Weekly Affairs: Civil Services (Main) Examination

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Weekly Affairs

17th to 31th December 2013

Civil Services (Main) Examination

Indias Sulphur Dioxide Emissions On The Rise: Nasa
Dec 29, 2013 Emissions of sulphur dioxide - atmospheric pollutant with health and climate impacts - from power plants in India increased by over 60 per cent between 2005 and 2012, new data analysed by a Nasa satellite found. In 2010, India surpassed the US as the worlds second highest emitter of SO2 after China, according to estimates previously published by Zifeng Lu of Argonne National Laboratory, and other scientists. emerged that allowed scientists to distinguish nearly constant power plant emissions from more variable background concentrations of sulphur dioxide. Production of Sulphur di oxide While some atmospheric SO2 is produced by volcanoes and other natural processes, a substantial amount is produced by human activities such as the combustion of fuels with sulphur- containing impurities and the smelting of metals such as copper and nickel. Effects of rise in SO2 gas The gas contributes to the formation of acid rain and, in high concentrations, can cause respiratory problems. It is also a precursor for sulphate aerosols, a type of suspended particle that can affect the properties of clouds - an effect that is difficult to measure and remains a large point of uncertainty in climate models.

The same research showed that about half of Indias emissions came from the coal-fired power sector. Researchers have drafted a map that depicts sulphur dioxide concentrations in 2011-12 and 2005, and the relative size of power plants in India. Lack of measurement apparatus in Industrial areas is the major problem in ascertaining Sulphur di oxide gas levels in India. Most of the measurements are done in urban areas where there is a local reduction in pollution due to regulations. The new analysis of sulphur dioxide emissions comes two years after researchers developed a method to observe power plant emissions using measurements captured by an instrument on the Aura satellite. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) measures ozone and other key air quality components - including sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide - and collects data over the same locations at the same time daily. Over time, a pattern

Questions from the Topic Describe briey about NASAs observation of increasing Sulphur di oxide pollution in India. What are the effects of Sulphur di oxide pollution in India? Describe briey about various air pollutants and their after effects.

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Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

http://timesondia.indiatimes.com/home/environment/global-warming/Indias-sulphur-dioxide-emissions-on-the-rise-Nasa/articleshow/28094720.cms http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/nasa-satellite-sees-increase-of-indias-sulfur-dioxide-emissions/

Sibal Launches IT Training Programme for Rural Women

Dec 25, 2013 The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, launched the E-Inclusion: IT Training for Rural SC/ ST/ Women Beneficiaries Project Digital Literacy is an enabler for empowering communities and providing them real freedom. It will make at least one individual in every household e-literate. The project will improve the quality of life of people, especially those living in rural India and will allow them to actively participate in knowledge based activities and also access financial, social and government services by using Internet.

The Project is part of the Government of Indias initiative under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) for creating a transparent and accountable governance model for enabling service delivery at the doorstep of citizens. To achieve this mission, DeitY has setup over 100,000 Common Services Centers (CSCs) on a Public-PrivatePartnership (PPP) model. CSCs are the front-end delivery points for government, private and social sector services to the citizens of India.Minister of Communication & IT, KapilSibal, suggested that in this task, agencies like States, industry associations such as NASSCOM, NGOs and other stakeholders should also be involved. Significant features of the e-Inclusion project Its the initiative under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) for creating a transparent and accountable governance model for enabling service delivery at the doorstep of citizens. Initially around 45 thousand people will be trained under the program. Beneath the project, economically weaker sections of the society including rural SC, ST and women will receive IT training.

Main features of Digital Literacy It is an enabler for empowering communities and providing them real freedom. The Government initiative for making one person in every family e-Literate is a step in that direction. It enables citizens participation in nation building. Empowers girls and boys in rural India to become digitally literate. It enables them to knowledge and skills. acquire information,

It would also help in enhancing the employability of youth. It will bridge the digital divide between rural and urban areas.

