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Session 2 Interpretation of Accounts - Problems

Answers to self-assessment questions 1 The companies can be identified as follows: a - grocer (low debtors) b - manufacturer (high fixed assets) c - finance company (no stocks) 2 i The ratios are as follows: A The return on capital employed !""" # 1$% &""" # 2"% $"'""" 2&'""" The net profit to sales !""" # 1"% &""" # (% !"'""" )"'""" The asset turno*er !"'""" # 1+$ times $"'""" )"'""" #2+! times 2&'"""

ii ,ou should ha*e commented on the fact that is producing better returns for owners by using assets to generate sales more efficiently+ -ales seem to be earned by by tighter margins' which may be as a result of lower prices+ iii Additional information relating to li.uidity' costs' and gearing would pro*ide more insights+

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