!ue!do = indire t and subtle riti ism i!scrut %le = annot be full% understood i!si!u te = to suggest, impl%, sa% indire tl% i!si'id = flat, dull, la !ing flavor i!sole!t = insulting i!sul r = narrow'minded, isolated i!su'er %le = insurmountable i!sur"e!t = rebellious i!surrectio! = uprising, rebellion

i!ter = bur% i!terdict = prohibit i!terlo'er = intruder, meddler in others( affairs i!ter&i! %le = unending i!ter!eci!e = mutuall% destru tive i!tr !si"e!t = un ompromising i!tre'id = fearless i!u!d te = flood i!)ecti)e = verbal insult i!)ei"h = to rail against, protest strongl% i!)eter te = habitual, hroni , long'standing i!)idious = in urring ill'will ir sci%le = irritable iti!er !t = Wandering, unsettled - ded = spent, bored with one(s situation -u""er! ut = unstoppable for e *is&et = fate *!ell = sound of a funeral bell l chr(&ose = tearful l &'oo! = satiri+e, to atta ! with satire l rce!( = theft of propert% l r"ess = generous donation le"erde& i! = tri !er% le)it( = 1rivolit%, humor li%erti!e = one without moral restraint lice!tious = lewd, immoral li&'id = transparent, learl% understood lisso&e (B"#T#S$ = lissom) = agile, supple lithe = moving and bending with ease lo the = abhor, hate lo,u cious = Tal!ative

lu"u%rious = sad, sorrowful lurid = glowing, sho !ing & c %re = gruesome & chi! tio! = plot or s heme & elstro& = whirlpool, agitated state of mind & l 'ro'is& = omi al misuse of a word & lco!te!t = one who is forever dissatisfied & ledictio! = urse & lef ctor = evildoer, ulprit & lodorous = fetid, foul'smelling & !ifold = multiple, diverse & rti l = warli!e, pertaining to the militar% & rti!et = stri t dis iplinarian & sochist = one who en-o%s pain & udli! = weep%, sentimental & )eric* = a person who resists adheren e to a group & w*ish = si !eningl% sentimental &e !der = to wander aimlessl% without dire tion &e!dic !t = beggar &ercuri l = hangeable, volatile, qui ! &ettle = ourage, apa it% for braver% &i! tor( = threatening &irth = -ollit%, laughter &iscre !t = one who behaves riminall% &issi)e = letter or note &odicu& = a small amount &ollif( = to alm or ma!e less severe &oot = disputable, previousl% de ided &ord !t = biting, sar asti &ores = moral standards, ustoms &ori%u!d = near death

&ote = spe !, small parti le &otle( = diverse, man% olored &ultif rious = diverse, man%'sided &u!ifice!t = generous &(ri d = innumerable ! sce!t = in ipient, oming into e&isten e ! t l = related to birth !ecro& !c( = sor er%, bla ! magi .e&esis = impla able foe, often vi torious opponent !eolo"is& = new word or e&pression !eo'h(te = beginner !ether = lo ated under or below !ettle = irritate !i"" rdl( = sting% !oiso&e = harmful, stin!ing !o!e!tit( = person of no signifi an e o%dur te = un%ielding o%eis !ce = homage, deferen e o%fusc te = bewilder, muddle, to onfuse o%li,ue = indire t o%liter te = destro% o%lo,u( = slander, abusive language o%se,uious = fawning, servile, overl% submissive o%se,u( = funeral eremon% o%sti! te = stubborn o%stre'erous = nois%, unrul%, troublesome o%tuse = stupid, dull occlude = blo !, to shut odious = despi able, hateful o!erous = burdensome o''ro%rious = abusive, disgra eful

ord i! = appoint ossif( = harden oste!si%le = apparent, seeming oste!t tious = pretentious, show% o)erwee!i!" = arrogant, forward

' cifist = one who opposes all violen e ' e ! = a song of praise ' l )er = babble, nonsense ' ll = to be ome dull or wear% ' lli te = to ma!e less serious, ease ' llid = pale, sallow, la !ing olor or liveliness ' l' %le = tou hable, obvious, real ' ltr( = s ar e, pitifull% small or worthless ' ! che = flambo%an e, flair ' !de&ic = spread over a whole area or ountr% ' !e"(ric = praise ' !o'l( = full suit of armor ' r "o! = model of e& ellen e or perfe tion ' ri h = out ast ' rle( = onferen e, dis ussion ' rr( = avert, ward off, refle t ' rtis ! = supporter ' thos = emotion, feeling of sadness ' trici ! = aristo rat ' tri&o!( = inheritan e or heritage derived from one(s father 'ecc dillo = a minor fault 'ed "o"ue = dull, formal tea her 'ed !t = a person who is too interested in formal rules and small unimportant details 'e-or ti)e = insulting, having bad onnotations 'ellucid = transparent, easil% understood

'e! !ce = voluntar% suffering to repent for a wrong 'e!ch !t = in lination 'e!ite!t = repentant 'e!si)e = sad 'erditio! = damnation, omplete ruin 'ere&'tor( = di tatorial 'ere!!i l = enduring, lasting 'erfidious = trea herous ( of a person ) 'erfu!ctor( = areless, done in a routine wa% 'eri' tetic = moving from pla e to pla e 'er!icious = destru tive 'ert = flippant, bold 'erti! cious = persevering 'erti!e!t = "elevant, appli able 'hilisti!e = barbarian, narrow'minded person 'hle"& tic = sluggish, someone who is alm 'illor( = punish b% ridi ule 'i,ue = sting, arouse interest 'ith( = on ise, to the point 'itt !ce = alms, trifle 'l cid = Serene, alm 'l titude = trite remar!, stale 'le%ei ! = ommon, vulgar 'lethor = overabundan e 'oi"! !t = pungent, sharp, emotionall% moving 'ole&ic = a ontrovers% 'orte!d = omen 'ortl( = large, dignified 'ote!t te = sovereign, !ing 'r ttle = hatter, foolish tal! 'rece't = prin iple, law

