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Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) adalah ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antara sistem saraf pusat, sistem endokrin, dan sistem imun akibat perilaku/stress dan pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan. BASIC CONCEPT STRESS

Blok Psikiatri

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How psychological factors affect our immune system & viceversa: Sistem saraf mempengaruhi sistem endokrin melalui kelenjar hipofisis yang mengontrol sekresi hormon. Lalu, sistem endokrin melalui jalur HPA axis akan memodulasi sitem imun Sistem saraf otonom juga berpengaruh langsung terhadap sistem imun melalui gland. tymus, limpa, dan sum-sum tulang.

Blok Psikiatri

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Blok Psikiatri

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Pada kondisi stres, produksi pro-inflamatory cytokine meningkat. Cytokines merupakan salah satu komponen yang mengatur produksi sel imun dan juga mempengaruhi SSP dan HPA axis. Cytokines also drive our physiological illness response, affecting our mood, fever, eating, and sleeping patterns, along with other associated behaviours.

Blok Psikiatri

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Thus, yes, its complex! : Sistem saraf pusat, sistem imun, dan sistem endokrin saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain.

Blok Psikiatri

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Simplified scheme of integrated regulation of the hypothalamicpituitary-immune axis. Black arrows: release of; green arrows: stimulation or enhancement of expression or release; red arrows: inhibition (bisa dilihat di slide bila FC.nya hitam putih).

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Psychoneuroimmunology Influence Your Clinical Practice? Ask about life stressors (short term and chronic), impact on functioning Ask about how a pt is coping, social supports. Does it help? Recognize that test results during chronically stressful times could be unreliable (repeat testing?) Recognize that vaccinations may be less protective during stressful times (consider other precautions) Recognize that wound healing may be influenced by stress Recognize that immune functions may be affected by the use of drugs that influence the ANS or glucocorticoids (e.g., bblockers). Ask about therapy and make recommendations and/or referrals as needed (know what is available in the community). recognize the limitations in knowledge when patients ask about whether a given therapy (visualization, etc) can improve their immune system.

Blok Psikiatri

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