TMP Yam Muffins 563975421

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Yam Muffins

Estimated Prep Time: 10 min Estimated Cook Time: 30-35 min Makes 18 muffins Feel free to mix in dried cherries, nuts, chopped figs, peaches, or dates. Ingredients: 2 1 2 cups !at "ran 1 tsp "aking #oda 1 tsp dou$le-acting "aking %o&der 1 tsp ground 'llspice 1 tsp ground (innamon 1 large )am *#&eet %otato+, peeled and shredded 8 ,gg -hites 1 cup Molasses 1 1 2 cups uns&eetened 'pplesauce 1 . cup /egeta$le !il

Cooking Materials: 0arge mixing $o&l1 small mixing $o&l1 muffin tin &ith 18 cups1 foil muffin liners *optional+ Directions: 1. 2. %reheat the o2en to 350 degrees. 3n a large mixing $o&l, stir together the oat $ran, $aking soda, $aking po&der, allspice, and cinnamon. 3n a small $o&l, mix the shredded 4am, egg &hites, molasses, applesauce, and oil. %our the&et mixture, and stir to mix thoroughl4. 3. Fill the muffin cups a$out le2el *3 use the foil liners for no mess or sticking+ "ake for 30 to 35 min. 5est &ith a toothpick1 it should come out &ith nothing sticking to it. 3f the muffins need some more time, put them $ack for a fe& min, then test again.

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