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Birth of HUAWEI BTS. Green BTS a fresh breath. Features CDMA-Timing s stem. GSM-Ho!!ing im!"ementation. BTS #$%&C. BTS #%&'. BTS #&'. MI(I BTS. TC) re*u+tion metho*. Com!arison of HUAWEI BTS. Sate""ite transmission b HUAWEI. C)(C,USI)(

Birth of HUAWEI:
In &--.-starte* its +riti+a" te+hno"og on CDMA an* ETS In ma &--$-+/+%0 !"atform for MSC an* BSC In se! .1&--2-ma*e the first +a"" 34ia5GSM Se! &-$$ to ma &--2-!erio* of !ro*u+t *esign In *e+ &--2-hua6ei attente*37T86ire"ess5 net6or9 e:hibition in beri;ing

Green BTS a fresh Breath:

A rea" green BTS shou"* in+or!orate en4ironmenta" !o""ution in to !ro*u+t *esign an* !ro*u+e to signifi+ant" "o6er the Tota" Cost of )6nershi!3TC)5 Green BTS benefits the mobi"e o!erators main" in this im!ortant areas Au:i"iar e<ui!ment (et6or9 *e!"o ment En4ironmenta" !o""ution =e*u+ing sites an* sa4ing au:i"iar +ost1 !o6er +onsum!tion +ut b .%> Easier insta""ation

Fo rth !eneration BTS

? ? ? ? ? Base* on the +ustomer oriente* inno4ation @HUAWEI !resents the Ath generation BTS Te+hno"ogies Mu"ti!"e ra*io a++ess te+hno"og 3=ATS5+on4ergen+e Mu"ti!"e +arrier on one ra*io +arriers3=C5 Con4ergent sing"e =A( net6or9 3a"" the =AT +an be a!!"ie* to a t !e of BTS5

Piloting mobile network to IP er :
MinimiBe* transmission +oast A*4an+e* transmission effi+ien+

!reen "omm#ni" tion $esign:

The number of +abinets re*u+e*-+ombination "oss re*u+e* The tota" number of sites are re*u+e*

M#lti %" rrier &ig& integr tion:

The o++u!ie* e<ui!ment rooms are re*u+e* Site a+<uisition an* future e:!ansion is f"e:ib"e

!SM'(MTS'LTE "on)ergen"e:
Ma9es the te+hno"og +hoi+e an* net6or9 e4o"ution sim!"e =e*u+es the in4estment of bui"*ing manifo"* 6ire"ess a++ess net6or9

Feat res :
Enhan+ing +om!etiti4eness 4ia a"" I7 BTSC For CDMA mobi"e o!erators @BTS ta9es $%> of tota" o!eration +osts HUAWEI be"ie4es in +ontinuous inno4ation of BTS-To re*u+e TC) Enri+hing BTS series to re*u+e net6or9ing +oastC =ight BTS a++or*ing to a+tua" situation-=e*u+es the o!eration +ost For "arge an* me*ium +ities3high integration 6ith &' +arrier +a!a+it 5 BTS#$%$E-for in*oor t !e BTS#$%$AE-for outer t !e For "o6 an* me*ium +a!a+it areas 3 "o6 +on+e!tion an* +om!a+t *esign5 BTS#$%$C-for in*oor t !e BTS#$%$AC-for out*oor t !e =ura" an* remote areas C3ra*io fre<uen+ unit3=FU55 Mini BTS

Im*ro)ing t&e o#t*#t *ower :

6hen BTS +a!a+it rea+hes ma:-ea+h se+tor ensure '%6 out!ut !o6er on to! of +abinet 7o6er 6i"" ha4e &.. @ # *b attenuation on the to! of +abinet HUAWEI BTS #%> more area 6hen +om!are* to other 1therefore number of BTS +an be re*u+e* b #%> High transmitter !o6er-+an su!!ort high se+tor "oa*.

