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Case No:

Officer Doughnut-Hole__

Date: _____

May 14, 1889____ Secretary of the Police___

Reporting Officer: ___ Incident:

Prepared By: __

The death of Sir Charles Baskerville on the moor near his home.

Detail of Event:
Sir Charles was found dead in the alley near his home, Baskerville Hall, around Cause of Death: Heart attack from fright

Footprints of a hound found near body Possible reference to the Baskerville curse?

Actions Taken:
Scene was barred from all passersby Careful observation of area around Sir Charles for possible clues as to cause of the terror that killed him. Body was taken in to custody for preparation for burial Sir Charles deemed dead from natural causes, no further actions taken by police to determine possible suspicions

Sir Charles Baskerville, the Baronet of Baskerville Hall, was found dead from natural causes (heart disease) in the alley near his home. Sir Charles had left for his nightly walk and never returned, causing him to be searched for and found deceased. Only marks of suspicion upon the scene were the footprints of a hound around the body, and the look of pure terror upon Sir Charles face. The Baronet is being laid to rest this Friday at Devonshire Church.

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