'reci'ice = liff, edge 'reci'itous = steep 'recocious = advan ed 'recursor = forerunner 'redilectio! = in lination, preferen e 're&edit te = plan in advan e 're'o!der !ce = predominan e 're'osterous = ridi ulous, illogi al 'res "e = omen, indi ate in advan e 'ri) tio! = la ! of usual ne essities or omforts 'ro%it( = integrit%, omplete honest% 'rocli)it( = in lination, tenden % 'rodi" l = wasteful 'rodi"ious = marvelous, enormous 'rofli" te = li entious, prodigal, orrupt 'ro"e!itor = an estor 'ro"e!( = hildren 'ro"!osis = fore ast 'ro"!ostic te = foretell 'roli+ = long'winded, word% 'ro&o!tor( = headland, ape 'ro&ul" te = publish, disseminate 'ro'e!sit( = in lination 'ro'i!,uit( = nearness, !inship 'ro'iti te = satisf%, to win over 'ro'itious = auspi ious, favorable 'ros ic = uninspired, flat, dull 'roscri%e = prohibit, to ondemn 'rosel(ti/e (B"#T#S$ = prosel%tise) = re ruit, onvert 'rote ! = hanging readil% 'rotr ct = To prolong, e&tend

'ro)ide!t = having foresight, thrift% 'rude = puritan 'rude!t = autious, areful 'rurie!t = e&hibiting lewd desires 'uerile = 2hildish 'u"! cious = ombative, quarrelsome 'ulchritude = beaut% 'u!ctilious = areful in observing rules of behavior or eremon% 'u!"e!t = sharp smell or taste 'ur'ort = laim to be 'usill !i&ous = owardl% ,u ff = to drin! heartil% ,u "&ire = diffi ult situation ,u !d r( = dilemma, diffi ult% ,uell = suppress, alla% ,uerulous = omplaining ,ui%%le = to argue about insignifi ant and irrelevant details ,uiesce!t = still, motionless, at rest 0ui+otic = impra ti al, romanti r co!teur = stor% teller r &' !t = unbridled, raging r !cor (B"#T#S$ = ran our) = resentment, disli!e r !t = rage, s old r ' cious = grasping, avari ious, greed% r ''roche&e!t = re on iliation r /e = destro% rec lcitr !t = resisting authorit% or ontrol

rec !t = retra t a statement recidi)is& = habitual riminal a tivit% reco!dite = !nown to onl% a few

recre !t = oward, betra%er of faith refr ctor( = obstinate re" l = ro%al rele" te = assign to an inferior position re!e"e = brea! a promise re'lete = omplete re'rehe!si%le = blameworth%, una eptable re'ro ch = blame re'ro% te = morall% unprin ipled person re'ro)e = to riti i+e or orre t re'udi te = to re-e t as having no authorit% re,uie& = rest, a mass for the dead re,uite = to return in !ind resci!d = revo!e, an el res'ite = interval or relief res'le!de!t = shining, splendid restitutio! = a t of ompensating for loss or damage resti)e = nervous, uneas% retort = qui ! repla% retre!ch = reorgani+e, to regroup retrie)e = re laim retro"r de = regress re)elr( = merr%ma!ing re)ere = honor re)ile = to riti i+e with harsh language re)ulsio! = aversion ri% ld = oarse, vulgar rife = widespread, abundant ris,ue = off' olor, ra % rostru& = stage for publi spea!ing ru&i! te = refle t upon

rustic = rural s cros !ct = sa red s " cious = wise s llow = si !l% %ellow in olor s !"ui!e = heerful s 'ie!t = wise, shrewd s rdo!ic = s ornful s u!ter = wal! in a leisurel% manner s ) !t = s holar schis& = a division or separation sci!till = ver% small amount sci!till te = spar!le scoff = ridi ule scurrilous = abusive, insulting secul r = worldl%, nonreligious seditio! = treason, resistan e to authorit% se!te!tious = on ise, tr%ing to appear wise se,uester = to remove or set apart ser 'hic = angeli , pure sere!di'it( = ma!ing fortunate dis overies ser)ile = slavish, obedient si&i ! = mon!e% li!e si&'er = smile foolishl%, smir! si!ecure = well paid position with little responsibilit% s*ul* = snea! about sl *e = to alm down or moderate sloth = la+iness slo)e!l( = slopp% so%riet( = omposed so%ri,uet = ni !name sodde! = soa!ed

so-our! = trip, visit sol ce = onsolation solecis& = ungrammati al onstru tion solicitous = onsiderate, on erned solilo,u( = * monologue solstice = furthest point so&%er (B"#T#S$ = sombre) = 3loom% so&! &%ulist = sleepwal!er so&!ole!t = Sleep% so'orific = sleep indu ing sordid = foul, ignoble, dirt% and unpleasant s' w! = produ e s'ecious = false but plausible s'or dic = o urring irregularl% s'orti)e = pla%ful s'ur! = re-e t s,u lid = filth% st id = demure, sedate, boring ste df st = lo%al, immovable ste!tori ! = e&tremel% loud sti"& = mar! of disgra e stilted = formal, stiff, unnatural stoic = indifferent to pain or pleasure stolid = impassive str t "e& = tri ! stricture = negative riti ism stultif( = inhibit, enfeeble st(&ie = hinder, thwart su )e = smooth su%li& te = to repress impulses su%li&e = loft%, e& ellent

su%terfu"e = unning, ruse succule!t = -ui %, deli ious sull( = stain su'ercilious = arrogant su''l !t = repla e surl( = rude, rass sur&ise = to guess sur&ou!t = over ome surre'titious = se retive suste! !ce = suppl%ing the ne essities of life sw rth( = dar! (as in omple&ion) 1(% rite = pleasure'see!er, lover of lu&ur% s(co'h !t = flatterer, flun!% t citur! = who does not tal! mu h t lo! = law of an animal t !t &ou!t = equivalent t wdr( = gaud%, heap te&erit( = boldness

&'le = enough, spe ious, abundant &'lif( = enlarge, in rease, intensif% !cill r( = supplementar%, subsidiar%, subordinate !o& l( = deviation from the rule, irregularit% rtif ct (B"#T#S$ = artefa t) = an ob-e t made b% human, of histori al interest rtis ! = a s!illed handi raftsman uthorit ri ! = di tator, e&tremel% stri t, boss% utocr t = di tator or a high ran!ing government offi er %ifurc ted = divided into two bran hes, for!ed %l t !t = glaring, obvious, show% %ou!tiful = abundant, plentiful %r /e! = bold, shameless, impudent

