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The eight other planets

Here well present you the other eight planets of our solar system. Each planet is presented with a short description and some facts

Diameter 4 800 km Distance from sun 58 Mio km Rotation-time around sun 88 days Moons -

It is the nearest planet to the sun and it is the smallest planet with a diameter of 4800 kilometers. The temperatures fluctuate from +400 degree celsius (dayside) to 100 degree celsius (nightside).

Diameter 12 300 km Distance from sun 108 Mio km Rotation-time around sun 225 days Moons -

This planet is the brightest star in the sky and he seems like a morning - and eveningstar. Venus is surrounded by a cloudy and dull atmospere which makes it unable to see its surface.

Diameter 6 800 km Distance from sun 228 Mio km Rotation-time around sun 1 year 322 days Moons 2

Mars is a neighbor-planet of the earth and it shines with a red light. His surface was photographed from the very near from an american space sonde for the first time in juli 1965

Diameter 142 700 km Distance from sun 778 Mio km Rotation-time around sun 11 years 317 days Moons 11

Jupiter is the giant of the planets. 12 moons rotate around it. It is surrounded by a huge atmoshpere.

Saturn Diameter 120 800 km Distance from sun 1 Mia 428 Mio km Rotation-time around sun 29 years 174 days Moons 10

Saturn has 10 moons and one of them has even an own atmospere. Jupiters ring consists of very small dust-parts which rotate around him.

Diameter 49 700 km Distance from sun 2 Mia 872 Mio km Rotation-time around sun 84 years 28 days Moons 5

He is accompanied by 5 moons and needs about 84 earth-years to rotate one time

Diameter 53 000 km Distance from sun

around the sun. Moons 2

Rotation-time around sun 4 Mia 500 Mio km 164 years 321 days

He has two moons and a rotation around the sun takes him 165 earth-years. His weight his 17 times higher than the weight of our planet.

Diameter 5 000 km Distance from sun 5 Mia 900 Mio km Rotation-time around sun 250 Jahre Moons -

The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is almost perfectly spherical and consists of [12][13] hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields. It has a diameter of about 1,392,684 km [5] 30 (865,374 mi), around 109 times that of Earth, and its mass (1.98910 kilograms, approximately [ 330,000 times the mass of Earth) accounts for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.

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