Nassim-Haramein Unified Field Theory

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Nassim Haramein - Unified Field Theory

Physicist Nassim Haramein talks about unlocking the truth to Sacred geometry, fractals, the Mayan calendar and 2 !2, "ro# "ircles, cabalistic traditions, chakras, Sun $ods, $od% &esus and Freemasonry 'more s#ecifically, the (nights of Tem#lar)% Basically, Nassim found out that everything boils down to a tetrahedron and the singularity. If you never felt comfortable with religion, just wait until Nassim explained it. Now, it all makes sense and it's absolutely fascinating !he video is over " hours long, but isn't that time well spent to find out the truth# $ou'll look at meditation from a whole new angle after watching this video. %lease find the time to watch this video, even if it's just an hour at a time. It'll be the best time you ever invested into anything & 'eal (yeopener Nassim Haramein at the *ogue +alley Meta#hysical ,ibrary Part !Part 2Notes taken from reading-

!he )tar of *avid inside a circle + a circle with a double polarity inside of it. ,hat is infinity# $ou can divide to infinity within the confine of a circle. (very one of our cells have infinite potential and connectivity to everything else. It has infinite mass. (verything consists of --.----. space, including ourselves, furniture, planets, etc. !his is due to the fact that an atom is --.----. space. In other words, the universe is connected by an unseen force. !he !wo Infinities of %hysics/ 0. Infinity of small 1uantities 2. Nasty Infinity If everything is radiating in the vacuum, the vacuum cannot be empty. ,e create our own gravitational fields when gravity and space3time moves toward singularity. Mayan Tem#le in "hichen .t/a 4omplex calculations were used to construct this temple. 5ost pyramids are aligned to astrological events. 6egend says the rocks used were cut with copper and placed on logs which were rolled over mountains and long distances to be used in building these temples. ,hy did they all build the exact same geometry in the pyramids# !hey knew something about foundational structure of the vacuum. ,hen reading the 5ysteries of the 5exican %yramids, Nassim saw a picture of a tetrahedron in a sphere and thought this must be part of the geometry of reality. !he pyramid is located at 0-.780229:7 latitude. In 5exico 4ity, all of the temples are in the exact place to describe the orbits of the solar system, including %luto and Neptune. %luto wasn;t discovered until the early 0-99;s.

<ow did they know this# !he same math is used in all measurements with the sphere and tetrahedron embedded into it. Tro#ic 0ector metrics = when the negative space was accounted for inside a tetrahedron, it formed an octahedron, which Nassim thought was the blueprint of the universe, but it wasn;t polari>ed so he knew there must be 2 needed to fit the e1uation. ,hen this was put into a sphere and pushed together, it made the )tar of *avid inside a circle. !he central geometry is the vector e1uilibrium. ?ctahedrons are pyramids with another one below it. @ector e1uilibrium is where all points are e1ual distance apart on the perimeter as well as from the center. & tetrahedron has 02 vectors radiating from the center e1uilibrium and 27 total. !he numbers 02 and 27 are found in most ancient texts. ,hen you add tetrahedrons, you get a total of :7 vectors, the same number as our *N& structure. Aractal B3* metrics expand and contract. "ro# "ircles- 1hat do 2e need to kno23

?ne of the first crop circles was a snowflake shaped tetrahedron Cabo0e Silbury Hill, nr 40ebury, 1iltshire 5ngland 2678-!998D . & few weeks later another tetrahedral fractal geometry circle was identified, but this one was a snowflake inside a snowflake which has the same geometry as each other = geometrically small.

!he physics of creation/ an overlay of 07 tetrahedrons of a :7 tetrahedron grid.

!he most important crop circle ever to occur Cabo0e 1interbourne :assett, 1iltshire Mid &uly 5ngland !99; D/ a 23* representation of a B3* vector e1uilibrium. ,hen added together, you get the seed of life. !he laws of entropy are violated by observation. <N4 = one cell contains : feet of *N& information according to the Eenome %roject. If we put all of our personal cells together it would wrap around the world F million times. Binary 4ode/ we have been contacted.

