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Module 4-Legislative Branch Answer the following questions based on the notes for this module.

Be sure to include complete and accurate answers!

Part I: Vocabulary Use the following words correctly in a sentence: -President Pro Tempore -Speaker of the House -Select ommittee - onference ommittee -Standing ommittee Part II: Short answer: !nswer the following "uestions: #$ %hat are the "ualifications one must meet to be a member of the House of &epresentati'es( The Senate( )$ How long is one term for a representati'e and a senator( How are they elected( *$ +ame and ,-P.!I+ two powers of the House of &epresentati'es and two powers of the Senate$ /$ %ho is the leader of the Senate( 0escribe his 1ob$ 2$ %hat does the President Pro Tempore do( 3$ %ho is the leader of the House of &epresentati'es( 0escribe his 1ob$ 4$ %hat is the difference between the ma1ority and minority leaders in the House and Senate( 5$ %hat does the Party %hip do( 6$ ompare and contrast standing committees and select committees #7$ How are 1oint committees and conference committees similar( ##$ %here do all ta8 bills start( %hy( #)$ %hat does the standing committee do to a bill( #*$ %hat happens when a bill is pigeonholed( How often does this happen( #/$ %hy do Senators use filibusters( How can a filibuster be ended( #2$ %hat are the three methods used when 'oting( #3$ 0escribe the choices the President has when he recei'es a bill$

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