Business Development Manager Cover Letter 2

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Steve Jones

Business Manager

Karen Cunningham Hiring Manager Dayjob Ltd 120 Vyse Street Birmingham B18 6 ! Date 1" #anuary 201$


Dear Ms Cunningham Kind%y a&&e't this a''%i&ation (rom a ta%ented and &a'ab%e a''%i&ant )ho )ishes to a''%y (or your Business De*e%o'ment Manager *a&an&y )hi&h )as ad*ertised on the dayjob+&om )ebsite today+ , )ou%d bring to your &om'any rea% %i(e e-'erien&e o( the (o%%o)ing areas. + /////++. /////////+ and ///////++ + 0%% o( these being (ie%ds mentioned in the job ad*ert+ 1n to' o( this , am ab%e to identi(y. e-'%oit. ta2e ad*antage o( and (u%%y de*e%o' any sa%es o''ortunities that &ome my )ay+ 3ith my 'resent em'%oyer , ha*e &onsistent%y e-&eeded a%% goa%s set (or me. and am *a%ued (or my hard )or2. re%iabi%ity. tena&ity and abi%ity to &ome u' )ith so%utions to 'rob%ems+ 0 good i%%ustration o( this is )here , ////////+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My &ore strengths in&%ude. but are not %imited to the (o%%o)ing4

1 5ti%ising

the %atest te&hno%ogies 6 mar2eting te&hni7ues to ma-imise 'er(orman&e+

2 Ha*ing the e-'erien&e. enthusiasm and desire to ma2e a rea% di((eren&e+ 3 Laun&hing ne) 'rodu&ts and &reating a ne) ban2 o( &ustomers+
, )ou%d be grate(u% (or the o''ortunity to demonstrate my &a'abi%ities (urther at an inter*ie)+ 8%ease (ee% (ree to &onta&t me to arrange a meeting a t your ear%iest &on*enien&e+ ,n &%osing , )ou%d %i2e to than2 you (or ta2ing the time to &onsider my a''%i&ation. and , eager%y %oo2 (or)ard to hearing (rom you+ 9ours sin&ere%y

Ste*e #ones 12$ Some Made 5' Street 0ny to)n Birmingham :4 0121 6$8 0026 ;4 in(o<dayjob+&om

Copyright information - Please read = :hese Business De*e%o'ment Manager &o*er %etter e-am'%es are the &o'yright o( Dayjob Ltd 201$+ #ob see2ers may do)n%oad and use this 'arti&u%ar &o*er %etter e-am'%e (or their o)n 'ersona% use to he%' them )rite their o)n one+ 9ou are a%so most )e%&ome to %in2 to any 'age on our site )))+dayjob+&om+ Ho)e*er this &o*er %etter must not be distributed or made a*ai%ab%e on other )ebsites )ithout our 'rior 'ermission+ !or any 7uestions re%ating to the use o( this &o*er %etter tem'%ate '%ease emai%4 in(o<dayjob+&om+

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