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1) How many joules of energy does it take to warm 10g water from 10C to 30C? 2) You have 2g ice.

How many joules of energy are needed to turn it into liquid? 3) Gold can be difficult to melt. How much energy would be needed to melt a 30g gold ring? 4) A reaction has a !H = 15kJ and a !S = -117 kJ/K. Is this reaction spontaneous at absolute zero?

1) How many joules of energy does it take to warm 10g water from 10C to 30C? 2) You have 2g ice. How many joules of energy are needed to turn it into liquid? 3) Gold can be difficult to melt. How much energy would be needed to melt a 30g gold ring? 4) A reaction has a !H = 15kJ and a !S = -117 kJ/K. Is this reaction spontaneous at absolute zero?

5) Ice can be cooled down even more in a freezer. How many joules of energy is removed to cool down 5g ice from 0C to -5C? 6) You microwave a cup of 100g silver from 20C to 55C. How many joules of energy did the silver absorb? 7) If 239 J of heat are available to apply to a 33g sample of copper, how much will the temperature change? 8) Calculate the Gibbs free energy change for the following reaction at 25C if the following values are given: !H = +944.34 kJ and !S = + 152.07 J/K. Al2O3(s)+ 3H2(g)! 2Al(s) + 3H2O(g) 9) You have 2g of liquid water. How many joules of energy is required to warm it from 0C to 100C? 10) You have 2g liquid gold. How much heat does it absorb to turn into gas? 11) An Olympic swimming pool holds about 25,000,000 g of water. How much energy would be needed to evaporate the water in an Olympic pool? 12) The gas-phase reaction of H2 with CO2 to produce H2O and CO has a !H = 11kJ and a !S = .041kJ/K. Is the reaction spontaneous at 298.15K? 13) You want to burn an enemy with 2g super hot water in the gas phase. How many joules of energy are required to heat it from 115C to 200C? 14) When you put 12g of ethyl alcohol in the freezer, it cools down from 90C to 0C. How many joules of energy were released? 15) 12g of an unknown substance require 15.6 J to change in temperature by 2C. Calculate the specific heat and determine the identity of the unknown substance. 16) Suppose X(s) +2Y2(g) ! XY4(g) has a !H = -74.8kJ and a !S = -080.0kJ/K. Calculate !G for this reaction at 298.15K. Is it spontaneous?

5) Ice can be cooled down even more in a freezer. How many joules of energy is removed to cool down 5g ice from 0C to -5C? 6) You microwave a cup of 100g silver from 20C to 55C. How many joules of energy did the silver absorb? 7) If 239 J of heat are available to apply to a 33g sample of copper, how much will the temperature change? 8) Calculate the Gibbs free energy change for the following reaction at 25C if the following values are given: !H = +944.34 kJ and !S = + 152.07 J/K. Al2O3(s)+ 3H2(g)! 2Al(s) + 3H2O(g) 9) You have 2g of liquid water. How many joules of energy is required to warm it from 0C to 100C? 10) You have 2g liquid gold. How much heat does it absorb to turn into gas? 11) An Olympic swimming pool holds about 25,000,000 g of water. How much energy would be needed to evaporate the water in an Olympic pool? 12) The gas-phase reaction of H2 with CO2 to produce H2O and CO has a !H = 11kJ and a !S = .041kJ/K. Is the reaction spontaneous at 298.15K? 13) You want to burn an enemy with 2g super hot water in the gas phase. How many joules of energy are required to heat it from 115C to 200C? 14) When you put 12g of ethyl alcohol in the freezer, it cools down from 90C to 0C. How many joules of energy were released? 15) 12g of an unknown substance require 15.6 J to change in temperature by 2C. Calculate the specific heat and determine the identity of the unknown substance. 16) Suppose X(s) +2Y2(g) ! XY4(g) has a !H = -74.8kJ and a !S = -080.0kJ/K. Calculate !G for this reaction at 298.15K. Is it spontaneous?

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