PEE Practice - Jeremy Paxman & Boris Johnson

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PEEs using key terms for Spoken Language Controlled Assessment Complete the PEEs using key terms

in your explanation.
P A combination of sociolect and idiolectal slang is used by Paxman during the debate. E This is evident hen !eremy Paxman says "

E This sho s that Paxman adapts his speech to"

As the conversation develops# the audience itnesses interruptions and overlapping by Paxman hilst !ohnson is speaking. $or example%

This sho s that Paxman is "


&oth men emphasise specific ords in the conversation and change their intonation. $or example hen Paxman'&oris says "

The reason they emphasise specific ords and change their intonation at these moments is to sho "


To ards the end of the discussion# all the participants begin to talk over one another. This is evident hen Paxman says"

(ere# the audience can see there is a )))))))))) )))))))))) bet een the men as they all tussle to be the alpha male. !eremy Paxman " hereas the others ant to "

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