Enhancin! Inte!ration:
A$o*ting %IP b se$ tr nsmission to re$#"e t&e tr nsmission "o st:
? ? ? ? ? ? A"" @I7 BTS series a*o!ts @ +arrier +"ass broa* ban* !"atform A-bis interfa+e su!!ort I7 o4er E& an* I7 o4er FE Transmission "ine su!!orts-future oriente* *ata net6or9s1su!!ort E&DFE mi:e* transmission Designe* using HUAWEI !atene* an* enhan+e* te+hno"og Ea+h CDMA BTS +an im!ro4e transmission effi+ien+ b #%>1su!!ort 'A% 4oi+e +hanne"s on an E& "in9 e:+ee*ing the in*ustr a4erage of &0%5 ,o+a" in*ian o!erator *emonstrate*-HUAWEI BTS series su!!ort '.# 4oi+e +hanne" on E&.

A$o*ting inno) ti)e *ower

? ? ? ?

m*li+ier to re$#"e *ower "on"e*tion:

A"" I7 BTS series a*o!ts-D7D an* *ohertB !o6er am!"ifi+ation-enab"es ##> effi+ien+ BTS !o6er +onsum!tion bet6een A0> an* .0>3generate "ess heat in BTS5 ,o6er !o6er +onsum!tion @ re*u+ing the ne+essit for air +on*itioning If +a"+u"ate* for &%% BTS @it +an sa4e E'0%%%% of e"e+tri+ bi""

(ser +rien$l, m inten n"e "o st:

? ? To re"ie4e the maintenan+e !ressure- it shares a uniform base ban* A"" s!are +ar*s are in +ommon use1 an* benefits from a +onsistent soft6are 4ersion an* maintenan+e interfa+e

A$o*ting "re ti)e

? ?

r"&ite"t#re to g# r ntee +#t#re smoot& e)ol#tion:

HUWAEI BTS a*o!ts mo*u"ar *esign an* base* on a*4an+e* a"" I7 !"atform After the o!erator *e!"o s3CDMA '%%%8FEG-D)5-BTS +an !ro4i*e G)I714i*eo the"e!hon 1mobi"e broa* ban* a++ess ser4i+e3UMB5

Le * wireless +or re$#"ing T-O b, ./0:

? ? The BTS +an +onne+te* using I7 o4er STM-& an* I7 o4er E&. (et6or9 +a!a+it has in+rease* Transmission usage-.%> *o6n 7o6er +onsum!tion @re*u+e* b A%

1 se tr ns"ei)er st tion21TS3 o*er tions:

BTS !ro4i*es air interfa+e bet6een mobi"e station an* 6ire"ess so"utions. Their tas9 en+o*e8*e+o*e an* en+r !tion8*e+r !tion A!art from these thing mo*ern HUAWEI BTS !erforms the fo""o6ing t6o fun+tion.

CDMA- BTS Timing s stem GSM @ Im!"ementing Fre<uen+ ho!!ing

HUAWEI "#$A BTS Timin! system:

HUAWEI BTS a*o!ts mature BITS te+hno"og . The +"o+9 boar* a*o!ts the high" stab"e 4o"tage +ontro""e* o4en +ontro""e* +r sta" os+i""ator3o+:o5. It +onfirms the s!e+ifi+ation in terms of @ stabi"it 1*rift1!hase1noise1aging1as 6e"" as internationa" stan*ar* of enhan+e* stratum ' +"o+93ST'E5. A*4an+e* !hase "o+9 3A7,5 te+hno"og an* uni<ue A7, a"gorithm are em!"o e* to tra+9 the e:terna" referen+e. Mu"ti sour+e s n+hroniBation te+hno"og to remo4e the !otentia" ris9 in +"o+9 s n+hroniBation sour+e stabi"it HUAWEI +"o+9 s stem +an tra+9 G,)(ASS A7, is a*o!te* to guarantee the stabi"it of +"o+9 s stem Har*6are +ounting1 soft6are !hase *is+rimination an* fi"ter state estimation.