%re ch = brea!ing of a rule, agreement, or law c ric ture = artoon, e&aggerated portrait c r!i)orous = meat'eating c t l(st = something that auses hange without being hanged ce!tri'et l = tending toward the enter ch otic = in utter disorder ch u)i!ist = a man who thin!s men are better than women co&'le&e!t = To ma!e omplete, perfe t co&'osure = 2almness of appearan e co&'ress = to redu e, squee+e co!stitue!t = ele torate, omponent, part co!str i!t = something that limits what %ou an do correl tio! = mutual relationship, asso iation corru" te = to wrin!le or draw into folds de'ose = testif%, to remove from a high position de'reci te = To lessen the worth of deter&i! te = )efinitel% limited or fi&ed, on lusive de+terous = s!illful, adroit dwi!dle = To diminish or be ome less e rth( = rude e!tit( = being, e&isten e e,uit( = impartialit%, -usti e e,ui)oc l = *mbiguous, open to two interpretations eulo"( = high praise e+otic = 1oreign, romanti e+te&'or !eous = unrehearsed f %ric te = onstru t f lli%le = 2apable of erring felicitous = ver% appropriate, pertinent fl ir = a natural aptitude fl u!t = to show off

flor = plants fr udule!t = 2ounterfeit fusio! = union, oalition "er&i! te = To begin to develop into an embr%o or higher form hetero"e!eous = omposed of unli!e parts, different h('othetic l = theoreti al, spe ulative i&&u!e = 4&empt, as from disease i&'rude!t = unwise i!ce'tio! = The beginning i!co!se,ue!ti l = 5alueless i!def ti" %le = never getting tired i!dic ti)e = suggestive, impl%ing i!dis'ut %le = not disputed, unquestioned i!f !tile = hildish, immature i!"e!uous = na6ve and unsophisti ated i!-urious = harmful i!!o) te = to invent, moderni+e i!te"rit( = de en %, honest, wholeness i!ter&itte!t = starting and stopping i!tros'ecti)e = loo!ing within oneself i!tro)ert = To turn within i!)o*e = request assistan e or prote tion iot = * small mar! or part irre)ere!t = disrespe tful - u!dice = disease of %ellowish dis oloration of s!in l c*luster (B"#T#S$ = la !lustre) = dull, drear%, olorless l ud %le = .raiseworth% le+ico! = * di tionar% liti" tio! = lawsuit lu! r = related to the moon luscious = "i h, sweet, and deli ious

&et 'hor = figure of spee h omparing two different things &icrocos& = The world on a small s ale &i"r tor( = Wandering from pla e to pla e with the seasons &ish ' = 7isfortune &!e&o!ic = related to memor% &o!oto!( = * la ! of variation o&!i)orous = eating ever%thing o''ortu!ist = 8ne who ta!es advantage of ir umstan es orifice = a small opening o)ert = open to view ' r do+ = seemingl% in ontradi tion ' r site = one who lives at another(s e&pense ' te!t = the right to ma!e or sell a new invention 'edi trici ! (B"#T#S$ = paediatri ian) = a hild do tor 'erus l = reading arefull% 'le!itude = *bundan e 'ol("lot = Spea!ing several tongues 'ro' " te = To spread re ctio! r( = related to, or favoring rea tion reci'roc te = To give and ta!e mutuall% re"i&e! = government rule, s%stemati plan reh %ilit te = To restore to a former status re&i!isce!ce = remembran e of past events re!e" de = rebel, dissident resilie!t = the qualit% of springing ba ! retro cti)e = appl%ing to an earlier time se!su l = related to the ph%si al senses stride!t = rough, harsh, austi , loud su%li&i! l = sub ons ious, imper eptible su'er !!u ted = retired

su'erfici l = shallow and phon% su''le = 4asil% bent s(!chro!ous = happening at the same time t i!ted = ontaminated, orrupt t lis& ! = an ob-e t supposed to bring good lu ! theocr c( = government b% the priests ther 'eutic = medi inal tortuous = with bends or turns tr !sce!d = To surpass tr !s&ute = To hange in nature or form tri%ute = a gift or statement showing respe t tur%ule!ce = violent agitation u!o%trusi)e = in onspi uous, not blatant )e!t = small opening, outlet )erisi&ilitude = appearan e of being true )ers tile = adaptable, all'purpose )ic rious = substitute, surrogate )iscous = sti !%, glue%, thi ! w rr !t( = guarantee of a produ t(s soundness w + = in rease, grow we ther = endure the effe ts of weather or other for es (o*e = -oin together, unite te&'or l = limited b% time, se ular, not lasting forever te! cious = persistent te!de!tious = biased te!et = do trine, prin iple te!sile = apable of being stret hed te!uous = thin, insubstantial te'id = lu!ewarm terse = on ise, brief tether = tie down, tie with a rope

thr ll = slave thw rt = to blo ! or prevent from happening ti&orous = fearful, timid tir de = s olding spee h to d( = fawner, s% ophant tor'id = lethargi , ina tive tr !sie!t = fleeting, temporar% tr !sluce!t = lear, lu id, almost transparent tr )est( = ari ature, far e, parod% tre!ch !t = in isive, penetrating tre'id tio! = fear trite = ommonpla e, insin ere trucule!t = fier e, savage, tending to argue a lot truis& = self'evident truth tr(st = meeting, rende+vous tu&ult = ommotion tur%id = mudd%, louded tur"id = Swollen, not flowing tur'itude = )epravit%, evil t(ro = beginner u&%r "e = resentment u!ctuous = insin ere u!*e&'t = mess% in appearan e u!sullied = spotless usur' = sei+e, to appropriate usur( = over harge, lending mone% at illegal rates of interest ) cill te = To waver ) cuous = inane, empt%, not showing intelligen e or purpose ) 'id = va uous, insipid )e! l = willing to do wrong for mone% )e!dett = grudge, feud

)e!er %le = respe ted be ause of age )erd !t = green, lush )e+ = anno%, to irritate )icissitude = hanging fortunes )ie = ompete )i"!ette = s ene, de orative design )ilif( = defame )i!dic te = free from blame )irile = manl% )irule!t = deadl%, poisonous )iti te = spoil, ruin )itriolic = s athing, burning )ociferous = adamant, lamoring )olitio! = free will )olu&i!ous = bul!%, e&tensive, or great quantit% w llow = indulge, lu&uriate w ! = si !l% pale w !e = dissipate, wither w r( = guarded, areful welter = onfusion, hodgepodge whet = stimulate, to sharpen wil( = shrewd, lever wi!so&e = harming wi/e!ed = shriveled wr ith = ghost wr( = twisted, amusing /e'h(r = gentle bree+e, west wind

&'hi%i ! = reature that lives on land and water ! chro!is& = *n%thing o urring or e&isting out of its proper time !"ul r = Sharp' ornered or sharp angled