?ne crop circle Cabo0eD made the F o;clock news because it happened in the middle of a rain storm. It was the largest ever to occur. In 0-82, 4arl )agen created a binary code signal that was sent to the universe. !he code stated we are made of carbon, this is our chart of elements, this is our *N&, we;re the Brd planet from the sun.

!wo crop circles were the response to )agen;s message stating G,e are carbon and silicon, we have a big head and small body, we;re on the Brd planet of our solar system and the Brd one has 7 moons, we have B strands of *N&. !he other crop circle contained an alien face.

!hese circles were created across the street from where the signal was sent out. !he reason they didn;t respond verbally to )agen;s message is to show tangible proof of the communication instead of the possibility of the government covering it up. ?ne year prior to this there was a fractal tetrahedron. (xactly one year later there was a crop circle showing an alien face holding a binary cd. !he binary code was deciphered as GBeware the bearers of A&6)( gifts H their B'?I(N %'?5I)(). 5uch %&IN but still time. B(6I(@(. !here is E??* out there. ,e ?%pose *(4(%!I?N. 4?nduit 46?)INE, CB(66 )?JN*D.K

Nassim believes there may be some additional underlying code in regard to the capitali>ation of the letters in the message but hasn;t figured it out yet. ,hen you die, not one atom will ever disappear. $our atoms are mostly black holes. 6ipoprotein holds our cells together. ?ur cells vibrate to the speed of 09 the 00th hert> and generates a lot of energy. $ou are the boundary between infinity big and infinity small. $ou are an extension of space looking back at itself. !here are two forces of the universe/ gravity and electromagnetic. !here is no more need for the string and the weak force anymore. Physics of 1a0eforms !he sun moves at 299 kilometers per second. !he planets follow and create a huge vortex. (very moment is a different moment because we;re moving through the geometry of space3time and every movement through every point on that spiral is on a different relationship to everything else. (ach point you have left is an imprint on the space3time coordinate. & wave is a B3* vortex. !he galaxy and hurricane both have a singularityL a point of stillness. (verything is centered around the singularity. &ll suns, planets, etc have a black hole. Meditation <eart singularity/ !he heart has the highest electromagnetic field in your body. !his is where the heart chakra is located. =sirian Tem#le !his temple has images that weren;t carved or etched. !hey were laser burned into the rock which was presumed to occur over F,999 years ago. ,e don;t have any current technology to reproduce this. !he actual dating of this appears to be in the -,999 to

09,999 years ago range.

Flo2er of ,ife etching in =sirian Tem#le !he ?sirian !emple is the foundation temple of belief systems.?siris; brother was jealous of ?siris and killed him. Isis found his pieces and brought him back to the temple and bandaged the pieces together to make a GmummyK. )he, with her magic, put life back in ?siris; body. )he most likely did it with information that was carved on the walls of this temple. !he people knew about the foundation of the geometry of space. Tem#le of the $rand Pyramid of $i/a

Jsed 2.F million stonesL had a base of 0B s1uare acresL stood 7"0 feet tall. !he stones averages 2 tons but the ones in the Iing;s 4hamber Cat 0BF feet altitudeD were up to 89 tons. !here is no way we can reproduce that technology today. ,e were GtaughtK the pyramids were built by people pulling rocks on top of logs with rope vines since the 0"99;s. !his unproven theory became a fact and you cannot get a %h* in archaeology if you disagree with this story.

