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FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY Institute of Nursing SY: 2013- 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Area: Brgy B!"ong B!to # S!

n $u!n %ity Date: Fe*ru!ry + 2014 Lea er o! t"e Day: TA)ENA# $esse Isr!e" F
O#$ecti%e& Acco'p(i&"'ent En"ancin) *actor& Deterrin) *actor&

Week/Day: 1st &ee'()!y 1 Section/ Group: BSN403 ,R-U. 11



The group will be able to perform certain activities inside school

T/e grou0 1!s T/e e60"!n!tion !*"e to of o*7e3ti4es 0erfor2 !n5 t/e 0"!n of !3ti4ities !3ti4ities for t/e nee5e5 insi5e 5!y gui5e5 t/e t/e 3o22unity grou0 in 1/!t t/ey 1i"" 5o in t/e 3o22unity for t/e 1/o"e 5!y



T/e grou0 1!s !*"e to 0erfor2 3ert!in !3ti4ities insi5e t/e s3/oo" su3/ !s 0re0!r!tion of 4isu!" !i5s

The group was able to choose a topic for Health

T/e grou0 1!s !*"e to

)is3ussion 1it/ t/e grou0 /e"0 g!in o0inions !*out t/e /e!"t/



T/e grou0 1!s !*"e to 3/oose ! to0i3 in 8e!"t/ Te!3/ing for t/e 3o22unity

Teaching in the community

nutrition !n5 /ygiene for 8e!"t/ Te!3/ing in t/e 3o22uni ty


The group will be able to prepare health teachings to children at day care and to community people

T/e grou0 1!s !*"e to 0re0!re /e!"t/ te!3/ings to 3/i"5ren !t 5!y 3!re

T/e grou0 1!s !*"e to finis/ un5er t/e !""otte5 ti2e *e3!use of 5e"eg!tion t!s'



T/e grou0 1!s !*"e to 0re0!re /e!"t/ te!3/ings for 3/i"5ren !t 5!y 3!re !n5 to so2e 3o22unity 0eo0"e

The group

will be able to share their experiences, problems encountered and learning insights throughout the day inside the community and how those problems be resolved the next time they approcah the community people

T/e grou0 1!s T/e o0enness of !*"e to s/!re t/e 2e2*ers of t/eir o1n t/e grou0 !n5 e60erin3es t/eir 1i""ingness t/roug/out t/e to s/!re t/eir 5!y !n5 t/e e60erien3es to 0ro*"e2s t/ey ot/er 2e2*ers /!4e to /e"0 t/e2 en3ountere5 in !"so /o1 to 5e!"ing 1it/ 3o0e 1it/ 0eo0"e in t/e situ!tions 1/en 3o22unity t/ey !re t/e ones 1/o 1i"" T/e grou0 !"so e60erin3e t/!t enu2er!te5 'in5 of e4ent 1/!t t/ey /!4e 5one in5i4i5u!""y



T/e grou0 1!s !*"e to s/!re t/eir e60erien3es !n5 0ro*"e2s en3ountere5 t/roug/out t/e 5!y

Prepared by: Jesse Israel F Tadena !eader of the "ay

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