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Chandler High School Spring 2014 Biology Syllabus

Your teacher: Mr. Vadim Kagan The subject: Biology Spring of 2014

Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a fun and safe winter break. Biology, here we go!!!! Lets go over some ground rules
Electronic devices: Your device is important, as is mine. Please remember to keep your devices to yourselves. Keep your device in your pocket or backpack so it is out of sight. Keep your cell phone off or silenced. If you need to check your cell phone during class, please let me know ahead of time. There may be opportunities for you to use your cell phone in class, but only at the discretion of the teacher. Consequences: First time offense will result in a warning. Second offense will result in forfeiture of device; your device can be picked up after school. Tardiness: You will be required to go to sweeps if you are late to class. You will also be responsible for making up any work that you missed by coming in after school. Consequences: School policy applies. Any work missed and not made up will result in a zero. Food and beverages: The only permissible item to ingest (taking in of food or water into the body) in class is water from a water bottle. Consequences: First offense will result in a warning. Second offense will result in forfeiture of item until end of class period.

Classroom expectations
Warm-ups: these are activities to help warm-up your brain for the days lesson or a review from previous lessons. There will be a warm-up activity at the beginning of each class period. Complete the activity as soon as you get settled in your seat. Answer the warm-up questions to the best of your ability. We will discuss the warm-ups as a class and if your answer happens to be incorrect, dont worry and correct them during the discussion. As in the fall, keep your warm-up activities in a specific warm-up notebook. Keep the warm-ups neat and organized. Turning in papers: Each paper needs to have your Name, Date, and Period. Multiple pages should have your Name, Date, and Period; stapled together. Bathroom use during class: One person at a time will be allowed to leave the classroom. As in the fall semester, turn in a hall pass paper, fill out the hall pass book, and take the blue plastic pass with you when you leave. Participation: Be courteous and respectful when talking to one another. Raise your hand to be called upon unless otherwise instructed. Absentee: After arriving back from an absence, check with Mr. Kagan regarding what you missed. The amount of time that was missed is the amount of time you have to make up any missed work; extenuating circumstances will be taken into account for making up any work. Dismissal: Simply put: The teacher is the only authority that can dismiss the class when the bell rings. Stay Seated: When there is class instruction, class assignments, or testing going on stay seated unless specifically instructed otherwise. Labs: During lab time, stay at your assigned lab station. The only time that you can leave the lab area is with the permission of the teacher. Safety above all else is the mantra of the lab. Safety for you, your lab partners, and lab equipment is essential. Not maintaining a safe environment will result in removal from the lab area.

Things you can do to be successful in Biology: Participate as much as humanly possible Get a good nights sleep so youll be focused during class Be on time Be prepared (bring a pencil, pen, and your notebooks) Your Opinion Matters Ask questions to clear up any confusion Reflect on the days discussion and/or activity

Positive consequences: Praise Phone call or letter to parents Pizza party at end of year for best class, symbolized by which class has the most sea creatures. So what are you going to be learning in the spring of 2014? Students will learn about the Cell- well talk about different types, what they do, and whats in them amongst other details. Students will learn about Heredity and Genetics - well discuss DNA, RNA, protein synthesis, and genetic variation Students will learn about Viruses and other microscopic organisms

Grading policy All assignments must be turned in on their respective due date. Points will be taken off for late assignments. Tests and quizzes cannot be retaken, but there will be opportunity for test corrections. If you miss a test or quiz, please see Mr. Kagan to schedule a time take the test. At the end of each quarter students will turn in stamped assignment check sheet

And. A little about me: I was born in Minsk, Belarus. Ive been a native of Arizona for the past 24 years. I am an alumni of ASU and currently finishing graduate school at the U of A. I have a wonderful wife and two dogs (Chihuahua mix and golden retriever). Im excited to be teaching biology for the first time. I like reading, listening to talk or sports radio, spending time with family and friends, and outdoor activities such as hiking. And now a little about you: On a sheet of paper answer the following questions: Where are you from? What do you like to do? What do you hope and/or think you will get out of this class?

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