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Marriage Advice I wish I would have had

Posted on July 28, 2013 by admin

MARRIAGE ADVICE I WISH I WOULD HAVE HAD: Obviously, Im not a !lations"i# !$#! t% &ut t"! !s som!t"in' about 'oin' t" ou'" (ivo )! t"at 'iv!s you #! s#!)tiv! o* t"in's you +is" you +oul( "av! (on! (i**! !nt, A*t! losin' a +oman t"at I lov!(, an( a ma ia'! o* almost -. y!a s, "! !s t"! a(vi)! I +is" I +oul( "av! "a(, -/ 0!v! sto# )ou tin'% 0!v! sto# (atin'% 0EVER EVER ta1! t"at +oman *o ' ant!(% W"!n you as1!( "! to ma y you, you # omis!( to b! t"at man t"at +oul( OW0 HER HEAR2 an( to *i! )!ly # ot!)t it% 2"is is t"! most im#o tant an( sa) !( t !asu ! you +ill !v! b! !nt ust!( +it"% SHE CHOSE 3OU% 0!v! *o '!t t"at, an( 0EVER GE2 LA43 in you lov!% 5/ 6RO2EC2 3OUR OW0 HEAR2% 7ust as you )ommitt!( to b!in' t"! # ot!)to o* "! "!a t, you must 'ua ( you o+n +it" t"! sam! vi'ilan)!% Lov! you s!l* *ully, lov! t"! +o l( o#!nly, but t"! ! is a s#!)ial #la)! in you "!a t +"! ! no on! must !nt! !$)!#t *o you +i*!% 8!!# t"at s#a)! al+ays !a(y to !)!iv! "! an( invit! "! in, an( !*us! to l!t anyon! o anyt"in' !ls! !nt! t"! !% 9/ :ALL I0 LOVE OVER an( OVER an( OVER a'ain% 3ou +ill )onstantly )"an'!% 3ou ! not t"! sam! #!o#l! you +! ! +"!n you 'ot ma i!(, an( in *iv! y!a s you +ill not b! t"! sam! #! son you a ! to(ay% C"an'! +ill )om!, an( in t"at you "av! to !;)"oos! !a)" ot"! !v! y(ay% SHE DOES02 HAVE 2O S2A3 WI2H 3OU, an( i* you (ont ta1! )a ! o* "! "!a t, s"! may 'iv! t"at "!a t to som!on! !ls!% Al+ays *i'"t to +in "! lov! <ust as you (i( +"!n you +! ! )ou tin' "! % =/ ALWA3S SEE 2HE &ES2 in "! % :o)us only on +"at you lov!% W"at you *o)us on +ill !$#an(% I* you *o)us on +"at bu's you, all you +ill s!! is !asons to b! bu''!(% I* you *o)us on +"at you lov!, you )ant "!l# but b! )onsum!( by lov!% :o)us to t"! #oint +"! ! you )an no lon'! s!! anyt"in' but lov!% >/ I2S 0O2 3OUR 7O& 2O CHA0GE OR :I? HER, you <ob is to lov! "! as s"! is +it" no !$#!)tation o* "! !v! )"an'in'% An( i* s"! )"an'!s, lov! +"at s"! b!)om!s, +"!t"! its +"at you +ant!( o not% ./ 2A8E :ULL ACCOU02A&ILI23 *o you o+n !motions: Its not you +i*!s <ob to ma1! you "a##y, an( s"! CA02 ma1! you sa(% 3ou a ! !s#onsibl! *o *in(in' you o+n