!he pyramid was said to be built in 29 years. If people worked 8 days a week, B:F days a year for 29 years, each stone would be laid once every 2 minutes. Because the (gyptians only worked B months per year due to climate conditions, this means it would

re1uire one stone every 2 seconds. Inside the pyramids, all of the walls tells everything about their lifestyle, yet N? walls mentions building a pyramid. &rchaeologists say the pyramids were built as tombs yet there is no evidence of this. Not one pyramid was found to host a mummy, not just in (gypt but all around the world. 5ost of the king;s mummies were found in the Iing;s valley far from the pyramids. !o enter the pyramid, dynamite was used because no one could find the entrance. !he sarcophagus in the center of the pyramid contained a 79 ton slab of rock. ,hen it was unsealed there was no mummy so the conclusion by many was it must have been grave robbers %yramids were not tombs and were not built by (gyptians. No (gyptian texts say the pyramids were built by (gyptians. !hey were built by )un Eods, who were also associated with the 5ayans and other cultures at that time. Sun $ods !he )un Eods taught how to build, write, etc. 5ost people think the )phinx was built. It wasn;t. It was carved out of an enclosure of the Ei>a plateau. ,hat was once a lion;s head was recarved into a %haraoh;s head.

!he dating of this site can be traced to the time when there was a lot of rain which would be needed to carve stone like this/ 09,999 years ago, which matches ?siris; !emple. 299 ton blocks were moved at the )phinx. ,e can;t do that with today;s technology in the way they did it. In (gypt there was another statue that was knocked over somehow. !he statue weighed over 0,999 tons and was made of granite. !his is Fx more than we can lift today. 1ho 2ere these Sun $ods3 1ere they able to go all around the 2orld3 !here are underwater pyramids in Mapan at 0-.78 latitude. $ou generally can;t date pyramids but you can date the carbon on the coral reefs that grow upon them in the water. !hese are at least 09,999 years old which also matches the meltdown of the last ice age.

Under2ater Pyramids in &a#an !here are hundreds of pyramids in 4hina but they didn;t want the western world to know about them because the legend of the pyramids stated that the )un Eods were blond haired and blue eyed. ,hich meant they were not of 4hinese decent. In the Aorbidden 4ity of 4hina there is a )phinx, who is rumored to be the guardian of the knowledge which lies under his paw. ?n his paw is the sacred geometry flower of life. )ince these days, the )un Eod has been confused and diluted through out the ages. 50idence of Sun $ods In )outh &merica, skulls were found to which Nassim called GconeheadK. &ccording to ancient texts, ancient leaders, such as !utankhamen, tried to emulate the )un Eods to become )un Eods themselves, by using elongating methods on his skull.

!he conhead skull had over 2x the volume as human skulls. !hey were estimated to

stand between 0230F feet tall and were considered the giants of earth. 4arbon testing has not been done on these skulls as of this date. !he 5exican skulls had even larger volume than the coneheads, showing large orbital sockets which indicate large eyes. &ccording to ancient script, the sun gods had children with earth women making the children half sun god and half human. !hese people were expected to become %haraohs because they would have all sorts of capacities that the average man didn;t have. !here must have been sun gods in all civili>ations for a reason. Nissam believes the sun gods entered our solar system through a wormhole at the singularity at the center of the black hole and used stars as gateways to go from one side of the galaxy to the other. 5any ancient traditions talk about the sun as being the doorway to the higher realm where the sun gods came from. !hey talk about the black hole in the center of our galaxy as the hub, the central sun from which you can access all of the stars in the galaxy. Suns#ots )unspots appear where the sun becomes very active, usually at the 0-.78 degree latitude. Nissam discovered, contrary to prior opinion, that sun spots reflect fire being sucked into a collapsing black hole while emitting steam C<2?D. Nissam also noted that multiple sun spots always occur in opposite polarity. ,hen you have a vortex going one way in the 4oriolis (ffect you have another going on at another point on the opposite side. !hey generate a link at the middle and that link is the singularity. )un spots are huge vortices going toward singularity at the center of the black hole. !hat;s why you see fire being sucked in. ,hat;s being shot out# ,ater CsteamD. 5ost telescopes that observe the sun are owned by the @&!I4&N. !here was a video released showing an object at least as big as the earth hitting the sun. !he video was called, G)un ga>ing comet hits the sun.K &strophysicists emailed N&)& and asked them about this so3called comet because it didn;t have a tail. !hey wanted to know what it was. N&)& pulled the video from the net and later put the video back up, editing in a tail on the GcometK. ,hen analy>ed, the stars in the video are going from left to right because of the path the probe is orbiting. )ome small white GdotsK hit the camera lens but there is clearly one object going toward the sun against the other movements in the video. !hen this object takes a -9 degree turn into the sun. G!he only comet I know of Cthat does a -9 degree turnD has little windows in them and little guys waving.K !he GcometK entered the sun at 0-.78 degrees latitude showing a plasma ejection coming out of the entry spot. & spaceship the si>e of the earth needs to go into a black hole bigger than their ship si>e, hence the sun. )maller ships can come and go through sun spots in the earth such as volcanoes. @olcanoes might not be what we think they are. &t 0-.78 latitude, there is a string of volcanoes in <awaii, which also hosts the most active volcanoes activity on earth. In 5exico, at the 0-.78 latitude, the 5exican government trained their pilots to avoid these routes in 5exico 4ity near volcanoes when planes land. !he largest volcano in our solar system is on 5ars at the 0-.78 latitude. & comet almost 2x the si>e of Mupiter Cthe largest planet in our solar systemD recently passed through our solar system but was never reported on main stream media because the scientists and astrologists Gthought we were toastK. !his comet, which Nissim believes was Nibiru, should have disrupted our solar system due to its mass and gravitational pull. 5ercury should have been pulled into the sun while earth should have experienced tidal waves all over the planet. !he comet was on track to hit the sun, but a huge sun flare emission veered the comet off course, as it traveled past the sun and out of our solar system. !his was visible from the west coast in the early morning in

