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Science Fair Oral Presentation Performance Statement: Students will provide an oral presentation on a research topic of science.

Student must also provide a visual aid to accompany presentation. Total Points Available: 20pts Total Points Received: ______
eak !" pt#$ Fair !2 pts#$ %ood !& pts#$ '(cellent !) pts#$


"# Or*ani+ation

Presentation has a complete lack of direction and focus with no sense of organization Student lacks understanding of subject matter and content Student reads completely from visual aid or notecards with no evidence of eye contact with the audience

Presentation has some direction and focus but still lacks necessary organization Student demonstrates some understanding of subject matter and content Student constantly reads from visual aid or notecards with some eye contact with the audience

Presentation has adequate direction and focus with evidence of good organization Student demonstrates good understanding of subject matter and content

Presentation has complete direction and focus and overall organization is excellent Student demonstrates complete understanding of subject matter and overall content

2# S,b-ect .no/led*e

&# '0e 1ontact

Student Student rarely reads occasionally reads from visual aid or from visual aid or notecards with great notecards with good eye contact with the eye contact with the audience audience Student can clearly be heard by audience with minor difficulty in pronunciation Student is eloquent and can be heard clearly by the audience with no evidence of difficulty with pronunciation

)# 'loc,tion

Student mumbles Student can be throughout heard by audience presentation and at times and cannot be heard by demonstrates some audience and difficulty with struggles significantly pronunciation with pronunciation

2# 3is,al Aid

Aid is very appealing Aid has good visual Aid has some visual and captures the appeal and Aid lacks visual appeal and attention of the demonstrates a appeal and creativity demonstrates some audience with good sense of creativity evidence of great creativity creativity

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