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PRIMARY Carrett, John W. "Announcement of Wage Cuts on the B&O Railroad." The Strike of 1877. Maryland State Archi es, !" June !##$. We%. &' Jan. !#'$. (he announcement of )age cuts on the B&O railroad com*any states that there )ill %e a reduction of ten *ercent and other states )ill follo) these ste*s as )ell. this su**orts my argument %ecause it sho)s )ho too+ the lead on ma+ing these cuts in the first *lace. ",ar*ers Wee+ly "(he Stri+es"" The Great Railroad Strike of 1877. -igital ,istory, '. Aug. './/. We%. &# Jan. !#'$. (he ne)s*a*er article *u%lished %y har*ers )ee+ly called "(he Stri+es" tal+s a%out the em*loyees0)or+ers and )hat caused them to stri+e. the +ey ideas that hel*ed )ith the construction of my thesis is the )ages that )ere cut and ho) they cut there em*leyment rate drastically. "Railroads and the Ma+ing of Modern America." Railroads and the Making of Modern America. Chicago 1nter Ocean, !" July './/. We%. &' Jan. !#'$. Chicago inter ocean *u%lished this ne)s*a*er to sho) ho) the chicago railroad )or+ers had a stri+e and the reasons they had one. this relates )ith my argument of )age cuts %ecause they as+ for the railroad com*anies to increase *ay in order to *re ent stri+es that lead to iolent confrontations.

,o)ard. "(he 2reat Railroad Stri+e, '.// 3 ,o)ard 4inn." 5.*., n.d. We%. &# Jan. !#'$. (his secondary source tal+s a%out the stri+e in general. 1t says the )or+ers6 )ages )ere un%eara%le, they )ere too lo). (he )or+ers had the right to stri+e %ecause they )ouldn6t %e a%le to sur i e )ith that money. 1t *ro es that the money they got *aid )as really lo) and the )or+ers got tired and decided to fight for a raise.

"Railroads and the Ma+ing of Modern America." Railroads and the Making of Modern America. 5.*., n.d. We%. &' Jan. !#'$. (his article tal+s a%out ho) the *olice reacted to the stri+e. (hey )anted to +ee* control and )anted to end the stri+e. But the stri+ers felt more rage each day %ecause they )eren6t getting money and their families )ere star ing. (he )or+ers got *aid ery little %ut during the stri+e they didn6t ha e money at all. SECONDARY 7n+no)n. "(he 2reat Stri+e." Chicago Dail Trib!ne 8Chicago9 !& July './/: n. *age. ;rint. (he 2reat Stri+e is a%out the economic suffering the railroad com*anies had. 1t also tal+s a%out the effect it had on the )or+ers. (he )age cuts that )ere made and the im*act that had on the )or+ers. (he im*act )as negati e and it *ro es my *oint that )or+ers )ent on stri+e to fight for increase in )ages. 7n+no)n. "Railroads and the Ma+ing of Modern America." Railroads and the Making of Modern America. 5.*., n.d. We%. &# Jan. !#'$. (he *resident of the 7S during this time comments of the stri+e. Rutherford says that men ha e the right to stri+e against things they feels is unfair. ,e doesn6t agree )ith men forcing other to stri+e )ith them. 1t *ro es that the )or+ers6 )ages )ere un<ustifia%le and the )or+ers had to fight for fair )ages.

Secondary Sources Zinn, Howard. "Chapter Ro!er "arron#." The Twentieth Century: A People's History.

New $or%& 'erennia(, )**+. N. pa,. 'rint. Thi# #o-r.e i# a!o-t the #tri%e in ,enera(. He e/p(ain# hi# opinion# and 0a.t# a!o-t the #tri%e. He i# 1ad !e.a-#e the wor%er# wor% -nder horri!(e .ondition#. It pro2e# that it wa# not #a0e to wor% in the rai(road# and a .han,e had to !e done. Chri#opher Tha(e. "Rai(road Wor%er#." Railroad Workers. N.p., n.d. We!. *3 4e!. )* 5. Chri#topher ta(%# a!o-t the rai(road wor%er# and the #tri%e. He #tate# 0a.t# o0 how the6 wor%ed and 0or how 1-.h the6 ,ot paid. It pro2e# that the wor%er# were wor%in, -nder !ad .onditon# and the owner# didn7t do an6thin, a!o-t it. Da2id S.h1idt. "Iri#h Rai(road Wor%er# "-ried in Ce1eter6 !6 the Tra.%#." Irish Railroad Workers Buried in Cemetery by the Tracks . N.p., n.d. We!. *3 4e!. )* 5. Thi# #e.ondar6 #o-r.e ta(%# a!o-t the (i2e# o0 the rai(road wor%er#. It #a6# what the6 were pro-d o0 in their wor%, the ri#%#, and ti1e the6 wor%ed. It he(p# 1e pro2e that the wor%er# wor%ed too 1an6 ho-r#, too 1an6 da6# and #o1eti1e# in ha8ardo-# .ondition#. Primary Sources "The Great Stri%e o0 9::." The Albany Ar us. N.p., n.d. We!. : 4e!. )* 5. Thi# #o-r.e in.(-de# di00erent in0or1ation a!o-t the ,reat #tri%e. It ta(%# a!o-t the ,o2ern1ent7#


toward the #tri%e and what the #tri%er# want. It pro2e# that the #tri%er# a(#o wor%in, .ondition# in order to #top the #tri%e.

wanted !etter

Un%nown. "The Great Rai(road Stri%e o0 9::." N.p., n.d. We!. : 4e!. )* 5. Thi# #o-r.e .ontain# di00erent in0or1ation o0 (a!or. It #a6# there were 1an6 wor%er# #o the6 too% whate2er ;o! wa# a2ai(a!(e. Thi# pro2e# that #in.e there were 1an6 peop(e wi((in, to wor%, the owner# didn7t .are a!o-t the .ondition# their wor%er# were wor%in, in.