!thro'o&or'hous = 0onhuman having or resembling human form or qualit% 'othe"& = a short sa%ing ''r ise = assess, evaluate the value r %le = suitable for ultivation s'erit( = roughness of temper ss ( = to anal%+e or estimate udit = formal e&amination of final re ords u"ur( = prophe % or predi tion of events )er = to de lare to be true )ersio! = intense disli!e )i r( = age where birds are !ept % !ter = to tease pla%full% and in good humor %e tific = supremel% happ%, angeli , saintl% %e!i"hted = un enlightened %e!iso! = Blessing %l !ch = blea h, whiten, to ta!e the olor out %lud"eo! = to hit someone several times with a heav% ob-e t %olster = To support or ma!e something strong %ur!ish = To ma!e brilliant or shining c !!( = lever and able to thin! qui !l%, espe iall% about mone% or business c r! l = of the flesh, sensual c r' = to find faults, omplain onstantl% c ) lc de = a pro ession or sequen e celerit( = qui ! moving or a ting cessio! = Surrender, as of possessions or rights ch &' = to hew noisil% ch stise = to riti i+e or punish someone ch ttel = pie e of personal propert% churlish = rude, ungra ious circu&scri%e = To onfine within bounds cl ir)o( !t = who an see the future, having 4S.

coll te = to sort or put in proper order co&'l is !t = *greeable, friendl% co!se,ue!ti l = important co!tu& cious = rebellious cuisi!e = oo!er%, st%le of oo!ing cul&i! tio! = lima&, final stage cur tor = in harge of a librar% or museum d u!t = to frighten, subdue decli)it( = a pla e that de lines or slopes downwards der !"ed = insane, delirious, mania al deri) ti)e = opied or adapted, not original descr( = To dis ern, to dis over or reveal diffide!ce = sh%ness, la ! of onfiden e dir"e = lament with musi , funeral h%mn disco&fit = To put to onfusion, dis omfort discord !t = harsh'sounding, badl% out of tune dissi&ul te = to disguise dist ff = the female bran h of a famil% dolt = a stupid person do&i!eer = to rule over something in a t%ranni al wa% dou"ht( = brave, dauntless dross = waste matter, worthless impurities d(s'e'tic = suffering from indigestion, gloom% and irritable efflu)iu& = no&ious smells effusi)e = e&pressing emotion without restraint el tio! = e&hilaration, -o% elo,ue!ce = fluent and effe tive spee h e&ollie!t = ream for softening, ma!ing supple e!sco!ce = to hide safel%, settle omfortabl% e!u!ci te = verbali+e, arti ulate e'ilo"ue = The lose of a narrative or poem

e'ito&e = * simplified representation e,uestri ! = one who rides on horseba ! e+cori te = to denoun e e+cul' te = to lear of blame or fault e+' ti te = to dis uss in detail, elaborate e+' tri te = who does not live in one(s own ountr% e+'ur" te = to purif% b% removing obs enities e+tri!sic = not inherent or essential, oming from without e+tro)ert = an outgoing person fell = to hop, ut down fer)id = fervent, passionate fetter = to restrain, to bind fi!ic*( = meti ulous, fuss% fissure = a ra ! or brea! fl ccid = limp, flabb%, wea! fl &%o( !t = 2hara teri+ed b% e&travagan e fluster = onfuse for%e r !ce = .atient enduran e or toleration of offenses forte = * strong point fr ctious = wa%ward, unrul%, disorderl% fre!/ied = feverishl% fast, he ti fu!ere l = mournful, appropriate to a funeral " ll = bitterness, nerve " &%ol = .la%ful leaping or fris!ing " u!t = thin, ema iated "ust tor( = relevant to the sense of tasting h llow = to ma!e hol% ho r( = white, old holoc ust = widespread destru tion i"!o&i!ious = Shameful i&'ious = not devout in religion

i&'l c %le = doubtful, dubious i&'ro)ide!t = la !ing foresight or thrift i!c r! di!e = blood'red in olor i!de!ture = bound to another b% ontra t i!terstice = a small spa e between things iridesce!t = showing man% olors -ettiso! = to throw overboard, abandon -i!"ois& = e&tremel% aggressive and militant patriotism l c* d isic l = /istless, idle l !"uor = /assitude of bod% or depression l 'id r( = relating to pre ious stones l titude = freedom from narrow limitations lio!i/e = treat as a elebrit% loiter = dawdle, loaf lull = moment of alm

& riti&e = Situated on or near the sea &e" lo& !i = mental state with delusions of wealth and power &e!d cious = Untrue &eretricious = *lluring b% false or gaud% show &olt = to shed hair, s!in periodi all% &o! stic = related to mon!s &or%id = abnormall% gloom% ! i)et2 = a la ! of worldl% wisdom !ihilis& = a belief in nothing, e&treme s!epti ism !o& dic = moving from pla e to pla e !o! se,uitur = an irrelevant on lusion !u'ti l = relating to marriage o%-ur" te = to hide, s old o' lesce!t = irides ent, displa%ing olors or!itholo"ist = s ientist who studies birds

orotu!d = pompousl% said ' lette = board for mi&ing paints ' stiche = imitation of another(s st%le ' tricide = murder of one(s own father 'ecul tio! = theft of mone% or goods 'edi&e!t = triangular gable on a roof or fa9ade 'e!u&%r = partial shadow in an e lipse 'er&e %le = penetrable 'hilolo"( = stud% of words 'l i!tiff = in-ured person in a lawsuit 'l !"e!t = plaintive, resounding sadl% 'olitic = e&pedient, prudent, well devised 'ot %le = suitable for drin!ing 'rese!ti&e!t = sense of foreboding 'ri&ordi l = e&isting at the beginning, rudimentar% 'u&&el = beat, atta ! 'utrid = dirt%, rotten ,ui!tesse!ce = The most essential part of an%thing r &sh c*le = dilapidated, falling to pie es r tioci! tio! = reasoning r ucous = $arsh sounding r )e!ous = e&tremel% hungr% rectitude = moral uprightness refector( = dining hall re&edi %le = apable of being orre ted re&o!str te = to protest or ob-e t reti!ue = group of attendants rococo = ornate, highl% de orated roil = to disturb or ause disorder s lu%rious = health% sere!it( = alm, pea efulness

serr ted = toothed, with a +ig+ag edge si!uous = 2urving in and out slou"h = to dis ard or shed slu"" rd = la+%, ina tive person so'hist = person good at arguing deviousl% so'ho&oric = immature and over onfident st cc to = mar!ed b% abrupt, lear' ut sounds succi!ct = 2on ise s(!thetic = artifi ial, imitation thre!od( = a sad poem or song, dirge tre&ulous = trembling, fearful tu!dr = treeless plain found in *r ti or sub ar ti regions u'%r id = to s old sharpl% ) "r !t = *n idle wanderer ) rie" ted = man%' olored ) u!ted = boasted, bragged )er cious = truthful, a urate )erit( = Truth )er! l = related to spring wr !"le = loud quarrel

