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New Questions Compares To

1 1. Strategic Program Management - For Option A or Option B, describe and provide specific examples of how YOU either: A. Developed program justification and business case in alignment with the organizations strategic plan OR B. Monitored the business environment, program goals, and benefits realization plan in order to ensure the program remains aligned with the organizations strategic objectives

Old Questions

Part of 1.B

5. v Part of 1.B

2. Benefits Realization - For Option A or Option B, describe and provide specific examples of how YOU either: A. Defined and monitored benefits realization measurement criteria OR B. Identified opportunities that resulted in optimized program benefits 3. Stakeholder Management - For Option A or Option B, describe and provide specific examples of how YOU either: A. Identified and analyzed program stakeholders OR B. Developed clear expectations and program acceptance criteria with program stakeholders 4. Governance - For Option A or Option B, please describe and provide specific examples of how YOU either: A. Established and adapted the program governance model OR B. Identified and evaluated risks and their impact on the program objectives throughout the programs 7. c Part of 2.B


Part of 3.B

6. y Part 4.A

2. 5. Program Life Cycle - For Option A or Option B, please describe and provide specific examples of how YOU either: A. Managed and optimized the use of resources (human, materials, equipment, facilities, finance, etc.) across component projects OR B. Managed and resolved program-level issues and issues escalated from component project(s) Part of 5.B

4. Part of 5.A

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