"a##in!ss, an( t" ou'" t"at you <oy +ill s#ill ov! into you

!lations"i# an( you lov!%

@/ 0EVER &LAME you +i*! I* you '!t * ust at!( o an' y, it is only b!)aus! it is t i''! in' som!t"in' insi(! o* 3OU% W"!n you *!!l t"os! *!!lin's ta1! tim! to '!t # !s!nt an( to loo1 +it"in an( un(! stan( +"at it is insi(! o* 3OU t"at is as1in' to b! "!al!(% 3ou +! ! att a)t!( to t"is +oman b!)aus! s"! +as t"! #! son b!st suit!( to t i''! all o* you )"il("oo( +oun(s in t"! most #ain*ul +ay so t"at you )oul( "!al t"!m, +"!n you "!al you s!l*, you +ill no lon'! b! t i''! !( by "! , an( you +ill +on(! +"y you !v! +! !% A/ Allo+ you +oman to 7US2 &E% W"!n s"!s sa( o u#s!t, its not you <ob to *i$ it, its you <ob to HOLD HER an( l!t "! 1no+ its o1% L!t "! 1no+ t"at you "!a "! , an( t"at s"!s im#o tant an( t"at you a ! t"at #illa on +"i)" s"! )an al+ays l!an% 2"! *!minin! s#i it is about )"an'! an( !motion an( li1! a sto m "! !motions +ill oll in an( out, an( as you !main st on' an( un<u('in' s"! +ill t ust you an( o#!n "! soul to you, DO02 RU0;AWA3 WHE0 SHES U6SE2% Stan( # !s!nt an( st on' an( l!t "! 1no+ you a !nt 'oin' any+"! !% List!n to +"at s"! is !ally sayin' b!"in( t"! +o (s an( !motion% B/ &E SILL3, (ont ta1! you s!l* so (amn s! iously% Lau'"% An( ma1! "! lau'"% Lau'"t! ma1!s !v! yt"in' !ls! !asi! % -C/ :ILL HER SOUL EVER3DA3, l!a n "! lov! lan'ua'!s an( t"! s#!)i*i) +ays t"at s"! *!!ls im#o tant an( vali(at!( an( CHERISHED% As1 "! to ) !at! a list o* -C 2HI0GS t"at ma1! "! *!!l lov!( an( m!mo iD! t"os! t"in's an( ma1! it a # io ity !v! y(ay to ma1! "! *!!l lov!(% --/ &E 6RESE02% Giv! "! not only you tim!, but you *o)us, you att!ntion an( you soul% Do +"at!v! it ta1!s to )l!a you "!a( so t"at +"!n you a ! +it" "! you a ! *ully WI2H HER% 2 !at "! as you +oul( you most valuabl! )li!nt% S"! is% -5/ &E WILLI0G 2O 2A8E HER SE?UALL3, to )a y "! a+ay in t"! #o+! o* you mas)ulin! # !s!n)!, to )onsum! "! an( (!vou "! +it" you st !n't", an( to #!n!t at! "! to t"! (!!#!st l!v!ls o* "! soul% L!t "! m!lt into "! *!minin! so*tn!ss as s"! 1no+s s"! )an t ust you *ully% -9/ DO02 &E A0 IDIO2,% An( (ont b! a* ai( o* b!in' on! !it"! % 3ou +ill ma1! mista1!s an( so +ill s"!% 2 y not to ma1! too bi' o* mista1!s, an( l!a n * om t"! on!s you (o ma1!% 3ou ! not su##os!( to b! #! *!)t, <ust t y to not b! too stu#i(% -=/ GIVE HER S6ACE, 2"! +oman is so 'oo( at 'ivin' an( 'ivin', an( som!tim!s s"! +ill n!!( to b! !min(!( to ta1! tim! to nu tu ! "! s!l*% Som!tim!s s"! +ill n!!( to *ly

