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Research Statement

Xinyu Zhao February 23, 2014

My research interests mainly focus on the dynamics of quantum open system. The technique I am using is a stochastic approach called the quantum state diusion (QSD) approach [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Using the QSD approach, a fundamental dynamic equation of the quantum open system can be derived directly from the microscopic model (quantized Hamiltonian) without any approximation. If necessary, the corresponding master equation can be also derived exactly. Besides, based on my work in recent years, a full set of numerical methods for QSD approach is also established, and a Matlab toolbox is under construction [6]. With this powerful theoretical and computational tool, we are able to solve an arbitrary open system coupled to bosonic bath, fermionic bath, or spin bath. Based on this unique skill, my major research plan is to investigate the dynamics of realistic open systems. The results obtained from QSD technique can be either used in independent theoretical research or compared to experimental data. Besides, I have also worked on quite a lot of other areas including quantum state restoration [7], error [8]. These correction, quantum control, coherence preservation, entanglement dynamics, quantum optics, etc. background especially the unique skill, QSD technique, will benet to my future research.

valuable experience is also a treasure when I perform a relevant research in the future. I am condent that my wide

Previous and current research

A. Theoretical research on quantum state diusion (QSD) approach

The quantum state diusion (QSD) approach is a stochastic approach of solving open system problems. By introducing a stochastic state vector

|t z |tot

, the evolution of the density operator is decomposed into many pure

state quantum trajectories. The advantage of doing this is shifting the object of study from matrix so that the required Hilbert space is reduced form

to vector



level to

level. Besides, focusing on pure state evolution

may also benet to some specic investigations such like fast tracking of entanglement, precise measurement etc.. Under the supervision of Prof. Ting Yu, who is a major contributor in the early stage when QSD approach was born, I have made several key contributions to the development of the QSD theory.

Extend single-body QSD theory to bipartite [1] and many-body QSD theory [2, 3]. Develop a new QSD theory for fermionic bath and spin bath [4, 5]. Develop a new QSD theory for hybrid bath (bosonic bath plus fermionic bath) [8]. Contribute to the perturbation method in QSD theory [8]. Solve many issues in numerical simulation for QSD method, develop a computational toolbox, the QSD toolbox [6].

B. Application of QSD approach

My research contributes to the QSD approach not only on the development of the theoretical framework, but also on its applications. With this powerful theoretical and computational tool, we also investigated several interesting topics on the dynamics of the quantum open system, especially on the early-stage evolution beyond the Markov approximation. These topics include:

Non-Markovian environment-induced entanglement generation in two-qubit system [1]. 1

Dynamical decoupling control in non-Markovian regime [8]. State transfer and entanglement transfer in multipartite continuous-variable system [3]. Quantum coherence preservation by entanglement suppression [8].

C. Environment-assisted quantum state restoration

Besides the major topic of my research, the QSD theory, I have also performed some research on environemntassisted quantum state restoration (EAQSR). The EAQSR mainly based on the following idea. channel, any evolution can be represented by a Kraus decomposition as In a quantum n Kn S (0)Kn . If all the Kraus operators Kn in the decomposition are proportional to unitary operators, such a decomposition is called random

S (t) =

unitary (RU) decomposition. A measurement on environment with outcome  n will collapse the system state into

Kn S (0)Kn ,

and a corresponding inverse operation

This requires only one restoration operation. by:

Rn Kn S (0)Kn Rn = S (0). Besides, the successful probability and delity are always 1 in principle.
will restore the initial as

1 Rn = Kn

However, the required RU decomposition rarely exists and dicult to nd. We promote this scheme to a new level

Explicitly construct the RU decomposition for

N -qubit

dephasing channel for common bath and individual

baths. This proves the feasibility of implementing EAQSR in almost all the dephasing channels [7]. Restore some particular entangled states using non-RU decomposition. This break the strict RU-limitation of the original scheme. Extend the EAQSR scheme to non-RU decomposition by introducing weak measurement in the restoration.

With the achievements listed above, the applicable range of the original EAQSR scheme is extremely extended.

D. Other research
Finally, I also leaded or participated some research on theoretical quantum optics and spin systems. For example, I investigated the entanglement dynamics in spin chain system and cavity-QED system [8].