Aebruary 2992. !wo comets have gone by inside the orbit of 5ercury into the sun. Something bounced of the sun 4onsidering the mass and gravitational pull of these objects, G,e shouldn;t be here. ,e were given a second chance. ,e;re floating in grace and Nsomebody; is taking care of us.K In a few days, Nibiru was out of our solar system. ,ith a GcometK of this si>e, the gravitational force was enormous. !he sun has a cycle in which the sun flips its poles every 00 years. ,hen this happens the sun generates huge x3ray emissions due to material being sucked into a black hole. ?ur sun is currently approaching the solar maximum which will occur in 2902. !he sun spots were supposed to become fewer during that second half of the past solar maximum but as of the date of this video C299BD more sun spots than ever before, some days over 299 per day, were occurring. )ince the days of Ealileo, we haven;t seen anything like it. !he end date of the 5ayan 4alendar is 0232032902. ,e are approaching a time where we;re going to move into what the 5ayans call the G:th )unK. !he sun has started to pulse huge electromagnetic pulse emissions of negative ion production from the sun. !his is N?! the result of global warming !he &urora Borealis is the result of plasma being thrown out of the sun and caught in the earth;s magnetic field, then funneled in at the north and south poles of the earth. !his effect is currently expanding and can occasionally be seen as far south Cor northD as the e1uator. !he surface of Mupiter is starting to ignite. *uring the :th sun in the Inca and 5ayan traditions it is mentioned that at the next stage of evolution there will be two suns. "onsciousness !he sun activity is affecting human consciousness, there;s no doubt about it. Nissim states, G*on;t worry if what you say is completely misinterpretedL *on;t worry if you get yelled atL Must try to let it flow and let it go. (verything is going to be in a state of flux.K GIf you are aware of these changes that are going on in the solar system, you can actually start to synchroni>e your resonance pattern. $ou can focus your energy to it by intent. !hat might sound very esoteric but I think there is some validity to this meaning that you allow the change to happen in your body so you can adapt to the changes that are occurring in our environment.K <N4 GI think this amount of informationOthis amount of energy is going to change our *N& structure very 1uickly and we have to be aware of that and allow that to happen and go into sympathetic resonance with that. If we resist that, there;s a chance we are going to get extremely sick.K G(verybody has their own mission. (verybody is here this time to do something very specific to assist in this change that we;re going through. Aor me, it;s to bring a unified view of the universe and bring a technology that will help us transition through these changes. Aor you and many others, it might be completely different in CbeingD supportive of each other. But basically, it is to go into your CchakraD center to find your missionOto find what you;re here to do. !here;s something that you;re here to do that going to help the world. 4ommit to it, whatever is necessary to get it done because there is very little time left.K The :ible

