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How To Coil A Rope Correctly

Step 1: Untie any knots in the rope and shake the rope out, feeling which way it wants to go. Starting at one end, egin to lay successi!e coils of rope on the ground. Step ": Continue to lay coils neatly and the sa#e si$e, so that each coil lies slightly inside the pre!ious one. Use your foot to hold the coils. %f the surface is dirty, for# the coil in your hand. Step &: To secure the coil in your hand, turn ack the end of the inner coil to for# a loop &'(&) c# *1"(1+ in, long. Step +: Holding the #ain coil in your hand, wind the end of the outer coil around it, going o!er the loop you #ade in Step & ut lea!e the loop-s end free. Step ): .inish winding the rope around after a out 1' c# *+ in, of close lashing, lea!ing & c# *1 in, of loop protruding fro# the coiled lashing. Step /: 0ass the end of the rope through the loop. 0ull the rope(end as fir#ly as possi le to get it tight. The lashing ser!es as a 1carrying handle2 for the coil. Step 3: 0ull the end of the rope that for#s the loop. This will pull the loop under the lashing and secure it.

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