A%& A'!orithm:
The +om!arison of the t6o a*;a+ent !hase *ifferen+e +ounts an* the A7, a"gorithm !ro+essing are use* to out!ut ana"og +ontro" 4a"ues. A7, a"gorithm @ im!ro4e s stem +"o+9 stabi"it an* han* o4er !erforman+e. A7, a"gorithm guarantees the +"o+9 anti-;itter +a!abi"it . A7, a"gorithm guarantees the "ong term stabi"it of the BTS +"o+9

-lo"k &ol$o)er te"&nolog,

n$ in *& se swit"&ing te"&nolog,:

These are a*o!te* to a4oi* ser4i+e interru!tion *ue to BTS *e s n+hroniBation. When sate""ite s n+hroniBation is "ost 1the aging +ur4e estimation 3!re*i+tion5 a"gorithm is a*o!te*. Hot ba+9 u! a+ti4e8stan* b +"o+9 inter "o+9ing to rea"iBe +"o+9 in !hase s6it+hingin+reases s stem re"iabi"it 7atent te+hno"og is use* to !re4ent +a"" *ro! *uring +"o+9 s6it+ho4er. 1ig $ee$s: From A%%9g to '%9g From '%%m to &..m From us E'%%% to us E '%%

Fre( ency Ho))in! an* its a))'ication in +ase station:

-on"e*t o+ +re4#en", &o**ing:
Um interfa+e @ the ra*io interfa+e of the GSM s stem a*o!ts s"o6 fre<uen+ ho!!ing There are t6o t !es of ho!!ing1 fast an* s"o6 ? Fast fre<uen+ ho!!ing @rate at 6hi+h the fre<uen+ +hange is higher than the signa" mo*u"ation rate. ? In GSM s stem the fre<uen+ is re<uire* to be u +hange* *uring burst !erio* @ hen+e s"o6 fre<uen+ ho!!ing is *e!"o e* here. S"o6 fre<uen+ ho!!ing is use* to im!ro4e @ anti interfa+e an* anti fa*ing !erforman+e. Ana" Bing SFH in GSMC 0 Frame 1 fa*ing Frame 2 Frame 3 ? Fre<uen+ Di4ersit Frame -o4er +ome =a"eigh @ im!ro4e transmission <ua"it Frequency ? Interferen+e The MS8BTS *i4ersit @ a4erage +arrier interferen+e 3C8I5 @ in+rease s stem A +a!a+it . the Frequency B +hanges

fre<uen+ from burst to burst

4,615 millisec.

Frequency C Frequency D

Im)'ementin! fre( ency ho))in! on HUAWEI BTS:

-l ssi+i" tion b, im*lement tion met&o$:
Base ban* fre<uen+ ho!!ing =F fre<uen+ ho!!ing HUAWEI BTS su!!orts both of the abo4e When =F fre<uen+ ho!!ing is use* 1the +ombiner must be broa* ban*1 but the +ombiner must ha4e 4er "arge !o6er +onsum!tion.1 6hi+h +annot be affor*e* 6hen there are too man transmitter in the +ombiner. To "o6er the +ombiner insertion "oss @ resonant +a4it +ombiner te+hno"og +an be a*o!te* 3on" for base ban* ho!!ing5. Fast +on4ersion an* high <ua"it are +ontra*i+tor Ga! bet6een times"ots is o4er '%ms1to +om!"ete =F fre<uen+ ho!!ing the s stem must s6it+h ra!i*" from one fre<uen+ !oint to another *uring the !rote+tion !erio* of '%ms

? ?

Im*lement tion o+ RF +re4#en", &o**ing:

? ?

In e rlier te"&nologies t&e + st +re4#en", &o**ing bring t&e +ollowing neg ti)e e++e"ts:
&. '. #. A. "o6ere* mo*u"ation !re+ision *eteriorate* re+ei4ing sensiti4it in+rease* stra *egra*ab"e b"o+9ing !erforman+e

The abo4e !rob"ems are so"4e* in HUAWEI BTS b ana" Bing the !hase "o+9 "oo! first.

