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{135053 2014} - [info] - we are in searching state... - 217 - .SearchingPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - PrinterDiscoveryCB() - start [PrinterDiscoveryPrinterDiscoveryCB - 397 - .


{135053 2014} - [info] - We are done searching (Timedout with discovered printer or not) [SearchingPageEnterStateDone - 354 - .SearchingPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Updating UI for stopped state. [SearchingPageUpdateGui - 142 - .SearchingPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Setting button IDCANCEL enable state to 1 [BasePageEnableCancelButton - 193 - .BasePage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Populating printer list GUI [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 186 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135053 2014} - [info] - Adding printer to list HP LaserJet P2035n [MultPrintersFoundPagePopulatePrinterList - 194 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp]

{135104 2014} - [user action] - User clicked on the printer listview [MultPrintersFoundPageOnNMClickList1 - 217 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135104 2014} - [user action] - User selected a printer at index 7 [MultPrintersFoundPageOnNMClickList1 - 225 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] {135111 2014} - [user action] - Called by the framework when the Next button is clicked [MultPrintersFoundPageOnWizardNext - 116 - .MultPrintersFoundPage.cpp] { Description HP LaserJet P2035n DeviceID MFGHewlett-Packard;MDLHP LaserJet P2035n;CMDACL;CLSPRINTER;DESHP LaserJet P2035n;FWVER20081120; [ConfirmSettingsPageOnSetActive - 130 - .ConfirmSettingsPage.cpp] {135112 2014} - [user action] - Called by the framework when the Next button is clicked [ConfirmSettingsPageOnWizardNext - 182 - .ConfirmSettingsPage.cpp] {135112 2014} - [user action] - Wizard exited in an unknown fashion with ID_WIZFINISH! [RunNtwkSetupDialogs - 384 - .NetworkWizardInstaller.cpp] {135112 2014} - [info] - fill in the output struct .NetworkWizardInstaller.cpp] New log started on Thu Feb 13 135221 2014 {135221 2014} - [info] - Started by the CreateNtwkPort [CreateNtwkPort - 481 - .NetworkWizardInstaller.cpp] {135221 2014} - [info] .Network.cpp] {135221 2014} - [info] .Network.cpp] - Network singleton created [NetworkNetwork - 67 [RunNtwkSetupDialogs - 417 -

- Network started!

[NetworkStart - 192 -

2035LJ_P2030NtwkPortMonPortMonitorInstaller.msi .NetworkWizardInstaller.cpp] {135221 2014} - [info]

[CreateNtwkPort - 524 -

- CreateNtwkPort-Port Exists,succeeded. Calling MV_CreateNetworkPort

[CreateNtwkPort - 660 - .NetworkWizardInstaller.cpp] {135221 2014} - [info] - CreateNtwkPort-MV_

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