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Grade 7 age and gender St.

Alphonsus=33 student/s M=16 student/s F=17 student/s Age 11=0 student/s 12=8 student/s 13=23 student/s 14=1 student/s 15=0 student/s 16=1 student/s St. Andrew=32 student/s M=17 student/s F=15 student/s Age 11=0 student/s 12=8 student/s 13=24 student/s 14=0 student/s 15=0 student/s 16=0 student/s St. Christopher = 32 student/s M=17 student/s F=15 student/s

Age 11=0 student/s 12=9 student/s 13=23 student/s 14=0 student/s 15=0 student/s 16=0 student/s St. Dominic= 32 student/s M=16 student/s F=17 student/s Age 11=0 student/s 12=4 student/s 13=22 student/s 14=6 student/s 15=0 student/s 16=1 student/s St. John=32 student/s M=19 student/s F=13 student/s Age 11=0 student/s 12=6 student/s 13=21 student/s 14=4 student/s

15=0 student/s 16=0 student/s 18=1 student/s St. Justin= 32 students M=16 student/s F=16 student/s Age 12=16 student/s 13=16 student/s St. Luke = 32 students M=15 student/s F=17 student/s Age 11=2 student/s 12=15 student/s 13=15 student/s St. Martin=32 students M=20 student/s F=12 student/s Age 11=1 student/s 12=12 student/s 13=16 student/s 14=3 student/s

St. Pedro Calungsod = 31 students M=13 student/s F=18 student/s Age 12=11 student/s 13=17 student/s 14=4 student/s Total no. of grade 7 students 288 students Total no. of male students 150 students Total no. of female students 138 students Total no. of students in age: 11- 3 12- 89 13- 177 14- 18 16- 2

Pakitama nalang kung may mali -juma

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