Ana'yzin! ,F )hase 'oc- 'oo):

? ? ? ? ? ,o+9ing *uration of !hase "o+9 "oo! *e!en*s u!on ban*6i*th. Wi*e the ban*6ith1shorter the "o+9ing *uration. The <ua"it of the "o+a" os+i""ator is *etermine* b the referen+e +"o+93!hase *is+rimination fre<uen+ 51GC)1an* "oo! ban* 6i*th. The !hase noise of the "o+a" os+i""ator is *e+i*e* b the referen+e +"o+9. Se"e+tion of o!tima" "oo! ban* 6i*th.

There are t6o 6a s @ to broa*en the o!tima" "oo! ban*6i*th

+om!romise the !erforman+e of GC)- ob4ious" una++e!tab"e enhan+e the referen+e !erforman+e.

Sin+e the *iagram has rea+he* the referen+e therma" noise-on" 6a to enhan+e the !erforman+e of referen+e +"o+9 is b "o6ering the !hase *is+rimination fre<uen+ .

GSM a*o!ts '%%9hB ban*6i*th- the !hase *is+rimination fre<uen+ 3(5 +an neither be too high or too sma"" for the DCS &0%% s stem.





It is 4er *iffi+u"t to in+rease the "oo! ban*6i*th or to "o6er the fre<uen+ "o+9ing *uration in GSM.To o4er +ome this !rob"em the fo""o6ing uni<ue sets are use* to remo4e the *i"emma bet6een the fast +on4ersion an* signa" <ua"it . D nami+ "oo! ban*6i*th . 7ing-!ong s6it+h o4er e:!ertise. 5,n mi" loo* b n$wi$t&: ? ? ? ?

The "oo! ban* 6i*th is not fi:e* it 4aries 6ith nee*s of s stem. When s stem s6it+hes ra!i*" - the !hase "o+9 uses 4er 6i*e ban* 6i*th. At this moment the s stem is in non-o!erating mo*e1 <ua"it of "o+a" os+i""ator 6i"" not affe+t the s stem !erforman+e. The fre<uen+ !oint s6it+hes ra!i*" 1 the "oo! ban* 6i*th return to o!tima" ban*6i*th to ensure o!tima" s stem !erforman+e.

Ping % *ong swit"& o)er e6*ertise:

To enhan+e the s stem !erforman+e an* to !re4ent instant s stem *eterioration at the beginning an* the fina" of the time s"ot.

? ? ?

There are t6o "o+a" os+i""ator *e!"o e* 1an* a s6it+h is use* to se"e+t either of the t6o "o+a" os+i""ator. When one os+i""ator is 6or9ing1 the other "o+9ing ra!i*" to the ne:t nee*e* fre<uen+ !oint. The t6o os+i""ator s6it+h ba+9 an* forth through the s6it+h *uring the inter4a" of time s"ot.

B 4irtue of the uni<ue * nami+ "oo! ban*6i*th an* !ing-!ong s6it+h te+hno"ogies @ the s stem is +a!ab"e of fre<uen+ ho!!ing 6ithin '.mhB for M-%% an* 2.mhB for M&0%% 6ith a"" fre<uen+ ho!!ing in*e:.

The im)'ementation of +ase +an* fre( ency ho))in!:

The +ha""enge of base ban* fre<uen+ ho!!ing @ to s6it+h information ra!i*" 6hi"e rea+hing the ho!!ing s!ee* of '&2 ho!s !er se+on*1 an* the *ata transmission rate of '2& 9bit8s.

E++e"t# ting b seb n$ +re4#en"ies:

Ea+h T=F is mo*u"ate* to a fi:e* fre<uen+ an* a""o+ate* 6ith a fi:e* ID. The +o*es of trans+ei4er @ +o*es the *o6n"in9 signa"s in to burst *ata. After +a"+u"ating the fre<uen+ +hanne"3i.e T=F ID51the +o*e 6i"" a** re"ate* information su+h as !o6er +ontro" to burst *ata !a+9ets an* sen*s them in a fi:e* 3sub-time s"ot5. The mo*u"ator +he+9s the T=F ID of *ata !a+9ets at ea+h sub times"ot. If T=F ID is *ifferent-go to re+ei4e ne:t time s"ot. )ther 6ise it 6i"" re+ei4e a"" the *ata !a+9ets In this time s"ot an* *e"a for a time s"ot before sen*ing the *ata !a+9ets to air interfa+e. In this 6a base ban* fre<uen+ is im!"emente*1 as high *eman* for being rea" time are !"a+e* on the i*entifi+ation of T=F ID.