* om you b an)"!s to 'o an( *in( +"at *!!(s "! soul, an( i* you 'iv! "! t"at s#a)! s"! +ill )om! ba)1 +it" n!+ son's to sin',% Eo1ay, '!ttin' a littl! too #o!ti) "! !, but you '!t t"! #oint% 2!ll "! to ta1! tim! *o "! s!l*, ES6ECIALL3 a*t! you "av! 1i(s% S"! n!!(s t"at s#a)! to !n!+ an( '!t !;)!nt! !(%/ ->/ &E VUL0ERA&LE, you (ont "av! to "av! it all to'!t"! % &! +illin' to s"a ! you *!a an( *!!lin's, an( Fui)1 to a)1no+l!('! you mista1!s% -./ &E :ULL3 2RA0S6ARE02% I* you +ant to "av! t ust you must b! +illin' to s"a ! EVER32HI0G, Es#!)ially t"os! t"in's you (ont +ant to s"a !% It ta1!s )ou a'! to *ully lov!, an( #a t o* t"at )ou a'! is allo+in' "! to lov! you (a 1n!ss as +!ll as you li'"t% DRO6 2HE MAS8, I* you *!!l li1! you n!!( to +!a a mas1 a oun( "! , an( s"o+ u# #! *!)t all t"! tim!, you +ill n!v! !$#! i!n)! t"! *ull (im!nsion o* +"at lov! )an b!% -@/ 0EVER S2O6 GROWI0G 2OGE2HER, 2"! sta'nant #on( b !!(s mala ia, t"! *lo+in' st !am is al+ays * !s" an( )ool% At o#"y is t"! natu al # o)!ss +"!n you sto# +o 1in' a mus)l!, <ust as it is *o a !lations"i# t"at isnt *o)us!( on ' o+in'% :in( )ommon 'oals, ( !ams an( visions to +o 1 to+a (s% -A/ DO02 WORR3 A&OU2 MO0E3% Mon!y is a 'am!, *in( +ays to +o 1 to'!t"! as a t!am to +in it% It n!v! "!l#s +"!n t!ammat!s *i'"t% :i'u ! out +ays to l!v! a'! bot" #! sons st !n't" to +in% -B/ :ORGIVE IMMEDIA2EL3 an( *o)us on t"! *utu ! at"! t"an )a yin' +!i'"t * om t"! #ast% Dont l!t you "isto y "ol( you "osta'!% Hol(in' onto #ast mista1!s t"at !it"! you o s"! ma1!s, is li1! a "!avy an)"o to you ma ia'! an( +ill "ol( you ba)1% :o 'iv!n!ss is * !!(om% Cut t"! an)"o loos! an( al+ays )"oos! lov!% 5C/ ALWA3S CHOOSE LOVE% ALWA3S CHOOSE LOVE% ALWA3S CHOOSE LOVE% In t"! !n(, t"is is t"! only a(vi)! you n!!(% I* t"is is t"! 'ui(in' # in)i#l! t" ou'" +"i)" all you )"oi)!s is 'ov! n!(, t"! ! is not"in' t"at +ill t" !at!n t"! "a##in!ss o* you ma ia'!% Lov! +ill al+ays !n(u !% In t"! !n( MARRIAGE isnt about Ha##ily !v! a*t! % Its about +o 1% An( a )ommitm!nt to ' o+ to'!t"! an( a +illin'n!ss to )ontinually inv!st in ) !atin' som!t"in' t"at )an !n(u ! !t! nity% 2" ou'" t"at +o 1, t"! "a##in!ss +ill )om!% 2"!s! a ! l!ssons I l!a n!( t"! "a ( +ay% 2"!s! a ! l!ssons I l!a n!( too lat!% &ut t"!s! a ! l!ssons I am l!a nin' an( )ommitt!( in )a yin' *o +a (% 2 ut" is, I LOVED

b!in' ma i!(, an( in tim!, I +ill '!t ma i!( a'ain, an( +"!n I (o, I +ill buil( it +it" a *oun(ation t"at +ill !n(u ! any sto m an( any amount o* tim!% ME0; 2HIS IS 3OUR CHARGE : Commit to b!in' an E6IC LOVER% 2"! ! is no ' !at! )"all!n'!, an( no ' !at! # iD!% 3ou +oman (!s! v!s t"at * om you% &! t"! ty#! o* "usban( you +i*! )ant "!l# but b a' about%

About admin G! al( Ro'! s is a t ans*o mational l!a(! an( b !a1t" ou'" busin!ss )oa)" +"o is )ommitt!( to "!l#in' in(ivi(uals a+a1!n to t"!i DIVI0E AU2HE02IC 6OWER, (is)ov! t"!i uniFu! SOUL 6UR6OSE, an( l!a n to '!t 6AID *o (oin' +"at t"!y LOVE%

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