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

Questions from the Topic What do you mean by digital literacy? What are its main features? Describe briey about E-Inclusion: IT Training for Rural SC/ ST/ Women Beneciaries Project. Discuss on the need and possibilities of bridging the gap between rural and urban India in digital education. Indian IT industry can empower the population through e-education programs. Comment.

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timesondia.indiatimes.com/tech/careers/education/Sibal-launches-IT-training-programme-for-ruralwomen/articleshow/27912251.cms# http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=102117

Runaway Heat Behind Deep Earthquakes

Dec 29, 2013 Researchers have gained insight into the mechanism that causes deep quakes in the Earth to spread and eventually lead to an earthquake. Nearly 25 per cent of earthquakes occur more than 50 kilometres below the Earths surface, when one tectonic plate slides below another, in a region called the lithosphere. Scientists have thought that these rumblings from the deep arise from a different process than shallower, more destructive quakes. to spike. This influx of heat, in turn, encourages more sliding a feedback mechanism that propagates through the lithosphere, generating an earthquake.Once thermal runaway starts, the surrounding rocks can heat up and slide more easily, raising the temperature very quickly. Significance of the research outcome Understanding deeper earthquakes may help local

A team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University has identified a mechanism that helps these deeper quakes spread. By analysing seismic data from a region in Colombia with a high concentration of intermediate-depth earthquakes, the researchers identified a runaway process in which the sliding of rocks at great depths causes surrounding temperatures

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

communities to anticipate how much shaking they may experience, given the seismic history of their regions. Mechanism of shallow and deep earthquakes The majority of Earths seismic activity occurs at relatively shallow depths, and the mechanics of such quakes is well understood. Over time, abutting plates in the crust build up tension as they shift against each other.This

tension ultimately reaches a breaking point, creating a sudden rupture that splinters through the crust. However, scientists have determined that this process is not feasible for quakes that occur far below the surface. Essentially, higher temperatures and pressures at these depths would make rocks behave differently than they would closer to the surface, gliding past rather than breaking against each other, researchers said.

Questions from the Topic What are the reasons cited for deep focus earthquakes? What are the differences between shallow focus and deep focus earthquakes? Earthquakes occurring at deep seas like the one occurred on May 24, 2013, in the Sea of Okhotsk, Russia are no more a mystery to the scientic world. Comment on the statement.

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http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/science/Runaway-heat-behind-deep-earthquakes/articleshow/28114814.cms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth_of_focus_%28tectonics%29 http://www.livescience.com/39791-biggest-deep-earthquake-a-mystery.html

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

BCIM Corridor gets push after First Official-Level talks in China
Dec 21, 2013 India and China have taken the first step towards pushing forward an ambitious corridor linking the two countries with Bangladesh and Myanmar, as representatives from the four nations held the first ever official-level discussions about the project. The four nations have for the first time drawn up a specific timetable on taking forward the long discussed plan, emphasising the need to quickly improve physical connectivity in the region, over two days of talks in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming the provincial capital of Yunnan, which borders Myanmar China, officials say, sees the corridor as a platform to not only boost strategic ties with India, but also as a means to inject vitality into its landlocked southwestern provinces, which have the highest poverty rates in China. each country will come up with a joint study report proposing concrete projects and financing modalities, before the next meeting of the four nations in June 2014, hosted by Bangladesh. The linking of all four countries by road has strengthen the belief that this corridor would subsequently open up the whole of the north-eastern region of India to Southeast Asia and China and turn it into a significant channel of trade. BCIM Trade Corridor The Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) economic corridor is a test case for cooperation between India and China in regional development as well as addressing common challenges. It aims to connect Kolkata with Chinas Kunming city with a highway running through Bangladesh and Myanmar.

The economic advantages of the BCIM trade corridor are: Approach to numerous markets in Southeast Asia, Improvement of transportation infrastructure and Creation of industrial zones

Currently, the four nations raised an ambitious proposal that included developing multi-modal transport, such as road, rail, waterways and airways, joint power projects, telecommunication networks, etc. As a first step, they will identify realistic and achievable infrastructure projects to boost physical connectivity. Over the next six months,

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

Questions from the Topic What is BCIM corridor? What is its signicance? Cross country trade across borders is a priority for India. Comment on the statement on the backdrop of talks on BCIM corridor. Discuss the need for India to focus more towards east for a viable forex and scal consolidation.