HUAWEI BTS e:!erts the a*4an+e* ASIC te+hno"og to enab"e the high- s!ee* an* re"iab"e T=F ID i*entifi+ation fun+tion.

BTS ./01"2Se'f ma*e 'o3 cost )o3er Am)'ifier:

The HUAWEI CDMA'%%% &: s stem +onsist of @ net6or9 e"ements3(E51MS1CBSS1C(SS1an* M'%%%. BTS #$%&C @ out*oor one +arrier CDMA BTS. )DU #$%&C @ out*oor one +arrier soft base station 3shares the resour+es of its u!!er "e4er BTS in+"u*ing main +ontro" unit an* +"o+9 unit5

7e, +e t#re

n$ bene+its:
BTS #$%&C su!!ort A.%mhB an* 0%%mhB ban*. 6hen o!erates in A.%mhB-o8! is '%6 0%%mhB @o8! is .%6

Fle6ible "o)er ge:

-on)enient o*er tion

n$ m inten n"e:

? It im!ro4es remote +entra"iBe* maintenan+e an* a"arm re!orting. ?TE,(ET ser4er is !ro4i*e*-"ogon to BTS #$%&C for o!eration an* maintenana+e34ia "o+a Ethernet interfa+e.5. ?Mo*u"ariBe* stru+ture @re*u+es interna" +ost. ?In +ase of s stem interru!tion it +an restart automati+a"" .

Fle6ible "on+ig#r tion

? ? ? ?

n$ networking:

ItHs a-bis interfa+e +an su!!ort &E& or &s n+hroniBation transfer mo*e3STM-&5. BTS #$%&C @ +an be +onfigure* as omni or *ire+tiona" BTS. Its su!!orts 4arious +onfiguration 3s3&8&5 an* s3&8&8&5 through +as+a*ing )DU#$%&CS. For o!ti+a" transmission1 it su!!orts +hain an* ring net6or9ing mo*e.

Hier r"&i" l *ower s#**l,:

BTS #$%&C- A%A storage batter . It +an 9ee! 6or9ing for &hour after AC !o6er off Then !o6er am!"ifi+ation 6i"" be s6it+he* off- BTS +an maintain transmission for ne:t 0 hours.

Eas insta""ation @sma"" siBe it +an be insta""e* on meta" !ost E:+e""ent !rote+tion !erforman+e-*ust !roof1 burg"ar 1 6ater !roof1 noise "ess. 7"easing a!!eran+e-astheti+a"" *esigne*.

BTS .014 2 # a' *ensity EnerG BTS

HUAWEI +ost effe+ti4e energ GSM so"ution +an !romote subs+riber A=7U. HUAWEI BTS #%&' is an im!ortant member of energ fami" . It a*o!ts *ua" *ensit te+hno"og an* su!!orts fu"" fre<uen+ ban* 30.%M1-%%M1&0%%M1&-%%M5.

A$) nt ge:
?High *ensit 6ith sma"" foot!rint. ?Garious inte""igent =F te+hno"ogies. ?7o6erfu" ser4i+e bearing +a!abi"it . ?'G8#G +o-+abinet1 "o6 o!e: an* high re"iabi"it . ?)ne +abinet su!!ort @ &'T=F or $ se+tors. ?Foot !rint-9e fa+tor for site a+<uisition an* e:!ansion of +a!a+it . ?HUAWEI BTS #%&' a*o!ts *ua" *ensit @ t6o trans+ei4er are integrate* in one boar* ?EnerG BTS +an sa4e '%> foot !rint +om!aring 6ith tra*itiona". ? BTS #%&' +an be +o-site 6ith o"* generation an* f"e:ib"e e:!ansion . ?High !erforman+e 6ith smart =F te+hno"ogies. ?Due to re*u+tion of baseban* *emo*u"ation "imitation @*e+rease of noise figure an* im!ro4ement of baseban* *emo*u"ation a"gorithm. ?BTS #%&' a*o!ts ICC3interferan+e +ountera+t +ombining5 te+hno"og to im!ro4e fre<uen+ effi+ien+ . ?ICC uses o!timiBe* ma:ima" ratio +ombining3M=C5 a"gorithm-to re;e+t +oherent an* a*;a+ent +hanne" interferen+e.