% se = lower, humiliate % sh = humiliate, embarrass %dic te = give up power or position %e( !ce = postponement, temporar% suspension %hor = detest, loathe %-ure = renoun e, to formall% re-e t or abandon %lutio! = leansing, washing %orti)e = unsu essful, interruptive while in omplete %ro" te = an el, to abolish b% authorit% %sol)e = a quit, to forgive or free from blame

%struse = diffi ult to omprehend %ut = tou h, border on %(s& l = defi ient, sub par ccede = %ield, e&press approval, agree to ccli& te = a ustom oneself to a limate ccli)it( = as ent, in line ccol de = applause, praise ccost = to approa h and spea! to someone ccouter (B"#T#S$ = a outre) = equip c&e = summit, highest point c,uiesce = to agree, ompl% passivel% crid = harsh, bitter, pungent, austi cri&o!ious = austi , bitter ctu te = indu e, start cu&e! = sharpness of insight d & !t = insistent, un ompromising, un%ielding dduce = offer as e&ample d-u!ct = addition, something added, atta hed, or -oined d&o!ish = warn gentl%, aution, or reprimand droit = s!illful, a omplished, highl% ompetent dul tio! = applause, high praise d)e!t = arrival d)e!titious = a idental e"is = that whi h prote ts ffect = influen e ffr ( = publi brawl " 'e = openmouthed, wonder ""r !di/e = e&aggerate, to ma!e larger or greater in power "h st = horrified l crit( = swiftness, speed, heerful willingness, eagerness ll ( = to reassure: to lessen, ease, or soothe

lle"e = assert without proof lle"or( = fable, s%mboli representation lliter tio! = repetition of the same sound llude = refer to indire tl% &e! %le = agreeable &iss = wrong, out of pla e &it( = 1riendship &orous = strongl% attra ted to love: showing love &or'hous = shapeless &orti/e = to diminish b% installment pa%ments &uc* = murderous fren+% ! rchist = terrorist !i& d)ersio! = riti al remar! !i&us = hate !! ls = histori al re ords 'oc l('tic = ominous, doomed 'o'le+( = stro!e '' ll (B"#T#S$ = appal) = horrif% '' ritio! = phantom ''ell tio! = title, name ''osite = apt 'ro'os = *ppropriate r%iter = -udge rchet('e = original model r"ot = slang ri = operati song rr ( = arrangement rro(o = gull% rtifice = tri ! se'tic = sterile telier = wor!shop

)u!cul r = li!e an un le /ure = s!% blue % d"er = To pester % di! "e = banter, teasing onversation % " telle = nonentit%, trifle % !d( = dis uss lightl% % rd = poet % ro,ue = ornate % s* = ta!e pleasure in, sun % u%le = * trin!et, trifle %e titude = state of bliss %e"rud"e = resent, env% %eholde! = in debt %ereft = deprived of %eset = harass, surround %es&irch = slander, sull% %ic &er l = having two legislative bran hes %i)ou c = en ampment %l se = bored with life %ode = portend %o"us = forged, false %r c*ish = salt% %ucolic = rusti %urles,ue = far e c che = hiding pla e c d )erous = haggard c llow = ine&perien ed c !i!e = pertaining to dogs c 'tious = fond of finding fault in others c r fe = bottle c rdi! l = hief

c rrio! = de a%ing flesh c sc de = small waterfall c suistr( = lever argument to tri ! people c uteri/e (B"#T#S$ = auterise) = to sear ch fe = abrade ch ste = pure, virgin ch ste! = astigate ci'her = +ero cleft = split cli,ue = a small group clo)e! = split codicil = supplement to a will co"it te = ponder co"!i/ !t = aware cohere = To sti ! together cohort = an asso iate co&'ort = to ondu t oneself co!ch = spiral shell co!cord t = *greement co!desce!d = patroni+e, tal! down to, to treat someone as though %ou are better co!di&e!t = seasoning co!dole!ce = s%mpath% for the famil% or friends of a person who has re entl% died co!iferous = bearing ones co!sort = spouse co!t "io! = infe tious agent co!ti!"e!t = onditional co!tort = twist co!tro)ert = dispute cordo! = bond, hain coroll r( = onsequen e

cor'ule!t = fat corte"e = pro ession corusc te = spar!le co)e! !t = agreement, pa t crestf lle! = de-e ted cre)ice = ra ! cruet = small bottle cull = pi ! out, sele t cul)ert = drain curr( = see! favor b% flatter% c(!osure = elebrit% d !* = damp d u!tless = ourageous de d' ! = e&pressionless de%o! ir = sophisti ated, affable dec !t = pour decre'itude = enfeeblement def & tio! = slander deflect = turn aside defr ( = pa% dei"! = ondes end deliriu& = mental onfusion, e stas% del)e = dig, e&plore (of ideas) de&e !or (B"#T#S$ = demeanour) = behavior de&e!ted = deranged de&ure = sedate, reserved de!i/e! = dweller de!oue&e!t = resolution de'ositio! = testimon% de'red tio! = pre%ing on, plunder derelict = negligent

desol te = forsa!en desuetude = disuse di lectic = pertaining to debate di&i!utio! = "edu tion disco!cert = onfuse discretio! = pruden e dishe)el = muss disi!ter = unearth disi!terested = #mpartial dis'ut tious = fond of arguing dis,uisitio! = elaborate treatise dissolute = profligate, immoral disso! !ce = )is ord distr it = preo upied, absent'minded do""erel = poor verse dolorous = gloom% dre"s = residue, riffraff dro!e = spea! in a monotoni voi e due!! = governess ecclesi stic l = hur hl% ecl t = brillian e educe = draw forth, evo!e effete = worn out effusio! = pouring forth ele"i c = sad e&%l /o! = imprint, brand e&%r(o!ic = rudimentar% e&eritus = retired, but retaining title e! &ored (B"#T#S$ = enamoured) = harmed, aptivated e!cl )e = area en losed within another region e!"ross = aptivate

e'och = era esc ' de = adventure e)iscer te = disembowel e+ officio = b% virtue of position e+cisio! = removal e+e"esis = interpretation e+i"e!c( = urgen % e+i"uous = s ant% e+'leti)e = oath e+t !t = e&isting e+tir' te = see! out and destro% e+trude = for e out f cet = aspe t f ctious = ausing disagreement f ctitious = artifi ial f ctotu& = hand%man f u+ ' s = false step, mista!e fe%rile = feverish, delirious fer&e!t = turmoil ferret = rummage through fer)or (B"#T#S$ = fervour) = intensit% fester = de a%

