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Armor Penetration VS.

attack Damage [Semi guide on how to melt your enemy]

Hey, my name is Blackb0nd I've been playing league of legends since rengar's release; I am an average bronze jungle main but somehow a plat math geek so I am going to invest my math knowledge to find an answer for one of the most asked questions which confuses some of summoners which is "What is better for the AD oriented champions, attack damage or armor penetration?"

Overview In that part of my article I am going to define some words that I am going to use more frequent in later parts to keep you up with what I am trying to explain. - Attack Damage (Physical Damage): it's the damage dealt by your auto attacks and some abilities with AD ratios on it Example: wukong's crushing blow deals 30/60/90/120/150 (+1.1 per attack damage); it means every 1 attack damage you have you deal 1.1 physical damage by this ability - Armor Penetration: It's an amount of reduction of enemy's armor and it divides into two types; first type is flat armor penetration it means if you have 10 armor penetration then the enemy's armor is reduced by flat amount which is 10 and the second type is percentage armor reduction it means if you have 10% armor reduction then the enemy armor is reduced by 10% whatever his armor his not by flat amount. -Armor: It's the amount of reduction of enemy's physical damage (will get to the formula of damage reduction later) So these are the three main definitions I am going to use later.

Math part This is the most important part of my article

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