Enhance* ca)acity 3ith e$&%% 5 H,:

?H=3ha"f rate5 is a 6e"" 9no6n te+hno"og to *oub"e the s stem +a!a+it 1 but it +an a"so *e+rease the 4oi+e <ua"it . ?Em"!!3enhan+e* mu"ti-"e4e" !re+e*en+e an* !reem!tion5-it +an guarantee high !riorit users to a+<uire ra*io resour+es !referentia"" . ?Em"!!DH=-!referre* strateg that a""o6s o!erators to +ategoriBe subs+ribers b *ifferent !riorities. With this a"gorithm F= +hanne"-high !riorit users. H= +hanne"s- "o6 !riorit users. ?If there is no ra*io resour+e a4ai"ab"e at a moment1 high !riorit user +an seiBe from "o6 !riorit users. ?BTS #%&'-!o6erfu" ser4i+e bearing +a!abi"it .

?It +an su!!ort-EDGE1H=1AM=1EM,77DH=1e:ten*e* +e"". ?In fu"" +onfiguration-it enab"es fu"" ser4i+e +hanne" in EDGE MCS- +o*ing s+heme an* ''%9b!s user *ata s!ee* 6ith A time s"ot.

Enhance* co6era!e 3ith 'tra co6era!e Techno'o!ies:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Transmitting *i4ersit an* 7BT3!o6er booster te+hno"og 5 are im!ortant te+hno"ogies to enhan+e *o6n"in9 +o4erage. With this te+hno"og BTS #%&'-high o8! to 0%61e:tra #I.*b *o6n"in9 gain +an be a+ti4ate*. A6a *i4ersit +an be use* to enhan+e u!"in9 +o4erage1#I.*b u!"in9 gain. =e+ei4er sensiti4it rea+h u! to -&&2. AM= an* +on+entri+ +e"" te+hno"ogies@ to im!ro4e the uti"iBation of fre<uen+ s!e+trum resour+e. In+rease in '%> +o4erage ra*ius an* A%> +o4erage area1 BTS #%&' !ro4i*es man +on4enient )/M fun+tions. on"ine boar* *ete+tion @ en4ironment monitoring interfa+es. E"e+troni+ a*;ustab"e antenna GSW= fee* ba+9 interfa+e GSW= 4a"ue re!orting. =ea" time *ete+tion of o8! !o6er.

Low OPE8 wit& "on)enient O9M:

Fle6ible :!9.! %" binet sol#tion:

? ? BTS #%&' +an be +o-+abinet 6ith WCDMA no*e B. There are t6o 6a s to rea"iBe 'G8#G +o-+abinet. Distribute* mo*e Embe**e* mo*e

5istrib#te$ mo$e:
?BTS #%&' reser4es 'u s!a+e for BBU3base ban* unit of WCDMA no*e B5. ?7o6er su!!" an* transmission +an be share* b BBU an* BTS #%&'. ?BBU is +onne+te* to ==U3remote ra*io unit of WCDMA no*e B5b o!ti+a" fiber ?This mo*e su!!orts SAAAA an* &' +e""s of WCDMA.

Embe$$e$ mo$e:
?MT=U an* MAFU of WCDMA no*e B +an be insta""e* in DT=U an* DAFU s"ots of BTS #%&'. ?This mo*e su!!orts S''' of GSM an* $ Ce"" of WCDMA.

BTS #%&'CIts ob4ious +hara+teristi+ is *ua" *ensit *esign an* to migrate to6ar*s #G.