festi)e = -o%ous fete = to honor fi t = de ree fire%r !d = agitator fl "ell te = whip fl il = whip for ( = raid fortitude = patien e, ourage

fret = worr% fritter = squander fri)olit( = pla%fulness fruitio! = reali+ation, ompletion " l) !i/e = e& ite to a tion " &ut = range " r!ish = de orate "e!e lo"( = an estr% "e!esis = beginning "e!uflect = !neel in reveren e "h stl( = horrible "le ! = gather "!o&e = dwarf'li!e being "or"e = stuff, satiate "or( = blood% "r ''le = struggle "risl( = gruesome "uff w = laughter "usto = ;een en-o%ment "uttur l = throat% h "" rd = gaunt h lc(o! = serene h le = health% h &'er = obstru t h r%or (B"#T#S$ = harbour) = give shelter, on eal h rrid ! = hag or an ugl% old woman h rr( = harass heedless = areless he"ir = a -ourne% to a more pleasant pla e hi%er! l = wintr% histrio!ic = overl% dramati

ho&il( = sermon horde = group hort tor( = inspiring good deeds ho)el = shant%, abin ho(de! = tombo%, boisterous girl hu%ris = arrogan e hu&&oc* = !noll, mound hu&us = soil ichth(olo"( = stud% of fish id(llic = natural, pi turesque i&&ol te = sa rifi e i&' le = pier e i&'etus = stimulus, spar! i&'i!"e = en roa h, tou h i&'o!der %le = diffi ult to estimate i&'ri& tur = san tion i&'u!it( = e&emption from harm i&'ute = harge i! lie! %le = that whi h annot be ta!en awa% i!c !t tio! = hant i!c ' cit te = disable i!cle&e!t = harsh i!cri&i! te = a use i!cu%us = nightmare i!eff %le = ine&pressible i!eluct %le = ines apable i!fidel = nonbeliever i!flu+ = inflow i!fr ctio! = violation i!i&it %le = peerless i!i,uitous = un-ust, wi !ed

i!o''ortu!e = untimel% i!ordi! te = e& essive i!se!s te = without feeling i!souci !t = non halant i!su%ordi! te = disobedient i!te"u&e!t = a overing i!)ei"le = lure irresolute = hesitant, un ertain -e-u!e = barren -ostle = push, brush against *e! = range of omprehension *! )e = on man *!e d = massage l cer te = tear, ut l c*e( = servant l it( = la%men l &%e!t = softl% radiant l )e = wash l + = loose, areless lecter! = reading des! li&! = portra%, des ribe lit !( = list litotes = understatement for emphasis lout = goon lu'i!e = wolf'li!e lu+uri !t = lush & i& = in-ure & ! cle = sha !le & r uder = plunderer & stic te = hew & tri rch = matron

& ul = rough up & usoleu& = tomb & (he& = mutilation &edle( = mi&ture &elee = riot &ellifluous = sweet sounding &e!i l = humble, degrading &ete = distribute &i s& = to&in &ie! = appearan e, demeanor &i!io! = subordinate &i!uti e = trivia &ire = marsh

&isce"e! tio! = intermarriage between ra es &iscell !( = mi&ture of items &odish = hi &olte! = melted &o!olithic = large and uniform &ortif( = humiliate &ottled = spotted &ou!te% !* = harlatan &uffle = stifle, quiet &ulct = defraud &use = ponder &uster = to gather one(s for es !o!co&&itt l = neutral, ir umspe t !o!'lus = bring to a halt b% onfusion !u%ile = marriageable !u" tor( = useless, worthless o f = aw!ward person

o%elis* = tall olumn, monument o%itu r( = eulog% o%l tio! = offering, sa rifi e o%li,uit( = perversit% odoriferous = pleasant odor off l = inedible parts of a but hered animal offertor( = hur h olle tion o"le = flirt o!us = burden o''ro%riu& = disgra e o'us = literar% wor! of musi al omposition oriso! = pra%er ' leo!tolo"ist (B"#T#S$ = palaeontologist) = one who studies fossils ' l'it te = beat, throb ' !de&o!iu& = din, ommotion ' !der = ater to people(s baser instin ts ' !to&i&e = mime ' '(rus = paper ' r &our = lover ' r 'et = rampart, defense ' ro+(s& = outburst, onvulsion ' rsi&o!ious = sting% ' r)e!u = new omer, so ial limber ' sse = outmoded ' stor l = rusti 'ecul te = embe++le, steal 'ed !tic = boo!ish 'ell3&ell = in a onfused manner 'e!urious = sting% 'ere"ri! tio! = wandering 'erforce = b% ne essit%

'eri"ee = point when moon is nearest to the earth 'er-ur( = l%ing 'eror tio! = on lusion of an oration 'etrif( = al if%, sho ! 'ett( = trivial 'etul !t = irritable, peevish 'ic res,ue = roguish, adventurous 'ied = mottled, brindled 'i,u !t = tart'tasting, spi % 'l to!ic = nonse&ual 'le%iscite = referendum 'lu&% = measure 'olit( = methods of government 'oltroo! = oward 'orte!d = signif%, augur 'r te = babble 're &%le = introdu tion 'reter! tur l = abnormal 'ri& = formal, prudish 'ri&o"e!iture = first'born hild 'ri&' = groom 'ro%oscis = snout 'rod = urge 'rofusio! = overabundan e 'ro'ell !t = ro !et fuel 'ro'h(l ctic = preventive 'ro'ou!d = propose 'rosce!iu& = platform, rostrum 'rosod( = stud% of poeti stru ture 'ro)e!der = dr% food, fodder 'ro)iso = stipulation

