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McKayla Hadean Math 1040 Project 1

60.26325 62.27789 70.7474 70.23834 77.04109 90.36259 81.31384 71.54575 74.26861 72.1766 73.96002 74.89792 61.65903 85.69631 73.91069 83.00722 66.09047 77.18186 84.98794 64.12044 65.06627 76.19811 59.45997 78.3975 83.10238

60 62 70 70 77 90 81 71 74 72 73 74 61 85 73 83 66 77 84 64 65 76 59 78 83

Bin 49 54.11111 59.22222 64.33333 69.44444 74.55556 79.66667 84.77778 89.88889 More total=

Frequency 1 2 6 14 14 19 18 10 3 3 90

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0


I used the program to randomly select 90 numbers and then put them in to integers using a formula on excel. An excel program then made the data into a table and then into a histogram. The program put the integers into bins and sorted them out into frequencies to make the histogram. The bins are the classes of the data and the frequencies are how many times the data occurs. As you can see in the histogram, the data is very normal. Its shape resembles a bell which means the data has normal distribution.

83 51 73 67 83 54 66 60 57 60 68 73 49 75 76 78 80 76 65 86 70 75 75 95 66 63

Bin E D C B A More total=

Frequency 9 28 37 13 3 0 90

Test Scores
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 E D C B A More


I took the data from the Part 1 A and sorted them into specific bins and gave each bin range meaning. The bin ranges represented a grade. We took quantitative data and gave it meaning and turned it into qualitative data. Part 1 A was put into a histogram with just the random numbers where the data from Part 1 B was taken and labeled it relating to specific grades ranges.

63.1434 79.54167 80.51224 69.46599 82.31703 58.98665 72.54941 71.50439 80.95094 63.62673 61.7767 64.84838 63.35657 58.40151 69.73281 82.62177 79.25595 59.8223 69.54039 73.46849 65.87091 77.43833 79.98106 63.093

63 79 80 69 82 58 72 71 80 63 61 64 63 58 69 82 79 59 69 73 65 77 79 63 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 E D C B A 59.5 69.5 79.5 89.5 E D C B A total= Bin Frequency 9 28 37 13 3 90

Sample Groups


Using the data taken above, excel was able to make a bar graph. The data is qualitative now. Bar graphs have spaces so the data doesnt touch.

66.78885 90.80951 72.41151 55.81278 71.51611 72.62944 75.59388 77.52287 79.12992 67.80803 71.5037 74.76337 62.66261 79.27884 69.37488 86.11418

66 90 72 55 71 72 75 77 79 67 71 74 62 79 69 86


3 14 41 31 10

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A B C D E

Like above we took the frequency table from part II above and calculated the relative frequencies and then made a bar graph.

Part III In part one, we selected 90 random numbers and put them into integers to create a histogram. Histograms show quantitative data where the bar graphs show qualitative. Histograms have a specific order where bar graphs have no specific order. Using histograms is an easier way to get the data you need because excel will automatically generate the numbers in the categories you need them to be in. Excel makes the whole process of generating and gathering this data much easier to the users. Bar graphs represent categorical data. Histograms are used to present continuous data, which is data that represents measured quantity where the numbers can be any value in a certain range. Bar graphs are usually separated where histograms the bars are touching each other. Bar graphs are good because they give more specific data. Histograms are good when you want more of an overall view of your data.

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