GI had an aversion Cto the BibleD from my childhood. I had terrible experiences with the catholic 4hurch. It was like school. I really didn;t want to look at it. I was determined to study all of the other religions first. I;ve given week long seminars and even in the week, I don;t have time to go through all this stuff. I went to my local church and I actually GborrowedK it Cthe BibleD. I was thinking, N,hat is this whole thing about#K I started to study it deeper and deeper. I was kind of stunned to find out that Newton had spent almost 29 years studying ancient cabalistic esoteric tradition long before he wrote anything on physics. &ctually, there;s a book of his memoirs that says all of the physics that he wrote, he pulled directly from the study of the cabalistic traditions. 5ost people don;t know that. &nd he actually made a whole map of the floor plan of the !emple of )olomon because he felt that if we could understand the floor plan of the !emple of )olomon, we could understand the foundation of the universe. <e was convinced, that bedded in the cabalistic traditionOin the ancient Mewish tradition, there was the key to be found of creation. )o he dug for many years and he extrapolated all of his laws of physics out of them. <e obviously didn;t understand some of the foundations of a cabalistic tradition which eliminates the possibility for a closed system. )o I got a Bible. ?ne thing I knew is that, from what I remember from my education from the 4atholic 4hurch, Eod according to the 4atholic 4hurch was an old man with a beard, sitting on a throne somewhere with a pair of binoculars and a 2x7 and every time you screwed up, he;d hit you behind the head. I was kind of terrified of that Eod very early in my life.

)o when I started my research, I was kind of surprised to find out that actually the throne of Eod in Mudaic tradition is not described as an old man with a beard sitting on a throne but actually as a throne with a tetrahedron on it. I thought, Nwhoa, that;s different ; &nd then there was like 8 angels radiating into that tetrahedron. &ll the way through this

investigation it was clear to me that if you understand the structure of the vacuumO the structure of the foundation of creationO you can reproduce it in the technology which creates the resonance pattern between the geometry space Cthe geometry of the structure of the vacuumD and the technology itself. If you could create that resonance link of the sun, then you would download a huge amount of energy from the vacuum itself. $ou build a mini black hole. !o build such a mini black hole you;d probably need crystals because crystals, appropriately cut and appropriately resonated, would be the perfect material to make that link since crystal molecules are actually tetrahedral. !he crystal molecules are very coherent if you have good crystals and if they were cut in the appropriate geometry of the :7 tetrahedron grid. ,ith the right gases involved, you could create those types of dynamics. I believe that many GNew &geK people remember the power of the crystal because they remember that technology.K 4tlantis G!he first person that talked about &tlantis was %lato. %lato is, and was, extremely respected. ,e;ve used most of %lato;s stuff except the three books he wrote about &tlantis. ,hen he wrote these books, in all of them he mentions that this is not some story. !his is factual. <e says he got it from the high priests in (gypt.

Plato>s 4tlantis <e describes a very advanced civili>ation that has a source of power they call a crystal of extreme power. I believe that this is the crystal that can be built to create a link to the geometry of space. UF=?s and $od

