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Facing the Audience

TOPOPHOBIA Symptoms of physical Stress

Rapid Heart beat Trembling knees Quivering voice Stomach fluttering Blurring of eyes Sweating of hands Mouth going dry Breathing becoming faster Voice cracks Flop sweat

Symptoms of Mental Stress

Mind goes blank or loss of memory Repetition of words Embarrassment Sense of having lost control of oneself Feeling of shame and humiliation Panic Feeling of terror Helplessness being unable to cope.

Reasons for TOPOPHOBIA

Something new It is natural feeling of Nervousness Facing group of people All the eyes are focused upon the speaker Fear of failure Hearing ones own raised voice first time.

Step to control TOPOPHOBIA

Is there any wonderful drug? Can I get rid of Stage fear Be Well Prepared
.Appear more confident .Audience want to support you

Appear more confident Audience want to support you

Experience reduces fear

Concentrate on what you are saying Not on how you are saying

Visualize success
Remember next chance

He gave me the MONEY He GAVE me the money He gave ME the money He gave me THE money HE gave me the money

Grab opportunities Dont be a copy cat Invite feedback Follow ACE formula


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