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Research opportunity Researchers at Flinders University invite adults aged 18 years or older who have been diagnosed with

an autism spectrum disorder, and live in South Australia, Victoria or New South Wales to participate in a study titled Vulnerability of individuals with autism spectrum disorder to nave involvement in criminal activity. This research is being conducted by Rebecca Flower ( under the supervision of Associate Professor Robyn Young ( and Professor Neil Brewer ( The aim of this project is to understand whether features that may be present in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder influence their understanding of social situations and appropriate behaviour. The project consists of two sessions. The first session is expected to take approximately 2.5 hours and the second approximately 1.5 hours. Sessions can occur in your home, at Flinders University (if in South Australia), or at a location nominated by you (e.g., a library). In the case the session is conducted in your home, the researcher will be accompanied by another person. The second session will occur several weeks or possibly months later. If you choose to participate, you will be reimbursed $40 after completion of the first stage of the study, and $30 after the second stage of the study. You are free to withdraw from the study at any time throughout the sessions, without any negative implications to yourself. If you are interested in participating in this study, or learning more about it, please email Bec at who will send you some information to look over. Thanks for your time!

This research project has been approved by the Flinders University Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee (Project number 6295). For more information regarding ethical approval of the project the Executive Officer of the Committee can be contacted by telephone on (08) 8201 3116, by fax on (08) 8201 2035 or by email

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