I was starting to read the Bible and I was finding these places of the description of Eod. ,ith it cam words like, Nthe throne of Eod was the crystal seatO 5any references to crystal. !he story of (>ekiel and (noch, which is not a book of the Bible... C!he book ofD (noch was found in (thiopia CandD was never re3edited. It was translated directly from the original text. In both these accounts they described some kind of ship that shows up in a big cloud and then they say a door opens and Eod called me onto his Nboat;. Inside it described the throne of Eod as crystals with rainbows all around them. I think he was describing the power, the drive of that ship. &s I read the Bible, I reali>ed something I never noticed before. 5ost of the bible, the ?ld !estament, is describing that something is very, very strange. ,hen the ?ld !estament talks about Eod, it doesn;t say, Nand Eod,; it says, Nin the &rk of the 4ovenant of Eod.; It turns out that the whole ?ld !estament is describing the comings and goings of the arks of the covenant, except for Eenesis which described the start. (ven when you read Eenesis in the context of what we saw today you find that actually it;s describing something very similar to the account of &tlantis given by %lato. & civili>ation that develops a very advanced technology and that allows them to live very, very long.

4tlantis In the bible there;s chapter after chapter describing people living :99 and "99 years. (ventually society was flooded, which is what %lato said happened to &tlantis. )o actually, Eenesis could be an account of &tlantis.

I reali>ed that the !emple of )olomon was built for only one purpose/ to host the &rk of 4ovenant at its center. !he holiest of holy. !he power of power, the ark. I didn;t think that the Mudaic tradition was about the same object that they called the seat of Eod.

In Eenesis, it talks about the tree of knowledge, &dam and (ve CandD the apple. Interestingly, if you cut an apple in half you get a double torus with a seed in the middle which contains the possibility for another whole apple tree. !he singularity, which has apples and the singularity and apples and singularity and applesO and so on. Eenesis 7/27/ ,hen man began to increase on the earthO !his describes the sons of Eod that came to earth, so they were not from the earth and had children with the women of the earth. I started to reali>e, Nwait a minute, was this planetary system seeded#; In anthropology, we;re missing a huge link between the ancient Neanderthal and so on, and the modern homo sapien. !hat link that we;re missing is getting wider and wider CtheD more records we get. !here;s new skulls that have been discovered that makes it harder for that link to make. Moses and the battle of Manifestations )o I continued to read and came across something that really perked my ears. It was the crossing of the sea (xodus 0B/22 5oses was leaving and all of a sudden the %haraoh changes his mind Cand went after him C5osesD. ,hen the %haraoh wasn;t going to let him go, there was this whole thing where 5oses and the other high priests of (gypt were having a battle of manifestations. !he ones that could manifest the wildest, cra>iest things was going to win. !hey had frogs raining from the sky, he threw his staff down and it turned into a snake, he got blood to flow through the city and all this stuff. But he C5osesD won that contest.

4rk of the "o0enant is really a @% &s I look at the &rk of the 4ovenant in the bible, the ark that they call the ark of Eod, they give dimensions of that box. It;s like a box3like object that;s got gold on the outside, wood in the middle and gold on the inside. ,ell, that;s a capacitor. & capacitor is an object that holds energy when you charge it. Must like a battery, it holds energy except that a battery can only discharge the energy very slowly. & capacitor can discharge the energy in an instant.

)o I thought, N!hat;s a really large capacitor. It would have really high voltage and be 1uite heavy, extremely heavy. In fact, it would be way too heavy to lift up with two flimsy poles.; It would weigh over B tons because of all the gold on it. I noticed that the dimensions of a box that was found in the remains of Iing !ut in (gypt. !hen I noticed that those boxes were the exact appropriate boxes to fir inside the sarcophagus inside the Erand %yramid of Ei>a, meaning that the box si>e is the perfect fit so that you can lower the ark inside the sarcophagus, inside the Erand %yramid and then push the poles without having to touch the capacitor, which would >ap the crap out of you. !he outside dimensions of the sarcophagus are twice the volume of the inside dimension. It;s a perfect octave. If you measure the ark that;s described in the Bible, that;s again, twice smaller than the inside measurement of the sarcophagus. I started to think, N,hat would you want to carry in a capacitor like that#; !here must have been some extremely powerful energy source, energy device inside the capacitor. 5oses supposedly didn;t build that capacitor until he was on the other side of the 'ed )ea at 5ount )inai. ,hat do they mean by GEodK#

6ook in the preface of the bible. !he word is translated from the word tetragrammaton. !etra means 7 and GgrammadonK has a root word of grammar. !his was thought to mean $ahweh but I dug deeper. It actually means grav, or in today;s terminology, gravity.

