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Description of the Crime

When the body of Theodore Roosevelt was found with a bullet hole pierced through his chest it was obvious this action was a deliberate attempt to kill the president due to some hidden meaning. October 14, 1912 marked the somber day in American history in which Theodore Roosevelt passed away from an assassins deleterious actions. The assassin was not captured at the scene of the crime, and unfortunately got away, although at the scene of the crime there was an array if clues that could have either helped the investigative team or, led them down the wrong path.

Explanation of the Evidence Found at Scene

Clue 1: was a large man's jacket that was found in a garbage pail. The pockets held
an even greater mystery since they were lined with clues that seemed to throw the team into all sorts of directions. Clue 2: A train ticket from Pittsburg to Milwaukee Clue 3: A cigar. This could implement that the assassin might have been of a wealthy class in order to be able to afford such a luxury. Clue 4: A pair of glasses. This clue could either help narrow down the suspect list by allowing us to pin point the select few that can afford them and need them to see. On the other hand the glasses could be a random person on the street who unfortunately dropped their prescription pair. Clue 5: A copy for Mother Earth magazine dated 1912. This book is an anarchist book that was written my Emma Goldman expressing her thoughts about the government. It almost seems too easy to convict her with one price of evidence. On the other hand this book had been circulating around the country and could be anyone's. Clue 6: a handwritten note which reads: "thanks my fr-- I know we are going to do it. --X" now the meaning of this clue can be molded into any way to affirm any relationship status. Clue 7: A wallet that contains a calling card with an image of what appeared to be a catlike silhouette. A picture of this could mean that the person was a cat. Lover and had a passion for capturing the moments in his/her life. Clue 8: A page Torn from a medical teaching manual from the University of Illinois College of medicine relating to the location in the body of the celiac plexus. This price if paper suggests that the owner of this wallet knew a thing or two about the human body on account they had gone to college. The only down turn is that the wallet might be stolen because any smart killer would not have left damning evidence when committing a crime.

Clue 9: A mathematical equation that was expressed as a sine function. This note
has some correlation because when the equation was searched, there was an excerpt written about it. Or This meant the person who left the wallet must have been studying mathematics. Clue 10: A handwritten receipt for what appears to NPR a state renewal of a teaching certificate. Since the clue specifically said that the note was hand written it invited the question of the note being a forgery. Clue 11: A faded water-damaged photograph of possibly a young woman. This clue expresses the idea that the woman, if it is a woman could be a daughter or sister or cousin of the person who left their belongings. A killer would not have carried such obvious identification when assassinating the president.

Investigation Description and Case Overview

Theodore Roosevelt has been assassinated and there is no easy way to pinpoint why this happened or who did this murdered the president. The whereabouts of this information as of now are unknown but with a thorough investigation, this information should sift up from underneath the sand. By applying previous learning and understanding, the social and political contexts for the distribution of discontentment for the president will bring that information on top of paths. Eventually these paths will lead to one collective answer. Assassinations will be understood and analyzed in or to more fully understand the motives behind Theodore Roosevelt's assassin. Roosevelt's every actions can explain why people would dislike him. By investigating anything from Roosevelt's relationship with Taft to the era before progressives began, it can provide the crucial explanations for there to be any murder in the first place.

Explanation The crime left us with clues and mysteries to be solved. That is why as DaVinci Students we had to use our analytical skills to uncover the hidden truths of the killer. What will be seen next is the analysis for why the clues were even at the crime? Questions are going to be asked as the feverish word is "why!" Why did this event have this kind of result? Why?

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