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SJ VIETNAM APPLICATION FORM PLEASE SEN! "S T#IS APPLICATION FORM $% EMAIL& a''(i)ation* T+is ,orm is -se. ,or Vietnamese vo(-nteers on(/0

1. PERSONAL DETAILS Fami(/ name& First an. mi..(e name& SJ VIETNAM Mem1ers+i' No& Se2

O))-'ation 3 st-.ent 3 -nem'(o/e.&


Pass'ort N-m1er3 I! )ar. n-m1er&

!ate o, $irt+& P(a)e o, 1irt+&


2. YOUR STUDY $rie,(/ o-t(ine w+at )o-rse3s /o- are st-./ing or +ave

Vo(-nteer ,or s+aring4 (earning an. 1eing res'onsi1(e5

6 7889 SJ Vietnam

:3; +84.4.62872829

3. ADDRESS C-rrent A..ress& Te(e'+one N-m1ers& in). area )o.e0 !ates at t+is a..ress& From& To& Emai(&

Permanent A..ress&

Te(e'+one N-m1ers& in). area )o.e0

Ot+er emai(&

4. EMERGENCY CONTACT Name& First an. mi..(e name& Re(ations+i' /o-& A..ress& Te(e'+one N-m1ers& Emai(& to

Vo(-nteer ,or s+aring4 (earning an. 1eing res'onsi1(e5

6 7889 SJ Vietnam

73; +84.4.62872829

5. LANGUAGES Mot+er tong-e& Vietnamese Ot+er (ang-ages& $e(ow mar< wit+ = (eve( o, <now( o, ot+er Fair S(ig+t (ang-ages0 >oo.

. List o, s<i((s

OT!ER S"ILLS >oo. Fair S(ig+t

?+at s<i((s .o /o- +ave@ )om'-ters4 'roje)t management4 et)0.

Vo(-nteer ,or s+aring4 (earning an. 1eing res'onsi1(e5

6 7889 SJ Vietnam

A3; +84.4.62872829

Proje)t Management



P(ease mention )(ear(/ /o-r most strengt+& I t+in< I .onBt +ave a s'e)ia( strengt+ 1-t w+en I .o somet+ing4 I wi(( tr/ as m-)+ as I )an to a)+ieve it. I t+in< 'eo'(e wi(( 1e t+e (osers on(/ w+en t+e/ give -' tr/ing.

;. MOTIVATION Motivation to 1e a vo(-nteer&

?+at is /o-r e2'e)tation w+en /o- join SJ VietnamBs vo(-ntar/ a)tivities@

Vo(-nteer ,or s+aring4 (earning an. 1eing res'onsi1(e5

6 7889 SJ Vietnam

C3; +84.4.62872829

?+at is /o-r )ontri1-tion t+at /o- )an give ,or vo(-nteerism@

9. E#PERIENCES >ive .etai(s o, /o-r re(evant vo(-ntar/3)omm-nit/ wor< e2'erien)e in)( wor< )am's. >ive .ates4 (engt+ o, servi)e4 )o-ntr/4 t/'e o, wor<4 an. name o, em'(o/ers an.3or organiDations. Atta)+ a..itiona( s+eets i, ne)essar/.

Vo(-nteer ,or s+aring4 (earning an. 1eing res'onsi1(e5

6 7889 SJ Vietnam

E3; +84.4.62872829

$. %OULD YOU LI"E TO &E' 1. 3. S( Vietnam mem)e* + 2. 4. (,in a -,./nta*0 1*,2e3t in VVietnam (,in a 1*,2e3t a)*,a6

(,in a 4,*53am1 in Vietnam



Proje)t )o.e in o, 're,eren)e0 an. name )+e)< +tt'& 0




List o, 'roje)ts /o- wo-(. (i<e to ta<e 'art in& )+e)< +tt'& 0 Co-ntr/ Cam' )o.e OrganiDation

Name o, wor< )am'3'roje)t


:0 70 A0

Vo(-nteer ,or s+aring4 (earning an. 1eing res'onsi1(e5

6 7889 SJ Vietnam

F3; +84.4.62872829

VOL"NTEERS ARE REG"IRE! TO REA! T#E FOLLO?IN> AN! SI>N T#E STATEMENT $ELO?& T+e nonH'ro,it organiDation So(i.aritIs Je-nesses Vietnam SJ Vietnam0 is an internationa(4 non 'o(iti)a( an. non re(igio-s /o-t+ vo(-nteering organiDation 1ase. in #anoi an. Paris. T+e goa(s o, SJ Vietnam are& J ?or< towar.s a so)iet/ o, j-sti)e4 'ea)e an. so(i.arit/. J $rea< )-(t-ra( 1etween 'eo'(es an. nations. J Im'rove (o)a( an. g(o1a( environment4 'rovi.e nonH,orma( e.-)ation4 re.-)e 'overt/ an. esta1(is+ +-man rig+ts. J En)o-rage /o-ng 'eo'(e to 'arti)i'ate a)tive(/ in t+e so)iet/ in w+i)+ t+e/ (ive. SJ VIETNAM 1e(ieves t+at a(( 'eo'(e are )a'a1(e o, (iving toget+er wit+ m-t-a( res'e)t an. wit+o-t re)o-rse to an/ ,orm o, vio(en)e to so(ve )on,(i)ts. SJ Vietnam is o,,i)ia( mem1er o, CCIVS an. NV!A networ<. SJV is registere. in Vietnam t+e Permit o, O'eration n-m1er A"C88 an. re)ogniDe. 1/ t+e Fren)+ minister o, #ea(t+4 /o-t+ an. s'ort as nationa( non 'ro,it /o-t+ organiDation.

A''(i)ation ,ee& :88.888 VN! I, )(aiming a )on)ession4 '(ease sen. a )o'/ o, /o-r entit(ement0 M/ signat-re in.i)ates t+at I +ave ma.e a )ommitment to t+e aims o, SJ VIETNAM. T+e in,ormation t+at I +ave given is tr-e an. )orre)t. Signat-re o, vo(-nteer& !ate& P(a)e& #anoi

Vo(-nteer ,or s+aring4 (earning an. 1eing res'onsi1(e5

6 7889 SJ Vietnam


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