Eod + N!he structure of a tetrahedron creating a gravitational effect.K $od and Secret Societies Eod is a representation in cabalistic tradition. !his tradition was not to be written or talked about. ?nly initiates could learn of this knowledge. It was thought to be the nature of Eod that revealed and if you understood it, you could understand Eod. !he Mewish numbers are as important as the letters, adding to 82. !his is a male Eod, we;re missing half of the e1uation. ,e need a female Eoddess which doubles the number to 077, which is the number of ascension in 'evelation. undefined First ,ight- 4n .ntroduction to Meru Foundation *esearch by Stan Tenen !he bible speaks of new Merusalem as a crystal city with rainbows all around it with faces of 077. !here are 077 faces on the outside of a :7 tetrahedron. & black sun was given to man by the sun gods. 5oses followed the ark for 79 years. &fter 5oses died, Moshua arrives at Mordan CMoshua 7/22D. 5oses didn;t part the 'ed )ea, the ark did. !he cabalistic tree is the key to all of foundation, representing the tree of knowledge. !here was a crop circle with a cabalistic tree formation. &esus Mesus; name was actually (mmanuel and was thought to be the living ark. It;s believed he was born within the field of the ark and had an advanced *N& structure. It is also suggested that he was revived by using the &rk of the 4ovenant. <ead Sea Scrolls B999 scrolls were found but only 099 were released to the public. ?ne was written in copper which was determined to be the purest copper ever discovered on earth.

It;s believed they were done like this so they would survive the test of time. Secret Societies =rigination !he ?ld !estament revealed advanced technology and the power of the sun gods, along with &tlantis. !he New !estament is about the living ark. ?ne must have purity of heart and intent to be with the ark. It;s a fail3safe system and can;t be used for destruction. If you do Cuse it for destructionD, you;ll die. 5any have tried to use the ark for ill intent and died from severe tumors. The (nights of Tem#lar !he Inights of !emplar CIo!D were symboli>ed as 2 Inights on a horse because they were poor.

!hey were commissioned by a 4athar Csp#D priest to look for the ark, which was thought to be in Merusalem. !hey convinced Arance to take over Merusalem which began the 4rusades. It was originally called the <oly Erail in the 0st edition, then it was called the 4rystal )tone, shown as a cup with 2 vortices on its side. !hey fought all the way to Merusalem and took over the city. Aor seven years, the Io!

dug tunnels looking for the buried ark. !hese tunnels are still there today. !hey found nothing. ,hile they were there, the Iing of (thiopia was there, exiled in Merusalem. !he Iing stated, GI have the ark in (thiopia.K In (thiopia, there is a high population of Mewish tradition. !he ark was said to be on (lephantine Island on the Nile. ,here ever you find an ancient temple, Cit means thatD the ark was there. !he ark was brought to Pion in (thiopia and was heavily guarded by the (thiopian &rmy. !he Io! had to talk about the ark as magic, otherwise the @atican would have been upset about the Io! looking for it. &round this time, many books were published on GmagicK and the Io! became powerful and rich though these books. !he %ope worried that the ark would become public knowledge, so he met with the Iing of Arance and the (thiopian delegation at the @atican to discuss the Io! involvement with the ark. !his was around the 0Bth century. ?n Ariday the 0Bth, the Io! were declared illegal by the %ope. Areemasons and the Io!;s knowledge comes from ancient (gypt. !he B2nd level is the highest level. !he BBrd level is a complimentary initiation level.

Io! highest level + B2 Areemasons highest level + B2 B2 Q B2 + :7 !he Areemasons later went on to found the J) and it;s symbolism is found in structures such as the ,ashington 5onument and the %entagon, which is a star tetrahedron. !he R0 bill has a pyramid with an eye on it and also shows a star tetrahedron along 0B stars.

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