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Unit 8: Genetics Daysheet 84: Unit 7 Assessment & Introduction to Genetics Name: ______________________________

Biology I Date:______________________

Bellringer: Most Missed Questions from your Unit 7 Formative Assessments

1. Study the following pictures below. Which pictures represent a DNA molecule? a. b. c. d.

2. DNA is a large polymer of many monomers. Pick the answer choice below that correctly pairs DNAs polymer with its monomer. a. b. c. d. e. f. Nucleotide: nucleic acid Protein: amino acid Amino acid: protein Nucleic acid: nucleotide Carbohydrate: nucleotide Nucleic acid: amino acid

3. If a DNA molecule were found to be composed of 40% cytosine, what percentage of guanine would be expected? a. b. c. d. e. f. 10 20 30 40 50 60

4. A nucleotide consists of: a. b. c. d. A phosphate and a base A phosphate and a sugar A case and an amino acid A phosphate, a sugar and a base

5. Choose all that apply: The functions of the enzyme DNA polymerase in DNA replication are: a. b. c. d. e. Breaking hydrogen bonds Proof-reading complimentary base pairs Unzipping the parent DNA molecule Base-pairing nucleotides Unwinding the DNA molecule

6. How would the process of DNA replication be impacted if a cell no longer had the enzyme helicase present? a. b. c. d. Proof-reading of the DNA sequence would not take place. Base-pairing of complimentary nucleotides would not take place. The DNA would be unable to elongate The DNA would be unable to unzip to begin the process of DNA replication.

Objective: I can identify the role Gregor Mendel played in the development of the study of genetics. Homework: Complete HW#84

Activity 1: Unit 7 Review

The diagram on the left represents an untwisted, double-stranded DNA molecule. 1. Label each sugar group on the diagram with a letter S. 2. Label each phosphate group with a letter P. 3. One adenine (A) and one guanine (G) have already been labeled. Label the rest of the nitrogenous bases. 4. Circle one nucleotide. What three things go together to make a nucleotide? 5. The sides of the DNA ladder are made up of alternating _______________________ and ____________________ groups. 6. The rungs of the DNA ladder are made up of _______________________________. 7. A is always paired with ___________ 8. G is always paired with ___________ 9. Paired bases are held together by weak bonds called ______________________ bonds. 10. When the DNA ladder twists the way it normally does, the shape of the molecule is called a _____________________. 11. What enzyme will break the hydrogen bonds as the DNA begins the replicate? ____________________________ 12. DNA replication takes place during _____________________ 13. ____________________________ is the enzyme responsible for base-pairing and proof-reading during DNA replication.

Activity 2: QuizStar Unit 7 Assessment

Activity 3: Introduction to Genetics Cornell Notes Biology Objective / Essential Question:


Main Ideas / Questions: 1.


! Rem em ber

that each of your som atic cells contain pairs of chrom osom es.

These pairs are called _______________ _______________.

! Hom ologous chrom osom es are the sam e:

______________________ 2.

One chrom osom e from each pair com es from _______________, the other chrom o som e from each pair com es from _________. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!

! Rem em ber that you were created through _______________


M om s ________ (__ chrom osom es) fused with Dads _________ (__ chrom osom e s). How Do W e Create Cells with Just 23 Chrom osom es? _______________

! M eiosis separates:
M eiosis is like !

! A _______________ who divides her belongings equally

between her two daughters . ! #$!%&'()!*$+,-,)$!./-'0)/-$1!2$!*$+,-,)$!"""""""""""""""""""""""""""! M ore on Hom ologues

! _______________

is going to separate hom ologous chrom osom es into their own _______________ or _______________ cell.

Fertilization then becom es a _______________ because

we cannot control which sperm will fuse with which ovu m.

! ! ! !

! Main Ideas / Questions:

So How Can W e W in the Genetics Lottery?


! ! !

! There

is no fool - proof way to guarantee a genetic victory for every fertilization event.

! ! !

W e can _________________ the odds of winning by understanding the laws that control genetics
! These laws were discovered by a man named

! ! ! ! ! ! !

_______________ _______________ . """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!

Stop & Jot:

1. What do 2 chromosomes in a homologous chromosome pair have in common with one another? 2. Why can be say that process of meiosis is analogous to a mother dividing furniture between her two daughters?

3. Why cant predict whether or not we will win the genetics lottery?

_____________________ 4.
! ! !


! Once upon a time (1860 s), in an Austrian monastery, there lived a

monk named _______________.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

M onks have a lot of time of their hands, and M endel spent his extra time thinking about the lottery of fertilization.