Future research plan

A. Applying QSD technique in realistic physical models

Based on my rich experience on QSD technique, it is straightforward to apply the QSD technique in solving some realistic problems. These problems may originate either from the independent theoretical research or from a numerical simulation request of an experiment. For a theoretical study, I am able to derive a stochastic equation or a corresponding master equation for a given open system model. For an experimental study, I can also provide the theoretical simulation for a specic quantum system as a compassion to the experiential data. For example, the optomechanical system is just a very good research topic. First, the scale of the system is close to macroscopic regime, so that it will be a good example to study the macroscopic quantum eect such like macroscopic entanglement. Second, with the development of experimental technique, such a physical system has already been realized in the lab. This provide a good chance to test the novel properties predicted in theoretical research. Third, many interesting applications are proposed based on this model such like cooling the harmonic oscillator to ground state. Therefore, it is no doubt the optomechanical model will attract much research interest in the future. However, traditional methods always use Markov approximation or weak coupling approximation to derive an approximate master equation, since the interaction between the cavity and the mirror is a nonlinear term  Gqa brand new non-Markovian behavior in this model. Similarly, QSD approach can be also used in many other interesting models such as cavity-QED system, quantum dots, solid state system, etc.. 2


Now, using QSD approach, the exact master equation can be derived. This give us a chance to theoretically predict

B. Quantum state restoration by measuring environment

Restoring a quantum state by measuring environment has a huge potential applications in the future. The information lost in the system can be partially or totally retrieved from environment, this will greatly enhance the successful probability of the restoration. As a continuation of my current research, I could try to design a secure quantum key distribution scheme. Simply put, a quantum state (key) will be immediately corrupted by noisy environment, then the environment is stored in an information bank. Whenever the user want to use the key, he has to ask the information bank perform a measurement and send the result. Without the measurement from the bank, a third party could only steal an useless corrupted key. Such a scheme can be designed based on either the original EAQSR scheme or my updated scheme [7, 8]. Besides, I could also design a demonstration experiment within the current technology.

C. Theoretical research on quantum open system dynamics

With a good background, I could also carry some research on dynamics of quantum open systems. We could analyze the various kinds of physical properties in the evolution, including entanglement, discord, non-Markovianity, etc.

Summary of my research

First of all, the most remarkable feature of my research is I am using a new technique of solving the quantum open system, including the theoretical derivation and the numerical simulation. Despite its advantages and disadvantages, the QSD approach at least provide us an unique point of view to understand and study quantum open system. With many years experience in this area, I am skilled in using this stochastic approach to solve any open system problems, including the theoretical study and the numerical simulation. On one hand, it provide me a powerful tool in the future theoretical study. On the other hand, it also allow me to numerically simulate a model and compare the results with experimental data. In the future research, the stochastic approach will become my powerful tool to explore the world of open system. Besides, my research also covers a relatively wide range. This will give me a wide background knowledge. I am condent this will be a great treasure in the future research.

[1] X. Zhao, J. Jing, B. Corn, and T. Yu,

Dynamics of interacting qubits coupled to a common bath: Non-Markovian quantum-state-diusion approach, Phys. Rev. A 84, 032101 (2011). Time-local quantum-state-diusion equation for multilevel quantum

[2] J. Jing, X. Zhao, J. Q. You, and T. Yu,

systems, Phys. Rev. A 85, 042106 (2012).

[3] X. Zhao, J. Jing, J. Q. You, and T. Yu,

Dynamics of coupled cavity arrays embedded in a non-Markovian bath,

Quantum Inform. Comp. 14, 0741 (in press), arXiv:1204.1708 (2013). [4] X. Zhao, W. Shi, L.-A. Wu, and T. Yu,

Fermionic stochastic Schrdinger equation and master equation: An open system model, Phys. Rev. A 86, 032116 (2012). Non-Markovian fermionic stochastic Schrdinger equation for open system dynamics, Phys. Rev. A 87, 052127 (2013). Restoration of quantum state in dephasing channel via environment-assisted error correction, Phys. Rev. A 88, 022321 (2013).

[5] W. Shi, X. Zhao, and T. Yu,

[6] see: [7] Xinyu Zhao, Samuel R. Hedemann, and Ting Yu,

[8] See my other publications in the CV.

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