Un%nown. "<od-(e *=& Ind-#tria(i8ation and It# Di#.ontent#& The Great Stri%e o0 9::." !"idence #etail. N.p., n.d. We!. * 4e!. )* 5. >http&??www.dhr.hi#tor6.2t.ed-?1od-(e#?-#?1od*=@ind-#tr6?e2iden.e@detai(@ 1(A. Thi# #e.ondar6 #o-r.e ta(% a!o-t how the Wor%in,1en7# part6 he(ped the ,reat #tri%e t-rn !i,,er. It i# !a#ed on a #pee.h that a 1e1!er o0 the part6 ,a2e. It he(p# 1e pro2e that the wor%in,1en7# part6 did .ontri!-te to he(p the #tri%er# to t-rn the #tri%e !i,,er.


Un%nown. BCa(i0ornia Di,ita( New#paper Co((e.tion." Cali$ornia #i ital %ewspaper Collection. N.p., n.d. We!. * 4e!. )* 5. >http&??.dn..-.r.ed-?.,iC!in?.dn.D aEdFdESDU 9:9*G 9.).+. rin,A. Thi# i# a new#paper arti.(e that ta(%# a!o-t what the wor%in,1en7# part6 did and what the6 wanted. it a(#o ta(%# a!o-t what the6 tho-,ht a!o-t the ,o2ern1ent. Thi# he(p# 1e pro2e that the Wor%in,1enH# part6 wanted the wor%er# to ha2e ri,ht#.

'ar#on#, A(!ert. "A-to!io,raph6 o0 A(!ert 'ar#on I 99:J." Autobio raphy o$ Albert Parson &'(()*. N.p., n.d. We!. * 4e!. )* 5. >http&??(aw).-1%..ed-?0a.-(t6?pro;e.t#?0tria(#?ha61ar%et?a-to!io,raph6 .ht1(A. Thi# a-to!io,raph6 o0 A(!ert par#on# in.(-de# detai(# o0 the Wor%in,1en7# part6. He wa# one o0 the 1ain 1e1e!er# and he ta(%# o0 what the part6 wa# and how the ,o2ern1ent wanted to ,et rid o0 the part6. Thi# he(p# 1e pro2e that the wanted ;-#ti.e 0or the wor%in, .(a## peop(e. "So.ia(i#ti. Ka!or 'art6." Wor%in,1en7# 'art6 <e1!er#, n.d. We!. * 4e!. )* 5. >http&??(aw).-1%..ed-?0a.-(t6?pro;e.t#?0tria(#?ha61ar%et?a-to!io,raph6 .ht1(A. Thi# i1a,ine #how# in0or1ation o0 a 1eetin, 0or the Wor%in,1en7# part6 1e1!er#. It pro2e# that the part6 did e/i#t and the6 had a (ot o0 1eetin, d-rin, the ti1e when the Great Stri%e wa# o..-rin,.

"New $or% State Ki!rar6." +reat Railroad ,trike '()): Teacher +uide:. N.p., n.d. We!. 4e!. )* 5. The 1a6or o0 new 6pr% .it6 i# adrre#in, hi# #pee.h toward# the wor%in, 1en# part6 and trie# to -nper#-ade the1 0ro1 #tri%in,. the 1a6or hi1#e(0 #a6# that a(( o2er the .o-ntr6 there ha# !een #o1e wa,e .-t# that 1ade the wor%in,1en# part6 0ee( o!(i,ated to or,ani8e in order to pre2ent 0-t-re di#ad2anta,e# 0ro1 happenin,. "The Stri%e# o0 9::." N.p., n.d. We!. 4e!. )* 5. Thi# arti.(e #how# the the !e(ie0# o0

the wor%in,1en# part6. the6 earned 1ore re#pe.t !6 #-pportin, !(a.% wor%er# a# we((. the ,enera( #-pporter# o0 the wor%in,1en# part6 had the ri,ht to or,ani8e !e.a-#e the6 #-pported an6 %ind o0 wor%er#. Zinn, Howard. "A 'eop(e7# Hi#tor6 O0 The United State# !6 Howard Zinn." A People's History o$ the -nited ,tates. N.p., n.d. We!. * 4e!. )* 5. The !oo% e/p(ain# where it a(( #tarted and where the 0ir#t 1eet o..-red. The wor%in,1en# par6 de.(ared the ri,ht to or,ani8e when wa,e .-t# #ee1 too a!-#i2e toward# the1. It ,i2e# -# !a.%,ro-nd in0or1ation on how it #tarted and wh6 the6 !e(ie2e the6 had the ri,ht to or,ani8e and (ead 2ario-# #tri%e#.

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