'uiss !t = strong 'ur%li!d = obtuse, dim'sighted 'ur" tor( = limbo, netherworld 'urloi! = To steal 'ur)iew = range, understanding 'ut ti)e = reputed ,u il = shrin!, ower ,u i!t = old'fashioned ,u l&s = misgivings ,u rr( = pre%, game ,u ( = wharf ,ue s( = squeamish ,ui' = -o!e ,uir* = e entri it% ,ui//ic l = odd ,uoru& = ma-orit%

r %id = mad, furious r i&e!t = lothing r !*le = ause bitterness, resentment re l& = !ingdom, domain reco!! iss !ce = surveillan e recri&i! tio! = ounter harge, retaliation recu&%e!t = re lining redole!t = fragrant redou%t %le = formidable, steadfast redu!d !t = repetitious ree* = smell refr ctio! = bending, defle tion re" le = entertain re&iss = 0egligent

re&! !t = residue, fragment re&orse = guilt re!d = to tear apart re!der = deliver, provide re!de/)ous = a meeting re!ditio! = version, interpretation re' r tio! = amends, atonement re' rtee = witt% onversation re'elle!t = ausing aversion re'ercussio! = onsequen e re'i!e = fret re'rie)e = temporar% suspension re'ri& !d = rebu!e re'ris l = retaliation ret li te = revenge retri%utio! = reprisal re)ere!t = respe tful re)erie = da%dream ri"or = harshness ri&e = white frost risi%le = laughable rose te = ros%, optimisti roster = list of people rout = vanquish ru%icu!d = rudd%, having health% reddish olor ruffi ! = brutal person, bull% ru&& "e = hunt ruse = tri ! s cerdot l = priestl% s lut r( = good, wholesome s !cti&o!ious = self'righteous

s !"3froid = oolness under fire s !"ui! r( = gor%, murderous s 'id = interesting s rco'h "us = stone offin s rtori l = pertaining to lothes s te = satisf% full% s tur!i!e = gloom% s t(r = demigod, goat'man s )oir3f ire = ta t, polish s )or (B"#T#S$ = savour) = en-o% sc rif( = riti i+e scurr( = move bris!l% scuttle = to sin! se% ceous = li!e fat seclusio! = solitude sedulous = diligent seethe = fume, resent se&%l !ce = li!eness se!esce!ce = old age se'ulcher (B"#T#S$ = sepul hre) = tomb se,u cious = eager to follow, du tile serried = saw'toothed shi%%oleth = password sho l = reef shrew = virago sidere l = pertaining to the stars si!ew( = fibrous, string% s*i!fli!t = miser s*ittish = e& itable s*ulldu""er( (B"#T#S$ = s!uldugger%) = tri !er% sl !der = defame

slei"ht = de&terit% slither = slide s& tteri!" = superfi ial !nowledge s&ir* = smug loo! s!i)el = whine sol)e!t = finan iall% sound so& tic = pertaining to the bod% s' s&odic = intermittent s' te = sudden outpouring s'ectr l = ghostl% s'le!etic = peevish s'r( = nimble s'u&e = foam st !/ = division of a poem sto*e = prod, fuel str tu& = la%er stu'or = letharg% su% ros = in se ret su%st !ti te = verif%

su%st !ti)e = substantial succor (B"#T#S$ = su our) = help, omfort succu&% = %ield, submit suffuse = pervade, permeate sultr( = sweltering su!der = split su!dr( = various su'er!u&er r( = subordinate suture = surgi al stit h s(l) ! = rusti t !t li/e = tease

t 'er = andle t r! = small la!e t rr( = linger t uri!e = bull'li!e t ut = tight, stret hed te&'er te = moderate te&'o = speed te!t ti)e = provisional te!ure = status given after a period of time terr 'i! = turtle test( = petulant thes'i ! = a tor throes = anguish thro!" = rowd ti&%re = tonal qualit%, resonan e Tit !ic = huge tithe = donate one'tenth titul r = in name onl%, figurehead tocsi! = alarm bell, signal touchsto!e = standard tr duce = slander tr ) il = wor!, drudger% tri%u! l = ourt tro"lod(te = ave dweller truc*le = %ield tutel "e = guardianship t(r !!( = oppression u! ssu&i!" = modest u!couth = un ultured, rude u!dul te = surge, flu tuate u!ifor&it( = sameness

u!s )or( (B"#T#S$ = unsavour%) = distasteful, offensive u!sc thed = unhurt u!see&l( = unbe oming, improper u!te! %le = annot be a hieved ursi!e = bear'li!e u+orious = a doting husband ) " r( = whim ) i!"lorious = on eited ) lor (B"#T#S$ = valour) = braver% ) !"u rd = leading position ) ss l = sub-e t )ehe&e!t = adamant )e!eer = false front, fa9ade )e!i l = e& usable )e!tureso&e = bold, ris!% )i !d = food )ictu ls = food )is "e = fa ial e&pression )iscid = thi !, gumm% )itreous = glass% )itu'er ti)e = abusive )ot r( = fan, afi ionado )ouchs fe = onfer, bestow )ul'i!e = fo&'li!e w ""ish = pla%ful w strel = spendthrift w (l ( = ambush we ! = remove from nursing, brea! a habit wheedle = oa& whi&sic l = apri ious wi!ce = ringe

wi!!ow = separate wither = shrivel wo!t = ustom wr th = anger, fur% wre * = infli t wrest = snat h writhe = ontort (e! = desire (ore = long ago

%err tio! = different from normal or usual %ettor = en ourager %!e" tio! = repudiation, self'sa rifi e %o&i! te = to hate %r de = to rub off a surfa e %ste&ious = 2hara teri+ed b% self denial or abstinen e ccretio! = grow in si+e or in rease in amount cer%it( = bitterness of spee h or temper cetic = related to vinegar cidulous = sour in taste or manner c,uiesce!ce = .assive onsent c,uitt l = release from blame (as b% a ourt) ctu ri l = al ulating cuit( = sharpness ddictio! = ompulsive, habitual need ddle = To ma!e ineffi ient or unable to thin! d-ur tio! = solemn urging d-ure = to request solemnl% d&o!itio! = 3enteell% point out mista!e "ilit( = nimbleness "it tio! = e& itement, uneasiness

li&e!t r( = suppl%ing nourishment llure = appeal, attra t llusio! = indire t referen e llu)i l = soil deposits left b% rivers & l" & te = To mi& or -oin together to be ome one & /o! = female warrior &%rosi = food of the 3ree! gods that provided immortal %outh < beaut%, an%thing sweet and pleasing !diro!s = metal supports in a firepla e !!e l = to graduall% heat and ool in order to soften, redu e brittleness !!uit( = *n annual pa%ment or in ome !tecede = To pre ede !thro'oid = manli!e 'i r( = * pla e where bees are !ept 'o"ee = The lima& 'othec r( = 8ne who !eeps drugs for sale and puts up pres riptions ''urte! !ces = subordinate possessions ,uili!e = li!e an eagle, bent, boo!ed, urved rc de = a roofed passage between shops rch eolo"( = the stud% of an ient ultures b% loo!ing for and e&amining their buildings, tools ro& tic = fragrant rr !t = 0otoriousl% bad sceticis& = do trine of self'denial ssess&e!t = estimation stro!o&ic l = enormousl% large or e&tensive thw rt = a ross, opposition ureole = sun(s orona, halo uror l = pertaining to the aurora borealis uscult tio! = a t of listening to the heart or lungs to dis over abnormalities usterit( = qualit% of being self dis iplined % ffle = to frustrate or unable to understand % !d !! = large, bright' olored hand!er hief

