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Its the end of the month of Ramadhan and The Hari Raya Aidilfitri is just around the corner.

I was invited by my neighbor to visit them during their open house. I am very happy as I can see what is going to happen on the big day of them. We were going to their open house on the second day of Hari Raya. When we entered the house, we greeted the neighbours. After that, they invited us to eat the lunch that prepared by them. There were many delicious dishes that prepared by them such as beef rending, chicken curry, mutton curry, stir fried vegetables, lemang, as well as their own traditional cakes and cookies and some open trays of snacks. Besides, I also ate some ketumpat which is one of my favourite Malay food. We were really enjoyed the food as my neighbour is really a good cook that can cook many delicious food. Then we sit in the living room together with our neighbours. They had told us some of their culture that needed to be followed during Hari Raya. Through them, I knew that they will start fasting one month before Hari Raya. They would start fasting at around 5am before sunrise and finish their fasting after the sunset. Besides, they will also apologise to their elders, relatives and friends on the first day of Hari Raya which is also known as Maaf Zahir Batin Greeting. I also knew that sometime the tears will rolled down from their eyes as its quite an emotional situation and they would be required to apologise face to face. Before the Hari Raya, they would clean their house thoroughly and buy some new baju kurung, baju kebaya as well as baju Melayu. Then, at the night before Hari Raya, they would start to prepare or cook the food. Besides preparing all the food by themselves, they would buy some cakes and cookies from their friends and also the sellers. Sometimes, they will also get some of them from their father and mother which is also one of their family traditions. They also told me that they need to visit the cemetery and paying zakat fitrah at the mosque during their first day of Hari Raya. After that, we thanked them for their warm welcoming and went home. Before we left, they had prepared some of the food to let us taken back. We thanked them another time for it. I felt really happy on that day as I could know their culture besides eat many delicious foods. It is very important for us to learn about their culture so that we can live together under a harmonious and peaceful nation which also suites One Malaysia Concept.

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