! Instead of working with humans however, he worked with: ! P eas are easy to observe, and they have clear - cut characteristics.

Pea characteristics only come in one of 2 forms: spent A LOT of time crossing (_____________ )

! _______________

pea plants. " He crossed pea plants over & over & over & over again.

! As he did these crosses, he noticed ____________________

_______________ from one set of pea plants to the next.

Main Ideas / Questions:

! ! ! !

Notes: Stop & Jot:

1. Why did Mendel choose to work with pea plants instead of human? What were the benefits of using the pea plant as the model organism?

______________________ ! 5. !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

___________________________________________________________________ New Term s to Understand Gregor M endel

______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

! _______________

is the passing on of characteristics (_______________) from parents to offspring.


_______________ is the study of heredity. - the g e nes found on homologous chromosomes.

! _______________

W e will always use a pair of letters (____ or ____ or ___) to represent a genotype. There are always two letters because:

! There

are 3 possible genotypes:

Option 1 : M om and Dad bot h give: Option 2 : M om and Dad both give: Option 3 : M om and Dad give you:



! W hen ! W hen

we have 2 capital letters (TT) or 2 lowercase letters (tt) in the genotype, its called _______________.

we have 1 capit al letter and 1 lowercase letter (Tt) in the geno type its called _______________. ! _______________ - the physical expression of genes.

You can determine an organisms phenotype :

! Examples of phenotypes:

! Main Ideas / Questions: ! !

! _________ are alterative forms of the same gene.

Alleles for a trait are located on homologous chromosomes

! 1 allele comes from ______ and 1 allele comes from ______.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Stop & Jot:

1. W hich of the following is a possible abbreviation for a genotype? A. BG B. Pp C. Ty D. fg 2. W hat is the best way to determine the phenotype of the feathers on a bird? _______________ 3. W hich of the following pairs is not correct? A. kk = homozygous C. RR = homozygous B. heterozygous = Hh D. tt = heterozygous 4. The genes present in an organism represent the organisms _____________ _____ __? 5. True or False: Phenotype determines genotype. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""! M endels First Experim ents: M onohybrid Crosses

6. !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! The name _______________ comes from the prefix mono which

means one

In M endel s experiment the two parent 2 plants differed by just a single trait:

!"#$%!&'()*&+$,()('&*-.)/$ $ 0"$%0-'1*$,()('&*-.)/$ $ 02$%3(4.)5$,()('&*-.)/$ ! !

Main Ideas / Questions:


! ! ! ! ! !

! Mendel

discovered different laws and rules that explained factors affecting heredity: " _______________ " _______________ " _______________
Rule of Dom inance

! ! !

! This rule explains why M endel observed traits disappearin g and

reappearing in his pea plants.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
" "

The trait that is observed in the offspring is the _______________(uppercase letter). The trait that disappears in the offspring is the _______________(lowercase letter). Law of Segregation

! The

2 alleles for a trait must ____________ when gametes are formed. Each allele is housed on a ______________________ pair. ! Remember the furniture analogy!!!

Law of Independent Assortm ent

! _______________

from different traits are _______________ _______________ of each other .

Activity 4: Vocabulary Mastery Directions: Pick 6 terms from the notes that you are (a) have the most difficulty with or (b) believe to be the most important terms. Write them down in the chart below and then write the class definition (from your Cornell Notes). When you are done, call your teacher over to check your definitions and get a signature. Vocabulary Term 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Class Definition

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Use the following terms in the word bank to correctly complete the statements and questions below: Word Bank: Heterozygous Heredity Fertilization Genotype Meiosis Sperm Homozygous Chromosome Homologous Genetics Nucleus Ova Allele RNA Chromatid Phenotype Mendel Somatic Gene DNA Hooke Mitosis Schwann Gamete

1. Chromosomes that are the same size, shape, and control the same genes are referred to ______________________________ chromosomes. 2. An organism who has the genotype Tt is said to be _______________________. 3. __________________________________ is the study of heredity. 4. Males produce specialized cells for reproduction called ____________________. 5. Gametes contain _______________ chromosomes. 6. ______________________________ is the physical expression of genes. You can determine this by simply looking at the organism. 7. ______________________________ is a process of cellular division that separates homologous chromosomes from one another. 8. ________________________________ is the passing on of characteristics (traits) from parents to offspring. 9. An organism who has the genotype tt is said to be ________________________. 10. Females produce specialized cells for reproduction called __________________. 11. ______________________________________ is considered the father of genetics.

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