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The Wrestler (2008)

Screenplay by 8oberL Slegel

ulrecLed by uarren Aronofsky
!"#$% #'()* +",
,)('"-(.$#': 8andy "1he 8am" 8oblnson, 30's, washed-up wresLler.
%/")"%'0)$1"'$(.2+"$. +$#!0/"3$(): unable Lo leL go of Lhe pasL
04'0)."5 -("5: 1o reclalm hls wresLllng glory
$.'0)."5 -("5: 1o wln over Cassldy and reconclle wlLh hls daughLer
+"$. 6)"+"'$% %(.75$%': Plmself
'/0+0: rlde goeLh before Lhe fall.
%0.')"5 6)"+"'$% 890#'$(.: Wlll 8andy glve up wresLllng for good and wln Lhe hearLs of boLh hls
daughLer and Cassldy?
0.6$.-: 8andy re[ecLs Cassldy for Lhe glory of Lhe wresLllng rlng.
")%: 8andy goes from a broken, washed-up wresLler Lo a man ln search of love, buL ulumaLely glves up
hope for Lhe glory of Lhe wresLllng rlng.
#'()* 0.-$.0#
AcL 1:
8andy's a washed-up wresLler, forced Lo compeLe ln bruLal maLches Lo pay hls renL.
AcL 2A:
8andy suers a hearL auack and ls forced Lo change hls ways. Pe falls for a sLrlpper (Cassldy) who
encourages hlm Lo reconclle wlLh hls daughLer.
AcL 28:
8andy auempLs Lo Lurn hls llfe around buL can'L sLop hls desLrucuve ways. Pe hlLs bouom aer hls
daughLer and Cassldy re[ecL hlm and decldes Lo wresLle ln Lhe blg remaLch wlLh Lhe AyaLollah.
AcL 3:
8andy Lralns for hls remaLch agalnsL 1he AyaLollah. Cassldy wanLs Lo be wlLh 8andy, buL he re[ecLs her
for Lhe glory of Lhe wresLllng rlng, golng Lo hls cerLaln deaLh.
1he WresLler Screenplay Analysls
AcL lour Screenplays
SLory Map by uusun 1anner & uan Calvlsl
age 1
7955 #'()* +",
!"# %&'(
: ; (,0.$.- $+"-0#: A glory days collage of 8andy "1he 8am" 8oblnson's career over CuleL
8loL's "MeLal PealLh."
3 - Cpenlng: 20 years laLer.8andy's
a washed-up wresLler, reduced Lo
performlng ln small-Lown school
< ; $.%$'$.- $.%$60.': 8andy
arrlves aL hls Lraller Lo nd lL's
locked: renL's noL pald, so he musL
sleep ln hls van.
9 - 8andy auempLs Lo Lalk wlLh hls landlord - landlord won'L Lalk (8andy's done Lhls Loo many
umes before), [usL wanLs Lhe renL money.
9 - AL Lhe grocery sLore, 8andy asks hls condescendlng boss for more hours.
13 - WresLllng maLch - 8andy sllces hls forehead wlLh a hldden razor blade for dramauc eecL.
8loody, he wlns Lhe maLch.
:= ; #')(.- +(30+0.' 7()>")6 ?0@ABCDEFG: LM1 cleans up 8andy aer maLch as Lhe
promoLer plLches hlm on a remaLch beLween 8andy and Lhe AyaLollah. 8andy accepLs.
HI ; #')(.- +(30+0.' 7()>")6
?$DABCDEFG: 8andy defends hls favorlLe
sLrlpper, Cassldy, from young men
(Lhey make fun of her age). Cassldy's
angry aL rsL, buL glves 8andy a lap
dance. She llsLens Lo hls sLorles, glves
aecuon, buL Lhere's a dlsLance.aer
all, she's a sLrlpper.
24 - 8andy buys PCP from a pusher aL
Lhe gym, ln[ecLs and works ouL. CeLs halr dyed, Lans -- cosLly malnLenance.
HJ ; 0.6 (7 "%' (.0 '9).: 8andy's new wresLllng maLch lncludes a dangerous escalauon:
barbed wlre, broken glass and a sLaple gun.
HK ; 60%$#$(.: 8andy compeLes even Lhough he's obvlously belng hurL.
1he WresLler Screenplay Analysls
AcL lour Screenplays
SLory Map by uusun 1anner & uan Calvlsl
age 2
!"# #)%*!(
L<;LM 7$)#' ')$"527$)#' %"#9"5'*: 8andy suers a hearL auack and wakes up ln a hosplLal.
uocLor lnsLrucLs hlm Lo sLop uslng drugs and, mosL lmporLanLly, glve up wresLllng: he could dle.
40 - 8andy pays hls renL and hls landlord unlocks Lhe Lraller.
N< ; %(+!"': 8andy asks Cassldy ouL. She says no, buL she Lalks Lo hlm and encourages hlm Lo
see hls daughLer.
30 - 8andy nds hls daughLer,
SLephanle. Pe Lells her abouL hls
hearL auack and she re[ecLs hlm.
33 - 8andy goes Lo Lhe sLrlp club and
Lells Cassldy abouL hls daughLer.
Cassldy oers Lo meeL and help hlm
buy her a presenL.
36 - 8andy asks Lhe boss for more
work, geLs a [ob aL Lhe dell counLer.
38 - Cassldy allows 8andy Lo call her by her real name (am) and helps hlm plck ouL a coaL for
hls daughLer. Aer he asks her ouL for a beer, she Lells hlm she has a chlld and 8andy glves her a
gl: a 8andy 1he 8am acuon gure.
1he WresLler Screenplay Analysls
AcL lour Screenplays
SLory Map by uusun 1anner & uan Calvlsl
age 3
MI ; +$6,($.'O 8andy klsses Cassldy (1hls dlrecLly pushes Lo Lhe cllmax where 8andy musL
choose beLween wresLllng fame and love).
!"# #)%*+(
63 - 8andy works hls new [ob aL Lhe dell counLer and hls name-Lag reads "8obln" -- hls blrLh-
name (he's declded Lo be hlmself, noL play a role).
!"# %&#'!(#& S1C8? MA CCn1lnuLS ln...
L-8ook by uanlel Calvlsl.
Cllck here for more lnformauon and Lo purchase Lhe book.
1he WresLler Screenplay Analysls
AcL lour Screenplays
SLory Map by uusun 1anner & uan Calvlsl
age 4

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