BTS .142'ar!e ca)acity macro ce'' BTS:

Designe* to meet the re<uirements of +a!a+it 1+onfiguration1insta""ation1!o6er su!!" .S BTS #&'-in*oor t !e ma+ro +e"" BTS. Its one ra+9 +an su!!ort &'T=F an* transmit &.T=F BTS signa" o4er an E& "in9. )ne ra+9 +onsumes on" 'A%%W at fu"" +onfiguration1 6ith '%%W !er T=F. BTS #&'- su!!orts both G7=S an* EDGE ser4i+es.

A**li" tion en)ironment:

The in*oor "arge +a!a+it ma+ro +e"" a!!"i+ation su!!orts the high *ensit "arge traffi+ +e"".

M in +e t#res:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7ro4en =F te+hno"og . ,arge +a!a+it @ &' T=F !er ra+9. &. T=F at A- bis interfa+e en;o ing an E& interfa+e 3&.C&5. Garious transmission mo*e1 to!o"ogi+a" stru+ture1 in+"u*ing sate""ite an* SDH b use of E-Abis 3enhan+e* Abis te+hno"og 5. Integrate* o!tima" transmission-so"ution for broa*ban* a++ess. Integrate* =F +om!onent mo*e-smooth +a!a+it e:!ansion1 stab"e an* re"iab"e o!eration. Su!!orts -A08D'A8-''%4 !o6er su!!" mo*es.

M rket $em n$s:

? ? ? ? As ana"og net6or9 *6in*"es @GSM&0%% en;o s abun*ant fre<uen+ resour+e an* 6i*er ban*6i*th. E:!ensi4e transmission resour+e @*enser mu"ti!"e:ing +a!abi"it at the Abis interfa+e. BTS e<ui!ment 6ith more abun*ant ser4i+e. Better 4oi+e <ua"it an* faster han*o4er s!ee*.

1TS .;: s tis+ies t&e m rket $em n$:

? ? ? ? ? 7ro4en =F te+hno"og 1 stab"e an* e:+e""ent =F !erforman+e. High integration1 "o6 !o6er +onsum!tion *esign an* "ess su!!orting e<ui!ment. It uses the a*4an+e* traffi+ +ontro" a"gorithm @for stati+a"" mu"ti!"e:ing of Abis signa" an* to raise signa"ing *ensit . E-Abis su!!orts mu"ti!"e transmission mo*e. E-Abis te+hno"og is suitab"e for SDH17DH.HDS,8MDS,1E&8T&.

E<Abis te"&nolog, in"l#$es +o#r

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


A7,3a*4an+e* +"o+9 !hase "o+95- so"4es +"o+9 ;itter !rob"em-HUAWEI uses high !re+ision +"o+9.. To"eran+e of u! to &E -A transmission BE=. Anti f"ash transmission interru!tion. =esists the A-bis interfa+e "ong *e"a an* su!!orts sate""ite net6or9ing. Integrating the =F +om!onent to sa4e in4estment. Inte""igent CDUCin +ase ,(A3"o6 noise am!"ifier5fau"t1the remote +ontro" +utoff the !o6er su!!" to b !ass the ,(A an* ensure the norma" o!eration. Mature an* re"iab"e !o6er su!!" s stem. Su!!orting u! to S'A8S'A8S'A s n+hroniBation +onfiguration. )ne minute <ui+9 start u!.

$I7I BTS2isite inte!rate* mini BTS:

(o6 *a s o!erators are "oo9ing for broa* +ustomer base in +"imate that is seeing a *e+rease in a4erage net6or9 in4estment. HUAWEI has intro*u+e* isite @for both in*oor an* out*oor for a"" 6eather +on*ition.

Inst ll tion:
? ? ? ? ? ? It +an be insta""e* uni"atera"" . The isite +an be insta""e* on a !o"e or 6a"". Isite su!!ort mu"ti!"e transmission mo*e1 in+"u*ing E&1HDS, an* mi+ro6a4e. With bui"t in SDH an* embe**e* !rimar !o6er su!!" . It su!!orts o!ti+a" fiber a++ess to the station an* *ire+t a++ess of a"ternating +urrent. It 6or9es on &.%-#%%GAC an* +an stan* u! to .%%GAC.