% r% = sharp pro-e tion from fishhoo! % rr "e = a lot of questions or riti ism % rter = to give in e& hange rather than pa%ing mone% % ssoo! = reed instrument of the woodwind famil% % te = let down, restrain % wd( = inde ent, obs ene %edi/e! = dress with vulgar finer% %edr ""le = wet thoroughl% %efuddle = onfuse thoroughl% %ehoo)e = to be fit, to be right %e!i"! !t = Benevolent in feeling, hara ter %ere )e&e!t = state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved %ete !oire = aversion %etroth l = 4ngagement to marr% %i%ulous = 1ond of drin!ing %i"otr( = dis rimination, pre-udi e %l s'he&ous = profane, impious %l /o! = print or de orate something in a ver% noti eable wa% %lurt = to sa% something suddenl% and without thin!ing, espe iall% when %ou are e& ited or nervous %oorish = "ude %ouillo! = lear beef soup 4owdleri/e = To e&purgate in editing %r "" docio = someone who boasts %r /ier = *n open pan or basin for holding live oals %ri!dled = tawn% or gra%ish with strea!s or spots %rittle = 1ragile %roc de = ri h, gaud% fabri %rooch = a pie e of -ewelr% for women whi h is fastened onto lothes with a pin %uffoo!er( = oarse -o!es, et %u" %oo = bugbear, ob-e t of baseless terror %u&'tious = full of offensive self' on eit

%u!"le = to do something wrong in a ver% areless or stupid wa% %us*i! = thi !'soled half boot worn b% a tors of 3ree! traged% %u+o& = plump, vigorous, -oll% c &eo = when someone famous appears for a short time in a film or pla% c !*er = an% ul erous sore, an% evil c !to = part of an e&tended poem c ' riso! = show% harnesser, ornamentation for a horse c 'rice = * whim c rillo! = a set of bells apable of being pla%ed c r&i!e = ri h red c rous l = To drin! deepl% and in boisterous or -ovial manner c rte %l !che = omplete freedom to do what %ou want c r( tid = s ulptured olumn of a female figure c ste = one of the hereditar% lasses in $indu so iet% c t 'ult = slingshot c techis& = boo! for religious instru tion ce!sor = to prohibit publi ation b% law ce!t ur = m%thi al figure, half man and half horse cere%r tio! = thought ch ff = worthless produ ts of an endeavor ch s& = a long, deep, narrow hole in ro ! or i e chiro'odist = one who treats disorders of the feet chi) lrous = ourteous to ladies

cili ted = having minute hairs, one' elled animal circlet = small ring, band cl !"or (B"#T#S$ = langour) = loud, resounding noise cl rio! = shrill, trumpet li!e sound cl )icle = ollarbone cli& ctic = relating to the highest point cli&e = region, limate

co d-utor = assistant, olleague coc* de = de oration worn on hat coe) l = living at the same time as ontemporar% co" = a spo!e in a wheel, a small and unimportant person cohesio! = onsisten % col !der = utensil with perforated bottom used for straining coll "e = a pi ture made b% sti !ing small pie es of paper or other materials collier = wor!er in oal mine, ship arr%ing oal coloss l = huge co&el( = a woman who is attra tive in appearan e co&esti%le = something fit to be eaten co&eu'' !ce = rebu!e, one(s deserved fate or punishment co&it( = ourteousness, ivilit% co!cl )e = private meeting co!di"! = adequate, deservedl% severe co!!i) !ce = preten e of ignoran e of something wrong, assistan e or permission to offend co!!u%i l = related to marriage or matrimon% cor&or !t = greed%, rapa ious bird cor!ice = a de orative border around the walls of a room lose to the eiling cors ir = pirate ship co)etous = ver% desirous of something, avari ious, greed% co( = sh%, modest co/e! = heat, hoodwin!, swindle cr %%ed = sour, peevish credo = a set of beliefs cre'uscul r = pertaining to twilight cro!e = hag crotchet = a fan %, a whim, an e entri it% cul3de3s c = a blind alle%, a trap d ''led = spotted d st rd = * base oward

d u% = to paint arelessl%, to smear d wdle = to waste time b% trifling, to move slowl% de%e!ture = bond issued to se ure a loan decollete = having a low'ne !ed dress decre'it = 4nfeebled, as b% old age or some hroni infirmit% deduci%le = derived b% reasoning def lc te = to misuse mone% put in trust defectio! = desertion deif( = To regard as a god deli,uesce!t = apable of absorbing moisture from air and be oming liquid delusio! = 7ista!en onvi tion delusi)e = de eptive, raising vain hopes de&es!e = domain de&olitio! = destru tion de&o!i c l = related to evil spirits, devilish de!ot tio! = the e&a t literar% meaning of a word, designation, definition de'il te = remove hair derisio! = "idi ule der& tolo"ist = one who studies the s!in and its diseases desc !t = dis uss full% desider tu& = that whi h is desired des'oil = to bereave, rob, plunder, strip of possessions des'otis& = *n% severe and stri t rule deter"e!t = leansing agent deto! tio! = e&plosion de)ol)e = to roll down, to hand down di de& = rown di!t = means, effort di'so& !i c = a person having an un ontrollable desire for al ohol, inebriate dis ''ro% tio! = re-e tion, disapproval dis )ow l = )enial

dish %ille = in a state of undress dishe rte! = dis ourage, lose spirit dis&e&%er = ut into small parts dis'ort = amuse dissu sio! = advise against di)er"e!t = Tending in different dire tions di)i! tio! = The fore ast of future events or dis over% of what is lost or hidden doc*et = a list of ases to be dealt with dodderi!" = sha!%, infirm from old age doff = ta!e off dors l = belonging to the ba ! side, posterior, tail douse = to plunge into water, to e&tinguish dowd( = slovenl%, untid% drud"er( = $ard and onstant wor! in an% dull o upation dur !ce = onfinement ecli'se = The obstru tion of Sun b% moon, or of moon b% earth eerie = weird effloresce!t = opening in flower elusor( = tending to de eive e&pe tations el(si ! = relating to paradise, blissful e& ! te = to e&press a feeling or qualit% through the wa% one loo!s e&e!d tio! = orre tions of errors e&etic = a medi ine that auses vomiting e&olu&e!t = salar% or fees for a -ob, remuneration, pa% s ale e&'(re l = elestial, fier% e!co&i stic = praising, eulogisti

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