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http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/world/bcim-corridor-gets-push-after-rst-ofcialleveltalks-in-china/article5483848.ece http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/south-asia/china-unveils-south-asia-trade-push-withbacking-from-indias-neighbours/article4788587.ece#

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013


Foreign Portfolio Investors will be Treated on Par With FIIs on Tax Issues
Dec 24, 2013 Ending the impasse on tax treatment of foreign portfolio investors (FPI), the market regulator said all categories of such investors would be given the same tax treatment as FIIs. In this regard, the Securities and Exchange Board of India referred to the communication of the Union Finance Ministrys Department of Economic Affairs to the Central Board of Direct Taxes. The clarity on tax treatment of FPIs is aimed at encouraging inflows into the domestic equity and debt markets. Apart from these, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) approved the SEBI (Procedure for Search and Seizure) Regulations, 2013, made on the lines of the provisions in the Income Tax Act, 1961. This would provide detailed procedures for search and seizure by the regulator. Stock market regulator SEBI received a clear note from the Department of Economic Affairs in the Finance Ministry to consider the FPIs similar to Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) on tax purposes. The proposal was made by the K M Chandrashekhar panel that reviewed various classes of foreign investors and suggested to unify foreign investment norms met for the first time.The clarity on tax treatment of FPIs is aimed at encouraging inflows into the domestic equity and debt markets. Other than uniform tax zone for FPIs, the SEBI Made grading of Initial Public Offering( IPO) voluntary to boost the dormant primary market. Allowed companies to issue debt through a shelf filing, along with regulations empowered it to monitor investors call records and conduct searches at companies suspected of wrongdoing.

In consultation with the Finance Ministry, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) decided to treat the three categories of Financial Portfolio Investors (FPIs) uniformly for tax purposes. In other words, the new rule aims to bring all foreign investors under a common framework called the SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2013. The Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs), their subaccounts and Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs) will soon be merged into a single and new investor class, called FPIs. As per their risk profiles, FPIs are divided into three categories. These are as follows: Category I- the lowest risk entities comprises foreign government and government-related foreign investors. Category II regulated entities such as university funds, university-related endowments and pension funds, etc. Category III other entities viz. Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs), etc.

Under the former system, tax treatment for FIIs was different from that for sub-accounts and QFIs. Beneath the new FPI norms, all categories of FPIs would be given similar tax treatment as currently available to FIIs.

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

Questions from the Topic Briey describe about SEBIs decision to treat FPIs similar to FIIs in tax matters. What is a Uniform Tax Zone? Explain. What are the measures adopted by SEBI in encouraging inows into the domestic equity and debt markets? Describe the role played by SEBI as a market regulator.

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http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/industry-and-economy/foreign-portfolio-investors-will-betreated-on-par-with-is-on-tax-issues/article5498363.ece http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-business/sebi-makes-ipo-grading-mechanism-voluntary/article5499452.ece

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

India, Venezuela To Have Cultural Exchanges
Dec 20, 2013 India and Venezuela signed a programme on cultural exchanges in the fields of publication, film and media, image and space arts, stage and music arts. Programme on Cultural Exchange shall be valid for three years. Thereafter, it shall be renewed automatically for a term of three years at a time unless either Party gives in writing an advance notice of its intention to terminate. the Institute of Cinema and Television of the Republic of India. Image and Space Arts Boost the exchange of knowledge with specialists in the field of drawing techniques with natural pigments, specialists in dying with natural inks, as well as the use of enzymes. Exchange of knowledge for the purpose of training in the two states of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with the help of a photographer or specialist from the Republic of India, a group of thirty people consisting of students, artists, and members of the community in general. Encourage photography programs and technique exchanges

Programme of Cultural Exchange-significant features Promote the exchange of bilingual publications (traditional and contemporary stories). Participation of the Republic of India in the Venezuelas International Book Fair on a reciprocal basis. Encourage the participation of Venezuelan and Indian poets and writers in the literature festivals organized by both countries. Make an issue of the magazine Actualidades (a CELARG publication) on the Republic of India or on Indian writers.

