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Creating a SQL Server 2005 database

1. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Management Studio. 2. In the Registered Servers panel, expand the Database Engine tree. 3. Right-click the Server Name under the Database Engine tree and click Connect > Object Explorer. 4. Log in if requested. 5. Right-click Databases in the Object Explorer panel and click New Database. 6. In the Database Name field, provide the logical database name and leave the Owner field set to default. 7. In the Initial Size column, reset the size accordingly; if you are creating a schema repository, allocate at least 50 MB. If you are creating a user database, allocate 15 MB for every 1000 records the database is expected to store. 8. If you want to specify a collation (code set) other than the default, perform step 8.a. If not, click OK to create the database. a. To change the collation, click Options in the Select a Page panel. Select a collation from the Collation list and clickOK to create the database. Note: The code set selected for your SQL Server database must support the Rational ClearQuest data code page value that you intend to use for your database set. For a list of supported vendor database code sets, see "Administering Rational ClearQuest" from the Rational ClearQuest Online Help.

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