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LESSON PLAN 2 Theme Park Brochure Learning Area: Year Level: 6 (Band 4) Learning Area Technology and Design

n Date: Time: 45 minutes Strands/Outcomes Producing Pr 4.2 Skills and Techniques Use appropriate equipment and practices to achieve defined standards of quality and safety Indicators Listen to and view instructions and interpret into practical action using a range of skills and techniques



W 4.3 Learning-how-tolearn Strategies Plan, write, edit, reflect and access vocabulary from a range of sources.

Plan writing through discussion, notes, lists or diagrams Seek to collaborate with teacher/peers in writing conferences Revise, edit and proofread own writing

Studies of Society and Environment


Ent 4.3 Consumerism Examine patterns of production and distribution, identify strategies used to persuade the consumer, and investigate the rights and responsibilities of the consumer.

Generate creative and innovative ways to market a product, service or activity [Arts-Me] [LT]

Lesson overview Students design and produce a brochure for their theme park, using their planning template for a guide they are to include information on their park and drawings to advertise their park. Students use teachers feedback to produce a good copy of the brochure This lesson needs to be completed a minimum of 2 periods to give students sufficient time

Resources Paper, pens, pencils, rulers. Lesson 1 Time 10 minutes Steps Teacher introduces the concept of brochures and their use in advertising. Teachers to demonstrate an example layout on the board (A4 paper, folded into 3, double sided) Students need to include a heading, drawings, slogans, brief descriptions of rides etc. Students to create rough copy of brochure using their planning template as a guide. Pack up Check for Understanding: Did the students complete the task? Teacher Notes Check for understanding: Teacher may bring in a range of brochures for students to look at.

30 minutes

5 minutes

Lesson 2 Time 5 minutes 35 minutes Steps Students are to collect their past work from the teacher After reading the teachers notes on their rough copy, students to work on good copy of brochure Pack up Teacher Notes Ensure all students have their work/they were there for the original lesson Teacher may want to talk one on one to some students to give them feedback on their work.

5 minutes

Assessment Assessable evidence of students learning will include: The level of understanding shown throughout the activity.

Participation in discussions. Students creativity/effort put into the brochure Ability to take on the feedback and make changes accordingly

Self-assessment: Ask yourself these questions: Did the lesson go to plan? Were the students engaged throughout the whole lesson? Did it work with a whole class discussion? Did any students need any extra one-on-one help to achieve a better understanding? Would you change anything? Was there enough time for students to get everything done and produce their best possible work (if not, consider giving students more time)

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