Film and Media Promote the participation of Venezuelan film works at international movie exhibitions organized by the Republic of India. Encourage the participation of Indian movies in the National Film Library and community rooms of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Encourage the institutional links between the Autonomous National Centre of Film Making of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and

Stage and Music Arts Exchange of six specialists belonging to a Kathakali theatre group for the purpose of organizing workshops and presentations in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela during one week. Participation of one dancer or couple of dancers from the Republic of India at the International Dance Festivals Solos y Duetos (Solos & Duets).


Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

Questions from the Topic Describe briey on India- Venezuela Cultural Exchange program. Indias ties with Latin American Countries usher new energy with cultural and educational programs. Explain Present a picture on Indias developing ties with Venezuela.

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http://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/india-venezuela-to-have-cultural-exchanges-113122000870_1.html http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=102059

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013


SBI to Act as Lead Bank for 4 Newly Formed Meghalaya Districts

Dec 25, 2013 The Reserve Bank has assigned State Bank of India (SBI) to act as the lead bank in four newly constructed districts in Meghalaya. The four new districts created in the state are North Garo Hills, East Jaintia Hills, South West Khasi Hills and South West Garo Hills. The RBI also assigned SBI the district working codes for the purpose of basic statistical returns (BSR) reporting. The bank credit required to be reported in this return comprises the following items: loans, cash credits and overdrafts inland bills purchased and discounted Foreign bills purchased and discounted

Lead Bank Scheme (LBS) The RBI introduced Lead Bank Scheme in 1969, based on the recommendations of the Gadgil Study Group.The basic idea was to have an area approach for targeted and focused banking.Under the Scheme, each district had been assigned to different banks (public and private) to act as a consortium leader to coordinate the efforts of banks in the district particularly in matters like branch expansion and credit planning.The Lead Bank was to act as a consortium leader for coordinating the efforts of all credit institutions in each of the allotted districts for expansion of branch banking facilities and for meeting the credit needs of the rural economy. Basic Statistical Returns (BSR-1) This return (BSR-1) relates to bank credit. Each branch/ office of a bank is required to submit this return to the Reserve bank of India as on 31st March every year.

The above items reported in BSR-1 should take account of: Dues from banks which represent loans and advances granted to banks (including participations without risk sharing) Bills rediscounted with the Reserve Bank of India, Industrial Development Bank of India and other financial institutions Advances extended through Credit Cards Bad debts (not written-off ) and protested bills Inter-bank participation with risk sharing


Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

Questions from the Topic What is a Lead Bank? What do you mean by LBS? What is Basic Statistical Reporting? Describe briey about the role palyed by Nationalised Banks in growth of Indian economy.

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http://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/sbi-to-act-as-lead-bank-for-4-newly-formedmeghalaya-districts-113122500550_1.html http://timesondia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/SBI-to-act-as-lead-bank-for-four-newlyformed-Meghalaya-districts/articleshow/27922549.cms

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013



Dec 27, 2013 China has said it is willing to offer its neighbouring countries use of its home-grown satellite navigation system free of charge, in a strategic push that has already garnered interest from a number of countries including Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Thailand, according to officials. China intends to widen use of the Beidou satellite network, which already has 16 satellites serving the AsiaPacific and has been promoted here as an alternative to the American Global Positioning System (GPS). BeiDou, with both countries signing a 319 million dollar deal. The successful deployment of BeiDou means the increasingly potent Chinese armed forces will have an accurate, independent navigation system. It has a vital technology for guiding the missiles, warships and attack aircraft that allow Beijing to claim great power status. Indias concern Chinas deepening cooperation with these countries prompted the Indian government, earlier this year, to belatedly prod the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in being more active in providing technological assistance to countries in the neighbourhood in launching satellites. For China, however, granting use of its 16-satellite Beidou network which will be expand to 35 satellites by 2020 to provide global coverage offers an added advantage. While China is open to any country using the system, so far there was no specific cooperation between the Indian and Chinese governments with India, having cooperation only under the multilateral frameworks, such as the United Nations with China. Chinese Navigation Satellite System The system, which was first launched in 2011 for use only by the government and military, has over the past year begun to be widely deployed for civilian uses domestically, he said, with 80 per cent of passenger buses and trucks in China using the system. the system also offered vital support to Chinas defence and security needs, describing it as a technology without distinction between civilian and military use, although he declined to comment on its defence applications.

