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Letter of Transmittal

Date: 6th Feb, 2006. To Ms. Corrine Mentzelopoulos Owner Chateau Margaux Estate Fro !ra" Consultant Dear Ms. Mentzelopoulos, #ub: $egar"ing the %uture &ourse o% a&tion to be %ollowe" b' Chateau Margaux. The %ollowing report is an anal'sis o% the present &on"ition o% the estate an" i% sets path %or the %uture &ourse o% a&tion to be ta(en b' the &o pan' in or"er to %a&e the &o petition an" be sustainable in the long run. )ours sin&erel', # ith

En&l: $eport on the present situation an" the %uture &ourse o% a&tion

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