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Vocabulary 21/01/14

To fret (about): preocupar-se, inquietar-se Lifting: aixecament Eager: entusiasta Pace: ritme Unlikely: estrany To lea up to: anticipar !"et"er: si #egging: emanar almoina $"ot up: incrementar %acing: ser a&ant e, 'encarant( )oreo&er: a m*s a m*s Pick up: aixecar-se To rise: pu+ar !age: salari ,eit"er: cap, tampoc -lt"oug": encara que $"are: proporci., part )ainly: principalment /ro0 : multitu e, amontonar-se /ro0 out: fer fora, excluir To settle: instalar-se Petty: insignificant To curb: frenar, contenir -mong: entre T"erefore: per lo tant To tig"ten: refor1ar, assegurar To conflate: confluir, barre+ar $pill o&er: inun ar 2ea line: titular #y an large: en linees generals


-re t"e people of U3 "appy an impatient to recei&e t"e immigrants from 4omania an #ulgaria5

-re t"e Englis"men an example of goo be"a&iour, 0"en t"ey tra&el5

!"en i t"e last migratory 0a&e "appen insi e Europe5

6oes 7on 8inga t"ink, t"at t"e politicians, t"e public an t"e press in #ritain are too scaremonger5

!"ere i t"e ma+ority of 4omanians go, 0"en 4omania +oine t"e EU5

2o0 many #ulgarians an 4omanians 0ill tra&el to 9ermany accor ing to t"e opinion of t"e 7-#5

6oes a la0yer "a&e to feel scarier of t"e ne0 migratory 0a&e t"an a construction 0orker5

6o all t"e European people li&e toget"er 0it"out mistrust5

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