The focus will be on countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and particularly in South and Southeast Asia, where the satellites offered the highest accuracy. China has already agreed deals with Pakistan and Thailand on use of the Beidou network. In recent months, China has also had consultations with Sri Lanka, for which it has already launched a satellite, and Bangladesh, over cooperation on satellite use. China is intended to widen the use of its home grown BeiDou Navigation System, which already has 16 satellites. China is keen to develop BeiDou satellite as an alternative to the American Global Positioning System (GPS) and Russian GLONASS. GPS has been active since the 1970s and has satellites in orbit. The satellites have been operating for more than two decades. BeiDou launched the first of its current generation satellites only five years ago.GPS (Global Positioning System) comprises 30 satellites, while BeiDou already has over sixteen and is going to have another forty in orbit by the time the network is complete in 2020, at a cost of another 6 billion dollar. The greater the number of satellites, the easier it is for the system to calculate location, time and velocity of moving objects. In this scenario, China offers the use of its satellite for free to its neighbouring countries on the lines of American GPS. The focus will be on countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and particularly in South and Southeast Asia, where the satellites has offered the highest accuracy. China is developing Stations in Pakistan to improve the service there. By January 2014, Thailand will become the first country in 2014 to build a satellite station based on


Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

Questions from the Topic Describe the developments made by China in pushing its Beidou satellite network for strategic partnerships. Describe briey about the space advancements achieved by China and explain how it matters to India. What are the measures taken by India to counter Chinas space strategies?

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http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/world/china-offers-satellite-system-use-to-neighboursin-strategic-push/article5508993.ece http://article.wn.com/view/2013/12/27/Chinas_Beidou_navigation_system_completely_open_for_ Asian_ne/

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013


Indian Cyber Law Developments 2013
Dec 26, 2013 Post the Snowden revelations, the implementation of Central Monitoring System (CMS) came into light. Not only this, recently the news about the internet surveillance system NETRA is doing the rounds. As on date, the Parliament has not yet passed any legislation which authorizes the existence or continued implementation of the CMS and this casts a shadow over its legal status. Both the CMS and NETRA have brought to the forefront, complex challenges pertaining to their legality and also its direct infringement upon peoples fundamental right to privacy as enshrined under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. Social media guidelines In 2013, the Government of India released the social media guidelines. The guidelines aim to help facilitate a roadmap for the effective use of social media in the context of governmental activities.The increased use of social media in elections gave rise to the debate of how to regulate social media in the context of elections. This is all the more so, given the stringent requirements of the Representation of Peoples Act, 1951. Further, the phenomenon of politicians buying likes on Facebook continued in 2013 and often boomeranged to undesirable results. Virtual currencies The year 2013 also saw the emergence of virtual currencies having foot hold in India. These included Bitcoins, though regulatory authorities are still at bay of how to deal with the emerging legal challenges faced up by virtual currencies. While the above events were unfolding, The Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Government of India has been working on draft legislation on privacy that can provide India a substantial basis for protection and preservation of privacy, both personal and data privacy.

