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DESIGN PHASE Design Coordination and Consultation Assist and coordinate all phases of design including the review of conceptual designs during development recommending alternative solutions whenever design details affect construction feasibility or schedules. Advise on site use and improvements, selection of materials, building systems and equipment. Provide recommendations on relative construction feasibility, availability of materials and labor, time requirements for installation and construction and factors related to cost, including costs of alternative designs or materials, preliminary budgets and possible economies. Cost Estimates Prepare a project budget for the Owners approval as soon as major project requirements have been identified and update periodically. Prepare an estimate of construction cost based on a quantity survey of Drawings and Specifications at the end of the Schematic Design Phase for approval by the Owner. Update and refine this estimate for the Owners approval as the development of the Drawings and Specifications proceed and advise the Owner and the Architect if it appears that the Project budget will not be met and make recommendations for corrective action if not met accordingly. Value Engineering Review of the Drawings and Specifications as they are being prepared, evaluating initial construction expenditures versus operating expenditures, advise on construction feasibility of design for present costs versus future costs, thereby, optimizing the Total Cost of the facility. Pre-Purchase of Selected Materials Investigate and recommend a schedule for purchase by the Owner of all materials and equipment requiring long lead time procurement, and coordinate the schedule with the early preparation of Contract Documents by the Architect. Expedite and coordinate delivery of these purchases.

Governmental Agency Coordination Represent the Owner and assist the Architect and Engineer in the acquisition of permits and approvals required by governmental agencies. BID PHASE Selection of Bidders Selection of qualified bidders for each trade. Prepare pre-qualification criteria for bidders and develop Contractor interest in the Project. Establish bidding schedules and conduct pre-bid conferences to familiarize bidders with the bidding documents and management techniques and with any special systems, materials or methods. Bidding Set up and supervise bidding procedure. Prepare bid packages. Review the Drawings and Specifications to: 1. 2. ascertain if areas of jurisdiction overlap; verify that all work has been included.

Analysis of Proposals Receive bids, prepare bid analyses and make recommendations to the Owner for award of contracts or rejection of bids. Review proposals with individual Contractors for Scope of Work. Construction Contract Negotiations Select three (3) lowest bidders for each trade and conduct contract negotiations to produce the best possible price. Preparation of Contracts Conduct pre-award conferences and prepare construction contracts. CONSTRUCTION PHASE Progress Schedule Prepare a job progress schedule showing all phases of the work through project completion.

Construction Scheduling and Monitoring Schedule and conduct pre-construction and progress meetings with Contractors, Owner, Architect and Construction Manager whereas they can discuss jointly such matters as procedures, progress, problems and scheduling. Supply a detailed schedule for the operations of contractors on the project, including realistic activity sequences and durations, allocation of labor and materials, processing of shop drawings and samples and delivery of products requiring long lead time procurement; include the Owners occupancy requirements showing portions of the project having occupancy precedence. Provide regular monitoring of the schedule as construction progresses. Identify potential variances between scheduled and probable completion dates. Review schedule for work not started or incomplete and recommend to the Owner and Contractor adjustments in the schedule to meet the probable completion date. Provide summary reports of each monitoring, and document all changes in schedule. Construction Cost Control Revise and refine the approved estimate of construction cost, incorporate approved changes as they occur and develop cash flow report and forecasts as needed. Provide regular monitoring of the approved estimate of construction cost, showing actual costs for activities in progress and estimates for uncompleted tasks. Develop and execute a structure for evaluation and processing of Change Orders. Recommend necessary or advantageous changes to the Owner and the Architect, review requests for changes and submit recommendations to the Owner and the Architect and assist in negotiating Change Orders. Development and implementation of a procedure for the review and processing of applications by Contractors for progress and final payments. Make recommendations to the Architect for certification to the Owner for payment. Shop Drawings In collaboration with the Architect, establish and implement procedures for expediting the processing and approval of shop drawings and samples.

Construction Supervision Inspect the work of Contractors to assure that the work is being performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work. Require any Contractor to stop work or any portion thereof, and require special inspection or testing of any work not in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents whether or not such work be then fabricated, installed or completed. Reject work which does not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Provide adequate personnel at the project site with authority to achieve these objectives. Completion Upon the Contractors determination of substantial completion of the work or designated portions thereof, prepare a list of incomplete or unsatisfactory items and a schedule for their completion. Supervise the correction and completion of work. Start-Up With the Owners maintenance personnel, direct the checkout of utilities, operational systems and equipment for readiness and assist in their initial start-up and testing.

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