? ? ? ?

**li" tion:

HUAWEI integrate* isite has an integrate* MI(I BTS. HUWAEI isite integrate* 6ith MI(I BTS on hi""to!. HUAWEI BTS !ro*u+ts su!!orts GSM *ua" ban* net6or9. An* +an be soft6are u!gra*e to su!!ort G7=S ser4i+es.

T"8 re* ction metho*:


S.78 BTS ./0/9AE:.00,88/ BTS./0/"9:.00,00/ BTS./0/A"9:.0 BTS.;149.;0/9:100,0 0,00/ 0.
Support all feature% Mult ple net+or, of &'S ()0)* tec#nolo!y 2ndoor &'S3e4clud n! add t onal -F cab net0S((/(/() *an %upport up to ) cell3 # !# rece 5er %en% t 5 ty

Full frequency Support n! band(450M/1800M/1900M/2 band(450"#$/800"#$) 100M/AWS) 1'-./)carr er% 1 cab net 1S((/(/() 1 % n!le cab net/S12/S12/S120 -F/%ubrac,/S()/)/))

1 6A/100W '7* 16A/)0W '7*/800"#$0 po+er(800"#$) 40W '7*/450"#$ )0W(450/1900/100M89/AW 9) 1*SM/;pto ) FA3%upport 1*SM )800/up to )FA &**M(Ab % nterface board) Support Ab % nterface &<"ea%ure"ent Support Ab % nterface &<- "ea%ure"ent

Foot pr nt le%% t#an &'S (812 cab net/15() 005"20 equ 5alent 5o ce c#annel of 1202 ,b t%/%0 &'S (80)/:)8 of 1202 of ,b t%0 7perat n! te"perature/ 49352de! '#ree tran%" %% on "ode/ <13'13S'M/10

Four #our bac, up0 -e"ote electr c t lt antenna

Sate''ite Transmission +y H a3ei E2A+is Interface:

&5 '5

re two *roblems to be sol)e$:

What transmission so"ution is both e+onomi+a" an* +on4enient. Whether it mat+hes the e:isting mobi"e +ommuni+ation. Com!arison among *ifferent +ommuni+ation so"utionC


Estimation of time "imitC

" stomize* So' tion of HUAWEI:

The tas9 is on the basis of !o6erfu" =/D strength. )ne set of BSC1)MC1TCSM is *e!"o e* here. T6o BTS3S'8S'8S'5 are use* res!e+ti4e" . Sate""ite transmission at Abis interfa+e is a*o!te* to +onne+t BSC an* BTS. At Abis interfa+e -&.C& mu"ti!"e:ing mo*e is a*o!te*1 *ata ban* 6i*th -&#J$A9b!s. BSS e<ui!ment +ommuni+ates 6ith sate""ite e<ui!ment 4ia DD(. B setting signa" timer bet6een BTS an* BSC-+a"" fai"ure *ue to timeout re"ease be+ause of transmission *e"a at Abis interfa+e is a4oi*e*. De"a of .A%ms 6i"" *egra*e the 4oi+e <ua"it *uring han*o4er-this !rob"em +an be so"4e* b a*;usting the fun+tion of fi"tration1inter!o"ation17(;u*gement. A*a!ti4e a*;ustment is a*o!te* for CCU 3+hanne" +o*e+ unit5-to re!"a+e frame a*;ustment. For s n+hroniBation te+hno"og -HUAWEI uses +ore te+hno"og of BITS an* +"o+9 +ontro" a"gorithm. E-Abis interfa+e- to a4oi* error bit in both soft6are an* har*6are. E-Abis interfa+e su!!ort -&.C& Mu"ti!"e:ing mo*e. A*o!t TCH +onfiguration to sa4e sate""ite ban*6i*th0


In time>.All time>..

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