As per the Googles Transparency Report, 2013, in terms of the number of requests for web user details during the first half of 2013, India is next to only the U.S., which made 66 requests a day on an average the highest for any country.2013 has seen many governmental websites being targeted and attacked. Numerous security incidents related to scanning, spam, malware infection, denial of service and system breakin including that of government, Defence and public sector undertakings were reported up to June 2013. National Cyber Security Policy The Government rolled out the 2013 National Cyber Security Policy, aimed at providing a cyber-security framework blueprint for India. However, National Cyber Security Policy remains a paper document as it has not yet been effectively implemented.Cybercrimes continued to grow at a rapid pace in India in the year 2013. As per Symantec, India is among the worlds top five countries for the highest number of incidences of cybercrime such as ransom ware (11 per cent), identity theft (11 per cent) and phishing (9 per cent).India also saw a dramatic increase in cyber bullying cases in the year 2013.The year 2013 saw a lot of online rumours in the context of rumours concerning alleged death of celebrities.


Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

Questions from the Topic What are the recent developments in Indian Cyber World? Describe briey about the draft National Cyber Security Policy 2013. What are Cybercrimes? Describe the measures adopted by India to prevent Cyber Crimes.

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http://blogs.economictimes.indiatimes.com/Cyberlawsintodaystimes/entry/indian-cyber-law-developments-2013 http://www.deccanchronicle.com/131023/news-current-affairs/article/india-top-ve-cyber-crimes

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013


Panel for Judges Appointment to get Constitutional Status as Cabinet Gives Nod
Dec 26, 2013 The Union Cabinet on 26 December 2013 approved the constitutional status to a proposed Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) for appointment and transfer of judges to the higher judiciary. The status would ensure that composition of the commission cannot be altered through an ordinary legislation. A Parliamentary standing committee which examined the Judicial Appointments Commission Bill, 2013 had also made a similar recommendation. Article 124(2) of the Constitution of India states that in appointing the Judges of the Supreme Court, the President shall consult the Chief Justice of India and such other Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Courts as he may deem necessary. include the Prime Minister of India, the Leader of Opposition and the Chief Justice of India. The secretary of the Law Ministry will act as the convenor of the Judicial Appointment Commissions but not the member of the commission. Main features of Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) Bill 2013 The JAC on creation will do away the collegium system of appointments to the High Courts and Supreme Courts The Article 124 (2) of the Constitution of India will be amended to give power to the President of India to appoint the Judges on the recommendation of the JAC The JAC will be determined by an ordinary law as per the Constitution (120th Amendment) Bill 2013 introduced in the Parliament by UPA government Constitutional Amendment in the JACs term will require two-third majority for modification in the Parliament. The ordinary law requires a simple majority

There were demands that the composition as well as the functions of the proposed JAC should be mentioned in the Constitution as a safeguard against future changes. As per the proposal, Article 124 A of the Constitution of India will define the composition of JAC and Article 124 B will define its functions. At present the composition of the panel is defined in the Judicial Appointments Commission Bill 2013. It was introduced with a separate constitutional amendment bill in RajyaSabha in August 2013.The decision to make Judicial Appointments Commission was taken to do away the Collegiums System of Appointment of Judges that allows Judges to make their own appointments. As per the proposed Bill inclusion of two eminent persons in the six-member Judicial Appointments Commission is to happen instead of the two jurists. The decision was made to create a balance and avoid the extra weightage to judiciary in the body. Structure of JAC As per the new proposal the six members Judicial Appointments Commission would comprise of the Chief Justice of India, two Supreme Court judges, Union Law Minister and two eminent persons, instead of two jurists. To appoint the two eminent persons for the appointments commission would be done by the collegium that will


Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013

Questions from the Topic What are the main features of the proposed Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) Bill 2013? Describe briey about the existing Collegiums System of Appointment of Judges in India. What is judicial accountability? Describe briey about Judicial Accountability Bill?

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http://www.indianexpress.com/news/panel-for-judges-appointment-to-get-constitutional-status-ascabinet-gives-nod/1211975/ http://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/cabinet-to-decide-on-granting-constitutionalstatus-to-jac-113122500612_1.html http://articles.timesondia.indiatimes.com/2013-12-26/india/45591592_1_judicial-appointments-commission-bill-constitutional-status-amendment-bill

Weekly Affairs / Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013


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